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you use versus to indicate that two figures, ideas or choices are opposed (only 18.8% of the class of 1982 had some kind of diploma four years after high school, versus 45% of the class of 1972; bottle-feeding versus the preferred breastfeeding); against (the plaintiff versus the defendant; one football team versus another); as the alternative to or in contrast with (the issue of freedom of information versus invasion of privacy)

acquainted through study or experience; knowledgeable or skilled (he is well versed in construction principles)
a verse is one of the parts into which a poem, a song or a chapter of the Bible or the Koran is divided, such as John 3:17;
often just one line of poetry; a single metrical line in a poetic composition; a division of a metrical composition, such as a stanza of a poem or hymn; metrical or rhymed composition as distinct from prose; poetry
verse, versed, versing, verses.transitive verbs
to familiarize by study or experience (getting well versed in plumbing)
she was well-versed in knowing a lot about nature outdoors and hiking

versify, versified, versifying, versifies.verbs
transitive verb use to change from prose into metrical.form; to treat by putting into verses or tell in verse (versify stories from the Bible, putting them into verses so that they are easier to find again)
intransitive verb use to write verses

an awareness of a range of time, events or subjects; a broad mental view; a distant view or prospect, especially one seen through an opening

a wicked or evil individual; a scoundrel; a dramatic or fictional.character who is typically.at odds with the hero
appropriate to a villain, as in wickedness or depravity (a villainous plot); being or manifesting the nature of a villain (a villainous band of thieves)
baseness of mind or character; viciousness of conduct or action; a treacherous or vicious act

one of a class of feudal.serfs who held the legal status of freemen; freemen were 'freemen' (all one word with no space between 'free' and 'men') in their dealings with all people except their human lord; the human lord was a man of high rank in a feudal society or in one that retains feudal forms and institutions, such as a king or a territorial magnate, the so-called.elites; a feudal lord is also the proprietor of a manor (these 'freeman' were not free as they were under the thumb of their physical lords and thus the word 'freemen' in a misdirected context occurs creating confusion {the dark side changes anything that they can turn around to harm humanity in some way, such as the languages we have become accustomed to and their ways at altering history:.1Kings 10:12; satanically.inspired ways permeate the world). Under Natural Law, such frauds are obviated); so, 'freemen' were 'lorded over' and 'free men', with the space in it, means a true 'free man' living in freeness with Creator-God (also see Common Law and Lord, Lord)
lord it over,.lording it over.verbs
lord it over is acting as if one is the master of others (world controllers and their quislings are not there to help anyone but themselves when their actions are that of lording it over others using plans to further subjugate humanity monetarily, agriculturally, socially, politically, medically and in any other way that maintains supremacy over others and to their detriment and the controllers' advantage, today called the deep state or cabal, liberals, democrats, the left, the right, etc.; the cabal has always taken actions toward a superior and domineering manner toward others; to clamp down on; suppress; coerce; compel; intimidate; at least be aware because there is something you can do in changing that

worth in usefulness or importance to the possessor; utility or merit (the values of a family; they valued their time out in nature with the kids; the value of an education); if you describe something or someone as valuable, you mean that they are very useful and helpful; an amount, as of goods, services or money, considered to be a fair and suitable.equivalent for something else; a fair price or return; monetary or material worth (the fluctuating value of gold and silver); to assign a value to (a unit of currency, for example)
value, valued, valuing, values.transitive verbs
to regard highly; esteem; appreciate; to rate according to relative.estimate of worth or desirability; to determine or estimate the worth or value of; appraise; evaluate(valued health above money); to assigna value to (a unit of currency, for example)
the act or process of assessing value or price; an appraisal; an estimation of worth, merit.or.character (she set a high valuation on friendship); see also evaluation
of great importance, use or service (valuable information; valuable advice); a principle, standard or quality considered worthwhile or desirable (we really learned things I think that were important to life from the talk the person gave; the time we spend visiting with each other I consider to be valuable); one of a series of specified values (issued a stamp of new value, valuable for stamp collectors); having considerable value for use or exchange (a valuable diamond)
a personal possession, such as a piece of jewelry, having a relatively high monetary value
having no value; worthless

the system of philosophy that further develops the implications in the Upanishads that all reality is a single principle the ancients called Brahman.(the unified field) and teaches that humanity's goal is to transcend the limitations of his self identity (ego) and realize one's unity in consciousness with the intelligent energy where a change in consciousness to higher frequencies produces good for all
Vedantism, Vedantist.nouns

a pervading.character or quality; a streak ("All through the interminable.narrative there ran a vein of impressive earnestness" ...Mark Twain); a particular turn of mind (spoke later in a more serious vein); something that is written or spoken in a particular vein is written or spoken in that style or mood (it is one of his finest works in a lighter vein)
Anatomy:.in anatomy, your veins are the thin membranous tubes in your body through which your blood flows towards your heart; compare artery (many veins are found just under the skin); a blood vessel; one of the vascular bundles or ribs that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues in a leaf or other expanded plant organ; one of the horny ribs that stiffen and support the wing of an insect; a regularly shaped and lengthy occurrence of an ore; a lode; a long, wavy strip of a different shade or color, as in wood or marble or as mold in cheese; a fissure, crack or cleft
vein, veined, veining, veins.transitive verbs
to supply or fill with veins; to mark or decorate with veins (in the strata of the Earth veins of minerals are often discovered)
relating to the veins of plants (leaves affected with veinal mosaic)

in physiology, of, relating.to.or.contained in the veins (venous blood; venous circulation); having numerous veins, as a leaf or the wings of an insect

the common speech of a people; the vernacular; a widely accepted text or version of a work; the Latin edition or translation of the Bible made by Saint Jerome at the end of the fourth century A.D., now used in a revised form as the Roman Catholic authorized version

vomit, vomited, vomiting, vomits.verbs
intransitive verb use to eject part or all of the contents of the stomach through the mouth, usually in a series of involuntary spasmic movements to be discharged forcefully and abundantly; to puke
transitive verb use to eject (contents of the stomach) through the mouth; to puke; to eject or discharge in a gush; spew out (a volcano that vomited lava and ash)
the act or an instance of ejecting matter from the stomach through the mouth; matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth; an emetic (something to induce vomiting)

vest, vested, vesting, vests.verbs
transitive verb use to place authority, property or rights, for example, in the control of a person or group, especially to give someone, even themselves, an immediate right to or future possession or enjoyment something (it's no wonder dark side things are perpetrated upon society when those elected direct money from the public into investments in such things); used with 'in' (vested his estate in his daughter); to invest or endow a person or group with something, such as power or rights); used with 'with' (vested the council with broad powers; vests its employees with full pension rights after five years of service); to clothe or robe; see also invested
intransitive verb use to become legally vested; to dress up oneself (he vested up for the wedding)
in law, settled, fixed or absolute; being without contingency: a vested right; dressed or clothed (he was all vested up for the ceremony)

a sleeveless garment, often having buttons down the front, worn usually over a shirt or blouse and sometimes as part of a three-piece suit (proper.dress with a vest is always having the bottom button undone)
a garment, such as a robe or gown worn as an indication of office or state

clothing; apparel; raiment; attire; something that covers or cloaks (hills in a vesture of mist)
vesture, vestured, vesturing,vestures.transitive verbs
to cover with vesture; clothe

absolutely everything in the universe is frequencies and has been in a state of vibration, even the things we see that don't move, because the vibration is not detectable by our senses of seeing, hearing, touch, taste and smell, where smell is from particles smaller that those we taste; the act of vibrating; the condition of being vibrated (in an Earthquake the land vibrates because the vibration has such strong waves that we can feel and sometimes even see them); a quiver
of, characterized by or consisting of vibration; causing vibration; vibrating or capable of vibration
vibrate, vibrated, vibrating, vibrates.verbs
intransitive verb use to move back and forth or to and fro, especially.rhythmically and rapidly; swing; to feel a quiver of emotion; to shake or move with or as if with a slight quivering or trembling.motion
transitive verb use to cause to tremble or quiver; to cause to move back and forth rapidly

in music, a tremulous or pulsating.effect produced in an instrumental or vocal.tone by barely.perceptible.minute and rapid.variations in pitch

a regular.occupation, especially one for which a person is particularly.suited or qualified
of.or.relating.to a vocation or vocations (vocational counseling); relating to, providing or undergoing training in a special.skill to be pursued in a trade (vocational students learning to be plumbers)

of or relating to the voice (one's vocal organs); uttered or produced by the voice; having a voice; capable of emitting sound or speech (a playground vocal with the shouts and laughter of children); vocal training in articulating words; vocal music
a vocal sound; in music, a popular composition for a singer, often with instrumental accompaniment
vocalness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized).

a small entrance hall or passage between the outer door and the interior of a house or building; an enclosed area at the end of a passenger car on a railroad train; in anatomy, a cavity, chamber, or channel that leads to or is an entrance to another cavity (the vestibule from the outer ear to the eardrum)

full of animation and spirit; lively (a charming and vivacious host) vivaciously.adverb
the quality or condition of being vivacious; liveliness ("the light and vivacity that laugh in the eyes of a child"....Charles Dickens)

possessing.valor; brave; courageous
a brave individual (to be strong)
valiantness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

courage and boldness
marked by or possessing great personal bravery; valiant (example)
valorousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

of, relating to, resembling or having the nature of glass; glassy; obtained or made from glass; of or relating to the vitreous humor vitreous.noun,.plural.vitreouses
the vitreous humor
vitreousness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)

barely.visible or cloudy diffused.matter, such as mist, fumes or smoke, suspended in the air (breathing out on a cold day allows you to see your breath); the gaseous state of a substance that is liquid or solid under ordinary conditions, such as is water
vapor, vapored, vaporing, vapors.verbs
transitive verb use to vaporize
intransitive verb use to give off vapor; to evaporate
one who works with vapors
vaporize, vaporized, vaporizing, vaporizes.intransitive and transitive verbs
to convert or be converted into vapor
someone or a device that vaporizes (the air in winter is so dry from the lack of humidity that some homes purchase a vaporizer) 