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Q u e s t i o n s  O n  T o p i c s  ' D '
p a g e  2

Does God Exist

-Are the properties of our blood a product of intelligent design?

-Could anything but an intelligent agent have designed these most complex biological functions at the molecular level to perform 'first time out' as they continue to do today?

-Could something less intelligent than us have produced us?

-Do evolutionists see these and other changes as proof we're evolving?

-Do they play a part in gravity?

-Do things we see and experience everyday arrive by design or by some other mechanism?

-From where do compression waves originate?

-How do we detect design?

-How does God see us at night?

-How is it possible for the genes in a solitary fertilized egg to contain all the information necessary to produce a complex individual?

-How is the world constructed and how should we describe it?

-What about the creation, is there not to like?

-What is it that causes a flower to bloom and when it should?

-What is it that really causes aging?

-Where did the intelligence in the minute cell to unfold this incredibly complex system come from?

-Which came first, consciousness or emotions?

-Who but God can create a tree, the tallest oak from a small seed?

-Who but God can create an apple?

-Who made the Earth and put all those colors in the nice butterfly daddy? Who created God daddy?" Who set the bounds of the seas daddy?

-Who or what created God?

-Who set the laws that says friction causes heat? Who made the cleavage properties of minerals. Who designed the various patterns of flowers, the diversity of trees, plants, animals with their similarities? Why not have sameness in every planet, every snowflake, every fingerprint, every face? Who set the forces creating planets and stars and keeps them spinning and speeding along them on their own particular orbital pathway through space?

-Why are salmon native to North America?

Drinking And Smoking

-Are you also yet without understanding?

-How can we help criminals in varying degrees of bondage to evil habits?

-But how do we break horrible habits that may hurt us and others?

-How can I quit smoking, drinking and or drugs, if it is a problem to me?

-Is it all right for a Christian to go to a pub and drink beer?

-What did Solomon, probably the wisest man who ever lived say?

-Why is alcoholism afflicting teenagers so much?
