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Blackfoot.(quote by Blackfoot chief)
Black Death.(aka.bubonic plague of the historical period known as Middle Ages)
Black holes
Black magic.(the ways of the dark side)
Black Widow spider
Blissed because of you
Blissings.(aka blessings)
Blinded to God's truth
Blinks.(multiverse blinks in & out of existence)
Blood.(clots, hemoglobin, pressure {reducing})
...blood system and healing
...blood system of the body
...blood of Emmanuel the Christ
...Old Testament Mosaic Law forbid eating of blood
...physical life is in the blood
Bloodlines.(of Satan, being destroyed; happening today; the evils are over, permanently; the kingdom of God is here both physically and spiritually and unfolding now)
Blue Bible.(when online can use the Blue Bible for more and/or detailed info)
Blue Heron
Blue skin.(argyria)
Blushing.(why we blush)
Bo Gritz.(the most decorated Green Beret in history - movies Rambo and Uncommon Valor based on his life; type into YouTube)
Boat.(medicine & biology by missing the boat in knowledge cripples their efforts)
Boaz.(a kind generous man)
Bob Proctor.(brighten your life as you learn to use the gift from God of your amazing subconscious mind, your invisible real you, your spirit {Isaiah 42:5}, to receive the good you want:.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17..You Were Born Rich, by Bob Proctor, is a 36 year in the making book and is a very valuable free gift for you from Bob; more free books)
...a created device
...a slowed down form of frequencies
...amazing and incredible
...baby.(the amazing process:.Isaiah 44:24)
...balance system
...biochemical process is the software
...biological systems timed
...blood.(clots, hemoglobin, pressure {reducing}, similar to a vehicle)
...the seven bodies that are all within us having specific functions:
......1st & 2nd density.etheric bodies
......physical (the third density body (3d), please see 'body' above)
......astral.(the forth density body)
......causal.(the learning, causal, sinning, karmic 5th density body)
......mental.(the mental, emotional, psychic, pineal, 6th chakra body)
...body.(Emmanuel's {Christ's}; what is it?)
...body and face.(new for you?)
...body's design
...body is a tool for your life
...body mass index.(for porkers)
...body parts in food
...body systems.(body is an energy converter)
...brain.(brain and mind; beginning of the brain)
...controls you.(letting it by getting out of the way)
...digestive system
...energy converter
...foot.(the amazing foot)
...frequencies.(a slowed down form of to make it visible)
...healing system
...immune system
...nervous systems
...of Christ.(what is it?)
...orchestrated process
...order in the body
...processes all together
...renews itself quickly when we stop poisoning it
...reproductive system
...scan your body
...sense of smell
...sense of taste
...spirit & body belong to God
...sweat glands
...systems.(also these systems biological, body, digestive, healing, immune, temperature, etc.)
...why physical?
Bohr, Niels
Bold.(bold anough to ask God why?)
Bolshevik revolution.(attempted genocide of the people and the extermination of a good ruling Russian family)
Bombardier beetle
Bond.(your word is your bond)
Bond nor free
Bones.(no bones broken of Emmanuel at crucifixion)
and here's the MOVIES to warn you.(the cabal has to do that; why?)
and here's gene's recommended books, movies

-1984, by George Orwell, a visionary who foresaw today's cabal contrived.dystopia.
-A Reevaluation of the English Peppered Moth's Use as an Example of Evolution in Progress, Chris D. Osborne's Master's Thesis.
-A Russian Dance of Death, by Dietrich Neufeld.(how the cabal {Khazarians} purposely tried to eliminate Russians; also see the Bolshevik revolution)
-AIDS: Fauci's First Fraud.(info on AIDS)
-Alien Races Book
-Amazing Medicines The Drug Companies Don't Want You to Discover.(search Internet for it)
-American Crossroad Of Trust, by John Huber
-Ancient books.(what ancient books were like)
-Abraham Lincoln Vampire Killer
-Alternative Medicine Guide Supplement Shopper
-And Other Losses, where the six million apparently exterminated in Germany during the Second World war came from; see also the book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, written by many scholars. See more historical planned exterminations under totalitarianism.
-And Then I Saw Him by Samuel Doctorian.(about Angels)
-Art of War by Sun Tzu
-Bait of Satan, by John Revene
-Beriberi, White Rice and Vitamin B by Kenneth Carpenter
-Bible.(Old and New Testament books; newly discovered books of the Bible)
-Book of Life.(Romans 14:12)
-Book of the Law
-Book of Q.(one of the Bible books recovered of the 711 found, all being released soon as they are ready and other books mentioned in the Bible)
-Book by Colin Patterson on evolution
-Books by Tom Bearden
-Books of and about the.Bible.and its characters generally regarded as spurious
-Books.(free books in a free Bible program for your computer)
-Books from the Alexander White Library.(accused of copyright infringement {revealed too much?}; may still be no longer available)
-Books, etc..(ancient Indian masterpieces)
-Books are good for developing thinking children
-Called To Serve, My Brother's Keeper, Nation Betrayed, 3 books by the real life Rambo
-Common Law Handbook for Jurors, Sheriffs, Bailiffs and Justices.from www.NationalLibertyAlliance.org
-Council of Five.(genetic modification of original humans so they would mine gold needed by dark side nonterrestrials)
-Countdown To Meltdown, A Biblical Perspective of the End of the World, Good Seed Publications
-Course In Miracles.(great book akin to books in the Bible)
-Corrupt to the Core, by Dr. Shiv Chopra.(vaccines never good)
-Creation Facts of Life by Gary Parker
-Creation of the Universe by Arcady Petrov
-Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, senior policy advisor in the U.S. Inc.'s Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement. She is very upset about the world controllers' treasonous plan with a billion dollars to get it done, that of changing the world into total demonic control. Yes, they are demons in 'meatsuits'. And most of us never saw what was going on, because even the media is corrupt, controlled by them. Worker 'ants' for corporations needed, not intelligent human beings.
-DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral by Dr. Len Horowitz
-Duties of Parents.by J.C. Ryle
-Emmanuel:.Life and Times of Jesus.(aka Emmanuel).the Messiah
-Enoch, the Book of.(a missing book of the Bible; be sure to get the genuine one, as there's two, but only one genuine, see at link)
-evolutionary scientists.(quotes and books)
-Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by Father Charles Chiniquy (proving who all was behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and why the assassination? also see Lincoln's quotes just below a bit, under Quotes)
-Forbidden Health.(incurable was yesterday)
-Fox's Book of Martyrs.(the Inquisition's and other martyrs)
-Fruit From A Poisonous Tree, Melvin Stamper.(how our society got to be evil)
-gene Decode recommended books & movies
-How To Win Friends and Influence People.by Dale Carnegie
-How To Stop Worrying and Start Living.by Dale Carnegie
-Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain
-idiotic books for children to avoid.(grabbing the mind early)
-Immanuel Velikovsky's books
-inspirational helps
-Invisible Rainbow, by Arthur Firstenberg
-Iodine Remedies: Secrets From The Sea, by Dr. Chris Robin
-Know The Only Truth, by Sebastian Santisteban
-Last Log of the Titanic
-Life and Epistles of Paul
-Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman
-Life's Other Secret, by Ian Stewart
-Lost Esoterical Teachings.(free here to read or download)
-Margin of Victory by Douglas Macgregor.(brilliant strategies appled to conflicts)
-Messages From The Hollow Earth and also the book Telos
-Methods of Healing Through the Application of Consciousness, by Svetlana Smirnova and Sergey Jelezky
-Monster From Jekyll Island, by Eustice Mullins
also called Creature From Jekyll Island
-Message From The Hollow Earth
-None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen
-Phantom of the Poles by William Kueb
-Poison Needle
-Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Dr James F. Baich.(about the restorative properties of collodial silver for people and pets)
-Prey by Michael Creighton
-Prosperity, some books:
...Science of Getting Rich.by Wallace Wattles.(free, read and/or donwload)
...You Were Born Rich.by Bob Proctor.(free, read and/or donwload
...The Secret The Power.by Rhonda Byrne
-Our Sovereignty Comes From God, David Robinson
-Outwitting Tomorrow, by Commander Thor of Venus
-Power of Your Subconscious Mind and so.much more.important knowledge, by Dr. Joseph Murphy
-Prescription for Nutritional Healing by Dr. James F. Baich
-Prodigal Genius, by Oneill
-Rainmakers of Satan
-Resurrection:.An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Court of Justice.by Harvard Law professor Dr. Simon Greenleaf, who also wrote.The Testimony of the Evangelists.(a quote)
-Resurrection, Life's Gift of Grace
-Roman Britain - The Work of Giants Crumbled
-Saving Jesus, by Miceal Ledwith.(book and quote)
-Secret World of Magnets by Howard Johnson
-Silent Spring.by Rachel Carson.(book and quote)
-Silent Weapons For Silent Wars. W. Cooper
-Stranger At The Pentagon by Frank Stranges.(about the light beings from Venus who stayed at the Pentagon for 3 years; there's also a video on it)
-Tales Of Power, Carlos Casteneda
-Telos, about the inner hollow Earth
-Tesla book
-The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain
-The Butcher Shop Girl, by Carmen Kissel-Verrier, Bonneville, Alberta.."My book helps all young people who don't know where to turn. I show them how to regain control over their life and teach them how to craft the narrative they want to be perceived by others, no matter where you might find yourself on an out of control life path."
-The Closing of the American Mind, by Allan Bloom
-The Club Of Rome, by Dr. John Coleman
-The Great Titanic Conspiracy, by Gardiner
-The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, written by many scholars; see also And Other Losses, where the six million apparently exterminated in Germany during the Second World war came from.
The Great Cover Up. About reincarnation, Emperor Justinian saw it as a danger www.adisshakti.org, look there for 'great cover up of reincarnation'
-The Gulag Archipelago, by Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn
-The Kirlian Aura
-The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
-The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zombardo
-The Power of the Subconscious Mind, by Dr. Joseph Murphy
-The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality by Grigori Grabovoi
-The Secret Covenant, reveals the cabal's horrendous plans for you had they not been stopped by Putin, Trump and the Alliance militaries; a 10 minute read by gene Decode which you can follow along in print
-The Secret Government, by Ismael Perez
-The Selfish Gene.by Richard Dawkins
-The Smokey God, about the inner Earth sun.(see about it at genedecode.org and his Admiral Byrd videos)
-The Taking, David Rogers Webb.(a short history on corruption to today)
-The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior.by Johnny Von Neumann & Oskar Morgenstern
-The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing, by bronnieware.com
-The Two Babylons by Jamie Hyslop
-Think And Grow Rich, by Napolean Hill
-Tragedy And Hope by Dr Carroll Quigley
-Underground Bases and Tunnels by Richard Sauder
-Utopia.by Sir Thomas More
-Wild At Heart
-Virus Mania
-What The Pharmaceutical Companies Don't Want You To Know About Vaccines ...book by Dr.Todd M. Elsner.(*)
-Worlds In Collision.(about Immanuel Velikovsky's research, Worlds in Collision, 1950, was about the electromagnetic derangement of the solar system causing Venus and Mars to approach the Earth closely, disturbing its rotation, axis inclination and magnetic field. His later works are Ages in Chaos (1952) revising the chronology of the pre-Christian Middle East; Earth in Upheaval (1955) adducing geologic and paleontological evidence supporting his belief that catastrophes have overwhelmed the Earth; Oedipus and Akhnaton (1960) linking Egyptian history with Greek mythology and Peoples of the Sea (1977) identifying Ramses III with Nectanebo, pharaohs otherwise dated 800 years apart. The animosity of the American 'scientific' community (cabal) toward his book Worlds in Collision led to the publisher being threatened. And from there his work was buried.
-You Were Born Rich, by Bob Proctor.(the book is a free gift from Bob for you)
-Zero Limits.(the true story of how a man emptied a criminally insane ward)

Many more books are throughout the site. If you have the name or author, search for what book or books you may want to see about.


-Quotes:.(alphabetically.by first name)
-Abraham Lincoln.(quotes 1 & 2, 3, 4 & 5 and see the book Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by Father Chiniquy, proving who all was behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and why. Lincoln's many times rejection by We the People for president and why)
-Abraham Maslow.(quotes)
-Adolph Hitler.(quote)
-Al Batt.(quote)
-Albert Einstein.(quotes)
-Albert J. Nock.(quote)
-Albert Szent-Gyorgyi.(quote)
-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.(quotes & book)
-Alexander Graham Bell.(quotes)
-Alexander the Great.(quote)
-Alexis Carrel.(quote)
-Amadeo Peter Giannini.(quote)
-André Gide.(quote)
-Andrew Jackson.(quote)
-Andrew Wood.(quote)
-Anne LeClaire.(quote)
-anonymous.(quotes & poetry)
-Anthony Burgess.(quote & book)
-Anthony Robbins.(quote)
-Arcady Petrov.(quotes)
-Arthur Koestler.(quote)
-Ashley Montagu.(quote)
-Babe Ruth.(quote)
-Battista, O.S..(quote)
-Benjamin Franklin.(quotes)
-Ben Ferencz.(quote)
-Benjamin Spock.(quote)
-Ben Nicholas.(quote)
-Bernie Siegel.(quotes 1, 2)
-Bill Miller.(quote)
-Blaise Pascal.(quote)
-Bob Dylan.(quote)
-Bob Joyce.(quote)
-Bob Marley.(quote)
-Bob Proctor.(quotes)
-Brian Peckford.(quotes)
-Brian Tracy.(quotes)
-Bruce Lee.(quotes)
-Bruce Lipton.(quote)
-Bruno Groening.(quotes; more quotes)
-Buzz Aldrin, astronaut.(quote)
-Calio Gabrand.(poetry)
-Caren Heller.(quote)
-Carl Jung.(quotes)
-Carl Sagan.(quotes)
-caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland.(quote)
-Catherine Fenwick.(quote)
-C.H. Spurgeon.(poem on losing a son)
-Charlie Chaplin.(quote)
-Charlie Ward.(quotes 1, 2)
-Charles A. Beard.(quote)
-Charles Swindoll.(quote)
-Charlton Heston.(quote)
-Chief Pontiac.(quote)
-Chris Hedges.(quotes 1, 2, 3)
-Christian Nestell Bovee.(quote)
-Cicero, Marcus Tullius.(quote)
-Claude Frederic Bastiat.(quote)
-Commander Valiant Thor.(quote)
-Conrado I. Generoso.(quote)
-Corrie Ten Boon.(quote)
-Coyote Osborne.(quote)
-David Lester Straight.(quote)
-David N. Elkins.(quote)
-Dean Kenyon.(quote)
-Decimus Juniaus Juvenal.(quote)
-Dennis Waitley.(quote 1, 2)
-Derek S. Anderson.(quote)
-Dieter Häusler.(quotes)
-D.L. Moody.(quote)
-Don Croft.(quote)
-Doug Ivester.(quote)
-Dr. Deepak Chopra.(notes & quotes)
-Dr. Albert Einstein.(quotes)
-Dr. Daniel Amen.(quote)
-Dr. Fred Alan Wolf.(quotes.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
-Dr. Herbert Benson.(quote)
-Dr. James W. Anderson.(quote)
-Dr. Joe Dispenza.(quote and below)
-Dr. John Hagelin.(quotes 1, 2)
-Dr. Joseph Murphy.(quotes)
-Dr. Pete Peterson.(quote)
-Dr. Robert Schuller.(quote)
-Dr. Robert Young.(quote)
-Dr. Ronald Glasberg.(quotes)
-Dr. Simon Greenleaf, Harvard Law professor.(quote)
-Dr. Sir Ken Robinson.(quotes 1, 2, 3)
-Dr. Shiv Chopra.(quote)

Medical doctors.(search for them on the Net and/or on Telegram)
Dr. Thomas Cowan.(quotes 1, 2, 3, 4)
Dr. Andrew Kaufman.(the virus does not exist)
Dr. Carrie Madej http://serendipitygroup.org/forum
Dr. Christiane Northrup https://www.drnorthrup.com/
Dr. James F. Baich, his helpful book
Dr. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D.(important.info on covid con)

Dr. Lee Merritt https://themedicalrebel.com/
Dr. Len Horowitz, Hawaii.(quote)
Dr. Larry Palevsky https://www.DrPalevsky.com
Dr. Robert Young great info on health
Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Alberta https://www.awakecanada.org
Dr. David E. Martin.(incredible research and memory abilities)
Dr. Bryan Ardis.(groundbreaking research on snake venom in drinking water)
Dr. Peter L. Reynolds, Ph.D..(colloidal silver uses to get well)
Dr. Simone Gold (America's Frontline Doctors)
Dr. Sam Bailey (groundbreaking info)
Dr. Rashid A.Buttar.(how he got his son over autism)
Dr. Larry Palevsky.(standing up for restoring real health)
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.(worldwide lawsuit against the bioweapon)
Dr. Naomi Wolf
Dr. Luc Montainger
Dr. Vernon Coleman
Dr. Jane Ruby on Telegram & drjaneruby.com
Dr. Michael Yeadon.(former Pfizer VP's warnings)
Prof. Dolores Cahill
Prof. Sucharit-Bhakdi
Dr. Brian Peskin.(trainer of good doctors)
Dr. Meryl Nass.(Harvard University)
Dr. Kelly Brogan.(optimum health researcher)
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny https://tenpennyfiles.podbean.com/
Dr. Shiv Chopra former WHO & Health Canada world vaccine expert's advice
Dr. Steven Greer.(quotes 1, 2)

info on the jab:
Millions Against Medical Mandates.(https://www.MAMM.org)

As of 12/15/2021 a continuing list of various doctors trying to bring you the truth at great cost to themselves. Search for them on uncensored search engines and platforms such as Telegram, Rumble.com, Odysee.com and Bitchute.com. Many of these people are on Telegram (some links here; legitimate Telegram app is only from telegram.net)

There are two Nobel Prize winners and one nominee on this list. Many are Ph.D. doctors.
Dr. Brian Peskin (trainer of doctors)
Dr. Lee Merritt
Dr. Meryl Nass
Dr. Kelly Brogan
Dr. Robert Mendelson
Dr. Paul Cottrel
Dr. Kary Mullis (PCR test inventor/Nobel PP winner)
Dr. Russel Blaylock (truth about vaccines)
Dr. Ryan Cole
Dr. Shiv Chopra (get the name right; not a 'Dr Shiva')
Prof. Retsif Levi
Prof. Maria Majewska- neurobiologist
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Rima Laibow
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (Nobel PP Nominee)
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Dr. Ben Tapper
Dr. Michael Lake
Dr. Sean Brooks
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon
Dr. Afzal Niaz
Dr. Paul Thomas
Dr. Vanessa Passov
Dr. Jessica Rose
Dr. Christopher Rake
Dr. Charles Hoffe
Dr. Mark Mcdonald
Dr. Jeff Barke
Dr. Manuel Alonso
Dr. Amir Shahar
Dr. Patrick Phillips
Dr. Franc Zalewski
Dr. Daniel Griffin
Dr. Zandra Botha
Dr. Rochagné Kilian
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler
Dr. Henry Ealy
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
Dr. Michael Palmer
Dr. Eddy Bettermann MD
Dr. Harvey Risch
Dr. Steven Hotze
Dr. Dan Stock
Dr. Sam Duby
Dr. Francis Christian
Dr. Chris Milburn
Dr. John Carpay
Dr. Richard Fleming
Dr. Gina Gold
Dr. Kevin Corbett
Dr. Michael Mcdowell
Dr. John Witcher
Dr. Jim Meehan
Dr. Chris Shaw
Dr. Anne McCloskey
Dr. Christiana Parks
Dr. Amandha Vollmer
Dr. Judy Wilyman
Dr. Michael McConville
Dr. Stella Immanuel
Dr. James Nellenschwander
Dr. Julie Ponesse
Dr. Rochagne Killian
Dr. Natalia Prego Cancelo
Dr. Hilde de Smet
Dr. Elizabeth Evans
Dr. Brian Hooker
Dr. Joel Hirschhorn
Dr. R. Zac Cox
Dr. Mohammed Adil
Dr. Ralph ER Sundberg
Dr. Johan Denis
Dr. Daniel Cullum
Dr. Anne Fierlafijin
Dr. Kevin Corbett
Dr. Pascal Sacre
Dr. Nicole Delepine
Dr. Lorraine Day
Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli
Dr. Nour De San
Dr. Hervé Seligmann
Dr. Annie Bukacek
Dr. Mark Brody
Dr. Steven LaTulippe
Dr. Mark Trozzi
Dr. Scott Jensen
Dr. Byram W. Bridle
Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Dr. Dan Erickson
Dr. James Todaro
Dr. Joe Lapado
Dr. Richard Bartlett
Dr. Ben Edwards
Dr. Pierre Kory
Dr. Heather Gessling
Dr. Bryan Tyson
Dr. Richard Urso
Dr. John Littell
Dr. Scott Jensen
Dr. Ben Carson
Dr. Peter Schirmacher
Dr. Zandra Botha
Dr. Pamela Popper
Dr. Tom Barnett
Dr. Theresa Long
Dr. Nancy Burks
Dr. Tori Bark
Dr. Raymond Obamsawin
Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot
Dr. Robert Rowen
Dr. David Ayoub
Dr. Boyd Hailey
Dr. Roby Mitchell
Dr. Ken Stoller
Dr. Mayer Eiesenstien
Dr. Frank Engley
Dr. David Davis
Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych
Dr. Harold Butram
Dr. RC Tent
Dr. Rebecca Carley
Dr. Andrew Moulden
Dr. Jack Wolfson
Dr. Michael Elice
Dr. Terry Wahls
Dr. Paul Thomas
Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Dr. Richard Moskowitz
Dr. Jane Orient
Dr. Richard Deth
Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic
Dr. Chris Shaw
Dr. Susan McCreadie
Dr. May Ann Block
Dr. David Brownstein
Dr. Jayne Donegan
Dr. Troy Ross
Dr. Phillip Incao
Dr. Theressa Deisher
Dr. Sam Eggertsen
Dr. Peter Doshi
Dr. Shankara Chetty
Dr. Elizabeth Eads
Dr. Kurt Malhom
Dr. Carolyn Bosack
Dr. Heiko Shoning
Dr. Aseem Malhotra
Dr. Patricia Lee
Dr. Daniel Nagase
Dr. Mobeen Syed
Dr. Bruce Patterson
Dr. Randi Juanta
Dr. Phillip McMillan
Dr. Peter Gotzche
Dr. Kurt Malholm
Dr. Sam Sigoloff
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
Dr. Ariyana Love
Dr. Pierre Gilbert
Dr. Nathan Thompson
Dr. Scott Youngblood
Dr. Peterson Pierre
Dr. Darell Wolfe
Dr. Mary Tally Bowden
Dr. Thomas Ynges
Dr. Guido Hofmann
Dr. Anne Mcclosky
Dr. James Grundvig
Dr. Amanda Vollmer
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon
Dr. Luis Miguel de Benito
Dr. Bruce Boros
Dr. Steven Gundry
Dr. Ray Page
Dr. Tess Lawrie 
Dr. Andreas Noack
Dr. Mark Hobart
Dr. Peter Campbell
Dr. Peter Johnston
Dr. Eric Nepute 
Dr. Bradley Campbell 
Dr. Joseph Yi
Dr Robert Morse ND
Dr Piotr Witczak (biolog)
Dr Jerzy Jaskowski 
Dr H.Czerniak 
Dr. Anna Martynowska
Dr. Piotr Rubas
Dr. Zolton Rona (on silver colloidal)
and many, many more

-Dwight D. Eisenhower.(quote)
-Earl Nightingale.(quotes 1, 2, 3, 4 a video)
-Edmund Burke.(quote)
-Edward Snowden.(quote)
-Edwin Elliot.(quote)
-Elbert Hubbard.(quote)
-Eleanor Roosevelt.(quotes)
-Emma Lazarus.(poem)
-Eric Hoffer.(quote)
-Erwin Schrödinger.(quote)
-Faith Baldwin.(quote)
-Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky.(quote)
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt.(quote)
-Frederick Turner.(quote)
-Friedrich Nietzsche.(quotes)
-Gabor Mate.(quote)
-Gary Hoover.(quote)
-Gary 'Z' McGee (quotes and books)
-gene Decode.(quote)
-George Bernard Shaw.(quote)
-George Carlin.(quote)
-George Gilder.(quote)
-George Marshall.(quote)
-George Orwell.(quotes and books)
-George S. Patton (US General).(quote)
-George Santayana.(quote)
-Grigori Grabovoi.(quotes)
-Harriet Rubin.(quote)
-Harry Emerson Fosdick.(quote)
-Helen Keller.(quotes)
-Henry David Thoreau.(quotes)
-Henry Ford.(quote)
-Henry Milman.(quote)
-Herbert Spencer.(quote)
-Hu Xuân Huang.(poetry)
-Ian Stewart.(quotes)
-Irwin Schroeder.(quote)
-Isaac Asimov.(quote)
-Isaac Newton.(quote)
-Isabelle Holland.(quote)
-Ivern Ball.(quote)
-J.C. Watts.(quote)
-JFK.(see below under 'John F.')
-J. Krishnamurti.(quote)
-Jack Kornfield.(quote)
-Jack Welch.(quote)
-James Allen.(quote)
-James A. Froude.(quote)
-James Allen.(quote)
-James Ray.(quotes 1, 2)
-James Sinclair.(quote)
-James Thurber.(quote)
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau.(quote)
-Jim Carrey.(quote)
-Jim Rohn.(quotes 1, 2, 3)
-Jimi Hendrix.(quote)
-Joan Baez.(quote)
-Joe Dispenza.(quotes 1, 2, 3)
-Joel A. Barker.(quote)
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.(quotes)
-John Dodge.(quote)
-John D. Macdonald.(quote)
-John F. Kennedy aka JFK.(quotes)
-John Henry Newman.(quote)
-John Greenleaf Whittier.(quote)
-John Locke.(quote)
-John Maynard Keynes.(quotes)
-John Maxwell, author of Today Matters.(quotes 1, 2)
-John of Salisbury.(quote)
-John Steinbech.(quote)
-John Wesley.(quote)
-John Wooden.(quotes)
-Jonathan Sacks Chief Rabbi.(quote)
-Joseph Russell Lynes.(quote)
-Judy Byington.(quote)
-Judy Garland.(quote)
-Julia Child.(quote)
-Julian Assange.(join Telegram, much on his amazing work revealing the evils and by WHO)
-Kalen Dion.(quote)
-Kahil Gibran.(quotes)
-Karl Kraus.(quote)
-Kevin Annett.(quote)
-Kirsten Drittler.(quote)
-Klaus Joehle.(quote)
-Lao Tzu.(quotes)
-Laura Aboli.(quotes 1, 2)
-Leland Val Van De Wall.(quote)
-Lena Horne.(quote)
-Leo Tolstoy.(quotes 1, 2)
-Leonardo da Vinci.(quotes 1, 2)
-Lisa Funderburg.(quote)
-Luciano Pavarotti.(quotes 1, 2)
-Lydia Child.(quote)
-Mac Anderson.(quote)
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.(quote)
-Mahfouz Naguib.(quote)
-Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.(quote)
-Mark Twain.(quotes)
-Maryilyn vos Savant.(quote)
-Martha Washington.(quotes 1, 2)
-Martin Luther.(quotes)
-Martin Luther King Jr..(quotes)
-Martin Seligman.(quote)
-Mary Kay Ash.(quote)
-Mary Manin Morrissey.(quote)
-Matthew Henry.(quote)
-Meister Eckhart.(quote)
-Melania Trump.(quotes 1, 2)
-Michael Cremo.(quote and book)
-Michael Harrington.(quote)
-Michael Josephson.(quote)
-Michelangelo Buonarroti.(quote)
-Mike Dooley.(quotes)
-Mike Williams.(quote)
-Mohandas Gandhi.(quotes)
-Napolean Bonaparte.(quotes)
-Napolean Hill.(quotes 1, 2, 3)
-Nassim Haremein.(quotes)
-Neil Armstrong.(quote)
-Neil Eskelin.(quote)
-Nelson Mandella.(quote)
-Nick Sylvester.(quote)
-Nido Qubein.(quote)
-Niels Bohr.(quote)
-Nikola Tesla's and his mother's.(quotes)
-Noam Chomsky.(quotes)
-Norbert Wiener.(quote)
-Norman MacEwan.(quote)
-Oliver Wendell Holmes.(quotes)
-Oscar Wilde.(quotes)
-O.S. Battista.(quote)
-Paramahansa Yogananda.(quotes)
-Patricia Shambrook.(quote)
-Paul Dirac.(quote)
-Paul Harvey.(his life)
-Paul Tillich.(quote)
-Peter F. Drucker.(quote)
-Peter Phillips.(quote)
-Phil Evans.(quote)
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (quotes)
-Plato.(quotes 1 & 2, 3, 4)
-Pontiac, Chief (famous quote by this First Nations chief)
-Prentice Mulford.(quote)
-Queen of England.(quote)
-quotes on Creation/Evolution
-Rachel Carson.(quote and book)
-Ralph Waldo Emerson.(quotes)
-Ramanujan, Srinivasa.(quote)
-Ray Bradbury.(quote)
-Rhonda Byrne.(quote)
-Richard Feynman.(quote)
-Richard Keeves.(quote)
-Robbie Burns.(poem)
-Robert F. Kennedy Jr. aka RFK.(quote)
-Robert Kiyosaki.(quote)
-Robert Schuller.(quote)
-Ronald Reagan.(quote)
-Sadhu Sundar Singh.(quotes)
-Sagan, Carl.(quote)
-Sai Baba.(quotes)
-Saint Augustine.(quotepoetry)
-Saint Basil.(quote)
-Samuel Johnson.(quote)
-Sandra Carey.(quote)
-Saul Bellow.(quote)
-Simon Greenleaf.(quote)
-Simone de Beauvoir.(quote)
-Soren Aaby Kierkegaard.(quote)
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba.(quotes & book)
-Srinivasa Ramanujan.(quote)
-Stephen Cope.(quote)
-Steve Jobs.(quote)
-Sun Tzu.(quote)
-Tanya Tucker.(quote)
-Theodore Roosevelt.(quote)
-Thich Nhat Han.(quotes 1, 2, 3)
-Thomas Carlyle.(quotes 1, 2)
-Thomas Cowan.(quotes)
-Thomas Jefferson.(quotes)
-Thomas Kinkade.(quote)
-Thomas Morell.(quote)
-Thomas Paine.(quotes)
-Thomas Watson.(quote)
-Thomas J. Watson, Jr..(quote)
-Tom Bearden
-Trinity Aldous.(quote)
-T.S. Eliot.(poetry)
-Unknown quotes.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8.(poem on losing a son), 9, 10
-Van Komel.(quotes 1, 2)
-Ven. Lama Dondrup Dorje.(quote)
-Vernon Howard.(quote)
-Veronoca Roth.(quote)
-Victor E. Frankl.(quotes & book)
-Victor Hugo.(quote)
-Vladimir Nabokov.(quote)
-Vladimir Putin.(quotes)
-Waldemar Tomtschik.(quote)
-Walter Lippmann.(quote)
-W.C. Handy.(quote)
-W. Clement Stone.(quote)
-Wayne Dyer.(quotes)
-Wayne Gretzky.(quote)
-Werner Von Braun.(quote)
-William Cobbett.(quote)
-William Feather.(quote)
-William James.(quote)
-William O. Douglas.(quote)
-Willian Shedd.(quote)
-William Slim.(quote)
-Winston Churchill.(quotes 1, 2,3)
-Woodrow Wilson.(quotes)
-Ximena Gregoire.(quote and dangers you must be aware of to save a life)
-Zig Ziglar.(quote)
Borax/boron.(as used for health improvement and many other uses)
Borderline Personality Disorder cured
Bored, boredom
Born again
Born equal?
Born good.(born sweet, good, innocent and holy)
Born into a particular family
Bose, Satyendra Nath.(brilliant Indian mathematician, an Einstein collaborator)
Bottle.(venturing out from the 'bottle' of one's life)
Bottles.(what to know about plastic bottles drinking water is put into)
Bourne, Geoffrey.(believes apes came from humans; now that's a twist! Ha ha!)
Box.(relationship analogy)
Boy or girl?.(how to 'lean' the sperm one way or the other)
Boy or girl gender?.(why some of us think we should be of the opposite gender)