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Bible books history index

B i b l e :  S h o r t  H i s t o r y  O f  E a c h  B o o k
1 s t  a n d  2 n d  P e t e r
1 s t , 2 n d  a n d  3 r d  J o h n
J u d e ,  R e v e l a t i o n

Books of 1 s t.and.2 n d  P e t e r:.And about Peter himself...

The object of the book of 1Peter is to confirm its readers in the doctrines they had been already taught. Peter has been called "the apostle of hope", because this epistle abounds with words of comfort and encouragement fitted to sustain a "lively hope". It contains about thirty five references to the Old Testament.

Peter as did other of the disciples, resurrected the dead:.Acts 9:36-43. Peter's shadow passing over the sick heals them:.Acts 5:15,16.

The books of Peter were written from Babylon, on the Euphrates in 64 A.D., 6 years before the foretold 70 A.D. destruction of city of Jerusalem, the temple there and the religion based on the Mosaic Law of the Old Testament was forever to be abolished. At this time Jerusalem was one of the chief seats of Judean learning. 

2Peter appears to have been written shortly before the apostle's death.(2Peter 1:14).and from Rome in 65 A.D. This epistle.(letter).contains eleven references to the Old Testament. It also contains.(2Peter 3:15,16).a remarkable reference to Paul's epistles.


J o h n ' s  E p i s t l e s.(means 'letters'):.1John was written by John the evangelist probably at Ephesus or Judea when the writer was in advanced age, about 69 A.D. after he was banished by either Nero or Domitian to the Isle of Patmos in southeast Greece in the Dodecanese Islands of the Aegean Sea.(an arm of the Mediterranean Sea off southeast Europe between Greece and Turkey; the numerous Aegean Islands dotting the sea include the Cyclades, the Dodecanese and the Sporades; most belonging to the people of Greece).and a year before the massive destruction of Jerusalem.

John was formerly a fisherman:.Mark 1:19,20.

About the book of 1John, also called the first epistle or letter of John. 

2John and 3John:.The Second and Third Epistles.(letters).were probably written soon after the First and from Ephesus. Of the thirteen verses composing the second epistle seven are in the First Epistle.

This apostle John wrote the book called the Gospel of John, the three Epistles of John.(*).and the book of Revelation in the Bible we know. Many more books of the complete Bible are coming.


J u d e.(*):.The author was Judas, the brother of James the Less.(Jude 1:1), not the Judas that betrayed Emmanuel:.John 12:4-6

The Judas of the Bible book of Jude is called also Lebbaeus.(Matthew 10:3).and Thaddaeus:.Mark 3:18. It was apparently written in the later period of the apostolic age, for when it was written there were persons still alive who had heard the apostles preach:.Jude 1:17. It may thus have been written about 66 or 70 A.D. and apparently in Palestine.


R e v e l a t i o n.(*):.Revelation means an uncovering, a bringing to light of that which had been previously wholly hidden or only obscurely seen:.Hebrews 1:1 "God who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets."

The Book of Revelation we have is the only prophetical book of the New Testament.canon.in the Bible we now have, but there are many more hidden books now discovered and are being brought out. They are listed on gene Decode's site geneDecode.org, look under Documents.

The Greek name for this book is Apocalypse or Book of the Apocalypse.(means 'a revealing'). The word armageddon and its meaning is here.

The author of this book was undoubtedly John the apostle. His name occurs four times in the book itself:.Revelation 1:1,4,9; 22:8

It's actually a book of REVELATIONS because there is 7 Books of Revelations. Today we are only familiar with one of the seven. The cabal hid the other six in the Vatican. A total of 711 additional books to the 66 books we now have in the present Bible, were hidden by the cabal, but have been discovered and many now released. The total of all books would then be 777.

Easton's Bible Dictionary:."The date of the writing of this book has generally.(and inaccurately).been fixed at 96 A.D. in the reign of Domitian in 51-96 A.D., who was Emperor of Rome, 81-96 A.D..(Anno Domini; latin for 'a specified year of the Christian era')."

If written after 70 A.D., so it could not be dealing with the destruction of Jerusalem, which was in 70 A.D. The Book of Revelation is a book of prophecy predicting major events in the then very near future, such as was the Catholic church's Inquisition which lasted for 356 years, from 1478 till 1834:.Revelation 1:1.

This book of the Bible.reports.on atrocities the Judeans experienced in the war of their revolt against those calling themselves Jews in Rome in 66-70 A.D..Revelation 3:9.

They were the same non human types of the Bolshevik revolution and other slaughters of Christians and good hearted people.

The battle of Armageddon.(original means 'surrounding upon').was fought back in 70 A.D. when God used the Roman armies to stop the persecution of Christians. This persecution was done by those who later created the name Jews to hide themselves under the Judean name. These were the non human, but look as if they were, Khazarians, aka the cabal of today, aka the deep state, the Illuminati. This severe battle in 70 A.D. completely eradicated the ancient system called the Mosaic Law that these false ones appearing as Judeans were using.

Comprised.with information from the historian Eusebius as in.Adam Clarke's Commentary: When the whole congregation of the Church in Jerusalem, according to an oracle given by revelation to the approved individuals among them before the war, were commanded to depart from the city and inhabit a certain city which they call Pella, beyond Jordan, to which, when all those who believed in Christ had removed from Jerusalem and when the saints had totally abandoned this royal city metropolis, then the Divine vengeance seized them who had dealt so wickedly with Emmanuel and his apostles and utterly destroyed that wicked and abominable generation.....Eusebius Hist. Eccles, l. iii. c. v. vol. i. p. 93.

Destruction and the corruption that usually goes along with it had its examples then and can be read in Josephus' book War. One example is, at Caesarea, Titus, a savage individual who murdered 2,500 Judeans, in honor of his brother's birthday and a greater number at Berytus in honor of his father's.

There were two phases to the tribulation of trouble the men, women and children went through during the ages. 

The 70 A.D. war was a massive great tribulation that was to quickly occur, destroying the established religious order the religiots based on the Mosaic Law turned it into:.Ephesians 2:15; Hebrews 7:12,18,19,22.

Some believe, in error and are today still expecting this tribulation, to happen two thousand years after it occurred.

Numerous Christians also are making the same mistake the Judeans made in the time of Emmanuel. They expected a conquering king to come then, making them the top of a new society. Today it's the same for some Christians. This was their own teaching based upon nothing substantial. It helps to know about timelines.

Not knowing the momentous events that occurred in circa 70 A.D. and not overstanding or studying the historical events and just listening to what others may believe in some particular church, many too, embrace errors today. Trust your heart and ask God about any concerns you may have. God doesn't lie.

Some believe in a non biblically substantiated.rapture, but that doesn't mean it's false:.Matthew 15:9; Titus 1:14; Colossians 2:18;.1Timothy 4:1 ".....some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils."

It's Christ we look to, inside us, that is, if one's mind is looking to grow spiiritually. And why?.Hebrews 12:2. The so-called rapture can happen:.Matthew 24:3-42; 1Thessalonians 4:7. If enough believe it, it can supersede other timelines. Learn about timelines.

The exceptional works of these researchers should lay to rest any concern over the dating of the writings of the Book of Revelation:.Before Jerusalem Fell, Dr. Kenneth Gentry;.Days of Vengeance, David Chilton;.The Avenging of the Apostles and Prophets, Arthur Ogden;.The Book of Revelation, Foy Wallace. 

The earlier date of 66 A.D. is more probable. From.What Happened In 70 A.D?.by Edward E. Stevens:.The book of Revelation.(actually Revelations, as there were other books of Revelation, the Book of Sarah being one).describes the horrors that came upon the Jews during their war with Rome in 66-70 A.D. The battle of Armageddon was fought 70 A.D. when the Infinite One used the Roman armies to stop those ancient cabalists persecuting Christians. This so destroyed their religious order of the day that established legalistic religion making it no longer a threat to the fledgling Christian communities springing up everywhere back then.

"The book of Revelation.(as well as all the other books of the New Testament).was written before the destruction of Jerusalem and the charismata.(speaking in tongues, writing by inspiration, etc.).seem to have ceased at A.D. 70. Everything that was essential for us to know about the Kingdom had been fully revealed by that time.

The immature state of the church had given way to the complete state:.1Corinthians 13:8-13. The Kingdom.(where is it?).had been fully established under Christ's control and Christ's enemies.(who had rejected Him and persecuted His followers).had been destroyed..All.the Old Testament prophecies about the Kingdom and Emmanuel's return had been fulfilled:.Luke 21:22,31." 

Josephus, a Jewish historian, Tacitus, a Roman historian, both first century eye witnesses and Eusebius, a 4th century Christian historian, all record the seriousness of these times; these times which have been mostly glossed over by many historians.

John wrote the Book of Revelation to the seven churches in Asia:.Revelation 1:4,11

John was influenced by the resurrected Christ to record the things he saw in this vision he had.(Revelation 1:10; 22:8), the things extant at that time and the things.soon.coming:.Revelation 1:19; 22:6. He was to make sure the seven churches in Asia way back then got this information:.Revelation 1:11; 22:16.

John bares record of Creator's word and Christ's testimony to him and the things he saw in this vision:.Revelation 1:2.

These churches in Asia were prepared by John for a.soon.coming tribulation. John wrote this to encourage them, to focus their minds on just how great, how powerful, how ever present Christ is and to note to them that a reason for the coming tribulation upon them was to tune them for a greater spiritual reward and also to hearten them that Christ is always there:.Revelation 1:17,18. The messages to those churches have lessons for each of us today:.Revelation 2:29.

John recorded that these things were imminent:.Revelation 1:3.

This.Book of Revelations.talks of great persecution soon to then occur:.Matthew 10:16-23; Matthew 24:9,10,21; Acts 8:1-3; Galatians 1:13; Revelation 1:1,3; 22:6,10.

John focused on a major problem in five of the seven churches he wrote to; that of being disloyal to Christ:.Revelation 1:20; Revelation chapters 2 and 3. These can be representative of churches today. 

Most contemporary scholars hold to the view that the events described in Revelation were limited to John's day and was not the notable coming. He describes the failures of these churches in Asia. He emphasizes the conquest of evil obtained by Emmanuel the Christ by His death and resurrection. He talks of the end of all evil and of those who follow the beast.

John comments in 278 of Revelation's 404 verses to Old Testament references, specifically those of the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.

There are many 'sevens' in this book, seven churches.(Revelation chapters 2 and 3), seven seals on a scroll (Revelation chapters 6 and 7), seven angels.(Revelation chapters 8-11), seven trumpets and seven last things.(Revelation chapters 19,20; 21, 22), seven vials or bowls and seven plagues.(Revelation 21:9), seven heads and 10 horns and seven crowns.(Revelation 12:3), seven mountains.(Revelation 17:9)

Also, a woman and a dragon.(Revelation chapter 12), two beasts.(Revelation 13:1-18), Babylon the great whore or the satanically influenced world system that's against man's purpose for being here.(Revelation 14:8; 16:19; 17:5; 18th chapter), a false prophet.(Revelation 19:20; 20:10), a bottomless pit.(Revelation chapter 9; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1,3), etc. About all I can say is, read it, knowing God is guiding your understanding and see what you get.(1, 2, 3).from it.

The opening of the first 6 seals on the scroll.(Revelation 6:1-17).describes events coming immediately before the beginning of a new chapter of the reasons for man being here and of the end of human life as we have been accustomed to. Do we know how it all ends, if it actually does at this time?
