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3:1 O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched
you, that you should not obey.(original
for word 'obey' is 'persuade',
meaning, some of the alternates to the true
gospel which they had heard and believed were beginning
to affect the faith they had).the
truth, before whose eyes Emmanuel
the Christ has been evidently set forth, crucified
among you?
is, the knowledge of Emmanuel's crucifixion
was well known among them.
3:2 This only would I learn of you, Received you the Spirit by the
works of the law or by the hearing of faith?
heard and you agreed with what you heard.
3:3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now made
perfect by the flesh?
by the flesh' meaning, by
into a bunch of do's and don'ts as those did who were under the
of the
Law. Paul was aware how easy it was for people to get hooked (verse
1 above) on things that relate to carnal
obedience, away from growing spiritually:.2Peter
3:4 Have you suffered so many things in vain? if it be yet in vain.
3:5 He therefore that ministers to you the Spirit and works miracles
among you, does he it by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith?
3:6 Even as Abraham
believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
3:7 Know you therefore that they which are of faith,
the same are the children of Abraham.
Galatians 3:8 And the scripture, foreseeing that
God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel
unto Abraham, saying, In you shall all nations be blessed.
3:8 And the scripture.(Genesis
18:18; Romans 4:3-16),
that God would justify
the heathen
through faith, preached before the gospel
unto Abraham, saying, In
here to what God who inspired the scripture to forsee that it was the justifying
of all by faith).shall
all nations be blessed.
One's faith
is his or her set of things they believe to be
true and therefor
that is what they act from in daily living,
This was also
a foretelling
for us today, in that, all nations on Earth are to be blissed
because they are 'in Abraham'. How? By faith, that is they believe it.
When you cause another to be blissful
you cause them to be extremely happy and joyful.
There was Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. How far forward
were they from Adam?
Abraham's son
was Isaac. Isaac's son was Jacob. Jacob's son was Joseph. Joseph had two
sons by Asenath,
whose names were Ephraim
and Manasseh. Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Mannassah received a special
bunch of joy from Jacob (whose name
was changed to the name Israel), just before his passing:.Genesis
But how is
that all practical for our use today? Two types of blessings here; the
physical and the spiritual (the type and antitype),
that is, all those in what's called spiritual
Israel who pray for others, will cause blessings upon them and their
concerns, the results of which can be seen
today. And it too works if you want your business or anything else
to prosper. Praying for others will make their business bloom as it 'fills
in the spaces' in the one owning/running/working in, the business.
Pray for your customers and for the general populace that you hope will
become your customers and pray
for the premises and the staff so they will be blessed. In this way you
place the working principle of grace upon
those things. Remember, what you love, you want the best for and apply
to all you are concerned about. All life is for interaction
with others so that you can be a blessing to others. If your heart is to
bless others, be sure you are a blessing to them in actions both spiritually
(pray) and physically (do what you can to help) and so we see the gospel
is based on promises of good for all. Since the blessings for you and those
you love, come out of the invisible, your part is to learn
how to use the gift that makes all this possible.
3:9 So then they which be of faith are blessed
with faithful Abraham.
you can have great faith once you know God has given you a special gift
and wants you to use it. How? Learn
how. It's not anything to do with the Old Testament law that was
abolished after it had done its purpose, but of faith:.Romans
Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of
the law are under the curse. For it is written, Cursed is every one that
continues not in all things which are written in the book of the
law to do them.
3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse.
For it is written.(where?.Deuteronomy
27:26), Cursed is every one that continues not in all things
which are written in the
book of the law to do them.
And how cursed
would they be, say for example, not keeping the Sabbath day back then,
which was only one of the over
600 laws?.Exodus
In other words,
you can't extract the commandments
or say the tithing part
of the Mosaic Law and expect that you would be doing the righteousness
of God. And you can't tithe expecting some blessing from God for doing
so, as tithing was a part of the Mosaic Law that was
done away. If you are setting it up, you're setting up your own righteousness
by works and shoving away the gift of righteousness made available in Christ.
The law back
then was a measure of the people's righteousness and was designed for what
we can learn about it for us today. If one stupidly would now want
to keep any part of it, not only is he kicking Christ out of the
way and disregarding what He nailed to the cross, but he's under obligation
to keep all the Mosaic Law, all its over 600 points of it, a horrible and
unnecessary burden. That's why Paul called it a curse and he meant all
of it.
One is justified
(means to be made righteous) by a gift.(Romans
by trying to keep any part or parts of an old defunct
law that had nothing to do with the righteousness God saw would elevate
humanity to His level.
Emmanuel came
to show this new spiritual way was easier:.Matthew
11:28-30. Matthew 23:3,4 was
said because the Mosaic Law was still in effect at the time Emmanuel was
on Earth, that is, until He killed it at the cross:.Colossians
2:14. The ancient Mosaic Law was designed to be onerous
so man would come to see the hopelessness of it and would write this history
by his life. It was designed to show that something greater was needed
that this inept
law and that was a gift one can accept and can accept it because it's free:.Acts
13:39 "And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from
which you could not be justified by the law of Moses." Romans
3:22 "Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Emmanuel Christ
unto all and upon all them that believe..." Romans
3:24 "Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that
is in Christ Emmanuel."
3:11 But that no man is justified
by the law in the sight of God, it is evident.
For, the just live by faith.
saying that if you did everything right according to the Mosaic Law, it
doesn't count with God. Why? Because that
law was abolished. Now we live by faith.
Literal Translation: 'and that in law no one is declared righteous
with God, is evident, because the righteous by faith shall (word 'shall'
not in original, but implied) live'.
Those wrongly
thinking that works they do balance their bad done, just don't get it.
Any bad you've ever done stopped with what Christ accomplished, his crucifixion
and resurrection. So when in
Christ, no worries.
The bad is
now 'done like dinner' and for all time (Matthew
3:12), so you can avoid ever thinking of bad you may have done and
now follow the good. If they
still bother you, realize it's only a lingering
thought form you can move on from, like you're still wearing that old shirt
and your mom gave you a new one you've yet to put on. The old thought forms
are hanging around, like your old clothes waiting for you to resurrect
them by wearing them again. Get rid of the old. How?
3:12 And the law is not of faith, but, The man that does them shall
live in them.
3:13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law.(not
law; the curse of the law talked about here was its oppression;
law was this and what
oppression did it cause? And what was the end result without Christ?.Ezekiel
18:4), Christ having been made a curse for us.(2Corinthians
5:21). For it is written.(written
21:23), Cursed is every one that
on a tree.
The following from Martin
Luthor, lived 1483-1546 A.D.
Commentary on Galatians:."All
the prophets of old said that Christ should be the greatest transgressor,
murderer, adulterer, thief, blasphemer that ever was or ever could be on
Earth. When He took the sins of the whole world upon Himself, Christ
was no longer an innocent individual. He was a sinner burdened with the
sins of a Paul who was a blasphemer, burdened with the sins of a Peter
who denied Christ, burdened with the sins of a David who committed adultery
and murder and gave the heathen occasion to laugh at the Lord. In short,
Christ was charged with the sins of all men, that He should pay for them
with His own blood. The curse struck Him. The Law found Him among sinners.
He was not only in the company of sinners. He had gone so far as to invest
Himself with the flesh and blood of sinners. So the Law judged and hanged
Him for a sinner.
"I am told
that it is preposterous and wicked to call the Son of God a cursed sinner.
I answer: If you deny that He is a condemned sinner, you are forced to
deny that Christ died. It is not less preposterous to say, the Son of God
died, than to say, the Son of God was a sinner. John the Baptist called
Him."the lamb
of God, which takes away the sin of the world"....John
1:29. We have no right to minimize the
force of this declaration. God does not amuse Himself with words. What
a relief for a Christian to know that Christ is covered all over with my
sins, your sins and the sins of the whole world.
"Being the
unspotted Lamb of God, Christ was personally innocent. But because He took
the sins of the world His sinlessness was defiled with the sinfulness of
the world. Whatever sins I, you, all of us have committed or shall commit,
they are Christ's sins as if He had committed them Himself. Our sins have
to be Christ's sins or we shall perish forever:.1Timothy
1:15 "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that
Christ Emmanuel came into the world to save sinners..."
"Isaiah declares
of Christ:."The
Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all...he has poured out his soul
unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he bare the sin
of many and made intercession for the transgressors."....Isaiah
"If Christ
bears our sins,
we do not bear them. But if Christ is innocent of
our sins and does not bear them, we must bear them and we shall die in
our sins:.John
15:57 "But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through
our Lord Emmanuel Christ."
"Let us see
how Christ was able to gain the victory over our enemies. The sins of the
whole world,
past, present and future, fastened themselves upon
Christ and condemned Him. But because Christ
is God He had an everlasting and unconquerable righteousness. These
two, the sin of the world and the righteousness of God, met in a death
struggle. Furiously the sin of the world assailed the righteousness of
God. Righteousness is eternal and invincible. On the other hand, sin is
a mighty tyrant who subdues all men. This tyrant pounces on Christ. But
Christ’s righteousness is unconquerable. The result is inevitable. Sin
is defeated and righteousness triumphs and reigns forever.
"Our merciful
Father in heaven saw how the Law oppressed us and how impossible it was
for us to get out from under the curse of it. He therefore sent His only
Son into the world and said to Him "You are now Peter, the liar, Paul the
persecutor, David the adulterer and murderer, Adam the disobedient, the
thief on the cross, etc. You, My Son, must pay the world's iniquity." The
Law growls: "All right. If Your Son is taking the sin of the world, I see
no sins anywhere else but in Him. He shall die on the Cross." And the Law
kills Christ. But we go free.
"Blind leaders
of the blind.(Matthew
the poor people over to the mercy of sin, death and the devil. Imagine.(if
this could even work), that the mighty forces
of sin, death and the curse can be vanquished by the righteousness of man's
works, by fasting, pilgrimages, masses, vows and such
things. When we hear that Christ was made a curse for us, let us believe
it with joy and assurance. By faith Christ changes places with us. He gets
our sins, we get His holiness:.Galatians
3:13 "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made
a curse for us..."
"By faith alone
can we become righteous, for faith invests us with the sinlessness of Christ.
The more fully we believe this, the fuller will be our joy. If you believe
that sin, death and the curse are void, then they are.null,
zero. Whenever sin and death makes you nervous, write it down as an illusion
of the devil. There is no sin now,
no curse, no death, no devil because Christ
has done away with them.(that
is, in Christ, they have no effect:.Luke
10:19 "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions
and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt
you."). This
fact is sure. There is nothing wrong with the fact. The defect lies in
our lack of faith."
2:20 "Wherefore if you be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the
world, why, as though living in the world, are you subject to ordinances?"
We came here,
were born on this Earth already having status,
but just never knew it and so humanity carried on as best it could with
what he had:.Ecclesiastes
7:29 "Lo, this only have I found, that God has made man upright, but
they have sought out many inventions."
3:14 That the blessing of Abraham
might come on the Gentiles through Emmanuel.the
Christ, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through
is a spiritual quality that enables one to receive what's called the
Holy Spirit. It comes not through works of keeping a
defunct old law. It came to the Gentiles
at this time simply because they heard about it and wanted it. It was always
available from God, but the knowledge about it was kept from them by those
who felt only they should have it, because they were better than the Gentiles.
And there were those who resented gift to the Gentiles because they had
a heritage that went back all the way to the beginning of the Mosaic Law
because they had this law and in their warped thinking believed they were
still keeping it, which they weren't at all:.Matthew
23rd chapter. that it wasn't fair that those who didn't have that law,
should get the Holy Spirit. It was like today, with those having mostly
genetics, feeling they are the elite and the others aren't and so they
feel they should be above them. These are they who are corrupt.
3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made.(why?
12:3). He says not, And to seeds, as of many; but as
of one, And to your seed, which is Christ.
3:17 And this I say, that the
covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ,
law, which was four hundred and thirty years after.(after
they left bondage in Egypt), cannot disannul.(no
law, such as was the Mosaic Law, is ever above any agreement God has made),
that it should make
the promise
of none effect.
3:18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise,
but God gave it to Abraham by promise.(Genesis
3:19 Wherefore then serve the law? It
was added because of transgressions.(those
in Old
Testament times just didn't have the ability
to live their lives very
well, that is, with the natures
they came here with {*}),
seed should come to whom the promise was made and it was ordained by
angels in the hand of a mediator.
3:20 Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God
is one.
3:21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid. For if
there had been a law given which would have given life, verily righteousness
should have been by the law..(*)
3:22 But the scripture has concluded all under sin, that the promise
by faith of Emmanuel the Christ
might be given to them that believe.
5:16-19; 1Corinthians 15:22.
3:23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto
the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
3:24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster
to bring us.(Romans
8:10).unto Christ, that
we might be justified by faith.
3:25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
story that should make sense of it all.
3:26 For you are all the children of God by faith.(children
of God by faith, as
opposed to qualifying by works {rules
and regulations one follows as they did in Old Testament times}, that
is, you miss the mark by regarding it to be spiritual that which you feel
you must do to be accepted).in.(original
for word 'in' also has 'through', that is, it's
His faith in you).Christ
does faith in Christ Emmanuel mean?
3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized
into Christ.(what
does this mean?).have put
on Christ.(Christ
is something we put on).
3:28 There is neither one of Hebrew nor Greek origin,
there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female. For.you
are all one.in
are all connected, is what he's saying. Now it's a spiritual relationship
as compared to the ancient Old Testament's physical relationship shown
by the Mosaic Law's over
600 physical things to do to keep in an interrelationship
with this spiritual being called God:.Colossians
Re Hebrew
and Greek.
3:29 And if you be
Christ's, then are you Abraham's
seed and heirs according to the promise.
here of the promise God made to Abraham, which applies today:.Genesis