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a sphere or spherical object; a celestial body, such as the Sun or moon; an eye or eyeball
orb, orbed, orbing, orbs.transitive verbs
transitive verb use.to shape into a circle or sphere

spoken rather than written; verbal; of or relating to the mouth oral care (she used her toothbrush daily); used in or taken through the mouth (an oral thermometer); consisting of or using speech (oral instruction)
an academic examination in which questions and answers are spoken rather than written

outcrop, outcropped, outcropping, outcrops.intransitive verbs
an outcrop is something that appears from something else (the outcrop of the new road through the valley by the river was many new homes); to appear; to arise; become manifest; become visible; to come forth; to come into sight; come out; to come to light (man's reaping what he may have sown is an outcrop of his attitude in life); to protrude above the soil, as rock formations; appear on the surface, come to the surface on the ground (big boulders outcropped)
a portion of bedrock or other stratum.protruding through the soil level (an outcrop of rugged granite)

point of view; a way of thinking and being (one becomes like the friends he or she is with); an attitude (such as a positive outlook); expectation for the future (the long-term outlook for humanity's sanity is improving as more evil ones are removed); a place where something can be viewed; the view seen from such a place; the act of looking out

the art of public speaking; eloquence or skill in making speeches to the public; a place for prayer, such as a small quiet, private chapel

one who delivers an oration; an eloquent and skilled public speaker

an oration is a formal speech made in public; an elaborate.discourse delivered generally in a formal and dignified.manner, usually on ceremonial.occasions

a music composition for voices and orchestra, telling a sacred story without costumes, scenery or dramatic action; Italian, after Oratorio, the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri at Rome, where famous musical services were held in the 16th century

of or relating to an office or a post of authority (official duties); authorized by a proper authority, that is, one approved by the public.affected (official permission); holding office or serving in a public capacity (an official representative; an official banquet)
one who holds an office or a position, especially one who acts on behalf of citizens in a subordinate capacity and employed by such approved institution as a corporation or governmental department or agency; in sports, a referee or an umpire
those in the domain of officials
carrying out work under permission of those having.granted such work to be done
officiate, officiated, officiating, officiates.intransitive verbs
to perform the duties and functions of an office or a position of authority; to serve as an officiant; in sports, to serve as a referee or an umpire
a priest or minister who performs a religious service or ceremony 

a mineral or an aggregate of minerals from which a valuable.constituent, especially a metal, can be profitably.mined or extracted

the word over is used to introduce extra information after some verbs, nouns and adjectives; if one thing is over another thing, it covers part or all of it (the tablecloth covered the table; who is the person having control over truck maintenance?); in or at a position above or higher than (a sign over the door; a hawk gliding over the hills; a jump over the fence; strolled over the bridge); if you do something over again, you do it again or start doing it again from the beginning (if I was living my life over again I would get out into nature more often); if you say that something is happening all over again, you are emphasizing that it is happening again and you are suggesting that it is tiring, boring or unpleasant (the whole shammed process started all over again); if you say that something happened over and over or over and over again, you are emphasizing that it happened many times (he plays the same songs over and over)
above the top or surface (overstood the gorge from the precipice; climbed the ladder and peered over)
to an excessive degree: overly protective
throughout (over time things tend to improve)
over, overed, overing, overs.transitive verbs
to jump over (horse and rider overed the stile with ease)
over against.idiom
as opposed to; contrasted with
over with.idiom
completely finished; done (let's get the shopping over with; are we over with all this shopping?; she told me the relationship is all over with)

a going or being beyond what is needed, desired or appropriate; an excess (teenagers with an overabundance of energy); an amount exceeding what is sufficient

from one end to the other (the overall length of the house); including everything; comprehensive (the overall costs of owing a vehicle); regarded as a whole; general (my overall impression of the countryside was favorable)
on the whole; generally (enjoyed the performances overall) overall.noun,.plural.overalls
loose-fitting protective outer garment; a smock; loose-fitting trousers, usually of strong fabric, with a bib front and shoulder straps, often worn over regular clothing as protection from dirt

overpowered or overcome (hikers overborne by fatigue)
overbear, overbore, overborne, overbearing, overbears.verbs
transitive verb use.to crush or press down on with physical.force; to prevail over, as if by superior.weight or force; dominate; to be more important than; outweigh
intransitive verb use.to bear an overabundance of fruit
past participle.of overbear

excessively.confident; presumptuous

overemphasize, overemphasized, overemphasizing, overemphasizes.intransitive and transitive verbs
to.place.too much.emphasis.on.or.employ too much emphasis

overhang, overhung, overhanging, overhangs.verbs
transitive verb use.to project.or.extend.beyond; to loom over (the top of the building looms over the sidewalk); to ornament with hangings
intransitive verb use.to project over something that lies beneath
a projecting part, such as an architectural.structure or a rock formation; an amount of projection (an overhang of 16 inches)
Nautical:.in nautical.terms, the part of a bow.or.stern that projects over the water

located, functioning or originating from above (what did the overhead satellite pictures show?); of.or.relating.to the operating expenses of a business
the operating expenses of a business, including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, etc., exclusive of labor and materials
over or above the level of the head; high or higher up (look overhead)

overlay, overlaid, overlaying, overlays.transitive verbs
to lay or spread over or on; to cover the surface of with a decorative layer or design (overlay wood with silver); in printing, to put an overlay on.
something that is laid over or covers something else; a layer of decoration, such as gold leaf or wood veneer, applied to a surface; in printing, a piece of paper used on a press tympan to vary the pressure that produces light and dark tones; a transparent sheet containing graphic matter, such as labels or colored areas, placed on illustrative matter to be incorporated into it, often projected by what's called an overhead projector
past tense of overlie
overlie, overlay, overlain, overlying, overlies.transitive verbs
to lie over or on

overreach, overreached, overreaching, overreaches.verbs
transitive verb use.to get the better of, especially by deceitful cleverness; outwit; to reach or extend over or beyond; to miss by reaching too far or attempting too much (overreach a goal); to defeat oneself by going too far or by doing or trying to gain too much
intransitive verb use.to outwit or cheat others; to reach or go too far; to overreach oneself
to reach or extend over or beyond

beyond the sea; abroad
of.relating.to, originating.in.or.situated in countries across the sea

one who keeps watch over and directs the work of others, especially laborers (the ancient Egyptians were cruel overseers:.Exodus 1:11-14); a supervisor or superintendent
oversee, oversaw, overseen, overseeing, oversees.transitive verbs
to watch over and direct; supervise; subject to scrutiny; examine or inspect

an unintentional.omission or mistake; an error; also means watchful care or management; supervision (the babysitter used continuous oversight, ensuring the children were attended at all times)

overstride, overstrode, overstridden, overstriding, overstrides.transitive verbs
to stride over, across or farther than; to sit or stand astride; to stride faster than or beyond, as in a competition; to go beyond; surpass

overstand, overstood, overstanding, overstands.transitive verbs
if you overstand someone or overstand what they are saying, you know completely and deeply what they mean or at least intensely.desire to and are on that road toward a fuller comprehending; if you overstand a machine, you are responsible for it working properly and know how to keep it that way; if you overstand a valley from a precipice, you are standing over it; overstanding is entirely or at least as much as possible, knowing something thoroughly; overstanding implies.capability of learning, that is, gaining knowledge which is beneficial; compare understand, where one is under another in knowledge and still learning what there is to know about things (children in school are in the understanding stage of learning from a teacher who overstands enough information to teach it so as to answer any questions students may have); to stand over something (the parent overstood the return of her daughter's health; retired now, he used to overstand the return of spacecraft, monitoring all systems to ensure reentry went well; she overstood the development of our latest product; a good teacher overstands the children well, that is, she is in control of their understanding her knowledge)

overstuff, overstuffed, overstuffing, overstuffs.transitive verbs
to stuff too much into (overstuff a suitcase); to deeply and thickly upholster an armchair

if something has overtones of a particular thing or quality, it suggests that thing or quality but does not openly express any undertones that may have caused it; the prevailing.atmosphere; (in small country towns the overtone of people is placid compared to the hectic.pace of those in a big city); signs of an emotion or attitude that is not expressed directly; an ulterior, usually implicit.meaning or quality; an implication or a hint (she had an overtone of superiority.about her, no doubt coming from an undertone attitude.involving.insufficiency established in her youth)

excessively nervous or excited; agitated; extremely.elaborate or ornate; overdone (overwrought prose style)

outdo, outdid, outdone, outdoing, outdoes.transitive verbs
to do more or better than in performance or action; excel

ornamental or structural work, as of embroidery or metal, containing numerous openings, usually in set patterns

used to indicate an alternative (hot or cold; this, that or the other); used to indicate the second of two alternatives, the first being preceded by 'either' or 'whether' (your answer is either ingenious or wrong; she didn't know whether to laugh or cry); used to indicate uncertainty or indefiniteness (I think it was two or three for a dollar)
Usage note: when all the elements in a series connected by or are singular, the verb they govern is singular (Tom or Jack is coming; beer, ale or wine is included in the charge); when all the elements are plural, the verb is plural; when the elements do not agree in number, some grammarians have suggested that the verb be governed by the element to which it is nearer (Tom or his sisters are coming; the girls or their brother is coming; cold symptoms or headache is the usual first sign of toxicity ); other grammarians, however, have argued that such constructions must be avoided and that substitutes be found in which the problem of agreement does not arise, such as in 'either Tom is coming or his sisters are' and 'the usual first sign of toxicity may be either cold symptoms or a headache'

if you describe an experience or situation as an ordeal, you think it is difficult and unpleasant (she described her agonizing ordeal); difficult or painful experience, especially one that severely tests character or endurance; trial

an adult castrated bull of the genus Bos, especially B. taurus, used chiefly as a draft animal (a yoke of oxen)

Ojibwa also Ojibway.noun,.plural.Ojibwa or Ojibwas also Ojibway or Ojibways
a Native American First Nations people originally located north of Lake Huron before moving westward in the 17th and 18th centuries into Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, western Ontario and Manitoba, with later migrations onto the northern Great Plains in North Dakota, Montana and Saskatchewan; a member of this people; the Algonquian language of the Ojibwa; also called Chippewa

oversimplify, oversimplified, oversimplifying, oversimplifies.verbs
transitive verb use.to simplify to the point of causing misrepresentation, misconception or error
intransitive verb use.to cause distortion or error by extreme simplification of a subject
a person who oversimplifies (those espousing the theory of evolution to others ignorant of creaton options, oversimplify the incredible complexity necessary to create and maintain living organisms)

operate, operated, operating, operates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to perform a function; work (the motor operates smoothly); to exert an influence; if you operate a business or organization, you work to keep it running properly; if a business or organization operates, it carries out its work (she owned and operated an enormous apple orchard; allowing commercial banks to operate in the country); to produce a desired or proper effect; the way that something operates is the way that it works or has a particular.effect (ceiling and wall lights can operate independently); to perform surgery
transitive verb use.to control the functioning of; run (operate a sewing machine); to conduct the affairs of; manage (operate a lemonade stand)
being in effect; having force; interoperability; operating; functioning effectively; efficient; engaged in or concerned with physical or mechanical.activity; of, relating.to.or.resulting from a surgical operation done by those ignorant of the human system's innate ability to rectify.issues without relying on the medical cut, poison and burn approach, which often causes more negative issues and with increased severity
a skilled worker, especially in industry; a spy
operating to produce effects; effective
one that operates
the act.or process of operating or functioning; the state of being operative or functional (a home business in operation); the process or series of acts involved in a particular form of work (the operation of building a house); an instance or a method of efficient, productive.activity (that restaurant is quite an operation); in arithmetic, a process or an action such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; in computers, an action resulting from a single instruction; an operations center is from where activities are controlled, such as flights into and out of an airfield or a fire department operations center; in medicine an operation often means some type of surgery using methods to slice, cut and burn

of.or.relating.to an operation or a series of operations; of, intended for or involved in the many operations to manage a home and family; fit it for proper.functioning; ready for use (is the vehicle operational now?); being in effect or operation