N o t e s
-Who would have thought a grease fire could explode like this (type 'grease fire explodes' into an Internet search engine for the video)? 

And, you could make it worse depending on how you handle it. 

Hope you never have to use this information. A damp towel is best! 

Please read first, then watch.

I never realized that a wet dishcloth can be a one-size fits-all lid to cover a fire in a pan!

This is a dramatic 30 second video about how to deal with a common kitchen fire - oil in a frying pan.

At the Fire Fighting Training school they would demonstrate this with a deep fat fryer set on the fire field. An instructor would don a fire suit and using an 8-oz cup at the end of a 10-foot pole, toss water onto the grease fire.

The water, being heavier than oil, sinks to the bottom where it instantly becomes superheated. The explosive force of the steam blows the burning oil up and out.

On the open field, it became a 30-foot high fireball that resembled a nuclear blast. Inside the confines of a kitchen, the fire ball hits the ceiling and fills the entire room.

Also, do not throw sugar or flour on a grease fire. One cup of either creates the explosive force of two sticks of dynamite. 

Watch a video on it and don't forget what you see. Tell your whole family about this video and others you come in contact with.

-During 36 months of service with the 5th SFGA (Special Forces Group {Airborne}), Major Gritz, the most decorated Green Beret in history, the man the Rambo series of movies was made about and also the movie Uncommon Valor. Bo has received the following awards: 

    7 - BSM (Bronze Star Medals) (4 for achievement/service and 3 for valor)
    2 - ARCOM (Army Commendation Medals) (1 for achievement and one for valor)
    2 - SS (Silver Stars) (Recommended for 4)
    2 - DFC (Distinguished Flying Cross medals)
    1 - SM (Soldier's Medal)
    1 - PH (Purple Heart) 
    25 - AM (Air Medals) (2 for valor)
    1 - LOM (Legion of Merit)

I am James Gordon Gritz, aka Bo Gritz. I joined Special Forces in the 1950s; served as an enlisted Regular Army demolitions expert. I was commissioned early in 1959 and re-joined Special Forces, serving in A, B and C Detachments and Special Operations Groups until 1979 when I left uniform to work as a contract agent, asset and principal operative for multiple U.S. intelligence agencies operating in all five areas of the globe until 1987 when a conflict arose with the George Bush Administration.

I know who killed the Kennedys, destroyed the Oklahoma City Federal Building, caused the downings of Pam-Am 103 and TWA-800, knew about who allowed the 9-11 attacks and where and how the Islamic Jihad will next strike the U.S. I know the Insider plan for Globalism.(another name for world domination, also known as totalitarianism), where we are in that progression and how International socialists/facists/totalitarians and other satanically highly influenced people plan to achieve their goal of world domination through ethnic cleansing.

Bo has specially prepared others and his training can also be of benefit to you. Along with other specialist friends, they have produced a video set you can get - search for 'Bo Gritz Training' on the Interweb.(Internet).

I've survived criminal and civil persecution in State and Federal Courts and was the fourth individual in U.S. history to undergo a CIPA.(Federal Classified Information Procedures Act Hearing). I've testified five times before the U.S. Congress. I was a Presidential candidate in 1992; conducted SPIKE preparedness training from January 1993-2002; written three books Nation Betrayed, Called To Serve and My Brother's Keeper; produced 12, four-hour long Special Forces Training video Phases; written over a dozen special operations manuals and conducted a half-dozen special operations training cycles. In 1995-1998, I developed a Covenant Community in Idaho which thrives today.

I continue today as a radio talks show host.(American Voice Radio).and have intervened numerous times on the side of oppression where government is wrong. ...from https://www.bogritz.com/lookingglass.html

-American flag, the peace one. The common one you see mostly is the flag of the military at war. The peace one has only been seen three years since 1776. The rest of the time the cabal has kept the United States at war through corrupt politicians, police, bankers, attorneys, judges, BAR association members who all became a part of the corruption, throwing the rest of us under the bus. 

The proper United States flag
The Peace (also called Civil) flag was used in the TV series Jericho and is seen often now as we move into an era of peace.

The kingdom of God will be a clean kingdom. It is of love and love cleanses. And it will stay clean if each of us do our part.

A.very few.of Donald J. Trump's accomplishments in cleaning it all up, chief of which has got to be returning the original 1776 Constitution and making it more effective for and as approved by We the People. Also see Derek Johnson's info.

-Children, another thing Trump is doing: Human trafficking being stopped.permanently.and children, young adults and adults saved from the DUMBS and tunnels from which the cabal had taken them down to..Trump with the Special Forces in America called up a million reservists and recently retired military personnel to bolster strength for the job ahead of them, which was to eliminate the criminal doings by the cabal. Alliance militaries from other world countries, such as Putin's from Russia, along with the non terrestrial Alliance have saved 50,000+ children and adults in the United States, 300,000+ saved and is expected to reach a million in Australia and over 37,500 rescued in Ukraine by Putin and 46 bioweapon.(falsely called 'vaccines').labs taken down, which were to poison the world more than it's already been poisoned. The Alliances have also saved many children as in the Evergreen ships and Suez canal situation and China.(the good people there).taking down Taiwan, which along with Israel, Ukraine and the gangs in South America.(now taken down), were main cabal hubs for their unconscionable evils upon humanity. Why? Because they are not of humanity, having no spiritually active soul, they are the 'living dead'.

The number of those rescued from the cabal is growing daily as worldwide human trafficking is being shut down by Trump, Putin and other militaries of the Earth Alliance. Also the non terrestrial Alliance is here providing massive help. 

Let's hear it for the absolutely and totally corrupt satanic worldwide media.(owned by six cabal criminals).who continue lying daily to the people or the people would have stopped these horribly offensive practices of Crimes Against Humanity long ago, had they known. There is this big criminal club of satanists, either by willing choice or blackmail. Willing choice includes those good people who cared not enough to take time to even learn about it. Tacit approval nonetheless is approval. 

Don't get sucked in by surface nonsense, like "it's safe and effective", "it's to protect you and others", "it's best for your children" and "we have to do this because of climate change, you have to do your part", just like you were sucked into paying income tax, property tax, etc. What to do is learn?
Children and adults were taken by the incredibly evil satanic worldwide pedophile ring,.shapeshifters who can appear as politicians, estimated to be over 85% of all politicians in the world, banksters, judges, religious leaders, prominent corporate people, lawyers, actors, etc..(Ezekiel 33:31,32), all of which over 2 and a half million of these corrupt ones appearing as humans have been arrested and many more still to come.(how many more?). Most of them pedophiles, placing children and adults in DUMBS and tunnels, some of which led to massive underground cities, of which under Antarctica alone, some 50-60 million people were kept. All these massive underground bases, tunnels and cities are being shut down worldwide and the people still alive saved. They were used for harvesting.(and killing).of babies and children for producing the highly addictive adrenochrome and also torturing and killing babies, children and others for experimentation in producing killing devices such as vaccines. Such evils humans don't do, but those with inactive souls who can appear as if they were humans, do them. How can we stop it? 

Organs to sell were extracted while still alive. See the End of The World As We Know It documentary by Janet Ossebaard of Holland at http://qanon.video/q-videos/the-fall-of-the-cabal/ also may still be available at www.vimeo.com/399779539..And see its sequel documentaries all at this URL. And, there are things for you to do in all this, so these evils NEVER again sneak in to harm people.

-Native Americans, another thing Trump is doing : Donald Trump also formally recognized and took on the long overlooked crisis of missing and murdered Native Americans, as in Canada Kevin Annette earlier had done.

-Foster care system, another thing Trump is doing:  June 24, 2020 a historic executive order by Trump to strengthen America's foster care system was put into place.

A great number of prisoners, of which many were just children, were put in prison by prior administrations who were cabal puppets, such as.(the Bushes, Obamas, the Clintons and the ones that came later, such as the Biden crime family), for simple misdemeanors. They did such things as stealing a chocolate bar, etc. Many of their families were out of work due to the cabal's manipulation of society; kids and their parents were hungry. If caught stealing, they would get 2 year prison terms. It's another scam by the cabal.(them being of Satan, all they do has been scams of hurt) in that these kids work there for corporations at prison wages paid by the taxpayers. Profit for the cabal at your expense. A typical satanic con.

Canada too is affected by cabal lackeys one of which being Justin Castro. And many others throughout the world, such as Macron in France, et al. Cons such as this enabled work for debased.corporations. Over 90% of corporations.(what corporations?), through subcorporations.ad infinitum, were cabal created and maintained by corrupt judges, attorneys and the entire justice system, apart from pockets of fairness and honesty here and there.

Who needs corporations anyhow? Almost all are instruments of the cabal's harms having done way more harm than good. Corporations and companies will not exist in the new world, private corporate governments won't and neither will large controlling corporations. Family businesses will:.Micah 4:4. They care not at all for people, for example, sending kids to private prisons to earn prison wages subsidized by the state (your taxes). In other words, the people of the country paid for the corrupt corporations to earn profit. Use them and abuse them was the call of the day for administrations run by the cabal.prior to Trump and Putin and many members of the Alliances putting a stop to these despicable acts supported by paid-off corrupt judges, lawyers, legal systems, politicians and the cabal's evil corporations, hiding within the contemptible justice, court, legal and police system. Of course, not all those in these cabal systems are bad. Many in them are there to earn a living and provide for themselves and their families. 

But, all these horrible systems and those a part of them are either being removed or perhaps retrained to constitutional law based on Natural Law, if possible to retrain them; why, 'if possible':.Romans 11;14; 1Corinthians 9:22.

In every way Satan and his friends come up with, it's always to harm and destroy humanity in some way. https://t.me/STFNREPORT/1709

-Communications, another thing Trump is doing: Greater investments in Rural America's communications infrastructure was made to better support telehealth. As a result, more Americans would have access to the kind of affordable, personalized care that puts the patient in control rather than, as we have today, corrupt governments with their pharmaceutic/medical/legal system counterparts.

-Corrupt Politics, another thing Trump is doing: Remember the impeachment attempts against Trump by the Democratic Party. Remember the Russia collusion probe. Proven to be all lies after as long as three year investigations. The dark side does not want the kingdom of God to come. Indictments against these horribly corrupt evil people have been completed and indictments sealed and along with other horrendous crimes against the people in America, Canada, Europe, etc., 500,000 plus indictments have been sealed and arrests are underway worldwide until this filthly swamp is no more.

-Drugs, another thing Trump is doing: Lower Prescription Drug Prices have been achieved.

-Education, another thing Trump is doing: Great support for HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) was also introduced.

Former head of education in the U.S.A. Charlotte Iserbyt (under previous presidents), whistleblew about the billion dollar program to dumb down the population. Get her free book. These despicable acts done by horribly corrupt satanic government administrations are now being turned around. The Bushes Clintons and Obamas have now been tried in military tribunals and dealt with thereafter. The the deep state hierarchy.has been eradicated and the rest are being taken out. What did you do to help? Did you even try to think through the confusing mess? Did you even pray and meditate on what was going on? No. Perhaps you didn't know! The corrupt mainstream news skillfully kept it from you, but if you had an inkling at times about the truth of what was going on, did you research into any of it? Good if you did! Those who are doing something 'on the ground' about it need your prayers. Can you do that often? Many have lost their lives for you and others like you in this worldwide clean up.

-Environment, another thing Trump is doing: Economic growth soared in the US, while still maintaining standards that allow Americans to have among the cleanest air and water in the world.

-Financial, another thing Trump is doing: See 'Money' below.

-Media/Fake News, another thing Trump is doing: Corrupt media in the U.S.A and Canada are being dealt with so people can get the real truth.

-Jobs, another thing Trump is doing: 7.5 million new jobs added.

-Money, another thing Trump is doing: Trump didn't take any money for his work. The military is carrying out plans of this new great money system to help all on the Earth? The new Quantum Financial System based on Quantum Consciousness, is now up and going as are other  Quantum programs. You'll have it soon where you live.

-Pollution, another thing Trump is doing: U.S.A. CO2 emissions in 2019 were the lowest they have been since 1992. Per capita emissions were lower in 2019 than they've been at any time since at least 1950.

-Spiritual, another thing Trump is doing: Prayer has been put back in schools, which was taken out by the Godless previous administrations in the US & Canada, etc., used to divide people from God.

-Suppressed helpful and healthful inventions released, another thing Trump is doing: Some 6000 inventions hidden from the public and of great benefit to humanity, have now been released.

-Voting, another thing Trump is doing: Trump putting a stop to illegalities in voting, such as the election of those who have used the corrupt Canadian Dominion voting system machines.

-Women, another thing Trump is doing: June 10, 2020 Historic First: Under Trump, Half Of National Security Council Leaders Are Women.

NESARA/GESARA: National Economic Stabilization and Reformation Act, another thing Trump is doing. Originally called NESARA/GESARA, where NESARA was national for the U.S. and GESARA was worldwide. 209 nations and territories of the world have already joined in this agreement called the BRICS Alliance, reflecting its worldwide scope after cleaning up by removing the cons of the cabal and those perpetrating them. The kingdom of God starts elsewhere on our physical Earth with GESARA. It is a clean kingdom. GESARA won't AT ALL involve the cabal's cons, lies and evil people and their horrendous evils:.Jeremiah 23:4 "And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, says God."

One of the cabal's many cons was to come out with their counterfeit of NESARA/GESARA calling it National and or Global Economic Security and Recovery Act. These are the ones you DO NOT WANT, as they are Acts for their security in maintaining plans for your continued subjugation and put you under their total control permanently, under their new FEDNOW, CBDC.(Central Bank Digital Currency), NWO.(New World Order).con job. Charlie Ward compares them both. Well meaning people often get the names screwed up.

They also already tried getting us, We the People, into something non human, as they were attempting to do with the so-called vaccine.(proven to be a patented and long planned bioweapon. Yep! They hate you and all humanity because they are not of, but do look like our human species and were targeting all of us for their covid bioweapon, planned decades ago to kill you; why?.Isaiah 8:20).having an ability to alter your DNA by splitting your RNA which would change you in such a way that you could then be patented, becoming theirs totally, severing your DNA, which is an aerial for the spirit part of you that the true God made you with.

Never expect anything good from evil sources, even though at first it might look like it's good just to get you sucked in, such as were the covid lies.

See Birth Certificates, see vaccines. Your silence about it would be your tacit agreement with their plans. That's why we say STAND UP for rights you have, saying NO by your words and actions to anything harmful from these criminals, telling God 'I say an absolute NO to (tell God your concern), because these sort of things are hurtful to any of humanity'. God lodges your concern in the court of heaven and takes action because you took action on the side of good for all on Earth:.Romans 12:19.

These evil ones are tricksters, twisters of truth from the dark side who cannot tell the truth in a way information would be true and beneficial:.John 8:44; 2Corinthians 11:13.

The true NESARA/GESARA was a creation started in the United States by the military and this goes back to president Abraham Lincoln's and president JFK's time. In 1990 with the good military behind them, the  farmers in America filed a lawsuit. You can look up its history. It was to benefit all on Earth. It was the forerunner of the long anticipated.kingdom, the realm of God unfolding now. For a single page map of it all, click here; called a deep state mapping project, probably because its map superimposes the cabal's worldwide evil deep state project with the highly anticipated GESARA project, the one that's good for all those of humanity

Your job is to keep hold of yourself by keeping your heart on the real goal of life, your eternal life.(*).and this because when the massive prosperity comes fully on Earth to benefit all, some may allow themselves to become spiritually complacent. Each of us is here to connect within to the true God of all love, so that you and yours are included in all of the good that's coming:.1Corinthians 2:9. Be sure to be and stay of good heart. Good hearted people do not want the prosperity to fall into the hands of the satanic evil makers. Measures are in place ensuring that this does not happen. Do your part. What's that

We now have members of BRICS Alliance, comprising Brazil.(map), Russia.(map), India.(map), China.(map; the good ones in China, not the CPC/CCP who are basically the same as the Nazis were and today are in the Ukraine.(map).and in Israel.(map).and hidden amongst other nations using different names:.1Kings 10:12), South Africa.(map), along with 209 nations, including UK.(map), US.(map), Saudi Arabia.(map), Argentina.(map), Venezula.(map).and.many.others who have solid asset backing for their currencies, such as precious metals and other highly valuable resources. Many others have applied to join, including Canada, Turkey, Pakistan, Cuba and Germany, which itself will kiss the cabal controlled EU goodbye and good riddance, as they are the main country keeping the EU going.

They are working now on integrating things for release to the people in their respective countries. Already 76 percent of world nations are being affected by the prosperity of the new QFS/XRP/BRICS financial system, gently being brought in using XRP

Other nations are in various stages of the process of joining and yet others still becoming alert to the con of centuries. They too are realizing the control by satanists and are massively moving away from them. The fake.(fiat).money of the cabal satanists, such as dollars and pounds, etc., has been used to massively harm nations. It is being completely eliminated along with those perpetrating this fraud of centuries. 

From God it's free.
Following is part of what we innerstand this realm of the Heavenly Father on Earth will be like that we are now moving into:.John 10:10; 3John 1:2. The new.(meaning here, finally becoming evident).kingdom of God is a take off from
GESARA. Highlights and comments here below 1 to 20 are what we know to date on NESARA/GESARA, now set up and going in the BRICS Alliance countries to benefit all humanity.

God through good men and women makng it free.
1. Cancels all credit card, mortgage and other bank debt, due to illegal banking and government activities.(all they've been doing over past centuries to today has been corrupt; many lies to keep themselves in power and keep advantage over you:.Proverbs 22:22 "Rob not the poor, because he is poor, neither oppress the afflicted in the gate."). Many refer to this time as a 'jubilee' or complete forgiveness of illegal debt, debt having an illegal interest burden tacked on, debt that should never have been called debt in the first place. Debt because the cabal always made sure that under their control We the People always lacked money and therefore would be sucked into having to borrow money to keep their heads above water. So, no more subjugating debt laws in the future as has been the case with the cabal subjugating then killing humanity through their scams like stealing Indians' land, calling it Crown land and selling it to others they would later continue to subjugate. How? covid and bank loans, etc. Worldwide, the cabal is now dead..Includes the things you've been sucked into doing all your life, such as the Birth Certificate scam, student and other bank loans with money created out of nothing and then add interest to that, mortgage loans and their compounding interest, property taxes, airline fees (taxes), bank fees (taxes), school fees (taxes), recycle fees on computers, vehicle tires, pop bottles, etc. (taxes), environmental fees (taxes), road taxes & tolls, transportation taxes (ferry crossings), vehicle fuel taxes, home fuel taxes, licenses & permit fees (which are taxes), utilities taxes (water, sewer, etc.), lighting tax (electricity), cargo fees (which are taxes), vehicle loans and interest (taxes {won't need their loans anymore}), vehicle license & registration (tax), driving permit tax (driver's license, license plates), excise taxes (such as manufacturing taxes), GST/VATs (tax on taxes; provincial sales tax, federal sales tax, 'temporary' surcharge tax), carbon tax, accounts receivable tax, airline surcharge tax, airline fuel tax, airport maintenance tax, building permit tax, cigarette taxes, alcohol taxes, company and individual income taxes, death tax, fishing license (tax), health insurances (tax); inheritance tax, penalties are taxes (drive too fast, etc. ), capital gains tax (you sell your house and make a profit), interest on savings tax, distribution fees (taxes), local government surcharges added to utility bills (taxes), luxury item surcharges (taxes), marriage license (tax), medicare tax (often hidden in some countries), real estate tax, vehicle air conditioner tax, recreational vehicle tax, service charges (taxes), school tax (bundled with property taxes) and school fees (taxes), telephone taxes, etc. and etc. and etc. The cabal has really been dinging us over the decades. The kids say, 'Why did you let them do this to us and plunge us into a debt we'll never get out of, nor even our children and their children. Why did you not learn how to get away from the evil of the corrupt justice/legal system? And why didn't you teach us that money never has to be borrowed'? Corrupt politicians hid the fact of your having a Cestui Que Vie trust worth millions and were content to continue to have a part in subjugation, even toward death with their non thinking support of the covid con or worse, their support of it. Most of these political liars did nothing and continue to do nothing for you and then expect you to vote for them. NO MORE POLITICAL PARTIES when We the People are in control, only those the people want to administer public matters for them. And what are the stupid blind sheep like?.Luke 6:39. And so the sheep get the result of the lies they trusted in. They did no research and didn't care much as long as their day to day lives survived and so the society heads to hell in the process. Research, research, research or you'll always be fodder for those wanting an advantage over you.

"All tyrannies rule through fraud & force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely on force."....George Orwell.

Few of these taxes and negatives in society existed 150 years ago. People today are so dull minded in the Western world countries that they willingly allow tyrannical policies to affect them and with warped thinking, believing that compliance with tyranny would somehow pacify it or that it's somehow 'God's will' or it wouldn't be that way, when it did just the opposite:.Ecclesiastes 8:11

Many of those in European countries remember what happened when they figured it was better to comply with the nazis. Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! How? What you can peacefully do about it. Will you or will you not do anything about it depends on you having moved beliefs away from the brainwashing over many years by lies of the world controlers and the medias they control, to the love ways of God.

And so things continue on down the slope. Most people know nothing of the standard the true God wants for them.(3John 1:2), so how can you go anywhere different from what you're used to? Our nations were the most prosperous in the world, absolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, a huge manufacturing base and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What in hell happened is that people never stood up, nor even knew what to stand up for, because they weren't watching for evils, they weren't learning, they weren't thinking, instead believing the news they trusted, which was brainwashing them with continuous subtle lying. So these negatives were allowed to be and the lying parasitic criminal politicians wasted our money and thus our lives? What could you have done?

Licenses are part of the modern protection racket and are actually 'wavers of prosecution' if you pay their fees regularly, that is, like the con, pay us whatever we dictate for your car license, insurance to protect your business, home, etc, so no one comes in to wreck it or burn it. We won't take your house unless you miss three payments, no matter how much you already have paid into it. And you did nothing! You were happy just to be 'peaceful' and work to pay them so you could earn enough to eat in order to work another day to pay them some more. Terrible isn't it! Can you see what they've done to you, your family, your forefathers and so on back in time since Satan has instituted these oppressions on Earth by means of those influenced by him? When will you say yes to prosperity, health, peace and love for all, instead of saying yes to criminals? What else have the satanists instituted for their selfishnesses that you never looked into to stop and what else have they done to harm us, keeping us as slaves?

Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax him lots
Til he's dead.

Tax his food
By which he's fed
Poison the food
Until he's dead.

Tax the air
By which he breathes
And some more when he may sneeze
It's not fair
To tax the good
Why them and not the hoods.

Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts

Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.

Tax his home,
Tax his phone,
Tax his car
He can't go far.

Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.

Tax his life,
Tax his wife,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.

Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you're not done
Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.

Tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.

When he's gone,
Do not relax,
It's time to apply
Inheritance tax.

2. Abolishes income tax..Always was illegal. This scam being originally instituted using the excuse, 'money is needed for the 1st world war effort' and approved by corrupt politicians who were and still are part of the cabal's scam, bureaucrats, bankers and lawyers throughout the world who left off the concerns of the people to become part of the worldwide scam and profit from it, forcing such things upon the people by laws lawyers have written with grammar meaning one thing to the people and another to them; all used to trick you with their legalese. So-called 'laws' (corporate dictates) were created with no concern for those affected by the frauds presented as 'lawful'. The 'legal' policies they enforce through the corporations they created, such as with their policy enforcers, the police, many of whom know nothing about the rights of man given by God, which are set down by Natural Law and this because they cared for themselves and not you in their regions, counties, states, provinces, countries and cities and 'sold out' the people to a corrupt international satanic corporate cabal. Example, Politicians knew a country can create its own currency and without debt, but the majority of them never stood up for We the People, just like they don't today, not telling the people of the bankruptcies the US, Canada, EU and many other countries were in and what that means. For the corrupt ones, their time is now finished with many being arrested and executed or given life imprisonment. There'll be no more political parties. We the People of each country will manage its affairs according to a constitution We the People of each country create that's good for all and laid down for all to adopt as the management system.

For Canada's bankruptcy: from https://t.me/informed434/23332
"These are Canada's bankruptcy papers! I printed them so I might be able to read. Trump also filed against United States Corporation Company, its Agents, Subsidiaries, Successors and Assigns.
   "Canada is a Corporation under Washington DC. Search Internet for: Canada 0000230098. It takes you to US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). The paper this search brings up is showing you Canada's foreign address. All Corporations hire foreign agents working for a foreign government. Then if you click on the red 8888 in the bottom left hand corner of the document in takes you to another page. Intuitively follow the color codings. You will eventually find Canada's Financial Statements to their foreign owners!"

1. Canada Annual Report paying money to today's cabal
2. Canada under cabal corporation
3. Canada on American Stock Exchange
4. Canadian provinces & others are companies in foreign governments
5. Canadian bankruptcy paper
(you probably will have to poke around a bit as the addresses change from time to time; one can only guess why))
3. Abolishes the IRS.(tax collection agency), the criminal collection agency of the cabal. The good hearted employees of the IRS will be transferred into a U.S. Treasury national sales tax area..Similar to be in Canada and other countries.

4. Creates a 17% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the management of the country. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed, nor will used items such as old homes, cars, etc..Property taxes no longer needed. All such taxes such as recycle taxes, water taxes. garbage pick up taxes (this used to be free until they decided to squeeze more out of you), sales taxes (VAT, GST and the like), gasoline soon no longer needed (why?), taxes on it and on all other things taxes are now on, no longer necessary. There's a better way to do things that supports people, not take from them.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens..Seniors, even with subsidies, receive far less than one third of the average income necessary for a half-decent lifestyle and it's far below the poverty level. In one case, a senior received a two dollar increase in assistance after ten years, in an economy having huge increases in food alone. Who cares? Who did anything about it? Certainly the politicians did nothing meaningful. Those tied to the satanic cabal care not at all for you and many others have picked up on their attitude as shown by lack of caring and lack of knowledge of one's God given rights. Elected politicians haven't cared, at least most of them. Have you stood up for eliminating this 'crime upon humanity'? Have you done anything about the poverty in the world caused by the horribly evil and corrupt deep state (also called cabal, the satanic hidden government out to take the world for themselves by surreptitious means)?

Their plan as written down, is to kill you with vaccines and other poisonings, completely 'throwing you under the bus'. See what they were doing in Australia. Well, many people have stood up and done something, including the U.S. military along with Vladimir Putin, Motti of India, Xi of China, all very good men (note; the CPC/CCP was mostly eradicated from China in April 2021), Iran, Iraq (always have been our friends unless you believe the nonsense pushed out daily by the lying corrupt deep state arm called the mainstream media {MSM}). Many others too are cleaning up the world. Sit back and watch the corrupt media vanish. But, the least you can do is to praise God for those who are good, who are actively soing something. And meditate. Those who don't are saying they are happy with the way things are in the world and are thus complicit. Avoid being like the frog in a pot.

The negatives which have been imposed upon humanity for centuries by most politicians voted for during those many years, were concocted and perpetuated by those in collusion

These evil ones will permanently be erased from their positions and worse depending on what they may have done:.Matthew 23:4 "For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne and lay them on men's shoulders, but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers." Micah 4:4 "But they.(those who've been under burdens).shall sit every man under his vine.(man will own his own property and with no tax of any kind ever again on it).and under his fig tree and none shall be afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of hosts has spoken it." Isaiah 14:27 "For the Lord of hosts has purposed and who can disannul it? And his hand is stretched out and who can turn it back?" Jeremiah 21:14 "But I will punish.(original for 'punish' is 'number', meaning requite).you according to the fruit of your doings..." Jeremiah 22:17 "But your.(the corrupt ones).eyes and your heart are used for your covetousness and for to shed innocent blood and for oppression and for violence, to do it." Jeremiah 22:21 "I spoke unto you in your prosperity.(how God speaks to us).but you said, I will not hear. This has been your manner from your youth, that you obeyed not my voice."

6. Returns Constitutional aka Natural Law.(and also known as Common Law if built upon Natural Law, but Common Law should not be necessary with Natural Law, but it's good to write it down so everyone can learn and that's what a constitution does), to all courts and legal matters. Natural Law is God given rights that we have. Criminal politicians, judges, courts and lawyers certainly won't tell you and you'll never hear about these God given rights on the mainstream media, because of satanism; yep! they are satanically influenced or they wouldn't be the way they are. The US constitution actually was what? Do you know? Do you want to know? That constitution included rules and regulations for bankruptcy.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment..The Civil War in United States in 1861-1865 was never about slavery. Cabal corrupt Senator Morel passed the Morel Act, which unfairly taxed the farmers of the south vs. the manufacturing and banking of the North. Lincoln, being a communist, said "I would never have freed the slaves if it had been left up to me". He did that to get the 13th Amendment passed and it was illegal, as the US already had a 13th Amendment. It was called the Title of Nobilities Act

There were 9 copies (the 9 original parchments) of the first constitution that were held in 9 state museums. David Straight's grandfather was one of the signers to it. The cabal burnt 8 museums down in one night trying to destroy that constitution, but Kentucky's was saved. The cabal didn't want that Title of Nobility Act in there that Thomas Jefferson put in, because the Title of Nobility Actsaid that no BAR member could ever hold office of president. Lincoln was a BAR member. At 1:12:00 in https://rumble.com/v10vrxn-david-straight-out-of-babylon-part-5-of-8.html

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of GESARA's announcement. The interim government will cancel all national emergencies and return us back to constitutional law..The people need honest elections. Constitutional law is based on Common Law principles.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency.(search for 'new rainbow currency'), backed by gold, silver and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the cabal created corporate United States, the bankruptcy initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933..Franklin Roosevelt was a cabal lackey. Too bad he's not living today to stand trial for his Crimes Against Humanity.

11. Forbids the sale of American/World Birth Certificate records as chattel property bonds.(which really are slave bonds; what's a bond mean here?).in the US Department of Transportation..Applies also to Canada and worldwide. You haven't owned yourself because the private, non-government Rothschild Federal Reserve owned you (see #13 below). But, that's over now. See https://rumble.com/v1pf2jk-what-is-your-strawman-the-slavery-of-our-time-by-ucc-law-expert-bibi-bacchu.html

Corrupt cabal controlled governments worldwide have allowed it to exist because of threats and/or treats (blackmail, bribes, payoffs and brainwashing) and an evil willingness to participate in the fraud against people. It really never mattered which party you may have voted for, they're all in on the fraud, including the systems of parliamentary procedures, justice, courts, judges, police. Those in those systems who knew the corruption they were doing, all kept it from you knowing and got rid of those who questioned them. Virtually none of them worldwide stood up for you and your family and even knew of all the ways they'd steal your life and your children.

Criminals such as these hide in corporations. All corporate government bodies will now no longer exist as corporations. The corporate world is now being crushed. People soon will select who they trust, one acceptable to others and that won't be from the murkyswamp of today's corrupt career bureaucrats and lying politicians and corrupt corporators. They don't know it yet but the money they were paid under the conspiracy of fraud perpetrated upon the people of the world and that is the Maritime/Admiralty/Civil /Statute laws, the banking system, etc. all the same scam but with different names, is now finished and will soon be buried forever.

For your new management of society, put your eye toward choosing businessmen or women you know the history of and stay away from the dark side influenced greed mongering politicians and corporators that care not for you at all:.Matthew 7:16 "You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles?"

This sale of birth certificates the cabal used to trade amongst themseves and for themselves, like poker game buddies, was instituted throughout all nations. Before 1933 in the United States it didn't exist. See David Straight on how the evil ones did it, while you slept. 

The good militaries of the Earth have removed this scam birth certificate system, where the satanic criminals made money on you and you never knew it and how much they were taking in, using your birth certificate, as they traded you.like cattle. The deep state has used the birth certificate against the people, though ignored by those still in satanic alignment, such as the.worldwide.mainstream media controlled by six.corrupted satanically influenced people:.Isaiah 25:7. The wait for them to be removed is time for them to change. That time is now over. They have not altered direction toward good. Their demise.is.imminent.

Your child's name, your name too, is typed in all capital letters on the Birth Certificate and anything else the cabal has created a bond in your name for THEM to use. Check your Driver's License and note how your name appears on any cabal government documents.

Baron's Dictionary of Banking Terms defines a 'certificate' as a paper showing title of ownership. So, who owns you? This ownership allows them to have a Bond created because of your child's birth and that he or she is now deemed a part share in the government of your country's assets. Without your knowing about what they were doing, parents filled out their forms for a birth certificate and then the new birth, by the cabal's own rules, became collateral for borrowing money by those wanting everyone to have a birth certificate, thus obligating the people to an income tax and other taxes for paying those who had taken out loans on you by creating money from thin air because of the Bond taken out in your name and the names of your children. A bond is a debt, so you were placed in debt without ever borrowing anything and that with the load factor of interest added to it. In your case it's more taxes to pay. In their case, more money for them, while you are kept at slave status with money grabs from you every way they can.

Notice that the parents' names are also in all capitals, for the same reason. A Bond is established using the name given to you by your parents, an amount of money is deposited into that Bond by the government. So, a small amount is attached to the bond to make it a legal investment (again by their own rules) which has value, a value which grows, so it's an investment. The Bond is then traded at increasing interest rates over time, making it attractive for more trading on the various Stock Exchanges of the world. It's not your money that is put into the Bond at the time when your birth was registered, so, you were captured in this scam right from birth. All profit and growth on the capital is due to those who do the trading who also get paid to do what they do out of the Bond's increasing proceeds. And the interest they receive happens when you and others work hard, thus raising the value in society. And you are penalized for this. Because you worked hard and made more money, now you pay increased taxes. It's all a game with the outcome always predetermined to their favor, because it's their rules their scam is run by and all kept from you. After expenses, profit belongs to the government putting the original amount of money (originally created out of thin air) into your Bond in the first place.

So why would anyone want to buy a Bond? Because of the interest earned on it during its lifetime. Again, the Bond is a debt. And regarding the bond they took out for themselves using your name, you were put into debt without your knowledge. These evil ones (also called 'cabal', 'deep state', 'illuminati', 'hidden government', Federal Reserve, central banks, etc.) operate by greed and dark methods. Like most debts such as mortgages on homes and vehicles, etc., they earn interest during the time it's in circulation (trading). Your name is on the Bond. Other people have set it up. They initially fund it (give it its fuel to travel around the world's stock exchanges) trading it as it goes, making it profitable for them and their purposes and it's them who decide how the money produced is to be used. Our choice in all this has been circumvented, keeping people as slaves. They never told you that they were doing this. There was no transparency. You have no personal access to that money, although there is a slight benefit from it, but it would have been nice that for the use of your name for which a debt was created, that some of the profits come to you. Most people don't realize that it isn't the money in our Bond that helps run the country, nor taxes at this time, but rather, when money has been required, corrupt governments simply create a bond (more government debt), send it to a government's treasury and money is created by an entry into a computer's ledger sheet. We the People in all countries were born into this fraud (see Birth Certificates) used to keep full the coffers of politicians and those behind them, the controlling cabal. The money in our Bond covers our social security payments from taxes people are coerced into paying. It also covers government retirement pensions and in many countries it also covers Medicare. Besides the bonds, it is the money paid by the people in taxes through purchase of gasoline, etc. that is used to build and maintain roads, hospitals and education facilities. There was always enough taxes paid to invest in money making ventures for the government. See more details of their scam at.cafr1.com

Problem here is, any return on investments never goes back to the people as it should have.

Taxes on income got paid directly to the Federal Reserve Banks and the Reserve Banks by means of their collection agencies, the CRA in Canada and the IRS in the United States. Around the world it's much the same. The beast that has now been cut off had encompassed all humanity. The Federal Reserves and their central banking cartel are now all closed.

As said earlier, income taxes are not needed and are a system of maintaining men and women at slave level. Same as other taxes by different names, such as property taxes, GST also called VAT, sales taxes, charges for sewer use, water use, garbage pickup, recycle fees, etc. The birth Bond for a new male is a million dollars. 
It's now been figured out how you no longer will be in slave status. See number 12.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law..


The Federal Reserve was neither federal nor a reserve and only appeared to be. It was in reality, another cabal lie, a surreptitiously created international machine made to grind nations to a halt using debt as the weapon, then taking them over and controlling them toward destruction (as it was all a satanic trick and the dark side is always out to destroy humanity, why?), until the cabal got the world population down to 500 million as written on the Georgia Guidestones. One can always tell when the invisible dark side beings are behind those making policies, because it's always negative, involves increasing suppression, restriction, harm and destruction of human beings, although at first, to hook you, their pronouncements appear as something to be desired (*). This horrendous system of subjugation upon people and economies is being severed. A new financial system is here and soon the whole world will be benefited.by it.

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System.(already done). During the transition period the Federal Reserve was allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year.(done now).in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy..(being released now throughout the world)

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional.(Common Law).Law.

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide..(done under Trump, reversed under Biden)

17. Establishes peace throughout the world..(being done)

18. Releases unprecedented prosperity with enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes..(being done) Called the Oneness Fund or Humanitarian Fund, it is headed by Charlie Ward.

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that were being withheld from the public for decades under the guise of national security.(Questions about med beds?), including free energy devices, anti-gravity and sonic healing machines..Like these, such as what have been called 'med beds' created through Nikola Tesla's.off-world technology, who was only out to freely benefit all humanity, but the 'beds' were suppressed by satanically inspired Rockefeller created and controlled Big Pharma corporations and medical school corporations, harmful chemical corporations, corrupt banking corporations, such as was J.P. Morgan (now called J.P. Morgan/Chase {see a video on Nikola Tesla's life to see the details}), many judges, justice/legal system, attorneys, etc., all having their evil part, who would have continued the suppression and misinformation if not halted by the Alliance militaries, who care about us. These criminal others.never did care.and would have continued wanting death all over the planet for humans, because they are satanic and satanic hates good and good people.

The 'med beds' are now ready for free use and are being released worldwide a little at a time, along with what's called the release of the GESARA/BRICS/QFS/XRPL (all having to do with this special financial release, which is actually the DLT {Digital Ledger Transaction}) part of the 'off-world' designed and managed Quantum system, out for years now, but kept away from your knowledge by the corrupted mainstream media.

at 27 minutes in, gene talks about med beds, what you need to know. Also talks about sticking firmly to how you want youself to be, as one can be controlled by forces beyond him or her, forces out to hurt and hinder.

The new asset backed money never again will fall into hands of criminals such as mentioned. The release to all good people on Earth is beginning to happen as more and more of the New World Order criminal promoters are put out of action. Your part now in it all, so that it happens quicker for your and others benefit.

BRICS/QFS is the new financial/banking system bringing incredible good to you and your family. The new 'med beds', now being produced in Germany, scan one's physical body in order to read the pattern in the real you, which is your invisible body composed of energy, also called frequencies and spirit. 'Med beds' scan one's DNA, which is the 'aerial' connection with the real you that's invisible, your spirit. That's why the satanically influenced evil corporations are wanting to alter your DNA by means of what they call an mRNA vaccine, which it is not. It's much, much, much worse.

There are three main 'med beds'. One bed restructures and/or restores limbs. One is for trauma and psychological normalizing, for example, various fears, PTSD, panic attacks, that sort of thing. Age can also be reduced by 30 years or more, etc. And one bed is for serious disease healing, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, polio. Yep, polio (see Index 'P') created again, this time in India by Bill Gates.allied with those of similar satanic negativity in evil pharmaceutical / medical / chemical / agricultural / banking / political / legal / educational, etc. conglomerates

'Med beds' repair damage from injuries of all kinds, from accidents, from pills & from vaccines and devices erroneously called vaccines, etc., those sort of things. That's also why satanically inspired vaccines, etc. are out to weaken your body's immune system toward complete destruction. These horribly evil people were out to kill you one way or another. That has been stopped, but the evil ones are still dangling about here and there as their power is increasingly dwindling, but there is no sign of change in their lives. They carry on in anxious greed that their corrupt evil world will somehow return to its former 'me over thee' slave relationship. 

The so-called.Covid 'vaccine' is not at all a vaccine, but called an mRNA.device designed to sever connection of your DNA to your invisible spirit, so that it can no longer maintain you. It's just another clever satanic plot to eradicate humans who will eventually be above all the angels some of whom, a long time ago, became the dark side satanic beings, still on Earth today. They are the evil angels who hate humanity and have sucked in those humans on the same wavelength, by means of greed, lust, blackmail and other evil methods. Humans are born good, but some without decent parents became unbelievably corrupt as they grow into adulthood. The non human ones on Earth who look as humans do, are evil in varying degrees, right from the get go.

The 'med beds' work with your spirit, so be sure it's of good, because then they are effective with the perfect invisible pattern the Creator of all life originally designed and that was our spirit energy bodies which support our physical bodies. If you're out of alignment with what our Creator is, how then can good energy to heal reach you? The Creator never forces anyone to be in line.

There are mathematical laws which govern all things in the multiverse and we must be in line with them in order to receive the good they were created to deliver. If you think all this is just a bunch of crap, forget the 'med beds' working any good for your body and mind. Learn to believe, because that's the step to what true, exciting and healthful living is.

One being of a mean spirit (greed, cruelty, harmful to others, bully, deceit, cheat, narcissistic, etc..{*}).cannot.be connected with his life giving invisible spirit through connection to the perfect invisible pattern of one's body, the body the God of all love made. And that because the invisible pattern is of love and negative attitudes are not. One first has to decide to be good and that means to be of high consciousness, as the true God of all good is:.1John 4:6,7.

20. Eliminates all current and future nuclear powered weaponry on planet Earth..The good ET's (Extraterrestrials) always have wanted this. Example.

A researcher speaks truth buried by mainstream media.

And information is from one whose dad was a whistleblower and really knows what's going on right up to now. So far still on You Tube but will no doubt be banned soon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK1_O0A3TKo

Listen carefully, but here's where in the video some items are about:

20 minutes in: the new QFS (Quantum Banking/Financial System)

21 minutes in: Gates, Fauci planned the Covid con

23 min in: no need for masks (and, more about masks)

25 min in: media's job, which they don't do

28 min in: real history of covid, which has been kept from you

29 min in: history perverted, Noah = Astrahasas thousands of years before

35 min in: control by cabal wiped out

36 min in: called The United States of America in 1789; changed by the cabal in 1871 to The United States America, Inc., a cabal contrived corporation. The Civil War was to divide north & south in the US & was a Rothschild/Rockefeller plan to divide and conquer.

37 min in: Apple is communist controlled (as are most 'bought off' politicians and corporations who have adhered to the satanic agenda of murder by means to depopulate)

40 min in: NESARA/GESARA; also, on bike lanes

42 min in: fires in California & elsewhere, cabal's directed energy weapons?

45 min in: small businesses will be reimbursed

48 min in:in effect, house prices go down about 90%, back to 1950's level, not that prices actually go down, but that one's buying power is now so much greater increased, that it is as if they did. A dollar will again have full value and held at that because of the massive wealth all people will have, Today's dollar is 5 cents of the buying power a dollar had in the 1950's, which was a full 100 cents.

51 min in: stock market and its manipulations gone

And learn the different types of law you may be under and what they mean. Natural Law, Common Law, aka Constitutional Law is the supreme law worldwide. In the United States of America, it's called Constitutional Law. Below that, is Sovereign. Then Maritime Law, called Admiralty Law in the United States of America. Also called Civil law in some countries. Maritime/Admiralty/Civil law is only by consent. If the people don't consent, then there is no law, but the criminals force their evils upon you whether you consent or not. They're finished now! Politicians, who all are of Maritime/Admiralty/Civil law, have bamboozled and intimidated people into consenting, often by force and/or deceit. When Maritime/Admiralty/Civil/Statute law is gone soon, so are their jobs, because the changed money system is drying up the present corrupt system they are now paid by.
