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Q u e s t i o n s..A b o u t..S c r i p t u r e s
p a g e..9

-What did the Creator mean in these verses?:.John 4:22 "salvation is of the Jews" Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. For it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes,, those of Judah first.(why to them first? and,.Romans 2:9).and also to the Gentiles.

The original for the word "of" in this verse can also mean "from" and "out from"; that is, the Jews.(the ancient tribe of Israel called Levi.{Numbers 1:50,53; 3:6-9; 16:8,9}).which had the special position of keeping charge of things to do with the tabernacle of testimony.

Romans 3:1,2 "What advantage then has the Jew? Or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way. Chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God." Romans 9:4,5 "Who are Israelites; to whom pertains the adoption and the glory and the covenants.(physical Israel has the old; spiritual Israel has the new).and the giving of the law and the service of God and the promises; Whose are the fathers and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen."

The Messiah had come through the Jews. They had the law, the temple and the service of the Creator and it was natural that the gospel should be proclaimed to them before it was to the Gentiles. The order in which the gospel was actually preached to the world was first to the Jews, then Gentiles. See Acts Chapters 2 and 10; Matthew 10:6; Acts 13:46 "It was necessary that the word of God should first have been spoken to you, but seeing you put it from you and judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles.".Matthew 21:43.

From.Matthew Henry's Commentary:."Those who by the Scriptures have obtained some knowledge of God, know whom they worship. The word of salvation was of the Jews. It came to other nations through them. Christ justly preferred the Jewish worship before the Samaritan, yet here he speaks of the former as soon to be done away. God was about to be revealed as the Father of all believers in every nation."

-John 6:6 with James 1:13.Why did Emmanuel tempt this man, as the original has it, when James says that Creator tempts no man?

John 6:6 is where Emmanuel was attempting to bring to the mind of Philip, what he.(Philip), may have known about Emmanuel's divinity, which obviously wasn't a real active belief much at this time. This was the time before his receiving.(Luke 24:49; Acts 2:1,5).the Holy Spirit. Emmanuel had the fulness of the Holy Spirit, not Philip, yet.

Emmanuel can read one's thoughts.John 6:64,70; Matthew 12:25 "And Emmanuel knew their thoughts....." Luke 6:8 "But he knew their thoughts....."

Emmanuel knew what was in Philip, but He wanted Philip to see that he needed greater comprehension of the reality of His.(Emmanuel).divinity; that He.(Emmanuel).indeed did have the power of God with Him and in Him. This was for Philip's benefit. Truly, the Creator tempts no man to go backwards into negativity. Instead it's always and only, upward and onward, although God sometimes works with another's negative state to fulfill His overall purposes, as he did in this case.

-John 9:41 What did Emmanuel mean when he said."if you were blind, you would have no sin"?

A 'blind' person, blind to the words of the Creator, can't understand them:.Matthew 13:15-17. God has to open his mind before he sees where his actions and thoughts were out of sync with the ways of love. If the words of God are important to you, He has opened your mind. 

Emmanuel was answering a Pharisee here in John 9:40,41. They had said they understood, so:.Matthew 12:34,37. When one knows better and doesn't do it, he is sinning.('missing the mark' as the original has it):.James 4:17. However, thanks to Emmanuel, this 'missing the mark' is not held against those who then believe in Him. Most of the Pharisees didn't believe Him or in Him at all.

-Romans 14:23 What's it mean."damned if I eat"? Lose salvation?

Paul in this chapter is talking of not giving offence to any new Christians who may be observing your behavior. Being confident in the Lord thanks to this and this, does not preclude being careful in living one's life in an unoffensive manner.

The keys are verses 16 and 19. A Christians' attitude should be to assist others to arrive at his level of confidence in the Lord and do nothing to hinder one on the road toward that. We all are to arrive at the point where we are confident that God is in all we do, so that all we do can be done with joy.

If one becomes offended, perhaps because his belief structure is not fully formed as yet.(*), then that could make him feel that others are not in the Lord as he and a division in his mind can be caused, perhaps making him think that he is either too far 'down the pole' and thus discourage him, or, that 'these are the types of people that I don't feel comfortable with'. The people of God, often referred to as Christians, are a family; but as Paul is saying here, be sure to consider all family members and just where it is that they are at in their spiritual growth.

If you cause one to doubt and perhaps be unsure of himself in the Lord, then he may feel not good enough or unworthy, as the original word for 'damned' is, here in this verse. This could hinder his growth. We all need encouragement and especially so being a new spiritual person. 
   As to losing salvation...

-John 8:58 What did Emmanuel mean when He said."Before Abraham I Am"?

Emmanuel often refers in the scriptures to His continuous consciousness with the Infinite Intelligence, the part of Him and all of us that is beyond time, the part that our souls have connection with, the consciousness that flows through the soul, the individual filters we all have, as that consciousness, that energy, flows into what we are used to calling as physical bodies. For much more on understanding the soul, go to your library and get the audio CD's by Deepak Chopra on Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul.

-Isaiah 55:8.What does it mean where it says."my thoughts are not your thoughts and your ways not my ways"?

It means that without being in the higher states of consciousness that are available for us to be in, we will be so ruled by our egos that we'll have no desire strong enough to fulfill our real purpose for being here. Few have the intention to fulfill what was the real purpose for what we call Christ coming to Earth in the physical form of Emmanuel:.John 10:34; Psalms 82:6; Philippians 2:5,6.

.-1Peter 1:16.What's it mean here where it says."...You are holy because I am holy"?

The word holy is explained here.

-Matthew 10:37; Mark 10:29; Luke 18:29..What does it mean here that we are unworthy if we love our father or mother more than Emmanuel? What kind of an idiot is this Emmanuel anyway?
-Luke 8:17 and Mark 4:22 state that nothing ever stays a secret, but 1Peter 4:8 says that love covers a person's wrongdoing. Sounds contradictory.

Luke and Mark were talking about the importance of examining the dark side each of us have:.2Corinthians 13:5. Why examine it? In this examination time one will see clearly his dark side, the shadow, because a person's soul will reveal it. 

So, don't be down on yourself when you see yourself making mistakes. Read how Paul was. Just leave the self-hurt away until you can have a look at it in your quiet meditation and contemplation time:.1Corinthians 4:4,5.

1Peter 4:8 is talking of the power of love to slay the ego motivations, the source of sin in us.

If you sincerely love others, that is, truly want the best for them, even though you may have inadvertently offended them, their soul will show them, that you in your heart, meant them no harm or at least, you got over it quickly, if you did. Always be loving to all and you won't feel a contradictoriness.

-Mark 16:15 and Matthew 24:14 says to."go into all the world" and here it says to come out of the world? Seems confusing.

In these scriptures Emmanuel was wanting his disciples to get the good news of the gospel.(word 'gospel' means 'good news').of the wonderful message of the kingdom of the Creator out to others living in the world that then was. Why was this important? Isaiah 61:1; Romans 8:22 "For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now."

But, what else were the disciples to do? They were to show the importance of Christ:.Acts 10:42 "And he commanded us to preach unto the people and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead.(and just who was this 'he'that was ordained of God?' None other than the Silence , the Creator-Father from which all else came and which includes the universal laws that judge us; because none in the God family specifically judges any one of us)."

In the scriptures where the disciples were telling others to come out of the world, here the world being referred to was the world of evil. An admonition to stay away from getting yourself into that which could rob you of spirituality.

-Revelation 2:6,14,15.Who were these."Nicolaitans".and what were their deeds?

The word traces down to 'victory' and 'people'. Since their deeds have to do with people and victory and those deeds were not in favor with the Creator, we can say that the deeds were not of love and love is of high consciousness.

The deeds not of love are the ones of selfishness, greed and control over others, causing them harm in some way. These are the deeds of people having a low level of consciousness who care not how something may affect another as long as there is advantage in it for them. Such was ancient Balaam.

They appear to be some group wrangling for control by using methods we can call evil, because they were not out for the best for others.(*).and may have been using any tactics they could get away with, like Balaam did.

Apparently, from verse 14, they had doctrines based on Baal.
