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Does God Exist Index

D o e s  G o d  E x i s t ?
p a g e  7

-Sir Fred Hoyle, said."the likelihood of life arising on Earth by accident was about as great as a typhoon.(hurricane).blowing through a junkyard and constructing a Boeing 747."

-John Polkington, Yale University, Cambridge University; world renown theoretical physicist and theologian; Knight of the British Empire; member of the Royal Society; taught physics for 25 years; Book: Belief In God In An Age Of Science, Yale University Press, says religion gives the information of science meaning and purpose.."When you realize that the laws of nature must be incredibly finely tuned to produce the Universe we see, that conspires to plant the idea that the Universe did not just happen, but that there must be a purpose behind it."

From Newsweek Magazine, July 20, 1998, page 48:."Physicists have stumbled on signs that the cosmos is custom made for life and consciousness. It turns out that if the constrains of nature, unchanging numbers like the strength of gravity, the charge of an electron and the mass of a proton, were the tiniest bit different, then atoms would not hold together, stars would not burn and life would never have made an appearance.".Like wise the strong force. The value of the gravitational constant is just right for life.

More books: Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe, Free Press publishers; Religion And Science by Ian Barbour, Harper publishers, San Francisco; The Science of God by Gerald Schroeder, Free Press; The Marriage of Sense and Souls: Integrating Science and Religion, Ken Wilber, Random House; Gospel Truth: The New Image of Emmanuel Emerging From Science and History and Why It Matters, Russel Shorto, Riverhead Books; The Humanizing Brain: Where Religion and Science Meet, James Ashbrook and Carol Rausch Albright, Pilgrim Press, Cleveland; Belonging To The Universe: Explorations On The Frontiers Of Science And Spirituality, Fritjof Capra and David Steindl-Rast, Harper Collins; God Talk In America, Phyllis A. Tickle, Crossroad Publishing; The Dancing Universe: From Creation Myths To The Big Bang, Marcelo Gleiser, Dutton publishers; Nature's Destiny, Michael Denton, Free Press; Cracking The Bible Code, Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, William Morrow and Company.

Life Proves There's A Lifegiver

A fact of science is that life must come from preexisting life. Organisms reproduce. Inorganic forms like rocks don't. Life has a DNA sequence, but DNA is not responsible for all life appears to be.

Our life is maintained by the miracle of food being changed into living tissue. Scientific American, December, 1999 advises that no quantitative model has been developed to account for the postulate that complex life can be generated from simple inorganic chemicals by flux of radiation from the Sun. If a quantitative model could be established, the laws of thermodynamics would be in error.

-Until about the age of 8 to 10, both a boy's and a girl's voice sound much the same. From then the female develops a space between the vocal cords, making for a softer more breathy sound as the motion of air expelled from the lungs, couples with vocal cord movement. Thanks to designed information coming in from the invisible through the DNA, living things unfold biologically as if by the time on a clock.

-The act of walking is one of the most complicated acts the human body does. It is virtually impossible at present to reproduce artificially in a robot with the same amount of grace, balance, agility, efficiency, etc. The robot's mechanism alone is a far cry from the efficient engineering design of the human body.

Efficient in that.(typical of Creator-God's handiwork).the nerves, tens of microns in diameter, produce muscle contractions enabling walking, but also make the legs fold up to the torso. Tiny muscles are balanced by their working opposite to each other, producing the controlled movement we know as walking.

Consider the amazing ability the body has to sense the weight of that which muscles enable lifting of and to handle it. How does your muscle know what weight an object is?
   The human body is such a massive engineering feat as to be almost incomprehensible.

Walking is mathematical and especially so considering an animal's walk. A dog's, for example, feet hit the ground in a precise counterbalancing spaced order. Back left, front left, back right, front right. So it is back, front, back front, and left, left, right, right. Two mathematical interlaced patterns converge to integrate the energy the animal expends to produce the occurrence of walking.

-The beautiful Monarch butterfly annually travels from east of the great Rocky Mountains in Canada and the United States of America to an isolated area of some 60 square miles in central Mexico of only 12 mountain ridges, where they cluster tightly on Fir trees, as many as 10 million per hectare.(2.471 acres). Note how this one looks somewhat like a lion's face. Focus by looking at the two big black dots.

In an experiment many of the Monarchs were taken way off track and placed in Washington, DC. They normally fly down the center of the continent from Canada to Kansas to Mexico. They were released from Washiington and quickly corrected themselves to their normal course. Type butterfly into YouTube for amazing videos of movie length.

Tens of millions of them yearly return to the same mountain tops although they are three or four generations removed from last year's visitors. How do they all know where to go? How do they all cooperate? Why do they go so far when better weather occurs earlier in their journey? Why do they pursue on through even more obstacles than is necessary to get to where they are headed? Why do they want to go to just this specific spot? Why do they all leave for Mexico simultaneously or at least, around the same time, but from diverse locations? 

The smaller Monarch, west of the rockies, goes to coastal and central California instead.

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