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T h e R e s u r
r e c t i o n / R e i n c a r n a t i o n
of a
man named Emmanuel
shows we too live forever,
now, as it also showed
the early Christian believers
(has 4
when they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some mocked
and others said, We will hear you again of this matter.(they
were intrigued
and wanted to hear more)."....Acts
24:15 "...there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just
and unjust.(Matthew
26:8 "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God
should raise the dead?"
The children
of Creator-God don't die:.Luke
20:36 "Neither can they die any more, for they are equal unto the angels
and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection."
The One humanity has labeled
with the name Emmanuel
said that in Himself was the resurrection:.John
11:25 "Emmanuel said unto her, I am the resurrection.and
the life. He that believes
in me, though he were dead.(on
the death highway),
yet shall he live." John 5:25 "Verily,
verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming and now
is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they
that hear shall live." Luke 9:56
"For the Son of man is not come to destroy
men's lives, but to save them..."
John 3:17
"For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that
the world through him.(that
is what
He set up).might
be saved." John 12:47 "And if any
man hear my words and believe not, I judge him not, for I came not to judge
the world, but to save the world."
1:19-21 "And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us who
according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought
in Christ,
when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the
heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion
and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that
which is to come."
11:21-26 "Then said Martha unto Emmanuel,
Lord, if you had been here, my brother had not died. But I know, that even
now, whatsoever you will ask of God, God will give it to you. Emmanuel
said unto her, Your brother shall rise again. Martha said unto him, I know
that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Emmanuel
said unto her, I am the resurrection and
life. He that believes in
me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever lives and believes
in me never dies. Believe
you this?".Also
see the 12 year old girl Talitha:.Mark
5:35-43. And the only son of a widow:.Luke
7:11. And others resurrected by Christ's disciples:.Acts
9:36-41. In fact that was one of the things Emmanuel told them to do:.Matthew
5:24-26 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears my word and
believes on him that sent me, has everlasting life and shall not come into
condemnation, but is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say
unto you, The hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice
of the Son of God and they that hear shall live. For as the Father has
life in himself so has he given to the Son to have life in himself."
5:12 "He that has the Son.(*).has
life and he that has not the Son of God has not life."
1:4 "In him was life and that life was the
light of men."
10:28 "And I give unto them eternal
26:19 "Your dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they
arise. Awake and sing you that dwell in dust, for thy dew is as the dew
of herbs and the Earth shall cast out the dead."
12:2 "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the Earth shall awake,
some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
13:14 "I will ransom them from the power of the grave. I will redeem
them from death. O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy
destruction and repentance shall be hid from mine eyes."
From introduction to
Grabovoi's book series:."Many
have yet.(1Corinthians
grow spiritually.(how
be able to perceive
the world at soul level.(at
soul level is oneness:.1Corinthians
8:4-7 "...there is none other God but one...to us there is but one
God, the Father, of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord, Emmanuel
Christ, by whom are all things and we by him...Howbeit
there is not in every man that knowledge...";
the word 'howbeit' as used here, indeed
shows humanity how far we have moved away from this true knowledge and
why? and the 'why' is, that man has been on this inimical
pathway ever since he's been on Earth; gene Decode's explanation is in
his Deep Dives video on the.Deva
kingdom, genedecode.org).and
therefore, they so far do not perceive the word 'resurrection' in its direct
meaning, the way it is really meant to be perceived. Having this level
of comprehension,
an individual has to make an effort in order to comprehend.(to
take in the meaning, nature or importance of; to grasp).how
someone who is gone can indeed suddenly come back. The matter is that there
are people who do not purposefully
reflect or consider with thoroughness and care).on
how the world.(meaning
here the world of the invisible out of which comes the world we see and
organized, what its laws are, what life is.(Grabovoi
and many others such as shown in the Netflix series.The
aware of what determines the multiverse to function with mathematical laws
as it does, which laws regulate frequencies in ways that they can manifest).
Resurrection is materialization.(either
back into the physical or into a spiritual form which is."a
return to previous energy"....Nikola
Tesla; the return to previous energy is exemplified
in what Emmanuel said:.John
17:5). Those passed on have gone
through annihilation
of matter. Reversing
the process brings them back. The resurrection of people, like nothing
else, proves that life has a spiritual base.
"The resurrection is based
on revealing the eternal in man. In practicing resurrection one deals with
eternity in the Eternal.(what
is the Eternal God of all compassion and strength?).
The Creator's designs and ideas have to do with principles regarding Eternity.
Besides resurrection, many other facts may be perceived with wonder as
well, for example, cures performed by me without touch and on distance,
of AIDS and cancer in their terminal stages.(and
you can learn how too or
wait until the 'med beds' are
control, precise detection
of malfunctions and defects of technical equipment of any level of
complexity, including equipment on space
objects, materialization
and dematerialization of different things; computer
management on distance by the power of thought; changing
the past, the present and the future.(second
paragraph below); understanding a conversation
among people no matter the distance, no matter the language and so on.
"All these facts have been
by the official documentation and already add up to several volumes. Many
of these facts may be perceived as a
miracle, however the following needs to be kept in mind. It is known
that a miracle doesn't conflict with the laws
of Nature, a miracle conflicts with our idea of Nature's laws.
The time has come to change conventional views about the world around us
and its organization. And
this is necessary for the world's salvation.(reaching
This journey is for those
wanting to leave negatives behind, not just their own, but society's also,
which are very corrupt. You may be feeling sort of 'off' from your normal
self as the good energies are rising, changing you in outlook, emotions
and general feelings different from what you felt like before. Relax!
This change is for the good hearts:.Philippians
3:21 "Who shall change our vile body..."
Those evil ones, the demons
and those highly influenced by them who wish to remain in evil, can't participate
in this change. The change is a result of our going through the Orion belt,
a going from the negative side to the positive side of it. See gene Decode
on it at.Acts
A cleansing of us from the
concepts we relied on in governing our lives being slaves to the cabal
and following their rules is occurring in this ascension:.1Peter
1:7; Proverbs 16:16.
These good energies coming
in are like a lifeboat, carrying you above the murky
waters and away from dangers that may be in those waters. A surge in ascension
is about to occur. You'll leave the negative energies that have gripped
you, the ones that have been in you and around you that have caused all
problems for everyone similarly. During this changeover time, habits of
personality that one has relied on to exist in this demonically inspired
evil world, will pass away. You may feel that you are alone going down
an unknown path. The path is not unknown, but only to those not having
been on it. That path opens to a whole refreshing new
world for you. It's here and unfolding slowly now, but is massively
speeding up. Soon all good people will be affected.
"The mission of the resurrected
is to equip people in society with the knowledge of resurrection and with
each contact with a member of regular society useful knowledge emerges
for use in future resurrections.
"The contact itself with
a resurrected one sends out the needed information to the entire information
field, thus helping greatly for resurrection to become accepted as
a common phenomenon
by society.
In the books of this series
we examine how the past, the present and the future can be changed based
on the knowledge of the fundamental laws of the world organization.(the
invisible behind the scene workings).and
in accordance with the task of attaining
eternal life. In reality, this is only from the perspective
of ordinary wakeful consciousness, that is, I will repeat, of consciousness,
which uses a three-dimensional
space and time model. It is only from the
viewpoint of such consciousness that past lives were in the past or
the past events of this life were in the past or that the present exists
in the present and the future will exist in the future.
"But in actual fact or better
to say, for someone having a higher state of consciousness, all of these,
the past, the present and the future exist simultaneously.(and
it is in this we see a key to dealing
with our past negatives in order to make life better).or
in other words, they are in a static
state..But where
is the past and future if it's all a hologram?
"Let's recall.Revelation
10:6 "And he swore... there would be time no longer".(*).
This is precisely why it is possible to move an individual from the past
into the present, that is, someone who has gone can be brought back again
into our world. When he does come back, he does not regard his return as
something extraordinary or improbable. All this is natural to him. He perceives
this transition the same way someone in everyday life perceives the transition
to his normal condition of health after he has recovered from a cold or
the flu..(a
'flu' most often is the body cleaning due to heavy metal poisoning in order
to get rid of such toxins and dead cells caused by them and by other things
the body interprets as poisons and by a body's normal renewing of cells,
the flu part being, the body can't rid its toxic load quick enough through
peeing, pooping, sweating and breathing, so it puts you to bed, where the
sleep that's vital
in remaining healthy allows it to do its cleansing work more effectively
than if you were up and running around. Zeolite takes heavy metals out
of the body, available from https://thegoodinside.com
and many other places. Ask Gene Decode for protocols on clearing yourself
of toxins. No charge. His Email is colosensei64@gmail.com
gets a lot of Emails, so in the Subject line put Country and the State
or Province, something like this Canada/Alberta, Australia/NSW, US/Texas
"You can assure yourself
of this if you talk to one of those who came back. At present they are
increasingly growing in numbers."
From page 12 in Grabovoi's
their work scientists use devices created in laboratories and/or manufactured
elsewhere. And improvement of the devices enables the obtaining of new
information. To prevent existing threat of global destruction and to establish
a spiritual control.(*).over
the technological expansion is the evidence of it being the main scientific
approach, as obviously the other scientific approach hasn't done much for
elimination of the global destruction path."
From pages 243,244:.One
can apply to Grabovoi in his absence: "One
can ask me to resurrect someone or to help you do this yourself. You can
apply also to others who know how to do it, if you know of anyone. Distance
makes no difference in resurrection or healing.
All things occur simultaneously in the invisible as proved in quantum
From page 487-488 in Grabovoi's
is the true way of salvation. With the beginning of universal resurrection
a new stage in development of our civilization begins. From now on, our
reality is eternal life."
"The resurrection is based
on revealing the eternal
in man. When persons pass on, they retain all the knowledge previously
acquired and their consciousness is aware of its connection with the body
which as of now, has no life. The body, even with no life processes in
it responds adequately to the touch of external consciousness, as was in
this case. It follows that by visualizing a body one can communicate the
knowledge of resurrection to its soul. When the resurrected one, after
the resurrection had taken place, when questioning him, he noted that at
the moment of contact made by external consciousness, he was perceiving
it all in real time and was associating his physical body with his own
'I' though the physical body was still at that time in the grave.(in
this case it was the grave; other forms of disposition
of dead bodies make no difference when resurrecting).
When talking to one to be resurrected, remember that they are a personality
and should be interacted with just as with any living person.
"The resurrected son.(in
this case).said
that his being at the universal information level was an indication that
his physical body continued to exist.(the
pattern is always there).and
had all the qualities to continue to be part of society.(after
coming back). This knowledge contained
both previous information and new information associated with his biological
"I began work on resurrecting
this person. Most people don't realize as yet that resurrection is a standard
procedure. There was then an initial materialization of his consciousness
as a spherical shape and its entering the information frame of the planet.
After that follows the stage of creating a material structure around the
soul, the structure that we actually see when looking at people.
"Man can therefore be considered
as a structure
of consciousness having a given physical form. After this sphere has
passed the informational frame of the planet, it may be projected either
into another fetus, such as a child will be born or it may be projected
into the structure of resurrection. In this case, due to control, he was
projected into the structure of resurrection, that is, the same body was
recreated and it was the same person. The passed on body is tied to the
structure, the place where the body happens to be after biological death."....pages
24,25 Grigori Grabovoi's book.
This was similar to what
Christ did with long dead Lazarus and the 12 year old girl Talitha:.John
11:11-44; Mark 5:35-43.
And others also resurrected:.Acts
9:36-40; 1Kings 17:17-24;
4:32-37. What other resurrections
are there?
In Grabovoi's
book, his resurrections are well documented.
26:19 "Your dead men shall live, together with my dead
body shall they arise. Awake and sing, you that dwell in dust, for
your dew is as the dew of herbs and the Earth shall cast out the dead.".Ezekiel
36:26,27; 37:1-14.
"If you have been a passionate
lover in life then you will be a passionate lover in death, a lover in
the resurrection, a lover in Paradise, a lover forever."....Rumi..Rumi,
long ago, as most people way back when still believed, that one has
to go and then come back. Most people today in errror, continue believing
that. One does not have to go anymore. Eternal
Christ at the time, in the
physical body of the one we call Emmanuel, was not only resurrected. He
resurrection, it's in
Him, the resurrection for us all to an everlasting life in what's called
the kingdom of the Creator, kingdom of heaven, kingdom of God, Paradise,
etc.; all the same thing and this kingdom is an
inside thing.
It was the resurrection
that declared Him to be of the Creator-Father. Scriptures
on His resurrection. Creator-Father caused the One we call the Christ
to come forth from the Silence. This was the
will of the One we call Creator-Father, the One who is the
If Christ is alive and He
is, He'll be resurrecting by means of the energy that is His kingdom. And
this is happening:.John
11:25,26 "Emmanuel said ...I am the resurrection.and
the life. He that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he
live. And whosoever lives and believes in me shall
never die. Believe you this?".He
the resurrection, He must also be the power within
which we are and with which power resurrection occurs:.Philippians
3:10 "That I may know him and the power of his resurrection..." Ephesians
1:10 "That in the dispensation
of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ,
which are in heaven and which are on Earth, even in him." Ephesians
3:21 "...world without end..."."Eternity
into your hands is a concrete technological tool of your consciousness."....Grigori
This kingdom is
inside people who love:.1John
If the high
consciousness energy that can resurrect is active in you.(how
to make it active), you too can resurrect
and do other even greater things than He did:.Acts
26:8 "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God
should raise the dead?".John
14:12 "...He that believes on me the works that I do shall he do also
and greater works than these shall he do....".Peter
easily resurrected others.(Acts
9:36-40), not to mention the
many Emmanuel did as well. And others
As the Creator loves the
Son, so us:.John
5:20 "For the Father loves the Son.(and
are one).and
shows him all things that himself does and he will show him greater works
than these, that you may marvel."
Emmanuel resurrecting Lazarus
showed it was good to resurrect:.John
11:11-44. While those with Emmanuel saw only death, Emmanuel saw eternal
life, the life energy that He directed in restoring Lazarus. How often
do humans think of the words 'resurrection' and 'eternal life' as a fact?
are powerful and more than you may think they are. Learn about
So, how
can 'I' resurrect anyone? And you can! And one can now live
eternally in the physical. Yes, you and others you care about!.Mark
10:27 "And Emmanuel looking upon them said, With men it is impossible,
but not with God. For with
God all things are possible." 1Timothy
6:12 "...lay hold on eternal life, whereunto you are also called..."
2:10 "...obtain the salvation which is in Christ Emmanuel with
eternal glory." John 5:24,25
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears my word and believes on
him that sent me,
has everlasting life and shall not come into condemnation,
is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, The
hour is coming and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of
the Son of God and they that hear shall live."
13:11 "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake
out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed."
6:2 "...now is the accepted time, behold, now is the day of salvation."
12:10 "...Now is come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our
God and the power of his Christ..." John
4:23 "But the hour comes and now is, when the true worshippers
shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks such
to worship him."
One just has to learn how,
for all things physical and invisible have their own technologies; radio
waves and how they behave, x-rays, gamma rays, water
vapor, acid/alkaline balance, electrical frequencies, collective mind
database in the invisible,
Resurrection also has its
knew it and used it, having been taught by the One we call Emmanuel:.Matthew
10:7,8; John
3:21 "But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may
be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."
3:2 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God and it does not yet
is 'become manifest').what
we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear.(original
is 'become manifest').we
shall be like him.(in
all ways), for we shall see him
as he is.".(and
is He?)
Don't expect to resurrect
anyone until you are over the idea that death is real and losing limbs
or organs and being told by some authority that you have not long to live
due to some serious ailment. None of these are faits
accomplis. They may be faits accomplis for those believing in those
things of this physical realm, but for those learning higher consciousness
ways of the inner realm, it's different. In that realm
is from where the Creator gives life to all things:.1Timothy
6:13 "...God, who quickens all things..." Matthew
22:32 "...God is not the God of the dead, but of the living." John
18:36 "Emmanuel answered, My kingdom is not of this world..."
"We all agreed that your
theory is crazy. The question that divides us is whether it is crazy enough
to have a chance of being correct."....Niels
The amazing body's ability
when raised in higher consciousness; such as increasing the energy in the
body so you can heal others and create fire from your hands. Type 'Filipino
fire from hands' into YouTube.
Quotes below from one
of the many who can control matter, heal at distance and resurrect
those who have passed on, as did
Emmanuel, ancient
in the New Testament era,
the apostles
including Peter and Paul.
And today, there are many more including Bruno
the videos on Grabovoi and get the book from Amazon and learn how to do
the same yourself. Among Grigori Grabovoi's books is this great one.The
Resurrection of People and Eternal Life From Now On Is Our Reality.
His website is.grigori-grabovoi.world
And how does he do it? He
tells us.
And videos are on YouTube.
And his Number Series for getting well again, is
From pages 163, 164 in the
book:."To resurrect
someone, one has to know that life is eternal. This is essential. The Creator
built us so that at the soul level everyone understands they will be resurrected.
When you have the feeling that you understand how to resurrect someone,
you are ready to resurrect. The book is written to help you achieve success
in resurrection, healings, organ regeneration and restoration of any objects."
The book is about the extrasensory
gift Grabovoi possesses including the gift of disease diagnosis
and distant healing, finding
missing people, gift of prophecy,
booms and falls in the stock market and much else.."This
book helps you get rid of one of the greatest misconceptions, one of the
biggest myths of our history. I refer to the myth of the existence of objective
physical reality that is independent of human consciousness. Such idea
puts into question the true origin of man, deprives man of his true greatness
and denies his Divine determinacy.
There are, so far, a number of other myths and errors, which prevent people
from living full life. Take, for example, the
problem of suffering."
"Our belief that
is normal allows it to happen. Death only slows
down man's spiritual development. Death is not necessary. Our consciousness
what exists in our consciousness as reality..That
is, what we believe as true creates the reality we experience:.Proverbs
14:12. Problem is, what we think to be true comes from a programmed
reality out of the mass mind of humanity, often called the
prison of life.
When belief changes, life
changes and this has been proven
to be true. But people lock themselves away from truth and don't even
realize that they are doing it, mostly because they belief otherwise and
is the lock keeping them out, as so often has happened in the past:.Jeremiah
8:3-9. So then, how is it that a person can disengage
himself from this conundrum?
Learn to use the special
gift God has given you.
"Resurrection reveals the
Eternal in man. With the beginning of universal resurrection a new stage
in development of our civilization begins. From now on, our reality is
eternal life.
"In this higher state of
consciousness man will be able to start perceiving the fundamental reality,
where a person becomes capable of performing acts which in terms of ordinary
wakeful consciousness seem impossible, unreal.(and
that because they don't know God yet and may not even be
sure that there is a God). Well,
for example, such as communication with the gone ones. It is possible to
acquire the ability to see the gone ones and to communicate with them.
And it is possible to help them come back here. For the matter is that
only few of them manage to return back to our world on their own. In reality
essentially there is no fundamental difference between these two states;
the state of life and the state of the gone ones and that is why it is
always possible to bring people back to the state of life. See yourself
as a personification
of the Creator.".
The book has documented examples
of many brought back. The information.in
the book is being applied to solve all the issues of negativity
in the world today. His other books include: 'The
Practice of Control, The
Way of Salvation' and 'Handbook
of Numbers'.
Today, could this be the
man the prophet Isaiah talked of, an antitype.of
ancient Cyrus,
king of Persia?.Isaiah
41:2 "Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to
his foot, gave the nations before him and made him rule over kings..."
43:19 "Behold, I do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; shall you
not know it?...".Amos
3:7; Isaiah 9:2; 42:16;
Is what is true of Grabovoi,
the same as that of Elijah; proof that he is a man of God?.1Kings
17:24 "And the woman said to Elijah, Now by this.(her
son's resurrection).I
know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord in your mouth
is truth."
of the Creator who makes predictions is 100% accurate 100% of the time.
And, Grabovoi is 100% accurate 100% of the time.
If one isn't this accurate,
8:20 "To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according
to this word, it is because there is no light in them." Deuteronomy
18:18 "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like
unto you and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak unto them
all that I shall command him."
18:22 When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow
not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord has not
spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously.(like
You shall not be afraid of him."
13:1-3 "If there arise among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams and
give you a sign or a wonder and the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof
he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other Gods.(a
true person of the Creator will not lead you astray,
but rather, get
you closer with your Creator {Psalms
27:13} closer in your understanding of love; how to tell a true one
from a false one:.Matthew
7:16), which you have not known
and let us serve them. You shall not hearken unto the words of that prophet
or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God proves you, to know whether
you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.".So,
it takes discernment
which comes from the inner quality of intuition
and/or clairvoyance, not from ordinary consciousness assumptions.
Discernment, insight, comprehension
is needed to tell the real from the false.
Having clairvoyant
ability, Grabovoi is able to see into the invisible. The results of his
ability are well documented in his books. These books are produced so that
others also will learn to do this for the good of humanity, for the good
because higher consciousness ability.can't
be used for destructive purposes.
Like the natural laws that
won't work to turn a butterfly into a whale.(even
Charles Darwin.comprehended
underlying natural laws), low consciousness
just can't do the things of higher consciousness. The higher the consciousness,
the less effect
evil has upon all, even bringing those of lower consciousness
up somewhat higher. Those of destructive tendencies
and plans are cutting
themselves off from their eternal future:.1Corinthians
Does the Creator make any
mistakes? Although the above scriptures describe part of the Old
Testament principles the ancient Israelites practiced so poorly, the
formula, like even the ten commandents, now
done away as required law is applicable if it
is of benefit to society.
-on breaking
down evils in the world
-on changing
the world
-on children.their
growing, mentally
-on computer
-on consciousness.(1,
-on consequences
-on creation
-on Creator's
-on death
-on destiny
of man
-on destructive
forces can't resurrect
-on eliminating
-on devices.reduce/eliminate
-on electromagnetic
waves not
-on endless
-on enlightenment
-on entropy
-on erasing
the past
-on eternal
-on feelings
-on harmony
-on healing
-on his patented
recovery device
-on helping
-on how
the world could be built
-on how
to be liked
-on human
body; in
constant health
-on infinite
-on intuition
-on inventions
he made
-on invisible
information field
-on joy
-on kingdom
of God
-on lectures
-on light
of life
-on love
-on man's
-on man's
-on materialization
meditation |
and information
we believe
of the past
-on new
elements & materials created
-on new
-on nothing
-on nuclear
-on numbers
for disease healing
-on plants
and animals
-on positiveness
-on prayer
-on predestination
-on protection
-on purpose
of the world
-on real
-on resurrection
-on seeing
the Creator
-on seeking.(Matthew
-on sharing
-on soul
and time
-on spiritual
-on suffering
-on technologies
of the invisible
-on too
many people?
-on the
scene in time
-on thinking
-on thought
-on time
-on transferring
thought, images, videos
-on true
science and exact science
-on unity
and eternity
-on unlimited
energy source
-on vacuum
-on what
is man?
-on what
is there?
-on who
are you?
-on why
you are here
-on world,
-on world
-on you |
15:12-14 "Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how
say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there
be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen. And if Christ
be not risen, then is our preaching vain
and your faith is also vain."
2:10 "... obtain the salvation which is in Christ Emmanuel
with eternal glory." Colossians 1:27."...Christ
in you, the hope of glory."
The man Job
way back when knew well about resurrection:.Job
The apostle Paul.pursued
the resurrection with all his heart:.Philippians
3:10-15 "That I may know him and the power of his resurrection...If
by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead...reaching
forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the
prize of the high calling of God.(the
high calling of the Creator is from His high consciousness)...Let
us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus
It's a resurrection from
level of death, the level of living from worldwide low consciousness,
wherein are the ways of
death coming from the susceptible
to evil level of the ego, which comes
with its mark, the
mark of the beast, which is everywhere.
The mark of the beast, always
deceitfully, leads to the antithesis.of
what the Creator is all about and is in character,
a pathway to death, full of lies
by deceit. The
mark of the beast exhibits.itself
by the fruits people produce in their hearts, out of which come our lives
and the things affecting them:.Matthew
7:16,20. And what
might these fruits be? And how
does it work?
Ways of death included in
ancient times were the ways of not listening to a better way and in those
days it was the way God told them to go; but they didn't
Ways of death
include typical misunderstandings.(Mark
if not solved take one further from the wonderful truths of the Creator,
such as the number series.
Everything in the multiverse is a mathematical construct of the Creator
that is good. Good minds produce good frequencies as Nikola
Tesla's did.
Evil also is frequency. All
negatives are frequencies propagated
by the dark side:.1Peter
5:8,9. They were necessary to provide contrast
to the good. And this is
so that one on their journey of life would see the contrast and make good
the life path they want to get on and remain on.
Once headed the way of good,
it expunges
the evil by a mathematical factor.
The multiverse is mathematical.
Dark side beings influence
those susceptible
to their frequencies of evil in such a way that they in turn produce evils
on the Earth. Here's some of what they've
done. And so evil carries on and life gets increasingly difficult for humanity
in hopes humanity will learn evil destroys any good God wants man to have.
So why does
God allow that?
To get God's help in life
each one of us must decide for it.
Evil has been defeated.(*).in
the lives of those caring and affected by God to the degree they know that.
Many good people pray
for others. In their lives functions the frequency of God. And what's
2:14 "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood,
he also himself likewise took part of the same, that through death he might
destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil."
Good is spreading daily throughout
the world now and soon evil will only be a dim memory of the past. Evil
will be gone completely, because evil is no longer needed and that because
the greater part of humanity has decided on good.
As two and two equals four,
so it is when you open your mind to entertain evil,
you open the door for greater evil, because the dark side is there to amplify
what may be in your thoughts and this takes you onto the road
of destruction and further
each time you allow evil to affect you. The world today evidences the
results of many who have allowed evil. How
bad is it, while it continues to increase all around you? It's your
choice to disallow it in your life. Why
doesn't God just remove all evil?.Deuteronomy
is frequencies. Even combinations of numbers produce effects and are
used to cure various diseases and indicate malfunction. See the
We live with them
because we tacitly
accepted them because of a cabal trick. What
was the trick?
The deadly graphene oxide
and deadlier graphene hydroxide, produced in the bioweapon
jabs is now added to foods you eat and water you drink, along
with bits of snake venom, heavy metals and various other poisons, like
Leaky gut is caused by a
bacillus bacteria sprayed on vegetables, even organic ones! It was discovered
back in 1904 - 1910 according to Dr.
David Martin. It causes holes in the stomach and intestinal tract.
Vaccines are now also injected into fruits and vegetables. Chemtrails poison
the air and ground and water. Fluoride increases poisoning of our drinking
water, to which cancer causing chlorine is also added. BT toxin is sprayed
mostly on corn & soybeans. Monsanto/Bayer's
Roundup uses glyphosate,
a weed killer. Stupid farmers also use it on food to keep food dry. Beef
has hormones added. The satanists just have to kill. It's their nature.
But you don't have to be killed by them.
Yep! The satanists are
out to kill you. Take your concerns to the court
of God. If you don't, it's like saying that you are ok with it all
and God stays out of it. Pray, will you?
See the two part series by
Stew Peters, called Watch
The Water. Truly satanists are out to eliminate humanity with their
They start the killing process
even before
being born, by vaccines given to the mother. Then the killing process carries
on through conning the mother to allow them to inject many, many more into
her baby as it reaches the age of six.
They hate you. The 'dyed
in the wool' ones won't reverse gears in their doing of evil. Those
influenced by the dark side will not much care for you either, unless they
can get some quick advantage by tricking and abusing you, using ways aligning
with satanic purposes.
You can't poison your way
into health and prosperity with information that's hurtful to you. They
always tell you whatever they want you to do is 'it's for your good' and
'it's safe and effective'. They always
Consider the financial aspect
of our lives.
And there are many
more of them. Get out.(*).of
the satanic world all around you that is rife
with liars out to harm you, which are comprised of those who can make themselves
look as a human, but are reptilian
shapeshifters, out to eradicate
humanity, except for the few, they'll use as slaves in the tunnels:.2Peter
2:1,3; Revelation 18:4.
A different way of thinking
than what we've all been conditioned into believing is needed. Who would
even want to think that their fellow man would be so very cruel as to do
the things they are doing and have done them for centuries? Well, they
are not your fellow man. They are reptilian
shapeshifters who worship and live by the evils of the dark side. Their
ways of death
include those.dark
side driven individuals of the
dangerous, insidiously
poisonous vaccinations.and
that is all vaccinations
since day one.
are these beings who have done and are doing such things? Who
are these evil
mankind ones that were duped into becoming as evil as the reptilians
appearing as humans who controlled the world?
Evil corporations never want
you to know the powerful natural
alternatives, so you would continue to 'suck up' their poisons as you slowly
walked the death pathway and hand over your money along the way. In everything
the cabal has concern, their bent
is to poison, control, pervert,
destroy, lie, hide, cheat and cause hopelessness and depression. These
are satanic
ways. They hate both the true God of all creation and humanity, because
they are not of
humanity, though they can appear to be. See the
Situation Updates and go to the January 25,2024 one for pictures. And
learn to discern.
else have they concocted in doing evil things, besides the covid
con, strangleholds on the economy and its money
system worldwide, stranglehold and perversion of true health with pharmaceutical/medical
lies, the satanic
corrupt horribly evil justice/legal/court system? Through organizations
they have set up, expansion of their evil tentacles occurs, like the Federal
Reserve, CDC, FDA, CIA, FBI, corporate governments all over the world,
in municipalities, cities, towns, etc. that
you thought you had
a part in by voting?.Revelation
They are responsible for
wars because they concocted
them and still do. During the last two centuries, they carried on with
their plans of divide and conquer and then eliminate the victors by various
other means. Now, thanks to Trump, Putin and the Alliances, they are 'done
like dinner'. The evil shape-shifters
are being eliminated.
Good sincere people have swallowed
from the
that vaccines cause no or little harm, therefor the risk is worth it, when.they
have always and still do, cause massive harm and those promoting
them knew this was their purpose of use. Such are they who were out
to kill you, slowly or quickly. Do you still stupidly follow the propaganda
you've swallowed?
harm initially or over time, depending on what's
in them, so the true dangers are somewhat hidden from you and you can't
put your finger on just why, because over time it's difficult to pin down
specific causes of illness, especially if you believe these criminals that
are saying 'vaccines are safe' when they definitely
aren't. And why would you believe these criminals unless you were duped
and why were you of a mind to be duped?.2Corinthians
Included in the ways of
death along with all vaccines, are
pharmaceutical concoctions many
of them made with petroleum, personal
care products and equally insidious genetically
modified 'food' further contaminated by use of various poisonous 'cides'
and chemical
flavorings, enhancers, etc.).in
your soft drinks, preservatives,
in drinking & cooking water and chemtrails.(spraying
the sky with toxins for you to breath in, called chemtrails, part of the
murderous plans of satanists who hate humanity).
Food, water, air; how else can they kill humans? Vaccines?
releases and spraying of poisons on populations? Electronic methods
such as 5G and what's in
many popular soft drinks? Yep! It is a
cabal secret covenant to eliminate humans.
Deadly chemical releases
such as by recent train derailments, as in East Palestine in the US, where
highly poisonous dioxin
was released.
See to take action on Dr.
David E. Martin's talk, starting at about 1:12:00, that's at about one
hour and twelve minutes in to this
There's a very good chance
you've eaten beaver anal gland secretions. No, really, there
is. If you've ever guzzled strawberry or raspberry flavoured drinks,
slurped vanilla ice cream, enjoyed an alcoholic beverage or two or chomped
on chewing gum, chances are you'll have ingested castoreum, a food additive
made from the secretions of glands found near the anuses of beavers.
Even worse, it seems beavers'
bum goo is just one of many unappetizing ingredients many of us don't realize
are in our foods. Also
in poisoned food are human and animal aborted.fetal
tissue and other crap.
"They've conditioned you
to believe their poison is medicine. They've conditioned you to believe
their indoctrination
is education. They've conditioned you to believe their propaganda
is news. Worst of all, they've conditioned you to believe, those who are
aware of what's going on are your enemy."....from
Obviously there is collusion
when you find out many baby food
manufacturers are poisoning babies. And see the
list of aborted baby parts added to products you may already be consuming.
The criminals love selling
their products as 'safe and effective' like the baby powder scam and sun
tan lotions. No sane person wants their franken science so-called vaccines
and so they have to try make it mandatory and that doesn't mean they can
for you, if you know your rights.
And remember the melamine poison purposely added to pet foods coming in
from China's communist controlled companies?
Whenever the evil influenced
side wants to suck you in for destruction, it always presents what it is
you are to do with a 'It'll be better for you' or 'it's approved', 'it's
ok for you', it's safe and effective'. Satan is the great liar.
The evil ones
used this con job since the beginning of humanity, starting with Eve.(Genesis
carrying on with the cover up of atrocities
of the Bolshevik revolution.(see
information on it). And those of
their ilk do the
same today. Don't be a sucker all your life. Get knowledge to rise above
the lies and align your life with good.
Satanists always
make things look good in some way on the surface to get you to 'buy into
it', no matter what the dark side is 'selling'. They never sell good, only
slow or fast death.
Remember when governments
said that the new longer lasting lightbulbs were so good that by 2012 the
older ones would no longer be available? Well, the new types not only didn't
last even as long when they first came out and not only that, they contained
deadly mercury.(*),
yet came with no warning that if you broke one, you should leave the house,
call the Hazmat people at your local fire department and they would come
in special suits, enter your house and suck the poison up, wipe the walls,
etc., making it safe so that you could return inside. And your government
was complicit in that and is in all other poisonings. Why? Because they
are of satanic ways of death, conned themselves into believing they will
be exempt somehow. They are obviously not the brightest bulbs on the chandelier.
Hey, but who voted them in? All parties reek
of corruption. What does that say about how most people do things; no research,
right? So they are inactive mentally because they are selfishly motivated.
Dentists and their associations
side with evil by continuance
of practices harmful to people. Ask your dentist if amalgam
fillings are harmful when the vapors from the mercury in them are released
when applied, heated or drilled? That way, you'll find out if he's a non
caring idiot to be avoided or simply an ignoramus
who doesn't bother to check out materials he uses on patients and therefore
just lacks professional knowledge. Some people, especially of the dark
side will do anything for greed.
Coal burning produces mercury.(how
bad is this chemical?).and
coal is burned to provide the electricity for all those new electric cars.(another
satanic con job), making them way more
polluting than petroleum fueled vehicles, which are bad enough and even
have highly toxic
interiors when they are new.
Add to all these poisonings,
chemical flavorings and coal tar colorings, 'enhancers',
often hidden by names of other concoctions.(the
dark side way of hiding what's being used to eliminate humanity by a little
here and a little everywhere; McDonald's
'food'; and probably other fast food, because it seems they'll go for
anything that's cheap in order to keep profits up, even secretions from
glands near a beaver's anus could be in your food as castoreum is an additive
made from the secretions of glands near the bums of beavers; it's used
as a sweet vanilla, strawberry and raspberry flavoring in drinks and sweets).processings
to 'ensure shelf life'.(those
of the dark side always have a reason that seems OK on the surface,
but in the long run contributes to other deceits to destroy you; they truly
ensuring death in the long run and the extremely harmful glyphosate.(main
of Roundup), sprayed on crops
and used in chemical fertilizers, which kills the ground in order to force
growth of what's to be labeled as 'food'. And let's not forget the imported
harmful opioid drugs which destroy people. Hmm! Destruction for you everywhere.
Not to worry. Some people are saving you. What
you can do to help?
L-Cysteine is an amino acid
- the building blocks of your hair.
But it's also used to extend
the shelf life of many bread-based products... including your Friday night
This real stomach churner
is it's often obtained from hog hair and duck feathers, but watch out next
time you holiday in the US, there it is often made from human hair.
This practice was banned in Europe. Research carried out by the Vegetarian
Resource Group found that McDonalds used unmentionable ingredients and
even duck feathers in some of their products, as did Dunkin Donuts.
hiding of gross
things in food you eat and many GMO 'frankenfoods', now labeled Bio-fortified
are laced with
workings because harmful
world controllers are part
and parcel with invisible satanic beings.
They do not want you have helpful knowledge.(why?).and
supress information that would help humanity, such as all the age old tested
common remedies and agricultural methods that actually work and not poison
you along the way, such as and
as. Also Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc, B Vitamins, etc. are some of
the main things in getting and keeping your immune
system up to normal. And soon you can have access to the incredible
'med beds'.
To stop the body from being
poisoned is most important to health. That's why those on the same
path as the dark side use lots of lies, such as 'it causes no harm',
'it's been tested and found safe' or other absurd
lying remarks. Can you trust those who say these things?
The question must be asked
then 'Why would people use their abilities to create things, such as so-called
vaccines, for the pathway of death and tell you everything's safe.('vaccines
are safe, take them', 'vaccines are safe, take some more'; pesticides are
ok, all is chemicals, chemicalized and GMO food does no harm and other
such lies), when these things absolutely
are not safe and they know it.(Aleksandr
Isayevich Solzhenitsyn's
comment). The risks are kept from
you by their lies and control over the media.
Have nothing to do with the
ways of the totalitarian
deep state, who controls the negatives in all of life including Chinese
communist lackeys.
Realize that 96% of Chinese people are good, dislike the Chinese communists
and are too, working to rid the world of them and who controls them and
the evils they perpetrate.
who are all these evil people today who hate the good of humanity,
these satanically inspired ones?.Genesis
We are finding out as they
are being arrested and tried in military tribunals
worldwide, thanks to God guiding Trump and all
those with him in this world cleanup of evil.
No matter how nice these
evil ones seem to be, they are of the dark side and are out to destroy
others while stealing money on the pathway to death they have planned for
good people. It's satanic to the core:.Matthew
7:15 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening wolves.".Isaiah
And their abominations are
17:4,5. Trump Attorney Lin Wood explains:.Lin
Wood reports and Janet
Ossebaard reports.
They are lying and have accepted
money and advantage for complying with the dark side's con to influence
all human beings toward death, the purpose of the dark side. Illness first,
then death. And most people who may have been on the pathway of death and
years have been so zombified,
their minds are able to dismiss such things as 'conspiracy
theories'. Too bad for them at this time:.2Thessalonians
2:11 "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that
they should believe a lie."
These toxins not only interfere
with the body's normal processes, but contribute to the increasing number
of dead foods on the shelf, which is death food. You can't support a living
organism by simply making it feel not hungry through raising its glucose
levels. All digested food is converted into glucose. The body doesn't
need an added chemical concoction of glucose, because the body produces
an honest glucose to feed its cells that is unlike the chemical crap called
glucose. Now why would they call it the same thing? Glucose is added to
many products. It's a starch syrup made from corn, etc., most of it genetically
modified. 90% of corn and soy is. It's used as a 'food' or drug additive
and should be completely avoided, because these things, though called food,
do not produce the balanced energies a body requires, instead robbing energy
from one's body in efforts to digest it somewhat and get rid of it.
By ingesting.devitalized
starches and sugars such as white rice, white flours, pastas, pizza, breads,
etc. made with such stuff and with white and processed sugars, man created
sweeteners, etc., we are making ourselves feel necessary to go to the doctor,
who may or may not know about a body's nutritional health processes. These
simple sugars cause harm. They are different. They are not released slowly
into the blood stream from the small intestine as do complex
sugars from organic brown
rices, wild rices, multigrain sprouted breads, raw
honey, etc., but rather go into the blood stream from the oral cavity,
the mouth, the
and the stomach.
Type 'sugar dangers' into
Brighteon.com or, for more type into an Internet search engine and see
Water also has microplastics,
prozac, vioxx, birth control pills, shampoo, laundry chemicals, dryer sheet
chemicals, chemicals in cosmetics, mercury from coal burning.(added
to the mercury from vaccines an individual gets who's been propagandized.enough
to believe he or she should get vaccinated),
lead, perfumes, detergent residues, chlorine, chloramines, very poisonous
is contaminated with a plethora
of other chemicals and wastes, including heavy metals. Check your local
water. It may be acceptable if it doesn't have highly toxic fluoride
in it and it probably contains chlorine,
the chemical that burns your eyes they poison you with in swimming pools,
the chemical which can be dissipated
by using Vitamin C and will also dissipate if you use solar water you can
easily make yourself by using a small blue bottle, filling it with filtered
tap water and placing it in the Sun for a minimum of 15 minutes to an hour,
depending on the Sun's intensity. Apart from that you can place the bottle
where incandescent
much healthier older yellowish when on, light bulbs, called incandescent
affect the water.
Bottled water in plastic
bottles allows chemicals in the plastic to be
into the liquid because the water is added before the plastic has cooled.
As mentioned, we are also poisoned by what's in vaccinations,
poisoned by drugs flushed down the toilet, mixing with other toxic chemicals
from everything from drain cleaners, nail polishes to household and industrial
cleaning products, puke, poop and pee, etc., then the liquid sluge is treated
at your favorite water treatment facility by removing the solids and chemicalizing
the liquid, so it's 'drinkable'. Yuk! All this crap living will not be
around in the kingdom of God, coming upon us now.
We have a poisoned government
on almost all levels because of corrupted politicians with plans contrived
in secrecy unapproved by the populace to be affected by them, such as the
of laws used against you, that you may not have known about, etc.
We have a poisoned environment,
a poisoned educational system, poisoned
economic and financial systems.(of
which Trump and Putin are fixing),
tongues, poisoned social systems of many kinds having no transparency,
non disclosure to the public affected. We have poisoned entertainment,
poisoned 'fun' with parties that take more from one than they deliver in
real fun, air pollution from many sources including chemtrails to reduce
population by heavy metals and contributing to infertility, poisoned
We see lack of transparency
everywhere these days. This is the world we all have allowed. Meditation
is fixing it by using honest
people to turn it all around for good: Jeremiah
18:8 "If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their
evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them."
are poisonings. Viruses
are excretions of a toxic cell. They are pieces of DNA and RNA. They are
not the cause of anything, because viruses are not living. They are agglomerations
of dead cells as the body renews itself. They are garbage marked for elimination
by breathing, sweating, peeing and pooping.
Those who control the world
you for the nefarious
reasons pumped into their mind
from the dark
side behind them out to destroy humanity.
All these, which you can
find information on, on the Net,connote
a level of living far below a higher
consciousness level. But negative things in life can only be permanently
repaired at the spiritual level. What should you do? What
can you do?
The resurrection for the
living is to rise above the death
level to a
new better way
of life here and now, than what has been experienced on Earth so far. Resurrecting
is not gobbledegook.
It involves procedure to accomplish desired result, procedure that can
be learned and employed, like any other procedure can.
After his resurrection, the
One called Emmanuel had this to say to those who knew Him before His death:.Luke
24:39 "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Handle me
and see, for a spirit has not flesh and bones, as you see me have."
The most important thing
you can do for yourself is to believe the resurrection is true and is for
you and that it is now
for everyone. Why? Because this is humanity's hope, the hope of the
new you.
The new you is having been
freed from the prison of
the ego:.Colossians
3:10. It's the hope of the new man, called in the Bible, being
born again:.Ephesians
2:12,13; Acts 24:15; Acts
26:6,8; 1Peter 1:3; Romans
So, we have the sureness
of the resurrection and we can be resurrected while living. How so? We
have been cut off from our connection
with the Soul. We can be resurrected to it today.
Physical resurrections also
are occurring at an increasing amount all over the world. So, we have
examples both in Emmanuel's.(who's
this Emmanuel?).time
and today of physical resurrection and, as just explained, spiritual resurrection.
So, how's
the process work?
13:30 "But God raised him from
the dead.".And
he will you and all humanity too! And there are ways, technologies, in
the high consciousness realm of the Creator where resurrection today can
be and is being done as earlier explained above.
You were 'in your sins' when
operating from the human nature ego level. Thanks to the
higher consciousness Christ came to reveal
as the way
to life, that now, is all past:.Romans
6:2,7,11,13; 8:10.
Once your
ego is no longer controlling you and you are in the higher consciousness
of the Infinite One, things begin to come into your life that are good.
keeps you there.
17:31 ".....he.(the
given assurance unto all men, in that he has raised him.(Emmanuel).from
the dead."
20:36 "Neither can they die any more. For they are equal unto the angels.(in
that regard:.1Corinthians
are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection."
6:14 "And God has both raised up the
Lord and will also raise up us by his own power."
4:14 "Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Emmanuel shall raise
up us also by Emmanuel and shall present us with you.".(the
unity of the higher
those in the kingdom of God)
1:18 "I am he.(who's
lives and was dead and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen
and have the keys of hell and of death.".For
some persons of high consciousness all through history to the present time,
those keys have been entrusted to them and they are even used today.
His resurrection is proof
that the full price for us has been paid:.1Corinthians
6:20. We are now fully justified:.Romans
5:1,2,6-12. But what good is all that to if you don't know it. One
must be aware of what exists to believe.
Spiritual persons.(those
having decided to live by love in all they do).are
actually in the resurrection now, having died to their old nature.(Colossians
living now out of their new nature of
12:25 "For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry,
nor are given in marriage but are as the angels which are in heaven.".(what
is this talking about?.Mark
5:28,29 "Marvel not at this: For the hour is coming, in the which all
that are in the graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth, they
that have done.(original
is, 'do', 'bring forth', 'be the authors of'; means the doing of good).good.(original
is, 'a good constitution' or attitude),
unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil,
unto the resurrection of
6:44 "No man can come to me, except the Father which has sent me.draw
him and I will raise him up at the
last day."
26:8,23 "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that
God should raise the dead?...That Christ should suffer and that he should
be the first that should rise from the dead and should show light.unto
the people and to the Gentiles."
Simon Greenleaf Professor of Law at Harvard.(now
passed on).and
chiefly responsible for the rise of Harvard Law School's previously good
reputation, examined the evidence for the resurrection of Emmanuel the
Christ and said, that it was one of the most well attested
facts of ancient history. Greenleaf suggested that any cross examination
of the eye witness testimonies recorded in scripture would result in."an
undoubting conviction of their integrity,
ability and truth."
Dr. Greenleaf wrote a defense
for the resurrection entitled An Examination of the Testimony of the
Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Court of
it were morally possible for them.(those
with Emmanuel back then).to
have been deceived in this matter, every human motive operated to lead
them to discover and
their error...If then their testimony was not true, there was no possible
motive for this fabrication." ...The Testimony
of the Evangelists, Dr. Simon Greenleaf 1984, Baker Books, Grand Rapids,
The resurrection is the key
point of any spiritual person's faith unto eternal life:.1Thessalonians
1John 5:11,13,20;
Resurrection is an attested
to great fact of history, as you will see. Today it is commemorated
at the time known as Easter.
In the resurrection a brand
new body will be given. No longer any imperfections, disabilities, illnesses
or negatives in it of any kind, but you'll still look as you, only in your
most handsome radiant self, as your spirit will shine the light of love
from your heart enriching everything about you:.1Corinthians
13:12 "...then shall I know even as also I am known." Isaiah
40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.(*).
They shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary
and they shall walk and not faint."
once we have the Great Infinite One's same loving nature in our hearts).we
are guaranteed an endless life:.Hebrews
7:16. What will you be doing there? We will be there once we understand
and apply
why it is that we are here.
Will you have ability to
make the face and body exactly as you want? You have
that now! As the inside changes, the
outside reflects, but if we are in some kind of a funk,
sorts, over our looks and bodies, this tints
how others see us. Even an ugly
person can reflect any good
that's inside them and become attractive over a short time
It is the kindness,
the class,
the high standards of love, the vibrancy,
the enthusiasm,
that cause one to radiate in beauty.
Few are extremely
attractive in the face and often, the less the more you get to know them,
as their hearts lack love or a depth of it that you may
be looking for; however, some possess a special attractiveness that
affects their looks, even if they are quite plain and herein lies attractiveness
of the spirit residing within such a person. In life we want the person
who radiates from within and enjoy being around such men and/or women.
An individual wanting plastic
surgery to alter their appearance because they feel it's not pleasing,
just doesn't have any idea how others see them as a whole. One wanting
to artificially change their features, may focus on their nose or maybe
on other body parts that one decides could and should be better.
So they use artificial methods
to correct that which was fine in the first place; fine in the first place
because others, even unbeknownst
to them, see each of us out of many contexts. They see your spirit, the
most beautiful part of anyone, although, to them, they may not categorize
it as such. They hear your voice. They see how you are dressed. They absorb
your personality in many ways. That's why, to one person you are very attractive,
yet to another, well, they're not too much interested in you. It's different
for each and every person you meet. How
is it different?
It's a form of depression
to deprecateoneself.
Rather than have the mind on the self so much, one is better off to inculcate
the things
of higher consciousness. This is where the impression you make upon
others will have God's blessing to it and that's really all you need to
be very attractive to whomever is important to be attractive to at any
particular time:.Job
40:10; Psalms 27:4; 29:2;
31:30; Ezekiel 16:14.
In addition to that, each
of us has about 6
different sides. Depending upon which people we may be with or what
situations we may be in at the time, we tend
to be of a certain.manner.
As one continues growing
in wisdom and knowledge attractiveness is affected.
The Creator takes
nothing good away. Creator wants you to be happy with yourself at all
life with all its present trials and sufferings on Earth today is for
very specific reasons). Creator wants
you as an equal
in love and power and the amount of power is dependent
upon the the reach
of your love. Continuing to grow.(2Peter
full ability to use any love and power that we have received is the 'way
to life':.John
You are today equal with
the Creator in Spirit (Philippians
2:5,6), thanks to the righteousness
of Emmanuel the Christ
imparted to
you as a gift:.Romans
Others know you by your spirit,
as well as by your physical appearance,
it too being important.
The energy field surrounding
our individual bodies has a certain recognizable quality to it, a quality
we 'just know' and interested others can 'see'.
If you know Christ's nature
of love is in you,
you have eternal life.
It was not death, but the
resurrection that declared Emmanuel to be the Son of God:.Romans
1:4 "And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the
of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead."
It is this
in the resurrection that gives power.(power
to do something of love).to
one, because it is the
God's Holy Nature to dwell in you.(Philippians
Acts 4:31,33).and
grace to be upon you.
Consider this scenario...this
guy that you have traveled with for three years, tells you that He is going
to be put to death, but that he would rise again on the third day after
and then ascend to heaven, in full view of others. Then, just as He said,
He is arrested and sentenced to die on the cross. Three days after His
death, He doesn't rise from the dead, but instead stays dead forever. Would
you then go out to the nations preaching His gospel,
after the authorities threatened, sometimes unto death if you did not
stop? Yet that is exactly what they did. They continued to spread
the gospel, even unto death.
These guys were convinced!
One of these who heard Emmanuel
say these things before His death, was exiled
to the Isle of Patmos, where God gave him the information that became the
book of Revelation.
These early
were convinced of the resurrection:.Acts
10:41 "Not to all the people, but unto witnesses chosen
before of God, even to us,.who
did eat and drink with him.after
he rose from the dead." Acts 23:11
"And the night following the Lord stood by him and said, Be of good cheer,
For as you have testified of me in Jerusalem, so must you bear witness
also at Rome." James 2:18 "Yea, a
man may say, You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without
your works and I will show you my faith by my works."