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Tabernacle:.means a dwelling place. It was the portable sanctuary.(sacred place).in which the Jews carried the Ark of the Covenant through the desert. The tabernacle or temple, was a temporary structure. It could be taken down in pieces, moved and put together again.

The words 'tabernacle' and 'temple' are basically synonyms, as they were both used for worship, but the temple, once it was built, was a permanent structure. What was it like?

Where is the temple today?

God's purpose in this sanctuary on Earth not only shows us that God wanted to be as close to man as He could, but the enduringness of the sanctuary once it was established, shows that God is always there, always available to man:.Revelation 21:2,3.

Comprised with.American Tract Dictionary:.During the time of routing the promised land.(Numbers 13:17-33).of hostile nations the tabernacle remained at Gilgal:.Joshua 4:19. After the conquest.(Joshua 10:28-42; 11:10-18).the tabernacle was stationed for many years at Shiloh:.Joshua 18:1; 1Samuel 1:3

In.2Samuel 6:17.and.1Chronicles 15:1, it is said that David had prepared and pitched a tabernacle in Jerusalem for the ark, which before had long been at Kirjath-jearim and then in the house of Obed-edom.1Chronicles 13:6,14; 2Samuel 6:11,12. In.1Chronicles 21:29, it is said that the tabernacle of Moses was still at Gibeon at that time and it would therefore seem that the ark had long been separated from it. The tabernacle still remained at Gibeon in the time of Solomon, who sacrificed at it:.2Chronicles 1:3,13. This is the last mention made of it, for apparently the tabernacle brought with the ark into the temple.(2Chronicles 5:5), was the tent in which the ark had been kept at Zion. The tabernacle was portable and was a tent:.2Chronicles 1:4; 5:2.

From the.Dictionary of Theology:."The tabernacle was the structure ordered to be built according to God's instructions.(Exodus 25:8-40).so that He might dwell among His people. It was to be mobile and constructed to exacting specifications. In all of scripture more space is devoted to the tabernacle than any other topic. The tabernacle consisted of the outer court and the tabernacle. The outer court was entered from the East. The outer court contained the altar of burnt offering.(Exodus 27:1-8).and the bronze laver:.Exodus 30:17-21. The tabernacle part stood within the court.(see pic above). The tabernacle was divided into two main divisions, the holy place and the most holy place.(called the holy of holies), which were separated by a veil:.Exodus 26:31. This was the same veil that was torn from top to bottom at the crucifixion of Emmanuel:.Matthew 27:51-53. Where the veil had represented the barrier separating sinful man from a holy God.(Hebrews 9:8,24).its destruction represented the free access sinners have to God through the blood of the one who became Christ:.Hebrews 10:19.

"The ancient tabernacle was a place of sacrifice. The holy place contained three things. First, a table on which was placed the shewbread, the bread of the presence of God:.Exodus 25:23-30. Second, a golden lampstand:.Exodus 25:31-40. Third, an altar of incense:.Exodus 30:1-7. In the Holy of Holies was the ark of the covenant which contained the commandments:.Exodus 25:16. The holy of holies was entered only once a year by the high priest who offered sacrifice for the nation of Israel."

The directions of the Creator and the account of the execution of them, are contained in Exodus 25:1-40 and the following chapters.

From.Easton's Bible Dictionary:."The sacred tent.(Hebrew 'mishkan', meaning 'the dwelling place'); the movable tent/temple: The tabernacle was so constructed that it could easily be taken down and conveyed from place to place during the wanderings in the wilderness. Moses erected it for the service of the Creator, according to the pattern which the Creator showed to him on the mount.".Exodus 25:9; Hebrews 8:5.

It is called."the tabernacle of the congregation", rather."of meeting", i.e., where the Creator promised to meet with Israel.(Exodus 29:42); the."tabernacle of the testimony".(Exodus 38:21; Numbers 1:50), which does not however, designate the whole structure, but only the enclosure which contained the."ark of the testimony".(Exodus 25:16,22; Numbers 9:15); the."tabernacle of witness".(Numbers 17:8); the."house of the Lord".(Deuteronomy 23:18); the."temple of the Lord".(Joshua 6:24); a."sanctuary":.Exodus 25:8.

Below comprised from.Dictionary of Theology.included with the Online Bible you can get free for putting on your own computer. 

The tabernacle was the structure ordered built by the Creator so that He might dwell among His people:.Exodus 25:8,22. From within the tabernacle the Creator would meet with, at that time, Moses. 

The tabernacle was in the form of a perfect cube of 20 cubits. In here, the high priest back then, entered to make atonement for the failings of the people to live up to God's standards:.Hebrews 7:27; 9:7,12;.(*).

It was to be mobile and constructed to exacting specifications. It is referred to in Exodus chapters 25-27,30-31,35-40, Numbers 3:25, Exodus 4:4; 7:1. In all of scripture more space is devoted to the tabernacle than any other topic. Many books have been written on the spiritual significance of the tabernacle, how it represented Christ and how it foretold the gospel. 

The tabernacle consisted of the outer court and the tabernacle. The outer court was entered from the East. The outer court contained the altar of burnt offering.(Exodus 27:1-8).and the bronze laver:.Exodus 30:17-21. The tabernacle stood within the court:.Exodus 26:1.

The tabernacle.means 'dwelling place'. In this case dwelling place of God where God met with man:.Exodus 25:22 "And there I will meet with you and I will commune with you from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony...";.Exodus 30:6.

The tabernacle.was a rectangular enclosure, in length about 45 feet and in breadth and height about 15. Its two sides and its western end were made of boards of acacia wood, placed on end, resting in sockets of brass, the eastern end being left open:.Exodus 26:22. This framework was covered with four coverings, the first of linen, in which figures of the symbolic cherubim were wrought with needlework in blue and purple and scarlet threads and probably also with threads of gold:.Exodus 26:1-6; 36:8-13. Above this was a second covering of twelve curtains of black goats' hair cloth, reaching down on the outside almost to the ground:.Exodus 26:7-11. The third covering was of rams' skins dyed red and the fourth was of badgers' skins.(Hebrew 'tahash', i.e., the dugong, a species of seal), Exodus 25:5; 26:14; 35:7,23; 36:19; 39:34

Holy of Holies: the second or interior portion of the ancient tabernacle.(tabernacle is another name for a temporary dwelling place, a mobile house).came to be known as the holy of holies. It was left in total darkness; equates to the stillness where the Creator dwells. No one was permitted to enter this second part of the tabernacle except the high priest and that only once a year. It contained the ark of the covenant only:.Exodus 25:10-16.

Where the veil had represented the barrier separating sinful man from the wholeness of the Creator:.Hebrews 9:8..its destruction represented the free access we now have to the Creator through the blood of Christ.(Hebrews 10:19).shed for all, who came to show us a better way. How is this shown to us?

The only veil now separating us is the one we ourselves create. "You yourself are under your own veil."....Hafiz. When and how did this veil start in us?

The veil separating these two chambers of the ancient tabernacle was a double curtain of the finest workmanship, which was never passed except by the high priest back then once a year on the great day of Atonement.

This inner holy place was separated from the outer court which enclosed the tabernacle by a curtain, which hung over the six pillars which stood at the east end of the tabernacle and by which it was entered. 
   What the veil in the New Testament represents.
   What the tabernacle in the New Testament means:.2Peter 1:13.

The ancient holy place was one of the two portions into which the tabernacle, also called 'temple', of the Old Testament was divided:.Exodus 26:33; Hebrews 9:1-7. It was 20 cubits long and 10 in height and breadth. This part of the tabernacle was illuminated by the golden candlestick, as it had no opening to admit the light, until of course the high priest opened it to light and change the candles in the candlestick and do his required service annually on the Day of Atonement. It contained the table of showbread and the golden altar of incense:.Exodus 30:1-10.

It was divided from the holy of holies by a veil of the most costly materials and the brightest colours. The arrangement of the temple was the same in this respect. In it the walls of hewn stone were wainscoted with cedar and overlaid with gold and adorned with beautiful carvings. It was entered from the porch by folding doors overlaid with gold and richly embossed. Outside the holy place stood the great tank or "sea" of molten brass, supported by twelve oxen, three turned each way, capable of containing two thousand baths of water. Besides this there were ten lavers and the brazen altar of burnt sacrifice. 

This equates today to where this eternal being.(Psalms 102:24,27).we refer to as God dwells, that is, in our hearts.(Acts 7:48; 1Corinthians 6:19; 3:16), in eternity:.Isaiah 57:15; 1Timothy 6:16.

The whole universe is Creator-Father's mind, yet God is also beyond space and time. Makes no sense? See on quantum entanglement.God is beyond and within space and time necessary for experiencing physical life, within which the hologram of the created universe makes possible. Where your focus is determines if you are in God's mind or extracting yourself from God's presence.

Being in and appreciating nature, being among the trees, the flowers and wildlife is 'being in' God's mind in a more intimate way. Being amongst nature and to the degree of uncaring about these things evidences the level one's ego has control over his life. Having the mind surrounded with the higher consciousness things of the spirit brings and keeps one in alignment.(1Corinthians 8:3).with the source of all good.

The temple in the Old Testament was divided into two main divisions, the holy place and an inner part often called.(but not in the Bible).'the holy of holies', which were separated by a veil.(Exodus 26:31).the same veil that was torn from top to bottom at the crucifixion of Emmanuel:.Matthew 27:51-54; 2Corinthians 3:16.

The tabernacle was a place of sacrifice. The holy place contained three things. First, a table on which was placed the showbread, the bread of the presence.(Exodus 25:23-30), second, a golden lampstand.(Exodus 25:31-40).and third, an altar of incense:.Exodus 30:1-7.

In what came to be known as the holy of holies was the ark of the covenant which contained the Commandments:.Exodus 25:16; Hebrews 8:6.

The holy of holies was entered only once a year by the high priest back then who offered sacrifice for the nation of Israel:.Hebrews 9:23.

Internally the ancient tabernacle was divided by this veil into two chambers, the exterior of which was called the holy place and called also."the sanctuary".(Hebrews 9:2).and the."first tabernacle".(verse 6).and the interior, which came to be known as the holy of holies, "the holy place", "the Holiest", the."second tabernacle":.Exodus 28:29; Hebrews 9:3,7.

Mercy Seat:.was the covering or lid of the ark of the covenant.(q.v.). It was of acacia wood, overlaid with gold or perhaps rather a plate of solid gold, 2½ cubits long and 1½ broad:.Exodus 25:17; 30:6; 31:7. It is compared to the throne of grace:.Hebrews 9:5; Ephesians 2:6. The holy of holies is called the."place of the mercy seat":.1Chronicles 28:11; Leviticus 16:2.

It was a 'mercy' seat, not a seat to mete out judgment and condemnation. That is not needed by the true heavenly Father of all good creation because the multiversal laws had aleady been set up to automatically.(Psalms 103:10).do so when attitudes of people begin to lean away from good and toward bad, then evil. God is good and not out to 'get you':.John 3:17. It's Satan, meaning all those like him, who are that way.

It has been conjectured that the censer.('thumiaterion', meaning 'anything having regard to or employed in the burning of incense').mentioned in Hebrews 9:4 was the 'mercy seat', at which the incense was burned by the high priest on the great day of atonement and upon or toward which the blood of the goat was sprinkled:.Leviticus 16:11-16. Compare Numbers 7:89 and Exodus 25:22.
