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-John 13:34 Why did Emmanuel call this a."new".commandment when in Leviticus 19:18 in the Old Testament long before Emmanuel was on the Earth it was encouraged?
The Online Bible Greek Lexicon.(dictionary).states the word "new".as used here denotes the new primarily in reference to 'quality', the 'fresh', the 'unworn'.

Though it was part of the Old Testament law to provide guidelines for behavior between one another and between man and his Creator, the people then were just so far from keeping it. But, it had another remarkable purpose. What was it?

The New Testament was 'new' in the sense that it now was possible to fulfill its true meaning because the very nature of the Infinite One could be expressed through individual human beings. This was the advantage of the New Testament over the Old Testament.

Their attempts back then recorded in the Old Testament proved how hopeless it was to use a carnal mind and expect it to try to keep a set of laws, rules and regulations designed to lead one to spirituality. This was the lesson of the Old Testament.

The Creator wanted to show humanity that His nature of love was important for them if they ever expected to prosper and have a 'magical' life. Once this lesson was written, things changed. God fine tunes His plan as things go along.

The people in Old Testament times just could not do anything spiritual regarding their heart. It just was not in their heart. It was not to be. All this, designed by God to show that laws, rules and regulations are woefully.inadequate in changing character. It did not work. It does not work today. What does?.Ephesians 2:10.

That was the lesson of the Old Testament. The peoples pathetic attempts to keep that horribly cumbersome law only again proves how severely lacking back then laws, rules and regulations were when it comes to anything of the spirit:.Romans 13:10. That why the dark side cabal uses them in their control of people. How?

So, the Old Testament was wiped away and in came the New with new commandments.(instructions).in the sense it was now possible that love could come from within one's heart which the Holy Spirit, the nature of true wholeness, the very nature of the Creator, could express through us. There is no other way to what God defines as spirituality than the way of love. It's so simple and so beautiful!

Our destiny is to become thoroughly as Creator-God is.(John 10:34; 1Corinthians 2:9).in character.(what you are can be changed), but not personality. Only the Creator can create. The forces of destruction, the forces of the dark side, are only out to destroy.."Only a Creator-creator can create other creators."....Grigori Grabovoi.

In one way it was old, in that the Creator always wanted them to have a heart of love. In another way it was new, in that it was now possible to be this way:.1John 2:7,8.

-Galatians 3:10.What is the."book of the Law".and how is it different, if at all, from the book of Moses?
The book of the law is specifically the.Book of Deuteronomy.in the Old Testament in the Holy Bible. Why is it called 'holy'?

The book of the Law is also known generally as including the books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. It is also know as the book of Moses.

The law of Moses is know as the Mosaic Law and is often now referred to as the Pentateuch or the first five books of the.Holy Bible, which are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

The books composing the Pentateuch have also been called, the 'Book of the Law of Moses', 'Law of Moses'.(Joshua 8:31,32), the 'Book of the Law'.(Galatians 3:10), the 'Book of Moses'.(2Chronicles 25:4).or as Judeans designate it, the 'Torah' or 'Law':.2Chronicles 35:12.

These books were written by Moses and refer to what is called, the old covenant.(an agreement).God made with ancient Israel so very long ago.

-John 17:24.If we don't go to what is commonly believed to be heaven, what did Emmanuel mean in His prayer here?
Ephesians 1:3,20; 2:6; John 3:13; Philippians 3:20; 2Corinthians 5:2; Hebrews 12:25; 1Thessalonians 1:10; 1Thessalonians 4:16; Galatians 1:8; 2Thessalonians 1:7.
-Hebrews 13:21.Did all the world really go after Emmanuel back then. I mean, was He just that popular?

That is what the scripture says. But, some were out to kill Him and many others did not like Him and yet others did not care at all for Him. So 'all' the world certainly does not mean that all the people back then liked or even knew much about him. It is idiomatic language.

"The words 'world' and 'all' are used in some seven or eight senses in Scripture.(one is Matthew 3:5).and it is very rarely the 'all' means all persons, taken individually.

The words are generally used to signify that Christ has redeemed some of all sorts, some Jews, some Gentiles, some rich, some poor and has not restricted His redemption to either Jew or Gentile."....C.H. Spurgeon

-Revelation 17:5 What is."the mystery of Babylon"?

This is a reference to a woman. A 'woman' in the Bible is used as of a 'church'. It refers to apostate churches, which are churches who have either never had, or had and moved on from, the truth of God; moved on into a 'religion' of their own design and of course, most always for greedy purposes such as money and control of people.

This Babylonian system will soon be no more.

Revelation chapters 17 and 18 for more.

"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December."....J.M Barrie