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Does God Exist Index

D o e s  G o d  E x i s t ?
p a g e  6

We see balance of design in the deadly X and cosmic rays bombarding the Earth yet we're protected by our atmosphere.(ionosphere).which also protects us from the rocks of space hitting the Earth by burning them up. 

We see planned balance in the placement of the Sun: Set at just the right distance so we don't bake or freeze.

Is the moon really at just the right distance so the tides don't overrun the Earth or was it instead the programming God put into the hologram:.Proverbs 8:29; Job 38:8-11

It's ludicrous to think that the moon with 1/6 the gravitation of Earth could pull oceans to the extent that people have been led to believe they do. At a certain time every day ocean tides pull way back water levels on coastal areas of the Earth and then release them to return to the inland bound position of the waters. However, this tidal action of the ocean is not caused by any gravitational attraction of the moon and the Sun on the Earth and its oceans.

Water always flows to the lowest point. Yet looking at the Earth from space we notice that all the water is not at the 'bottom'. It's distributed throughout the globe. Tremendous interaction of designed energies keep everything in place. One would think that with the Earth spinning as it does.(some think it's a flat Earth, but they are ignorant of how God works), coupled with the tremendous speed.(how fast?).the Earth seems to go through space with, that the water and all on the Earth would just spin off. Why it doesn't.

Because the spirit is what everything comes out of, there never are shortages. The www.primarywaterinstitute.com has shown how much water is available way below the always talked about ground water levels. There will always be enough land and water for an expanding population. There are no shortages of anything God puts here. Creator-God does know what He's doing.

The system has been designed to recycle. There is always enough water, always enough electricity and matter that can be formed.(even money), if man would only just stop manipulation of things for his greed.(1, 2).causing the public to believe in shortages and thus, higher prices. 

We breathe out what's poison to us, carbon dioxide. The plants take it in as food and breathe out what's poison to them and life giving to us, oxygen, through a wonderful process we understand as photosynthesis.

   Who set the laws that says friction causes heat?
   Who made the cleavage properties of minerals.
   Who designed the various patterns of flowers, the diversity of trees, plants, animals with their similarities
   Why not have sameness in every planet, every snowflake, every fingerprint, every face? Is God not telling us that He is infinite in all capacities of creation?.Isaiah 40:26.

Who set the forces creating planets and stars and keeps them spinning and speeding along them on their own particular orbital pathway through space? 

Imagination fueled by intuition and/or guided by clarivoyance, is the source of all creativity. All imagined is real. Tesla discovered the secret. It is revealed by means of one's soul. Imagination is the invisible part of the personality you have and you only know what's in it. But, do you know how to use it? Here's how

All good thoughts in the multiverse come from the true God and have manifested somewhere in the multiverse including on Earth, if such thoughts are coming into your mind.

Even all the movies are showing actual things that exist or will exist soon. The pictures you seem to have affinity with become your life. But, where do these thoughts come from? They come from whatever you are aligned with. If aligned with the true God of all, thoughts are always good and for good. These are ones to accept as true for you and those your love. Pure imagination refers to purity of spirit, like that of an innocent child.

Thoughts which take you sideways, you want to avoid.

"Imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown."....Shakespeare.

"All human accomplishment has the same origin, identically. Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy? Imagination, imagination, imagination. It converts to actual. It sustains, it alters, it redeems!"....Saul Bellow.

"This world is but canvas to our imaginations."....Henry David Thoreau.

That's what Creator uses in creating and He has a special method of sustaining and renewing all He creates.

Imagination can be used for altering the future and for changing one's present. What one imagines is taken into consideration with all else. How does that work? A person without imagination has a boring mental outlook.."To be infinitely living you should be infinitely creating."....Grigori Grabovoi. How?

Build the image of prosperity on the screen of your mind and watch what happens. Persist no matter what negatives may come to mind or in your life. The way for your image to materialize will be shown to you. Get yourself excited about yourself! One's self-image has power, so have a good one and act as if what you want is yours in mind, because if it's in mind, it has to come into physical reality. If it's in mind it is already there. Don't allow anything to get you off your image. Become mentally what you want your life to be on the physical plane. Think about this and never let present results dictate an image to your mind. Instead hold the image of what you want and act as if you already have it:.Philippians 4:13.

Good to also imagine how you would now handle those things done in your past that you handled badly.

Allow images of the great to arise by deciding to let go of grievances. The good is already there, your soul. It's just a matter of getting rid of the bad, like in all things. What you focus on, such as your thoughts about this or that, is what comes into your life. If you don't like what you see, you can change it. Become a spiritual warrior and slay those things of attitude that are not good for you or for others.

Allow healing of whatever may be uncomfortable by imagining in your meditation time a beam of light coming into you. Imagination creates because thought is the framework for energy to form into:.Psalms 104:30 "You send forth your spirit, they are created and you renew the face of the Earth.".On the other hand, grievances restrict connection with your soul's expression.

Animals lack imagination. Here is a huge difference between humanity and animal kind. Animals don't ask questions. As Deepak Chopra has said."no animal knows the difference between Monday and Tuesday or between birthdays and Thanksgiving Day. We are the only creature knowledgeable about death and who can question our own thinking to see if it is of love or fear and to see if it has the prospect of benefiting others or is just a selfish pursuit."

With the imagination, man can draw incredible amounts of information from the Infinite Intelligence field, information on personal guidance, improvement of himself, ideas to create things of benefit to humanity, etc. God calls things into existence, and so can you. Why? You will manifest all you can imagine and more because imagination is also the activity of the soul and spirit, the source of all creativity. Your body is a focal point in this universal field of intelligence.

Man has to work with what he sees in creation, to shape and produce what he imagines. The Great Infinite One, we refer often to as God, the true Creator, introduces materials fashioned as He imagines. He is brilliantly powerful beyond the present ego centered capacity of man's mind to comprehend deeply. Science gives us a glimpse, uncovering more of the Creator's marvels daily. 

Could something less intelligent than us have produced us? Think about that. Man has yet to create anything with greater capabilities than he has. The computer is a marvel, but comparing it to man's mind, is like comparing a marble to an orbiting satellite. 

Computer models are always changing. The variables are so immense, and especially so in biology, that predictive modeling becomes a frustrating and even irritating exercise, akin to being nothing more than a mournful bad joke.(ludicrous incident or situation), especially as used in genetic engineering. 

Another is: Knowing when and where a gene is active does not prove what it does, as genes can be switched on even when not needed for some specific function, and we don't know why? Is it the neutrinos? Probably not. But neutrinos surely have some affect.

The Sciences, January/February, 2000, page 11."Jupiter is 2 to 3 times richer in argon, krypton and xenon than it should be, if the standard model of planetary information is correct...We thought we knew how Jupiter formed. Now it doesn't seem like we know it at all."....Sushil K. Atreya, planetary scientist, University of Michigan in Ann Arbor."

From the book Why Aren't Black Holes Black? The Unanswered Questions at the Frontiers of Science, Anchor Books, by Robert M. Hazen, research scientist at the Geophysical Laboratory at the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C. and Clarence Robinson, professor of Earth science at George Mason University with cowriter Maxine Singer, president of the Carnegie Institution and scientist emeritus at the National Institute of Health's Laboratory of Biochemistry. 

"Consider one of the oldest mysteries of science: how a single fertilized egg transforms into a human being, thanks to the amazing coherence of the sperm to an egg. And how does the sperm know to swim so strongly to reach the egg and then how to penetrate it? Who put this intelligence into it?.And who put the intelligence into cells to produce a boy or a girl, an intelligence that you can lean one way or the other with food in order to bring forth either a male or female child? How? Yang foods tend toward producing a male and yin foods tend toward producing a female.(how does this occur?.Leviticus 17:11). Check the Internet for a list of both.

"Form is about spatial structure. As an embryo develops, cells must adopt exact spatial relations in a precise time ordered pattern. As the first cell divides again and again, head, gut, legs, and heart assume their unique identities while new generations of cells play the specialized roles of blood, bone and brain. 

"How is it possible for the genes in a solitary fertilized egg to contain all the information necessary to produce a complex individual? 

"Chemical controls in the egg: The development of every complex organism begins long before the sex act, sometimes months or years before egg and sperm unite. For example, each egg must contain a suite of complex chemical messages to guide an embryo's initial formation. 

"In flatworms, for instance, the egg's first cell division always results in a larger cell to the front and a smaller cell to the rear. Even if one of those two cells is removed, the next division again yields a larger and a smaller cell in the same orientation. In this way, in fact, the separation of head from tail occurs right from the start by a chemical signal in the egg. But the egg can't control development forever. After two cell divisions.(four cells total).removal of any one cell will result in grievous deformity in the flatworm. Evidently, from that point on, the cells themselves send each other signals that guide development, but exactly how is the subject of further investigation.".More

humanity has a great interest in things spiritual, although in many this becomes clouded by the time of early adulthood. Dr. Herbert Benson, Harvard University, who is studying the power of prayer, says that people are."wired for God".
