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the act or an instance of chasing or pursuing (the pursuit of more education on a subject of interest; a complicated individual is one who is involved in chasing many activities); an activity, such as a vocation or hobby, engaged in regularly
pursue, pursued, pursuing, pursues.verbs
transitive verb use.to follow in an effort to overtake or capture; chase (a fox that was pursued by hounds); expend effort to gain or accomplish (pursue lofty educational goals); to proceed along the course of; follow (a ship that pursued the southern course); to carry further; advance (let's pursue this discussion further); to be engaged in (a vocation or hobby, for example); to court (a lady who was pursued by many suitors)
intransitive verb use.to follow in an effort to overtake or capture; chase; to carry on; continue

a pursuing; if someone does something pursuant to a law or regulation, they agree with it and follow it in their lives; proceeding.from.and.conformable.to; in accordance with
accordingly; consequently
a carrying out or putting.into effect

a form of amylase in the saliva of human beings and some animals that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into maltose and dextrin

plod, plodded, plodding, plods.verbs
intransitive verb use.to move or walk heavily or laboriously; trudge (we trudged on through the heavy forest grass); to work or act perseveringly or monotonously; drudge (plodding through a mountain of paperwork)
transitive verb use.to trudge along or over
the act of moving or walking heavily and slowly; the sound made by a heavy step

of, relating to or affected by psychosis
an individual affected by psychosis

a severe mental disorder, with or without organic damage, characterized by derangement of personality and loss of contact with reality and causing deterioration of normal social functioning

a persistent, abnormal or irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid the feared stimulus; a strong fear, dislike or aversion
of, relating to, arising from or having a phobia
one who has a phobia

the first stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes condense and become visible, the nuclear.membrane breaks down and the spindle apparatus forms at opposite poles of the cell; the first stage of meiosis, constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication, the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, the formation of chiasmata and contraction of the chromosomes

pull, pulled, pulling, pulls.verbs
intransitive verb use.to apply force to so as to cause or tend to cause motion toward the source of the force (she pulled her tooth out by herself); to remove from a fixed position; extract; to tug at; jerk or tweak; rend; to stretch taffy or a bungee.cordfor example repeatedly; to strain.thus injuring a muscle; to attract; draw (a performer who pulls large crowds); to draw out an instrument of defense in readiness for use (pull out his rifle in case the lion got too close; pulled a knife out from a kitchen drawer to cut open the box); to remove (pulled the engine; pulled the tainted meat product from the stores)
intransitive verb use.to exert force in moving something toward that force (she pulled the wagon toward herself to put more stuff on it)
the act or process of pulling; force exerted in pulling required to overcome resistance in pulling; a means of gaining special advantage; influence (she got the job as she had pull with company because her partner was in management there); ability to draw or attract; appeal (a movie star having good pull at the box office)
pull away.phrasal verb
to move away or backward; withdraw (the limousine pulled away from the curb; to move ahead (the horse pulled away and took the lead in the race)
pull back.phrasal verb
to execute an orderly withdrawal
pull down.phrasal verb
to demolish; destroy (time to pull down that old office building); to draw money as wages (pulls down a hefty salary for the dangerous work done)
pull in.phrasal verb
to arrive at a destination (we pulled in at midnight)
pull no punches.idiom
if you pull a punch, you refrain from using all the force you could have used
pull off.phrasal verb
to perform in spite of.difficulties or obstacles; bring off (pulled off a last-minute victor; pulled off the skies from on top of the car) pull out.phrasal verb
to leave or depart (the train pulls out at noon); to withdraw, as from a situation or commitment (the poorly managed banking system caused an economic crash, after which many decided to pull out of the system) many Wall Street investors pulled out. pull over.phrasal verb
to bring a vehicle to a stop at a curb or at the side of a road (we pulled over to watch the sunset); to instruct a motorist to bring his or her vehicle to a stop at a curb or at the side of a road (the police were pulling cars to the side of the road in order to allow an extremely wide truck pass by)
pull through.phrasal verb
to come or bring successfully through difficulty or illness (the heavy wide truck was pulled through the mud)
pull up.phrasal verb
to bring or come to a halt (we pulled up to the motel about 10 pm); to move to a position or place ahead, as in a race
pull a fast one.idiom
to play a trick or perpetrate a fraud
pull yourself together.idiom
to regain one's composure
pull your weight.idiom
to do one's own share, as of work
pull out all the stops.idiom
to deploy all the resources one's disposal: (the town if famous for pulling out all the stops in having a great fireworks ending to the annual exhibition) 
pull my leg.idiom
to play a joke on (I got caught falling for an April's fool joke); tease
pull strings.or.pull the strings.idiom
to exert secret control or influence in order to gain an end; be in control of events or of other people's actions (pulled the strings of the puppets in the show)
pull the plug on.idiom
to remove all restraints on (the people demanded the government pull the plug of their secrecy over money); to remove all support and assistance from, usually suddenly
pull the wool over the eyes.idiom
to deceive; hoodwink
pull together.idiom
to make a joint effort
pull up stakes.idiom
to clear out; leave (she pulled up stakes in New England and moved to the desert)

of or relating to pharmacy or pharmacists; word comes from the Greek words 'pharmakeia', 'pharmakeus' meaning 'sorcerers' 'witchcraft', 'the use or the administering of drugs', 'poisoning', often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it and metaphorically 'the deceptions and seductions of idolatry'
a pharmaceutical product or preparation containing poisons in tiny amounts used to override one's innate.immune system is one way of removing the messages (symptoms) the body uses to alert you to do what's necessary to get well and which things the corruptbpharmaceutical/medical/chemical systems have conspired to keep from you finding out about so they can carry on behind the scenes with their diabolical.agenda
the art of preparing and dispensing drugs; a place where drugs are sold; a drugstore; also called apothecary
an individual trained in pharmacy; a druggist

the so-called.'science' of drugs, including their composition, uses, and effects; the characteristics or properties of a drug

not yet decided or settled; awaiting conclusion or confirmation; impending; imminent
while in the process.of; during; while awaiting; until

a hemagglutinin.extracted from a plant

the act of pressing; the condition of being pressed; the application of continuous.force by one body on another that it is touching; compression; in physics, a force.applied.uniformly over a surface, measured as force per unit of area (the air pressure on 1 square inch of ground at sea level is 15 pounds); atmospheric pressure; a compelling or constraining.influence, such as an obligatory force on the mind or will (pressure to conform; peer-group pressure); urgent.demands (she doesn't work well under pressure, needing time to complete the work properly)
pressure, pressured, pressuring, pressures.transitive verbs
to force, as by overpowering influence or persuasion; to pressurize; to pressure-cook (the children got mom a new pressure-cooker)
pressure-cook, pressure-cooked, pressure-cooking, pressure-cooks.transitive verbs
to cook in a pressure cooker
pressurize, pressurized, pressurizing, pressurizes.transitive verbs
to maintain normal air pressure in an enclosure, as an aircraft or a submarine; to put gas or liquid under a greater than normal pressure to send it through a pipeline; to design to resist pressure; to pressure-cook