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if you describe someone as gullible, you mean they are easily tricked because they are just too trusting of opinions of those they unknowingly taking advantage of them, these being mostly those of authority (politicians, medical, pharmaceutical, corporate criminals, etc.) and those being taken advantage of are perhaps not too bright, being easily deceived or duped, as these parents were in Nigeria

gaunt, gaunter, gauntest.adjectives
thin and bony; angular; emaciated and haggard; drawn (as from hunger or weariness); if someone looks gaunt, they look very thin, usually because they have been ill or worried. (coming back to civilization after being lost in the wilderness for two weeks, he looked gaunt and tired); if you describe a building as gaunt, you mean it is very plain and unattractive (above on the hillside was a large, gaunt, grey house); looking bleak and desolate; barren

given.verb,.past participle of give
specified; fixed (we will meet at a given time and location); granted as a supposition; acknowledged or assumed (given the condition of the engine, it is a wonder that it even starts); having a tendency; inclined (my neighbor is given to lavish spending); bestowed as a gift; presented

given over to.or.given to.phrasal verb
inclined or disposed to; devoted to a particular purpose or use (gave the day over to study and meditation; finally gave myself over to getting the garage construction finished); to surrender oneself completely; abandon
give place to.phrasal verb
to be replaced or succeeded by (gave place to worry for thankfulness so he wouldn't be so sad anymore); to be succeeded or replaced by
give way.phrasal verb
collapse, cave in, fall in, come apart, crumble; crumple (the door gave way)
something assumed or taken for granted
give up, giving up.verbs
a verbal.act.of.admitting.defeat; yielding; surrender; the act of forsaking (had to give up plans due to.inclement weather)

a gift is something that you give someone as a present (she received a gift card for her favorite clothing shop, so she was out to get a dress she really liked); something that is bestowed.voluntarily and without compensation; giving; a talent; an aptitude
gift, gifted, gifting, gifts.transitive verbs
to present with a gift; to endow with
endowed with great natural ability, intelligence or talent (a gifted child; a gifted pianist); revealing.special talent (a gifted rendition of a song, such as 80's Ladies by K.T. Oslin)
appropriate for a gift
something suitable for giving as a gift
gift certificate.noun,.plural.gift certificates
a certificate.usually.presented as a gift that entitles the recipient to select.merchandise of an indicated cash value at a commercial.establishment, such as a clothing store

give, gave, given, giving, gives.verbs
transitive verb use.to make a present of (we gave her flowers for her birthday; to place in the hands of; pass (give me the scissors); to deliver in exchange or recompense; pay (will give five dollars for the book); to administer (give him some herbs for his cough); to convey by physical action (gave me a hand with the gardening); to bestow; confer (the Bill of Rights was supposed to provide freedoms which we now see disappearing); to entrust to another, usually for a specified reason (gave them the vote in trust they would honor their mandate); to convey or offer for conveyance (give him my best wishes); to endure the loss of; sacrifice (gave his life so that others would benefit); to devote or apply completely (gives herself to her work); to furnish or contribute (gave their time to help others); to offer in good faith; pledge (she gave her word she would be here); to award as due (gave us first prize); to submit for consideration, acceptance or use (give an opinion; give an excuse); to proffer to another (sister gave her younger brother her hand)
capacity or inclination to yield under pressure (press on the banana and see if it's ripe)

glib, glibber, glibbest.adjectives
performed with a natural, offhand ease (glib conversation); showing little thought, preparation or concern (a glib response to a complex question); marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality.or.deceitfulness

gain ground.verb
to make progress; advance; pursuing toward accomplishment; to move forward; getting ahead; become more popular (the good concept of leaving off with just sitting in front of the TV and instead getting outside in the sun, is gaining ground)

foundation for an argument, a belief or an action; a basis; an area of reference or discussion (grounds for the conference) 
ground, grounded, grounding, grounds.verbs
transitive verb use.to be able to work with basic information and  instruct in fundamentals (she was well-grounded in physics and able to talk intelligently on any of its aspects); place on or cause to touch the ground; to prevent an aircraft or a pilot from flying; to connect an electric circuit to a ground; to run a vessel aground; to hit (a ball) onto the ground; to throw a ball to the ground in football in order to stop play and avoid being tackled behind the line of scrimmage
intransitive verb use.to touch or reach the ground; to hit a ground ball as in baseball (grounded to the second baseman; to run a ship aground)
adequately.versed in a subject; having a sound.basis; well-founded

the solid surface of the Earth; soil; Earth (leveling ground for a lawn); often grounds; an area of land designated for a particular purpose (a burial ground; parade grounds); land surrounding or forming part of a house or another building (a guesthouse on the grounds of the mansion); a subject (the professor covered new ground in every lecture); sediment at or from the bottom of a liquid (coffee grounds); a large conducting body, such as the Earth or an electric circuit connected to the Earth, used as an arbitrary zero of potential; a conducting object, such as a wire, that is connected to such a position of zero potential

having no ground or foundation; unsubstantiated (groundless assertion that they cared for him); baseless

drive into the ground.or.run into the ground.idiom
to belabor (an issue or a subject)

from the ground up.idiom
from the most basic level to the highest level; completely (designed the house from the ground up; learned the family business from the ground up)

off the ground.idiom
under way, as if in flight (because of legal difficulties, the construction project never got off the ground)

on my own ground.idiom
in a situation where one has knowledge or competence (a sculptor back on her own ground after experiments with painting)

on the ground.idiom
in a place where real, practical work is done (coffee time is over, let's get back to putting our boots on the ground and finish the job)

past tense.and.past participle.of grind
grounds.plural noun

grind, ground, grinding, grinds.verbs
transitive verb use.to crush, pulverize or reduce to powder by friction, especially by rubbing between two hard surfaces (grind beans, barley, rice, etc. into flour; grind the coffee beans and after use, keep the grounds to put on your garden); to shape, sharpen or refine with the friction of rubbing (grind a lens, as for eyeglasses); to rub two surfaces together (grind the teeth) gnash; to produce or process by turning a crank (grinding a pound of grain into meal)
intransitive verb use.to perform the operation of grinding something; to become crushed, pulverized or powdered by friction; to move with noisy friction; grate (a train grinding along rusty rails); to devote oneself to study or work (grinding for a test; grinding away at housework)
the act of grinding; a crunching or grinding noise; a specific.grade or degree of pulverization, as of coffee beans (fine grind, drip grind); a laborious.task or routine (the daily grind)
grindings.plural noun

a revolving stone disk used for grinding, polishing or sharpening tools; a millstone
put or keep your nose to the grindstone.idiom
to work, study or practice hard and steadily, within balance of course, for there is a limit to how fast and how long a time at once a person can revolve a heavy grindstone by hand; from date 1175-1225 A.D.

gross national product.noun,.plural.gross national products
GNP or GDP {gross demestic product}) is the total market value of all the goods and services produced by a nation during a specified period

a framework of crisscrossed or parallel bars; a grating or mesh; a cooking surface of parallel metal bars; something resembling a framework of crisscrossed parallel bars, as in rigidity or organization (the city's streets form a grid); a pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines forming squares on a map, a chart, an aerial photograph or an optical device, used as a reference for locating points; an interconnected system for the distribution of or electromagnetic signals such as radio frequencies, erroneously labeled electricity (*), comprised of a network of high-tension cables and power stations (the electrical grid); a corrugated or perforated conducting plate in a storage battery; a network or coil of fine wires located between the plate and the filament in an electron tube; a gridiron

a small specialized.mechanical or electronic device, such as a can opener or bottle or a coffee grinder; a contrivance

come to grips, coming to grips.verb
to deal with a problem or a subject (she still has not come to grips with the things demanding immediate attention)

a tight hold; a firm.grasp (a child thought lost now safely in the grip of his dad); the pressure or strength of such a grasp (a wrestler with an strong grip); intellectual hold; overstanding (a good grip on the history of currencies); a mechanical.device that grasps and holds; a part, such as a handle, that is designed to be grasped and held; a suitcase or valise; a stagehand who helps in shifting scenery; a member of a film production crew who adjusts sets and props and sometimes assists the camera operator
grip, gripped, gripping, grips.verbs
transitive verb use.to secure and maintain a tight hold on; seize firmly; to hold the interest or attention of (a scene that gripped the entire audience)
intransitive verb use.to maintain a secure grasp

Kurt Gödel 1906-78
known primarily for his research in philosophy and mathematics; He was born in Brünn, Austria-Hungary (now Brno, Czech Republic). He was educated at Vienna University and taught at that institution from 1933 to 1938. He immigrated to the United States of America in 1940 and became an American citizen in 1948.
   Gödel was a member of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, New Jersey, until 1953, when he became professor of mathematics at Princeton University.
   Gödel became prominent for a paper, published in 1931, setting forth what has become known as Gödel's proof.
   This proof states that the propositions on which the mathematical system is in part based are unprovable because it is possible, in any logical system using symbols, to construct an axiom that is neither provable nor disprovable within the same system. To prove the self-consistency of the system, methods of proof from outside the system are required. Gödel also wrote The Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis (1940) and Rotating Universes in General Relativity Theory (1950). Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Gödel's Theorem, also known as the Incompleteness Theorem, two theorems proposed by Austrian-born American logician Kurt Gödel. These theorems state that some parts of mathematics are based on ideas that cannot be proven within the system of mathematics.
   Gödel's First Theorem states that any consistent mathematical theory that includes the natural numbers (the counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) is incomplete. Gödel's Second Theorem states that such a theory cannot contain a proof of its own consistency; consistency may be provable within some larger theory, but proving consistency within the larger theory would require an even bigger theory, leading to a never-ending sequence of ever-larger theories. In mathematics, a theory is consistent when it is free from contradictions and complete when all statements or their opposites (negations) are provable within the theory.
   Gödel used an ingenious numbering system to translate statements about a mathematical theorem T into numerical statements within T. Then he used many applications of the rules of logic (called a proof) to show that a theorem could not be proven to be consistent or complete.
   To understand how Gödel's proof works, imagine a numerical statement within T that means "this statement has no proof in T". Call this statement S and treat it like any other statement in T.
   If this particular statement S is provable in T, then S is false, which would make T inconsistent, in that it's both true and false, so really, when are things true? Therefore, S must be unprovable and thus true. If S is true, then the negation of S (not S "this statement has proof in T") must be unprovable; otherwise S would be false. Because neither S or not S is unprovable, T is incomplete. If we try to prove that T is consistent, we prove S, which is impossible. Therefore, T cannot be proven to be consistent or complete.
   Gödel published his theorem in 1931, around the time when the German mathematician David Hilbert, leading the formalism movement, proposed that every mathematical theory should be given firm logical foundations.
   Formalism aimed to establish the completeness and consistency of each theory and to decide using an algorithm whether any given statement belonged in the theory.
   This would reduce mathematics to a mechanical process. Gödel's theorem showed that the formalists' first two aims of establishing completeness and consistency must fail for any theory involving the natural numbers. Similarly, the Undecidability Theorems (1936) of American mathematician Alonso Church and British mathematician Alan Turing showed that the third, deciding whether any statement belongs in a theory, must fail. comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

So, now that you've read that, do you feel enlightened? Do you now know what truth is? Anyone can take a hypothesis and reason with it, keeping measurements within the hypothesis and thus, arriving at a conclusion consistent with the mathematical formula used. And this then would be true or would it? In fact, could it?

Mathematics is based on constants within a system, but fails to quantify variables encountered when a larger system is considered. The exactness of the mathematics used to arrive at any conclusion is limited by the magnitude of the system being measured. For example, mathematics works when we examine the speed of the planets, but this is like measuring how fast a golf ball moves across a large screen TV. In this closed system of your living room with a TV in it, one can use mathematics to accurately determine the speed of the golf ball going across the screen. It's not really the speed of the actual golf ball, but may be somewhat close to it. But, is that measurement the truth of the speed of the golf ball. Yes it is, within the system. But one's living room system is part of another system which also has its own speed. So, it's not the truth when the truth of other things is considered. When the fact that the Earth is moving and so is the solar system we are in, when the fact that the solar system is moving within our home galaxy the Milky Way, when the fact that the Milky Way galaxy is moving within its realm of other galaxies and they too moving within an even larger framework, well then the measurement that was correct within one system, the home, living room, is way out of wack and no longer true. 

Would the speed of all systems affecting the living room system need to be taken into consideration to arrive at the truth? If so, the speed would be somewhere way beyond 7,700 miles per second. Why? So would this then be truth? No. Why? Without knowing the speed of all factors we could never arrive at the truth we are here looking for. One can only trust mathematical measurements within a system the measurements may be accurately used upon. For example, instruments measuring oxygen in the atmosphere around Earth are useless beyond Earth's atmosphere because there is no oxygen there.

So, then, would the original measurement of the golf ball be correct? Would this then be truth within the living room system. No. Because the golf ball only appears on the screen as if it is moving. It appears to be moving because the electronic pixels are flashing on and off and the speed of flashing on and off depends upon both the electrical pressure coming into the home, the thickness of the wires and the quality of electronics that flashes the pixels as dictated by the incoming signal. 

Well then, all these individual systems and their speeds of movement are only necessary as man compares them with each other for some reason he feels hold importance. But really, nothing at all actually moves. Now where does that leave you? If you were truly affected by movement of the Earth, the Solar System and the galaxies, you and the water on Earth would have long ago spun off into space. Let's look at it with some sanity.

common name for any member of an order of water birds, superficially resembling ducks and loons, but entirely unrelated to either. The feet of grebes, unlike those of ducks and loons, have three unconnected, flattened, flaplike toes; the fourth toe is separate and very small. Their legs are placed far back on their bodies and are not suitable for walking but enable the birds to swim powerfully. The plumage, especially on the breast, is dense and silky. The body color of most grebes is brown or gray. In spring and summer, many have tufts of feathers on the head and reddish brown patches on head and neck. In winter, most assume a plumage much like that of immature grebes gray above and white below. Grebes are about 13 to 29 inches (33 to 74 cm) long. The majority nest in swamps and on the edges of ponds. Some birds nest on plant matter floating near the edge of the water. The nests of all species are made of vegetation such as grass and reeds and lined with softer material. The eggs usually number from three to five.
   Grebes not only eat feathers, apparently their own, but also feed them to their young. Ornithologists have speculated that the feathers perform a straining function for hard, ingested substances, such as fish bones.
   Of the 21 species of grebes, seven breed in North America. The most widely distributed is the pied billed grebe, which nests from central Canada to southern South America. It is named for the black band across its short, thick bill. The largest North American species are the western and Clark's grebes, which are so similar that they were long thought to be color phases of a single species.

The graceful western grebe, is well suited for life in water but cannot walk on dry land. The bird uses a variety of elaborate dances during courtship. The mating pair, shown here, race side by side across the water with their heads erect and their bodies pushed up out of the water. Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.