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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n
p a g e  4 9

Our solar system.(our Sun and the planets, etc.).in the Milky Way appears to be moving around its centre.(the Milky Way's centre).at about ½ million miles an hour and orbits the galactic centre.(of our Milky Way galaxy).once every 250 million years.(one galactic year), which is the time it takes for our solar system containing the planets, to make one revolution around our Milky Way Galaxy. And we don't even feel the movement at this incredible speed! That's because it only appears to be moving

The whole solar system, even the whole multiiverse is a giant electrical engine.

The planets in our solar system are different from those outside it. 

Even the most sophisticated of mathematics cannot grasp all the variations out there, the effects upon other bodies by some particular variance at some defined time, changing speeds, multifarious shapes, types, positions, matter densities, emissions, gravitional influences, etc. But someone of such incredible intelligence as we are only beginning to look into, figured it all out, in fact, set it to function as it does:.Isaiah 40:25 "To whom then will you liken me or shall I be equal? says the Holy One."

The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy, as are many others. Some others are elliptical with old stars spread throughout, thus, no definable center feature. Creator-God put into place the complex math, producing forces responsible for the galaxies' formation into the particular shapes that they always form to. Nothing else we know of but the Great Infinite Intelligence we call God, the God who reveals Himself in the pages of the Bible, has the intelligence necessary to accomplish such things.

The consistency of pattern shows defining.parameters. The Milky Way.(such a nice name).looks like a fried egg, sunny side up. It has a flat white centre ring comprised of gas, newly formed stars and within this centre, a ripe lemon colored core. The Milky Way is 10,000 light years in diameter and 2,000 light years thick, with a gas which stretches up to 10,000 light years above and below the galactic plane, apparently caused by ionized oxygen atoms in the ultraviolet.spectra of the halo.."The only way to make the observed amount of it is through collision with the blast waves from exploding stars."....Blair Savage, NASA. 

According to Donald Lynden-Bell, Cambridge University and Alan Wilson, Mount Wilson Observatory and Sandra Faber of Lick Observatory."The Milky Way itself is in orbit at more than 1 million miles per hour.".But it too, only appears to move.

Scientists have no verifiable explanation for why the location of the planets is as they are, nor for their particular orbital patterns or for the differences in speed, nor for why Earth is positioned where it is. But Gene Decode does, at about half way into this video where he talks abiout the tetrahedron

Why does Venus rotate clockwise and all the other planets in our system rotate opposite to the rotation of Venus? 

Much of our knowledge of the early history of the solar system is based on the assumption that the planets formed.(or were created).in the orbits which they today occupy. 

Extreme precision is seen in the moons of the planets of our solar system, such as in Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon, located in the Kuiper Belt.

We are never in the same position in the Universe with each passing second.."The multiverse is expanding at an increasing rate as evidenced by distant supernovas being 25% dimmer than expected, indicating they are further away than their redshifts would normally indicate. The mystery: Why is gravity weakening, propelling an accelerating multiverse."....Equinox Magazine, January, 2000, page 16. Or, is that what is doing it at all?

Romans 1:20 "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being known by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead....."

Well then, what was there before this creation of the world?

Maybe because our position in the universe is always different, every year everything even feels a little different. The weather is different. We change. How much these things affect the position our home galaxy has on us is anybody's guess.

Will the end of Earth time come? Yes, the time part and also the physicality:.Revelation 10:6 "And sware by him that lives for ever and ever, who created heaven and the things that therein are and the Earth and the things that therein are and the sea and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer." Ecclesiastes 1:4 "One generation passes away and another generation comes but the Earth abides forever."

The physicality produces the time we have for doing things here.

Sun is in the edge of a local bubble, a great void in the distribution of interstellar gas.

Contrary to some evolutionary thought and in line with the laws of physics, the multiverse is not evolving. It is finished.(Genesis 2:1; Hebrews 4:3; Ephesians 3:9).and decay.(like in radioactive decay).occurs as one formation of energy turns into another by means of information from the Creator-Designer where there is a cosmic computer projecting the physical world and multiverse to be as it appears to be. 

Thee whole process is a circle as it were, where energy flows to and from God and through us if we are open to it:.Jeremiah 44:16,17. It's always the energy of love:.1John 4:8-16. Our choice is whether or not we use what we got and how we use it.

So, the workings of the multiverse is finished and within these workings are the means for constantly recreating and maintaining, so we have change within unchanging structure, the structure of God's creative laws producing the existence of particles

Physical things decay, are used up, but there is always more; more oil, more gold, more of whatever is needed, water, air, warmth from the sun and whenever it's needed. These things never run out. I hope you thank God for his amazing creation. It is of remarkable design; astonishing in how it self-maintains its systems:.Psalms 40:5 "Many, O Lord my God are your wonderful works which you have done and your thoughts which are to us-ward. They cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.".Psalms 139:14.

The multiversal laws, such as the reap and sow one, was set in place before humanity was made. All is frequency. Frequencies vibrate at set rates, producing all we see and know of and those things we are finding out about. 

And one of God's wonderful works is prosperity, all done for us before humanity was made and that part of God's plan made at the beginning, is being released now. Why  now? It's like parents expecting a baby. They get their baby room all set up ready for the baby's arrival.

On the other hand, we in our universe are always evolving and changing as we learn more information about ourselves and the infinite intelligence that supports all there is. The learning may take another reincarnation, of which we've already had many.

All in the multiverse is sustained by the energy and information of the invisible pattern.(how?), constantly recreating itself, just like us in the physical where our soul holds the pattern of what it is that we are:.Romans 8:20,21; Psalms 66:9.

The Creator rested after the Earth was created. Why? Was He tired? No. When one rests from mind work, he is able to consider other things, so contemplation is important. When you rest, perhaps by going into nature to relax, to 'recreate' yourself or just by engaging in some different form of recreation, like fishing or golfing, you become refreshed, both mentally and physically. Like they say, a change is as good as a rest.

That's how it was 'finished'. Things are remembered when information is drawn from what is called the Akashic field. It was the set up pattern that was finished. Within the pattern are many ongoing alterations. Now all within that pattern functions as intended with trillions upon trillions of invisible electrochemical excitations coming to pass in maintaining the universe.

The Universe is dynamic. It's expanding. It's recreating itself. It had a beginning point when God created a mature physical creation which would carry on from there; this includes us.

What is it that affects a Sunset's precise time? The Earth is tilted at an angle.(on its axis).of 23.50 degrees, in relation to the plane of its orbit around the Sun, the Earth rotating on its axis at about 1000 miles per hour.(1670 kilometers an hour).at the Equator.

This however, has been changing. No one comprehends completely why. If we get rid of the tilt, temperate climate might result in better summer/winter changes or maybe worse. If deemed necessary, God will fix it to how his original plan was for it. 

If the Earth were to rotate at one tenth its present rate, all plant life would be burnt to a crisp during the day or frozen at night. Any faster and all other things being equal, some scientists think that we would be flung into space. But those are the ones who fail to see this. The Earth is an open spaceship, perfectly designed for humanity's experience in the physical.

In addition to the speed of the Earth on its axis.(about 1,000 miles per hour {1,600 k}), we can add some more speed, that of the Earth's rotation around the Sun; add 66,667 miles per hour.(107,000 kilometers an hour).and to that we can add our solar system.(which includes the Sun and all the planets orbiting it).rushing through space around the Milky Way galaxie, our home galaxy, at 515,000 miles per hour.(829,000 kilometers an hour). And, at this speed it would take 230 million years to travel all around the Milky Way. The Milky Way is traveling too; it's traveling around a local group of galaxies at 2,237,000 miles per hour.(3,600,100 kilometers an hour). And, this local group of galaxies is also traveling around other galactic local groups and on we can go on and on it seems.

So, how fast are you going, when you think you are 'just sitting there'? 1000+66,667+515,000+2,237,000=2,819,667 miles per hour.(4,537,814 kilometers an hour).or 7,704 miles.per second.(12,398 kilometers a second).and faster if one could add all the rest of the rotations up and over and beyond what we already have done.

And, you don't feel like you are moving at all. This is because you aren't. We are all part of a hologram which projects the physical universe we know of. That's why nothing actually moves. For example, we could measure on say a 50 foot TV screen, how fast that golf ball is moving from one side of the screen to the other, but the golf ball is not really moving on the screen. It only appears to be moving, just as we and all within the hologram also appear to be moving. The motion appears because of the flashing off and on of the pixels of the TV screen as it plays out the signal the TV has received. And so, it is with the created universe that flickers on and off.

It's 'artificial reality' we might say, at its greatest development and probably a development man will only reach when he's in full high consciousness, which means, he is no longer physical and has attained a level of consciousness allowing him to function at and reach out to even much higher levels, until he reaches and fulfils his potential and purpose for existence.

How does the Earth pull on the moon and vice versa? How do they connect? What is connecting them? What connects all in the universe? It's the invisible grid that some call dark energy, others call it the vacuum of space and it's also known as the Soul of all, 'all' because we are all connected and with all things.

It's called dark because we can't see it. This vacuum binds all particles and is everywhere. We need to tap into the vacuum, available everywhere and we would then have a new energy technology, virtually at no cost and for all humanity as was famous Nikola Tesla's heart to help.

Interactions between the invisible world and what we see expand consciousness. That's why meditation is important for those wishing for growth in consciousness. An expanding consciousness enables a person to have spiritual sight evidenced by intuition and then clairvoyance

People of low consciousness see the world differently. They are those who act as though they are lost in the dark. They have no idea of what it's all about and know not where they are going:.Luke 6:39 "And he spoke a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? Shall they not both fall into the ditch?"

To become of increasing consciousness, one must get to know himself, for in this is revealed the connection to develop and grow in, higher consciousness:.Hebrews 4:12. In a higher consciousness we see that all things are one and all invisible processes are connected to man. One of the reasons Christ came was for revealing this to humanity.

Functions of consciousness include a person receiving what wells up to him from the invisible and sending such impulses out to improve the world:.Matthew 11:27 "All things are delivered unto me of my Father and no man knows the Son, but the Father, neither knows any man the Father except the Son and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him."

We receive inspiration, then through contemplation process, we are capable of reacting to it.

The entire system designed for humanity's stint on Earth, is very well balanced, making it comfortably habitable for man. So well balanced in fact, that at the tremendous speed of 66,622 mph that the Earth travels through space while, at the same time,  rotating on its axis, not only do we not get hurled off.(ever stick your arm out a vehicle's window at even 60 miles an hour?), but 'somehow' the Earth's atmosphere remains remarkably intact as it courses through the heavens at these high velocities, held intact to always contribute what it must for man's sustenance. Why does not the powerful vacuum of space suck all the Earth's atmosphere away? Gravity's effect upon the atmosphere provides balance with that which opposes it.

So why is this?
