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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n
p a g e  4 7

Sun, Earth, Stars and Space:.Get your free astrolab.(fully animated planetarium program from astrolabes.org). 

Why is there a multiverse in the first place? Why is it there? Quantum physicists believe it's there so that mind can act upon it. The fact that it is, demands questions as to why? Many believe that it is a specified expression of this Multiversal Intelligent Energy or Mind, that we call God and that the Sun is not thermonuclear as we have been told, but rather, electrical; just as humanity also is, for all is energy, all is in motion and continuous creation.

And isn't it amazing that from Earth the Sun appears to be the same size as the moon? And the Sun is so much larger and further away. Was some forethought gone into it so that to us they would appear to take up about the same size in the sky?

The Sun is the biggest planet in our planetary system. It's a star, a daylight star. The next 20 brightest nightime stars are...

The Sun's circumference is 109 times bigger than that of the Earth and it can accommodate 1.3 million Earths in it. Its distance from our Earth is 93 million miles.(150 million km).and it weighs 333,000 times the weight of the Earth. Also, 99.8% of the weight of our planetary system is the Sun's weight.

Comparing the Sun's size with a black hole has some black holes out there 10,000 times larger. The giant reddish star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion has light output of 600,000 Suns. 

The Sun has a mass of 2×1030 kilograms.(4×1030 pounds).and a radius of about 700,000 kilometers.(about 400,000 miles). This is what is called the solar mass. A solar mass is the mass of the Sun used as a unit for the expression of the masses of other celestial objects.

The Sun continuously sends out fireballs, from what's called sun spots, which are 30,000 miles long.(50,000 km), 4,500 miles wide.(9,000 km).and which often jump toward the Earth as much as 120,000 miles.(200,000 km), sometimes much, much more and change the weather to usually more pleasant and warmer over the following few months.

We see the Sun as yellowish white because of the atmosphere the Sun's rays, called photons, travel through. The Sun is actually black.

The Great Infinite One set the hologram, so that the Sun appears to be at just the right position for how He designed the position of the Earth. It is all set so precisely that just a few degrees of difference results in beautifully warm summers to bitterly cold winters. Any warmer or any colder and it would be uncomfortable to the point of being serious.

Who set the space/matter.(both visible and invisible).proportions to be as they are, about 10 cubic meters.(about 9 cubic yards).to one hydrogen.atom? Why is the ratio as it is? Is it part of the giant electrical engine's workings that contribute to making Earth habitable for man?.Isaiah 45:18 "For thus says the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the Earth and made it. He has established it. He created it not in vain, as he formed it to be inhabited....."

Evolutionists too see that the Universe needs a cause. Many of them accept the Big Bang Theory, which itself requires great faith.

If that be the case then, the cause of the Universe that produced the laws of physics allowing for the Big Bang's explosion, needs a cause too. In addition, the Universe had to be there for the explosion to explode into. How'd it get there? 

However, an infinite regression of finite causes used in attempts at such evolutionary accounting is adverse, as question of source is bypassed for further postulational effects which become nauseatingly.redundant

The multiverse obviously did not come out of nothing as we comprehend 'nothing' to be, although this is usually the extent to where an evolutionist's mind retreats no further. Avoiding the Creator-God explanation, some evolutionists tenaciously hang onto the Big Bang theory for dear life and purpose. 

This whole evolution thing is based upon assumptions; assumptions which leave a Creator out of the picture. Why do some people leave an incredibly intelligent Creator out of their research? Do they not want to aspire to greater intelligence?

Desperately seeking evidence to support the evolutionary theory, evolutionists become elated with each seemingly.relevant discovery. Hope renews within them that support for their theory will at last be concrete. But such is the way of the behavioral 'scientist', different from the true scientist.

Such resolute.adherence to evolutionary dogma is really to be commended. When these same individuals' minds are finally opened to the truth, they, as the great apostle.Paul long before them, will be even more stedfastly bonded to it than they were to evolution and, it will have a much greater impact upon their heart for good.

The Universe came from 'something'. It is not intelligent whatsoever, to suppose that something came from nothing, unless one overstands what that 'nothing' is, as this stance is preclusive to further questioning. Even Creator-God encourages us to pursue knowledge:.Isaiah 40:26 "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who has created these things.(such as the stars; a star's life and death results from one force of magnetism, with its functioning being observed and henceforth called the four forces)....for that He is strong in power not one fails."

Nothing cannot produce anything, but really, there is no such thing as nothing. Nothing isn't anything in the physical way of looking at things. The so-called 'nothingness' in the invisible, is something.

Even the raw energy of the Sun is useless at producing life without direction behind it. Direction in the physical world of the created universe comes from what we call the nothingness in the invisible.

The Sun should have 700 times moreangular momentum than all the planets combined, but it's the other way around with the planets instead having 50 times more angular momentum than the Sun. This demonstrates that the planetary system was not made by any evolutionary 'organization', by particles coming together. See the Sun (sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/data/realtime-images.html)

The Sun rotates at a different rate at its center, sort of like a giant spring that winds up. What will happen when it can't wind any more and unwinds rapidly or breaks apart? It's probably not in the hologram for such a thing to occur.

Besides being a giant nuclear furnace, the Sun is also a giant vacuum, sucking in about 100,000 tons of particles per day and then giving it out.

The immense radiative force.(outward pressure of radiation).of the Sun serves to thrust small interplanetary dust particles outward into space. Over the billions of years evolutionists say the solar system has existed, the solar system should have been whisked clean long before now, but it isn't, because it's all a programmed holographic occurrence with trillions upon trillions of particles in our solar system. If the solar system is really billions of years old, the solar system should have been swept clean by now. 

The reasoning that is with believers in the evolutionary tenet that it's possible the production of complexity originated from randomness, renders communication meaningless, as, how can one reason with another who is so stupid that he dispenses with the laws of logic:.Romans 1:28 "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a.reprobate.(original for reprobate: 'not standing the test', 'not approved {as used of metals and coins}', 'that which does not prove itself such as it ought').mind, to do those things which are not convenient.(original 'not fitting', not fitting with the way of love as the next verses show, but instead fitting well with the other way, the stupidly wrong way)."

In other words: the Infinite One allows them to fashion their own minds, as they having chosen to exclude Him in order to live autonomously. Any guidance He could have given them has been left off with. So now, carpe diem for them comes with a tag of pride. And self-determination of right or wrong accommodates pursuit of selfish experiences desired.

What has believing in evolution ever done to help people to live better and with fewer problems?

Belief in evolution calls forth both a rationalization that it is reasonable to live by whatever feelings at any time they occur and evict discipline normally required for an altruistic code of conduct. This 'feeling freedom' can easily transpose.ethical concerns to, expediencies of the moment, such as has been found to be true concerning abortion decisions.
