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-Deborah:.Deborah, means 'a bee'. Jabin, the king of Hazor at the time, had for twenty years held Israel in degrading subjection. The spirit of patriotism seemed crushed out of the nation. In this emergency Deborah roused the people from their lethargy. Her fame spread far and wide. She became a."mother in Israel".(Judges 4:6).and."the children of Israel came up to her for judgment".as she sat in her tent under the palm tree."between Ramah and Bethel"

Preparations were everywhere made by her direction for the great effort to throw off the yoke of bondage. She summoned Barak from Kadesh.(the story).to take command of 10,000 men of Zebulun and Naphtali and lead them to Mount Tabor on the plain of Esdraelon at its north east end. With his aid she organized this army. She gave the signal for attack and the Hebrew host rushed down impetuously upon the army of Jabin, which was commanded by Sisera and gained a great and decisive victory. The Canaanitish army almost wholly perished. That was a great and ever memorable day in Israel. This was the first great victory Israel had gained since the days of Joshua. They never needed to fight another battle with the Canaanites:.Judges 5:31.

In Judges 5:1-31 is given the grand triumphal ode, the "song of Deborah and Barak", which she wrote in grateful commemoration of that great deliverance. Anna, Huldah and Miriam are the only others who bear the title of 'prophetess'.(a speaker who prophesies).

Deborah was one of the judges in ancient Israel:.Judges 4:4,5.

There were other prophetesses too.

-Divination:.from.Easton's Bible Dictionary: Divination is of false prophets.(Deuteronomy 18:10,14; Micah 3:6,7,11).and of.necromancers.(Deuteronomy 18:11.{a necromancer is 'one who interrogates the dead', as some modern day psychics do}). On false prophets.

The word divination literally means 'with the view of discovering the secrets of futurity'.(the future):.1Samuel 28:7,8

Ancient Philistine priests and diviners.(1Samuel 6:2), were an outcrop of Balaam:.Joshua 13:22. Like in all things, there is a true and an erroneous side, such as in the beginning of living organisms on Earth.

2Corinthians 11:3 "But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."

Three kinds of divination are mentioned in Ezekiel 21:21, as used by the king of Babylon. They were by arrows, consulting with images.(the teraphim).and by examining the entrails.(internal organs).of animals sacrificed. The practice of this art seems to have been encouraged in ancient Egypt.

Dark side workings can easily infiltrate.the low consciousness mind and be given opportunity by such things as the ancients were into. The.diviners and necromancers.(above), were the.observers of times.(1, 2, 3),.astrologers/stargazers/monthly pronosticators.(1, 2, 3, 4), charmers.(Easton's Bible Dictionary:."the word 'charmer' means a dealer in spells, especially one who, by binding certain knots, was supposed thereby to bind a curse or a blessing on its object":.Deuteronomy 18:10,11),.enchanters.(1, 2, 3), witches/witchcraft.(1, 2, 3, 4), soothsayers.(*),.sorcerers.(*), magic/magicians.(*), dreamers.(some dreams have the true God involved; one has to learn to discern; if it;s not of love, reject it, no matter how good it may appear to be at the first),.consulters with familiar spirits.(*), wizards.(*),.psychics.(*) and those using.idols.(1, 2,.images,.arrows and.livers for guidance.(*), worshipping at.groves.(*).and those.cults.(*).with their philosophies aimed at mind control, even today. Look on the Internet for mkUltra, used on the children and others kept in the DUMBS and tunnels. To protect yourself from any and all evil entities, one can use what Gene Decode uses, a special invocation.

Such were those of the Pharisees, Sadducces. Champion anything for money.(Numbers 22:17), even if it deceives and leads astray the seeker of guidance, was the thinking of many back then.

Included with all these evil strange customs and practices.(Leviticus 19:27,28), which are.witchcraft.workings.(such as did the dark side ones in their putting curses on others).and those who cause their sons to.pass through the fire in.blood rituals of Satan.(Joshua 15:8; Psalms 106:37,38; 2Kings 23:10; 2Chronicles 28:3).at certain times of the year and those using.black magic.(*).and being into.enchantments.(1, 2, 3), much the same as the deep state.(also called 'cabal'); see the Fall of the Cabal series and its sequels).pedophiles have done today.

Stupid.customs such as these included.sacrificing children.(Psalms 106:37,38; 2Kings 16:3,4; 17:31; Isaiah 57:5; Jeremiah 7:31; Ezekiel 23:39).and are not only horrendous.practices but are completely spiritually unprofitable, a waste of time and are depreciations of hope. But they continue today amongst satanists as evidenced in the documentary and its sequels.End of the World As We Know It

Those sucked into doing evil practices destroy their own soul:.1Timothy 4:2.

A low consciousness mind can't see this, instead feeling, that for them, it's the 'right thing' to do:.Jeremiah 2:11; Zechariah 10:2; Proverbs 14:12.

These sort of things bring out of the mass mind information according to what one is in life. One's decisions in life make him or her what they appear to be, such as deceitful on the outside but corrupt in heart:.2Corinthians 11:14.

But what about the sacrifices and offerings.God wanted.the people to do in the Old Testament?

This woman.(Acts 16:16-18), though what she was saying was correct, was saying it in a manner which proved to be annoying. So it was not good, meaning, not of love. And there was a harassing evil spirit behind it all as there also was behind the stupid practices some allowed themselves to be sucked into, since the beginning of humanity on Earth:.Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalms 106:35-39.

Diviners also abounded among the aborigines of Canaan and the Philistines:.Isaiah 2:6; 1Samuel 28th chapter. And we have modern day ones with updated approaches.

At a later period multitudes of magicians poured from Chaldea and Arabia into the land of Israel and pursued their occupations, such as consulting the dead:.Isaiah 8:19; 2Kings 21:6; 2Chronicles 33:6.

This superstition widely spread and in the time of the apostles there were."vagabond Jews, exorcists".(Acts 19:13).and men like Simon Magus.(Acts 8:9), Bar-Emmanuel.(Acts 13:6-8).and other jugglers and impostors:.Acts 19:19. Every species and degree of this superstition was strictly forbidden by the ancient law of Moses:.Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:26,31; 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:10,11.

But beyond these various forms of superstition, there are instances of divination on record in the Scriptures by which Creator-God was pleased to make known his will. This system of selection is what's known as 'lots'.

1) There was divination by.lot, by which, when resorted to in matters of moment and with solemnity, the Creator intimated his will:.Joshua 7:13

The land of Canaan was divided by lot:.Numbers 26:55,56; Achan's guilt was detected.(Joshua 7:16-19), Saul was elected king:.1Samuel 10:20,21 and Matthias chosen to the apostleship, by the lot:.Acts 1:26.

It was thus also that the ancient scapegoat was determined:.Leviticus 16:8-10. The scapegoat was an annual means for man to experience relief from the guilt he experienced under the Old Testament law.

The Creator never wanted man to feel guilty once they were willing to change, yet many churches today preach a small gospel exclusive of the freedom God wants us to experience and some feel they, like Israel of the Old Testament, are the only ones God is truly using. The Creator is much bigger in outlook than that.

2) There was divination.(foretelling events).by dreams:.Genesis 20:6; Deuteronomy 13:1,3; Judges 7:13,15; Matthew 1:20; 2:12,13,19,22.

This is illustrated in the history of Joseph:.Genesis 40:8; 41:15,16,25,28..

Also in Daniel's history:.Daniel 2:27,28; 4:19-28

God sometimes speaks in dreams, but never regarding negativity to you, only information to help, guide and protect:.Genesis 20:3; 31:11; 40:8; 41:25; 1Kings 3:5; Ecclesiastes 5:3,7; Daniel 2:27,28; Matthew 1:20; 2:12,13,19,22; 27:19; Acts 2:17;

It's God who gives one interpretation of dreams:.Daniel 1:17; 2:28.

Some dreams are just from you:.Job 33:14-18; Jeremiah 27:9.

3) By divine appointment there was also divination by the Urim and Thummim.(Numbers 27:21).and by the ephod.

4) God was pleased sometimes to vouchsafe direct vocal communications to men:.Deuteronomy 34:10; Exodus 3:4; 4:3; Deuteronomy 4:14,15; 1Kings 19:12. He also communed with men from above the mercy seat.(Exodus 25:22).and at the door of the tabernacle:.Exodus 29:42,43

5) Through his prophets God revealed Himself and gave intimations of His will:.2Kings 13:17; Jeremiah 51:63,64.

6) Jacob's wacky idea.seems.akin to.divination.

7) Today we have other ways than that of ancient peoples in determining Creator-God's mind:
...meditation to see what wells up to the mind
...guidance is in those of a higher consciousness
...Ask Suby to get one on the road to higher consciousness
...talk to others whom you feel are able to help
...do fire to cleanse negative frequencies

But why do we need God's guidance? We need it to become good, to come out.(*).of the low consciousness ego level from which all problems of humanity come from:.Psalms 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delights in his way.".or as the.Jewish Translation.of the Old Testament has it:."It is of the Lord that a man's goings are established and He delights in his way."

If you are not delighting daily in the way your daily life is going, then you need the guidance of the Creator. Here one has to listen, for what good is guidance if you don't act upon it. But without being sure God is in your life, you'll second guess yourself. So, first one must be sure that God is real and next, that God has been a part of you right from the start of humanity.(2Timothy 1:9) and from your start here in the physical life on Earth.
