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O r i g i n a l  W o r d s  N o t e s  P 2

...continued from Pharisees, Sadducees on previous page...

...and he said to them:.Matthew 3:7 "O generation of vipers, who has warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

The next the Sadducees are spoken of they are represented as coming to our Lord tempting him. He calls them."hypocrites".and "a wicked and adulterous generation":.Matthew 16:1-4; 22:23. The only reference to them is their attempting to ridicule the doctrine of the resurrection.(Matthew 22:23; Mark 12:18 and Luke 20:27 says same thing), which they denied. They are not mentioned in John's Gospel.

There were many Sadducees among the 'elders' of the Sanhedrin. They seem, indeed, to have been as numerous as the Pharisees:.Acts 23:6. They showed their hatred of Emmanuel in taking part in his condemnation. They were against preaching the resurrection:.Matthew 22:23. They thought there was something very wrong with this. They were the satanists, deists and skeptics of that age. They do not appear as a separate sect after the destruction of Jerusalem. Were they the ancient cabal, the Khazarian mafia, always trying to gain control of government through infiltration?

-pastors and teachers:.Pastors and teachers are those who care for others in guiding, protecting and instructing them or should be:.Ephesians 4:11-13; Jeremiah 3:15; Jeremiah 48:10 "Cursed be he that does the work of the Lord deceitfully..."

-Philistines: comprised with.Bible Dictionaries: The Philistines.(the Philistine ancestors were called Caphtorims).were a celebrated people, yet warlike:.Exodus 13:17), who inhabited the southern seacoast of Canaan.(map), which from them took the name of Philistia or Palestine. They existed before the time of Abraham in B.C.E. 2000.

They seem originally to have migrated from Egypt to Caphtor, today called Crete.(map); others think it was the ancient Cappadocia. And thence they passed over to Palestine under the name of Caphtorim, where they drove out the Avim eople, who dwelt from Hazerim to Azzah, that is, Gaza and dwelt there in their stead:.Deuteronomy 2:23. The country they inhabited lay between the higher land of Judea and the Mediterranean and was in the main, a level and fertile territory. It resembles our own western prairies and bears splendid crops year after year, though miserably.cultivated and never manured. 

The Philistines were a powerful people in Palestine, even in Abraham's time, B.C.E. 1900, for they had then kings and considerable cities:.Genesis 20.2.

The Philistines were descendants of the Caphtorim.(the Caphtorim were ancestors of the Philistines:.Deuteronomy 2:23; Amos 9:7).of the Pathrusim and the Casluhim, two other clans descended from Ham. They destroyed the Avim people and took over their land:.Deuteronomy 2:23; Jeremiah 47:4; Amos 9:7

Abimelech, king of the Philistines at the time was involved with Abraham:.Genesis 21:22-27. They got along with each other, so, Abraham stayed there a long time:.Genesis 21:34 "And Abraham sojourned in the Philistines' land many days."

The Philistines were a warlike people, which was the reason that God did not lead the Israelites near to them when He led them out of Egypt:.Exodus 13:17

As they occupied a part of this promised land of Canaan.(Genesis 12:1-7), the Israelites should have dispossessed them, but they didn't. When Joshua was old, all the borders of the Philistines were still unoccupied by the Israelites, who by this time left the true God in favor of making Gods out of their own imagination and they made many of them.

The five fortified cities of the Philistines, with their 'daughters' or dependent villages, were Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gath and Ekron. The Philistines were idolaters and worshipped Dagon, Ashtaroth and Baal-zebub:.1Samuel 5:1-8; 2Kings 1:2.

Philistim in Genesis 10:14 is the same Hebrew word that is elsewhere translated Philistines and were a tribe allied to the Phoenicians.

There was almost perpetual war between these two tribes, as sometimes the Philistines held southern tribes in degrading.servitude:.Judges 15:11. At other times they were defeated with great slaughter:.1Samuel 14:47.

These hostilities did not cease till the time of Hezekiah when the Philistines were entirely subdued: 2Kings 18:8. They still however, occupied their territory and always showed their old hatred to Israel:.Ezekiel 25:15-17. They were finally conquered by the Romans

The Philistines are called Pulsata or Pulista on the Egyptian monuments and in the Assyrian inscriptions, the land of the Philistines.(Philistia).is termed Palastu and Pilista. Many scholars identify the Philistines with the Pelethites of.2Samuel 8:18.

-prayer: Prayer in the Original Greek is 'to pray.(talk to God).to the advantage of'. Original Hebrew is 'to talk', 'meditate', 'put forth to'. Example: Got problems? Talk to God and. Ask Him to your advantage.

-Priests/priesthood:.The ancient priests' job involved offering of sacrifices for the people. This helped keep the people on track toward some spirituality, but it was all physical stuff with many do's and don'ts. It didn't work.

As time went on and as things change, the people wanted a king. As a result of this, a priest became a spiritual advisor to the king. The people did not want anyone to interface with them who was directly connected with the real true God of all good creation:.Jeremiah 44:16,17. By this time the satanic influences had reached deep.

At the first, every man was his own priest and presented his own sacrifices before the Creator. Afterwards that office devolved on the head of the family, as in the cases of Noah.(Genesis 8:20), Abraham.(Genesis 12:7; 13:4), Isaac.(Genesis 26:25), Jacob.(Genesis 31:54).and Job:.Job 1:5.

At the giving of the commandments and the various other guidelines that Moses delivered to the people, a priesthood was to be set up as well. This was prior to the Mosaic Law.

Under the Levitical arrangements the office of the priesthood was limited to the tribe of Levi and to only one family of that tribe, the family of Aaron:.Leviticus 24:6-9; Numbers 3:5-9.

Certain laws respecting the qualifications of the Levitical priests, the sons of Levi, are given in Leviticus 21:16-23. There are ordinances also regarding the priests' dress.(Exodus 28:40-43).and the manner of their consecration to the office:.Exodus 29:1-37.

The priests were allowed to have a wife, but:.Leviticus 21:7.

The ancient showbread, aka shewbread, was only for Aaron and his sons who were the priesthood:.Leviticus 24:6-9

The priests' duties were manifold:.Exodus 27:20,21; Leviticus 6:12,13; 10:8-11; and etc. They represented the people before their Creator and offered the various sacrifices prescribed in the Mosaic law. Only the sons of Levi could touch the ark of the covenant. Only the descendents of Aaron, Moses' brother, were to be in the high priesthood, where others of the tribe of Levi were to attend to Aaron:.Numbers 3:5-9.

The priests were not distributed over the country, but lived together in certain cities.(forty eight in number, of which six were cities of refuge), which had been assigned to their use. From thence they went up by turns to minister in the temple at Jerusalem. 

Thus the religious instruction of the people in the country generally was left to the heads of families, until the establishment of synagogues, an event which did not take place till the return from the Captivity.(2Chronicles 36:9).and which was the main source of the freedom from idolatry that became as marked a feature of the Jewish people thenceforward as its practice had been hitherto their great national sin.

The whole priestly system of Judah was typical. It was a shadow of Christ. The priests all prefigured the great Priest who offered."one sacrifice for sins", "once for all":.Hebrews 10:10,12.

There is now no human priesthood. The term 'priest' is indeed applied to believers.(1Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:6), but in these cases it implies no sacerdotal.(relating to priests or the priesthood; priestly) functions because in this New Testament era, the things of the old are done away.

All true believers are now 'kings and priests unto the Creator'. As priests they have free access into the holiest of all and offer up the sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving and the sacrifices of grateful service from day to day. What would some of these be today?

Like in everything involving man, there is an evil side and the good side. There were good.(2Chronicles 24:3).and bad priests.(Jeremiah 32:32).and the same for kings and same for people.(how bad were they?.Jeremiah 16:12).in their realm.

-prison: Today many people live within their self-allowed prison of their ego

The Old testament Mosaic law made no provision for imprisonment as a punishment. In the wilderness two individuals were "put in ward":.Leviticus 24:12 "And they put him in ward that the mind of the Lord might be showed them." Numbers 15:34 "And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him.".But it was only till the mind of God concerning them should be ascertained.

Apparently, they were observed and interacted with to determine what would come from God to the minds of those assessing such individuals:.Psalms 79:11 "Let the sighing of the prisoner come before you and according to the greatness of your power, preserve you those that are appointed to die."

Cities of refuge were appointed for certain types of murder, where murderers back then could live out their lives ostracized from normal society.

Prisons and prisoners are mentioned in the book of Psalms: Psalms 69:33 "For the Lord hears the poor and despises not prisoners." Psalms 142:7 "Bring my soul out of prison that I may praise your name. The righteous shall compass me about, for you deal bountifully with me.".Isaiah 49:15,24.

Samson was confined in a Philistine prison:.Judges 16:23-31.

Paul considered himself a prisoner:.Philemon 1:1,9. Luke 4:18.

All of us have been in the prison of the ego.

-prophecy/prophesy: Prophecy means receipt of an inspired message, as a revelation of divine mind. How the Creator communicates. One receiving such messages is called a prophet.

Problem today carries on from olden times where so called prophets were actually 'profits' - religion was an excuse for them to get your money.

Prophesy means to speak about events to happen, good and bad, individually or wide area as revealed through inspiration. In this we can test.(1John 4:1-3; Deuteronomy 18:21,22).who may or may not be a true prophet. See 'Prophets' and 'prophesying over others'. Perhaps also see 'False Prophets'.

A prophet's message was inspired by the Creator:.2Peter 2:20,21; Lamentations 3:37

The value of prophecy as compared to love:.1Corinthians 13:1-8.('charity' is the old English word they use in the New Testament for love).

-propitiation: To be merciful in rendering one's self so as to cause another to become favorably inclined; to gain or regain favor or goodwill. Emmanuel was the propitiation for the whole world:.1John 2:2; 4:10; John 3:17; 6:51

-publicans: One who farmed the taxes.(e.g., Zacchaeus, Luke 19:2).to be levied from a town or district and thus undertook to pay to the government a certain amount. In order to collect the taxes, the publicans employed subordinates.(Luke 5:27; 15:1; 18:10), who, for their own ends, were often guilty of extortion and peculation. In New Testament times these taxes were paid to the Romans and hence were regarded by the Jews as a very heavy burden and hence also the collectors of taxes, who were frequently Jews, were hated and were usually spoken of in very opprobrious terms. Emmanuel was accused of being a."friend of publicans and sinners".in Luke 7:34. Matthew was a tax collector:.Matthew 10:3.

-Pul, Phut, Put: An Assyrian king. This individual also named Phut is not the same Phut.(Genesis 10:6).who was son on Ham.

The Assyrian king Pul/Phut/Put was contemporary with Tiglath-pileser III or was his predecessor:.1Chronicles 5:26. He was the Phalluka of the Ninevite monuments. This is the first Assyrian king after Nimrod who is mentioned in Biblical history. His name has been recently identified with that of Phalluka on the monuments of Nineveh and that of Menahem discovered also.

He consolidated and organized his conquests on a large scale. He subdued Northern Syria and Hamath and the kings of Syria rendered him homage and paid him tribute. His ambition was to found in Western Asia a kingdom which should embrace the whole civilized world, having Nineveh as its centre.

Menahem, king of Israel, gave him the enormous tribute of a thousand talents of silver 'that his hand might be with him':.2Kings 15:19; 1Chronicles 5:26.

The fact that this tribute could be paid showed the wealthy condition of the little kingdom of Israel even in this age of disorder and misgovernment. Having reduced Syria, Pul turned his arms against Babylon, which he subdued. The Babylonian king was slain and Babylon and other Chaldean cities were taken and Pul assumed the title of 'King of Sumer.(Shinar).and Accad'. He was succeeded in history by Shalmanezer IV

Pul is also a geographical name in Isaiah 66:19-22 and probably equals Phut.(or as some translations have it 'Put'):.Genesis 10:6; Ezekiel 27:10.
