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Q u e s t i o n s..A
b o u t..S
c r i p t u r e s
a g e..3
is the."throne
of His glory".mentioned
We are!.2Peter
1:17 "For he received from God the Father honour and glory when there
came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son
in whom I am well pleased."
And this applies
to us as well, as Christ's nature of love dwells
in us.
4:13,14 ".....when his glory shall be revealed you may be glad also
with exceeding joy.....for the spirit of glory and of God rests upon you......"
6:20; 2Corinthians 6:16;
24:29,30 talks about Christ coming immediately after the tribulation
mentioned there, but in 2Thessalonians
1:6,7,10 it is shown that Christ is revealed from heaven with his angels
when those who are his, those having believed in him, are in the midst
of trouble. How can this be?
Answer from preterist.org
"You are correct in pointing
out that the word 'tribulation'.(Greek
found in both passages. Both passages harmonize well. In Matthew 24, there
is a great tribulation.(persecution).of
the saints which is followed immediately by the coming of Christ.(when
did this occur?), which causes the
heavens and Earth to be shaken and all the tribes of the Earth to mourn:.Matthew
"In 2Thessalonians
1:6,7,10, we see the same scenario.
The saints were being persecuted. Christ would come and give them relief
and at the same time, affliction to their persecutors. We are talking about
two different phases of the tribulation with Christ's return in the middle.(the
first regarding the saints {Matthew
24:30,31} and the second
against persecutors of them throughout
the ages); this second coming is without general observation because
it is in the hearts of those
who are of Him, that is, those being of a loving nature and it is they
who will determine from the words of the Creator as recorded in the Bible,
what the reward of the evil ones on Earth will be and they also will be
angels, both good ones and bad ones).
Both passages.(in
their contexts).deal
with both phases."....Edward
E. Stevens
21:8 "..many shall come in my name, saying..., the time is at hand;
go you not after them.".(American
Standard Version) Why not go after
them? Was not the time 'at hand'?
Answer from preterist.org
"In Luke
very next verse), Emmanuel
said the reason his disciples should not pay attention to anyone saying."the
time is at hand".in
those days was because the other signs he gave them had not happened yet.
Emmanuel gave enough signs that they could not miss it. When compared with
the parallel accounts in Matthew and Mark, this is even more apparent.
For instance, if Emmanuel had given them 30 signs to look for and only
5 of them had taken place, it wouldn't make much sense to believe that
the end was immediately at hand. But if all 30 had taken place.(by
the year 66 A.D.), they could be sure
the end was indeed at hand. There is another reason also. The people who
were trying to lead away the brethren were probably caught up in the nationalistic
mindset and looking for a materialistic kingdom or paradise or they were
Judaizers. To follow them would have been fatal in view of what happened
to such zealots
at 70 A.D."....Edward
E. Stevens
7:23 What is this fourth beast Daniel is talking of here? And what
are the ten kings talked of in verse 24?
Note that the fourth
beast was diverse, that is, having distinct characteristics, qualities
or elements different from the other three. Notice also that it devours
the whole Earth, breaking it in pieces. A study of history in conjunction
with the book of Daniel reveals much on this subject.
Have you heard of the Communist
of 'divide and conquer'? The Romans had the idea first and passed it on
to would be world controllers.
Have you read Karl Marx's.The
Communist Manifesto.where
it talks of one of the best ways to gain control is to institute a 'progressive'
income tax? His ideas were a broadening of a government philosophy
by Caesar Augustus, that of a census, an enrolment, a listing of the people
and so began the satanic practice of 'people management' aka
This census helped with accurate
historical recording of the people involved in the most important event
in history to that time, the solid historical fact of the birth of the
one we refer to as
The ten kings refer to the
of the ancient Roman Empire:.Daniel