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T e c h n o l o g y  P a g e  1  (t o  p a g e 2)

Energy from 'empty' space all around us. Why don't electrons run out of energy? What keeps everything in motion? The electrons in the molecules of rock formations and everything else for that matter, have been orbiting steadily for millions of years without stopping. At what point will you agree that they are in perpetual motion? More.
Videos on probably what is the most important discovery of the last 100 years,.Energy From The Vacuum, the mind blowing Part 6 Radiant Energy From Space.(type Tom Bearden Radiant Energy from Space into YouTube) Part 8 is about Challenging The Second Law of Thermodymamics.(also on YouTube), about freeing you from dependence on oil and electricity from corporations; such utilities are always at charge with no dividends from these resource extractions going to the people of the provinces or states involved; Part 2 is about Negative Energy (type into YouTube Tom Bearden Negative Energy). See engineer Tom Bearden's site (cheniere.org) and his scientific article on matter happening and unhappening. Tom's credentials (cheniere.org/misc/bearden%20cv%20long.htm). Tesla's free energy work.

How to Neutralize Nuclear Waste in 9.1 minutes (cheniere.org/patent%20application/claim.htm#nuclear).
"Why is electrical engineering being kept 100 years behind? The sad old electrical engineering still taught in our schools unchanged from 1892 cannot be used to deal with the longitudinal photon and field, or the time-polarized (scalar) photon and field. Generators don't power external circuits. All a generator does is turn the shaft which then forms a magnetic field inside the generator and that energy in that magnetic field dissipates itself upon the internal charges to force the positive charges in one direction and the negative charges in another, to make the dipole and that's all a generator does. It doesn't add one watt to the power line. All the coal, all the oil, all the dams ever built, all the nuclear fuel rods ever consumed never added one single watt to the power line. All they did was keep rebuilding the dipole that the designed silly ciricut was designed to destroy faster than we can power the loads."....Tom Bearden.

High time to wake up electrical engineering departments so they can come out of the darkness and train up and coming students with true information (cheniere.org/articles/EE%20briefing.htm).

Recharge a mobile phone battery in two hours without being plugged in (search at breitbart.com/).

The material on this web site (search for Summary of Commercial Devices at panacea-bocaf.org/) describes many different devices, with diagrams, photographs, explanations, pointers to web sites, etc. As some of the devices need an comprehension of electronic circuitry, a simple, step-by-step instruction course in electronics is also provided in Chapter 12. This can take someone with no previous knowledge of electronics, to the level where they can read, innerstand, design and build the type of circuits used with these devices. Also see this web site (peswiki.com/). Faculties or academics have long thought that these 'type of devices' were 'creating energy out of nothing'. They did not understand that all the time they have been open systems which draw power both from the user and from an environmental source.
"The scientific method.used.to be that, if the experiment refutes the theory, the theory must be changed. As one can see, that is no longer the case and many scientists are far more dogmatic than the old medieval Aristotelian metaphysical system that scientists struggled for 300 years to get out from under. So they will defend a falsified theoretical model to the death. In short, they would throw away the experiment and retain the theory. And that is dogma, not science. Max Planck, at the time the most prestigious scientist in the world, pointed out wryly that one finally gets a new science not by sweet reason, but by the old diehards who so bitterly oppose it finally dying off and getting out of the way."....Tom Bearden. Tom's complete credentials (cheniere.org/misc/bearden%20cv%20long.htm)

Tom and the source charge problem, solution and implication.

....You'll soon see skies like this all over the world. Why?

"Let's hope we can get precursor engineering developed by our physics community before too long, so that presently increasing and 'unknown' problems like these can be understood and addressed scientifically and also so that we can easily, quickly and cheaply cure such problems, heal any illness, clean up the now polluted biosphere, etc.
...."Indeed, if we master precursor engineering, we will eventually master spacetime itself (and also master the travel 'around' any section of it instead of traveling 'through' it). In that case, eventually we will not need airliners. One will simply step into a door 'here' and instantly out of a door 'there', where the two doors are directly connected to each other (and in fact superposed without any intervening spatial distance) in multiply connected spacetime, just as the Fogal semiconductor successfully transmits EM signals 'instantly' between multiple spatial points at any distance of separation, as proven in several major labs here and in Europe."....Tom Bearden (cheniere.org/correspondence/080209.htm).
   There seems to be this misconception that conventional science doesn't acknowledge that a so-called vacuum is not a vacuum at all. Physics quite readily accepts and is discovering ways of measurement of what is really there. Astronomy and cosmology are probably well advanced on knowing what is really there.  Plasma streams, solar winds, cosmic 'rays', background radiation and even huge magnetic currents that flow between the sun and Earth are all being measured and studied by satellites. And Hubble and its successor are finding that even the remotest parts of our multiverse are far from empty. What doesn't seem to be accepted, by the EE {electrical engineering} departments is that these energy streams that are the vacuum can be tapped, harvested, manipulated, used, etc., etc. Even though, photovoltaic cells already tap into one small spectrum of energies.
Altering matter such as copper into gold (cheniere.org/correspondence/022009.htm) technology suppressed. Sand into gold; but watch your back.
The main constituents of all matter are 6 particles called leptons and 6 called quarks.
Proof they are out to suck the men and women of the country dry..Batteries.just aren't good enough to power cars and release households from dependence on oil companies and electrical utilities, right? Wrong. The battery problem has been largely solved and not just in theory, but in production. Then GM bought its way in as a condition for using the battery in its cars. Then it sold its share in the company to Chevron. And the battery was gone (brasschecktv.com/page/553.html) but now it's back. What actor Tom Hanks has to do with it all? (revengeoftheelectriccar.com). And the genius.(ovshinskyinnovation.com), Stan Ovshinsky (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stan_Ovshinsky).who developed the batteries that can take a car 300 miles on one charge. Some electric vehicles now (e-vconcepts.com/production_models_2009_e.dwt), but using lithium in them is causing massive problems, both for those children paid pitiful amounts and with health dangers, to mine the stuff, but also there's the danger caused for owners of electric vehicles.
The multiverse is infinite in what we can see and seemingly infinite on the small scale too, with a new subatomic particle having been discovered in Illinois's Fermilab atom smasher.
Tom Bearden. Tom's complete credentials (cheniere.org/misc/bearden%20cv%20long.htm) on free energy (homes, vehicles, etc.):
One of the most useful plants in human history, the hemp plant, was criminalized by manipulators within positions to steer the United States of America away from it for the selfish gain of the manipulators. Hemp was a competitor to Dupont's plans for nylon.
Thanks to Canada's National Research Council, we have soft to the feel hemp clothing that will markedly outlast cotton. Type 'Crailer' into an Internet search engine.
Stronger than cement at 1/6th the weight and of course banned for reasons one has to wonder about and you can make cars out of it. Henry Ford did, before he was shut down (type Henry Ford hemp car into YouTube for the video).
Ford's ultra modern Brazilian auto plant where suppliers assemble their parts into vehicles (type into an Internet search engine).
Many believe propaganda was initiated for the aluminum and fertilizer industry's introduction of their highly toxic waste product fluoride (type 'fluoride toxicity' and/or 'history of poisoning by fluoridation' into an Internet search engine), which makes people more tractable. Just what the cabal propagandists wanted through their controlled local 'health' services worldwide, part of the dumbing down of people, so it's really death pathway services. Their greed at the public's disadvantage and harm are always paramount to them. Thankfully a move is underfoot to change this worldwide poisoning. Fluoride paper. Fluoridation violates the Nuremberg Code. A speech about it.
The new credit cards with 'spy' chips in them are less secure than the present ones, which, at least, have to be verified at source:.(search 'how to hack rfid enabled credit' at wonderhowto.com) or at (restoretherepublic.com) or at (spychips.com).
   Shows how you can use about 8 dollars worth of gear bought on eBay to read personal data from those new credit cards with RFID chips in them and the banks are not giving you an option on replacement. Now anyone can walk within 5-20 feet of you and have all your personal information. Oh, yes, it makes it easier for clandestine government agencies to get your info now without having to go through channels of regulatory approval. Sweet! But of course they, like vaccines, tell you they're safe and  secure.
   Readers (hand held scanners) can access low powered RFID's from only a few inches away. The ultra high frequency chips can now be read from up to 150 feet (50 meters) away. The change to digital TV frees up the analog frequencies for use by RFID receivers. If you carry your card you can be tracked wherever you may go once the signal is picked up or sent first to rebroadcasting equipment. The effective reading distance depends on many factors, but the tags can be read without being taken out of a handbag or a wallet by any nearby reader. Some RFID enabled credit cards effortlessly transmit unencrypted customer names to nearby scanners.
The Lockridge Device: What was the strange device that two U.S. soldiers found in an abandoned house during a mopping up mission in Germany after World War II and smuggled back into the U.S.? A device with no input pipes or wires that they had to forcibly step on to stop it running. At which point the lights went out and the room was plunged into darkness. After a 50 year mystery, with the last remaining pieces of hardware on his laboratory bench, John Bedini tells the story and what a story it is, showing how yet another proven overunity device was almost lost to history. A self powering home electrical generator that was mass produced in Nazi Germany from Volkswagen parts and was then sold for a number of years in the United States! John Bedini shows how it worked and points the direction towards its reconstruction. Available at The Tom Bearden Website online store (cheniere.org/sales/online-store.htm) and there's a video on The Lockridge Device (try Brighteon.com, maybe YouTube).
The new 'med beds' created with off-world technology, will heal all humanity of what may ail them and without harmful medical/pharmaceutical means.
Movie.on mental technology, helping you establish a better future (essential components necessary in fabricating a new future), see see it free now
The electric car.of the 90's was great! Who killled it and why? (search at, links.cbc.ca). And, what's going to happen to the new electric vehicles?
A new $2000. car built and ready to roll (tatanano.inservices.tatamotors.com).
Technology suppressed that would free us from dependence upon conventional energy requirements (theorionproject.org/en/video_scientists.html).
Why can't information contained in the black box on airplanes be automatically sent wirelessly upon any sudden variation in the normal use of the airplane. Like duh! To whose benefit is it that these black boxes.always disappear when it seems the revealing data could be most interesting {incriminating}? Warnings are automatically sent, but the critical info in the black boxes is not. Why? Easier to cover up?
Back doors in telephone companies' security? "Somehow the bad guys had the cops' beepers, cell phones, even home phones under surveillance" (brasschecktv.com/page/61.html).
Killing people to keep the helpful technology away from you (type 'Stan Meyer Free Energy' into an Internet search engine).
Videos on a water torch that's hotter than the Sun and you can touch the tip of it and it's cool and on building one yourself (search YouTube for 'water torch')
A good project to free people from dependence upon conventional money gobbling systems, instead putting them into free energy (theorionproject.org/en/video_suppression.html).
Skunk a Corvette! (brasschecktv.com/page/650.html). Three 1/4 mile world records! Absolutely no pollution! The guy built this completely electric car. This guy is going to ruin everything for the global warming/carbon tax crowd. And you can build one too! Remember, the personal computer was the creation of a bunch of unfunded individuals, not the military-industrial-greed complex which produces with government grants and then often hides it away. Kiss gas & very harmful diesel away as vehicle fuels forever! (brasschecktv.com/page/650.html)
And if he was using Tom's technology, he wouldn't need all those batteries.
Well, here it is, John Bedini's legendary "G-field generator" from the early 1980s in all its glory running on the bench and putting out more power than John is putting in, slaughtering the so-called 2nd 'law' of thermodynamics.

Interestingly it ejects a stream of freezing cold air from its interior, where one would 'normally' expect heat would be produced and dissipated.

In the full DVD John Bedini, painstakingly traces the G-field generator's pedigree and history all the way back to the late Professor Raymond Kromrey, and John then presents the theory, the circuit diagram, what to do, and what not to do, to build one that works. Watch, too, how John shows the motor running under load with the circuit only completed by a strand of wire the diameter of a human hair, an impossibility with conventional EM energy.

For the practically minded, this DVD is all anyone could ask for if one was contemplating building an overunity (you get far more out than what goes in) electrical motor.

Is this fanciful talk? Well, John's manufacturing and production team was rapidly infiltrated and destroyed and M.I.T. bought up the last remaining twelve operational units from John, never to see the light of day again, so you can draw your own conclusions.

Also included is the archival footage from the celebrated 1984 Town Hall Meeting with Bill Jenkins, in which John springs this technology on an unsuspecting world. This DVD is truly historic. 

It is available in the DVD section of the Tom Bearden Online store at cheniere.org/sales/online-store.htm

How are frozen water crystals photographed?
Unified Field Theory Einstein searched for decades to find, now found!
Find out how vulnerable your computer may be safe and free (secunia.com/PSISetup.exe).
Notice the Sun. Take a glance a second or two; no longer is it yellow; it's becoming whiter; some scientists figure an acceleration from hydrogen into helium is occurring, but why at this time? The Earth is about to enter a new era. The Sun is actually black; it's the atmosphere that to us, makes it look yellowish/white.
Retune your musical instruments to 528 Hertz, proven to be the frequency of love.
Cell phone technology: E911-capable phones can give your wireless carrier continual updates on your location. The phone is embedded with a Global Positioning System chip, which can calculate your coordinates to within a few yards by receiving signals from satellites.
New search engine; different from the others; mostly for scientists.
A gift for you (worldwidetelescope.org).
Pump water efficiently with an air compressed pump (search for 'Brumby Pump' at naturalnews.com).