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Does God Exist Index

D o e s  G o d  E x i s t ?
p a g e  4

The marvelous design of the eye with its automatic functioning ability and ability to see far and near, incredibly processing information from light waves it receives. Man's copy? A camera. 

Skin is produced and completely replenished every six weeks. And so, cartilage, bone and the particular tissue that, as example, makes the lips different from surrounding facial skin. Built in 'programming' enables all the various tissues and systems in the body to form as they do.

The strand of collagen under the skin is stronger than a steel wire of the same size. The secret to tight skin and maintaining a youthful apprearance is energy and enthusiasm for life, along with a diet as Dr Michael Greger and others have explained and consider the amazing youth regeneration pill which has amazing safe positive effects on our DNA. But, the 'med beds', soon to be released will do it too and they are free. Does the Creator age? No. Then if He's in you, neither should you. The Creator can lead you to the things to do to maintain youth.

The outer ear shape.(pinna).which is specifically designed to balance thethe ear mechanism high frequency component of a spoken word with low frequency parts of it, example, the word 'arch', so words can be heard exactly as another speaks them. Too bad methods of hearing testing unnecessarily leave out the mathematical exactness needed for accurate hearing measurement, focusing instead on non hearing; hearing loss. But in everything society experiences, we see even the subtle, yet harmful, influences of the great deceiver:.Revelation 12:9.

The cochlea.(inner ear).is a marvelous two purpose mechanism, without which we could not have the balance to stand up or to hear, as it transmits signals through the auditory nerve connected to it and to the brain for interpretation resulting in what we perceive.(hear).as sounds, that we measure in units called decibels.

The gene responsible for the nerve cells of the ears, which monitors how the body moves, also triggers the growth of skin cells. The balance mechanism alone requires an enormous amount of continuous 'calculating' to work properly. It is far more complicated than a gyroscope.

Fantastic is the ability to comprehend what has been heard and the emotion and inflections that contribute to conversational meaning.

The outer ear part of the hearing mechanism sometimes gets blocked from wax produces which grabs dust, perhaps tiny insects, etc. When this ear wax begins to build up to the point of hindering hearing, you can clean it out quickly and easily at home. Mix.(organic preferably).apple cider vinegar and a 70% isopropyl alcohol.(drug stores sell it).in equal parts. Drop 3 drops of the mixture into the sore ear with an eyedropper, tilting your head to the side. After injecting, twitch the lobe, helping the mixture to better lubricate the walls of the ear canal. After 1 minute, return to the starting position and the liquefied wax will flow out of the ear. Wipe the ear with a paper towel.

Besides the fact that these drops will help to get rid of accumulated wax, vinegar creates an acidic environment in the ear, in which fungi and microbes are destroyed and the alcohol has a drying effect.

The middle ear, with the only three bones.(malleus, incus, stapes {hammer, anvil, stirrup}).in the body that remain the same size from birth to death. Who programmed this complexity to be as it is? It's all telling us something; that there is an intellgent presence that is, not only all around us, but is us and since it is, it can be contacted. How?

So we have our sexual system including reproductive ability, our nervous systems, our temperature system, our balance system, our repair system, digestive and eliminative systems, etc.

Consider the protein that restrains the lungs from collapsing when we breathe out.Journal of Experimental Biology, Volume 202, page 2543. This occurs in all air breathing vertebrates. Lungs don't stick together upon exhale due to other marvelous mechanisms working together. The whole design is rather marvelous.

The fact you are here is a miracle in itself. How so? We have not talked about esthetics. The ability to think.(ponder, contemplate, analyze, reflect, decide and initiate), appreciate beauty.(women, sunsets, design, music, nature), recognize love.(by comparison with selfishness, anger, resentment, etc.), appreciate humor, possess and experience compassion, sensitivity and so on. Man is vastly different from animals.

The incredible 'miracle' of animal migration gives partial testimony to the mind of great intelligence the Creator possesses. Consider the salmon: Why are salmon native to North America? Check up salmon on the Net. Why marsupials.(kangaroos, opossums, bandicoots and wombats).are principally in Australia. Why, why? Ask questions of everything you come across. It's your life. Get answers and learn. Turn off the TV and do some research! Become highly knowledgeable of something besides soap operas and sports. Have something to add to others' knowledge base. There is much to discuss unless one is a 'dead head'.

Salmon know how to return from the sea exactly to the area where they were hatched some 2 to 7 years before. Pacific salmon die after their first spawning, but Atlantic salmon live to spawn again and again. Why is that if not for the built in programming by the Creator? When you study salmon you will see such diversity in their habits. It is like the universe is programmed to despise.clones. Even every snowflake is said to be unique. I don't know. Who checked all the snowflakes in history?

Wild salmon have such beautiful colors and are delectable, but when genetically modified and/or artificially farmed and color enhanced, it is something else you do not want.

Shore birds annually migrate from Brazil to the Canadian Arctic, an incredibly long journey. They know exactly where to go and where to return to. Whale migration is amazing and has so much to learn about.

Consider the marvels of migration and similarity of design.and movement.prevalent throughout creation, such as the beautiful Monarch butterfly.

Consider."The ability of bees to sense the polarization angles of ultravioletrays from the Sun and the specialized organs that enable many species to detect subtle traces of behavior stimulating chemicals called pheromones."....The Sciences, published by the New York Academy of Sciences, January/February, 2000, page 44. Because of these angles, thanks to the Earth's tilt, more of the Sun's rays hit each square foot of ground. Thank you Earth tilt! Love the summer!
Oak tree
Consider the trees. Who but God can create a tree, the tallest oak from a small seed, where the harshest winter gives way to accommodate its further growth? Some grow tall; others, hardly at all and then there are the giant 4000 year old Redwoods and the 4000 year old Bristlecone pine. The North American Oak tree has some 450 species of it, accounting for over 50% of North American trees.

Each tree species.(kind).has an intrinsic pattern of branching.."The Maple Sapling, for example, has branches sprouting in a paired arrangement, with each pair at right angles to the pair below it. That same pattern repeats in the sprouting leaves on the branches.

"The branching patterns of a river, viewed from the air, resembles the branching of a tree. Branching patterns often form where fluid flows in from a large area to a central point or where fluid flows out from a central point to cover a large area. Nature, in its elegance and economy, repeats certain forms and patterns."....By Nature's Design

Trees adapt their basic branching pattern to compensate for any particular environment's demands. Any particular branching pattern reflects whether or not the environment in which the tree resides is either easy or difficult. If a lack of light predominates, a tree's tiny bud will not grow to be a branch. Other factors such as adequate moisture supply, exposure and availability of nutrients from the ground, all affect how well the tree can mature or if it even can.

A tree's design mimics human lungs.

A flexible adaptive ability is built into all living things. Everything is capable of responding in particular and various ways to the dynamic environment.

Note how a tree looks. Look at the thicker trunk going into the ground and its narrower size as it reaches to the sky. The tree has its own built in intelligence that tells it how it should grow, just as humans also do.
   Petrification presents disturbing questions for those believing in the standard evolutionary explanation, as does dating methodology.

The book.The Hidden Life of Trees.by Peter Wohlleben reveals tree communication through their roots and through the air. He reveals the hidden life of them with the fungi and mycelium below them. He reveals how they support and help one another, caring for the ill ones, nurturing the new ones. He explains the flow of water and nutrition below a tree's bark in the cambium layer. He talks about the amazing process of photosynthesis through the leaves and a tree's storage ability necessary for getting it through the winter. He estimates that each tree in a lifetime of some 400 years will only have one descendent. The many seeds it produces, for so may reasons, never germinate. Each species of tree has its own character and there are many different characters in a forest. When a tree dies, a whole new story commences as it heads off on the path to humus on the forest floor, where for many years it nourishes a myriad of critters and life forms. Peter's book remains a New York Times bestseller.

Isaiah 41:18-20 "I will open rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys. I will make the wilderness a pool of water and the dry land springs of water. I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree.(acacia tree).and the myrtle.(a fragrant tree with dark shining leaves and white flowers existing in many of the glens about Jerusalem).and the oil tree.(olive oil); I will set in the desert the fir tree and the pine and the box tree.(a small evergreen tree).together. That they may see and know and consider and understand together, that the hand of the Lord has done this and the Holy One of Israel.(who is Israel today; hint, they are not in the country by the same name).has created it."
