of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering smart
materials and carbon composites.
-Sky News, Australia
reporting on magnetic energy to run your
into YouTube), furnace and all electricals. Electricity from magnets will
free you from regular fuels and dependence on buying electricity. And from
another source, a Self Running 900 Watt Fuelless Electrical Generator.(
scroll to bottom when there).
-The most
difficult problem in classical and quantum
electrodynamics. ...Prof. Emeritus Dipak K. Sen, Dept. of Mathematics,
U. of Toronto. Problem
solved by Tom Bearden, nuclear engineer, wargames analyst, military
tactician with over 26 years experience in air defense systems, tactics
and operations, technical intelligence, antiradiation missile countermeasures,
nuclear weapons employment, computerized wargames and military systems
free energy from an invention by Lt. Col.
Thomas E. Bearden (retd.) Ph.D., MS (nuclear engineering)(site is;
Listed in Marquis' Who's
America, 2004. And a warning (
from Tom about the high cabal.
Energy from the vacuum firmly exists in modern particle physics and just
as firmly is excluded from the silly old CEM/EE model and thus from all
electrical power engineering.
suppression of free energy devices.
...Needs to
be reported on (
Here's Tom:
Tom's freind John Bedini and another
of Bedini's 'scalar'
inventions, one which can increase enjoyment of music. After a six year
struggle, Bedini was granted US Patent 5,487,057 for a mechanism for reducing
electronic distortion in digital and analog recording and playback. Bearden
(writing in Explore Magazine Vol. 7, No. 4. pp. 53-63) says the
patent examiner couldn't understand the mechanism, because Bedini's nonlinear
optics process was not found in audio or classical electromagnetics textbooks.
Meanwhile, John and his brother Gary were already selling the stress-defect-relieving
devices. The process even works for media such as color film. Bearden explains
Bedini's process as self-oscillating, optical electronics and hopes that
even standard metals can eventually be treated with it to reduce stress
defects. |
Our future well being depends more on
people like Steve Jobs who invent real products that can improve our lives
...the article 'Apple Isn't the Problem Big Banks Are'
Is Steve Jobs
alive? Yep! What's he doing? Lots. You already knew Steve is always busy.
He's in charge of making the new
Q-Phones for every human on Earth, free! They'll be used to connect
(also free) with and instantly transfer funds without need to go to a bank.
They are being made in the UK and Germany, enough for all on Earth and
many is that? The Q-Phones can also be used for all the reasons phones
are now used for.
is enough energy inside the space in this empty cup
to boil all the oceans of the world. This is a fact well known to the scientific
community and was, for example, a favorite quote of Nobel Prize winning
physicist Richard Feynman ( Two Nobel prizes were awarded
in 1957 to Lee and Yang ( for
substantiating the extraction process for this energy.
One of Feynman's quotes:."I
would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't
be questioned."
Since the archaic old Electrical
Engineering model was formed in the 1880s and 1890s, modern
physics—including special and general relativity, quantum mechanics,
quantum electrodynamics, gauge field theory, quantum field theory and particle
physics—has been born and developed.
Physics has made a
century of progress since the old Electrical Engineering model was 'frozen'
in 1892. Modern physics assures us that the vacuum/spacetime has enormous
energy and that it continually interacts with every charge in a circuit,
system and the multiverse, continually exchanging enormous—even mind-boggling—energy
with it. Indeed, all forces in all our systems are produced by the interaction
and exchange of virtual particles of the vacuum. To correct the horribly
flawed Electrical Engineering problem, the escalating world energy
problem, physicists in several disciplines—not just EEs and environmental
scientists—must be directly involved. Trying to use electrical engineers
to solve the problem—that their own discipline and model create in the
first place—is utterly useless. Why?
And, NASA successfully tests space drive self-powered by energy from the
vacuum ( Multiple peer reviewed tests
confirm results.
Michael Tellinger
Ancient Technology. About what
went on before humanity was on Earth.
Dumb and dangerous ,
but they are called smart. Of course it was smart, they hide the dangers.
See Josh del Sol's movie Take Back Your Power (
on electrical utilities' con job. Also see Brian Thiesen's stunning
information at ( or on YouTube 'The Truth About Smart
Meters - Brian Thiesen'.
Top scientists such as Olle Johansson
have been warning about insidious
effects of wireless technologies such as cell phone technologies
and 'smart' meters ('smart' meters are dangerous in other ways too; see
below), wi-fi, cell phones and their towers,
for years in some 4,000 scientific papers,
all within.The Bioinitiative
“We are in
an existential crisis here folks, the likes of which humanity has never
seen. This is something that is unprecedented, the putting of 100 thousand
satellites in the very blanket of the Earth."
...Dr. Thomas Cowan, speaking out
against the bioweapon
called 5G, which has nothing to do with improving cell phone transmission.(1,
The report has such impeccable
research ignored by many (not all) governments and of course the corporations
these proven
harmful technologies as being safe, as they also did with the 'proven
safe' vaccines, which they had to
lie about as they were actually bioweapons to cause mass destruction and
death (Isaiah
5:20 "Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil, that put darkness
for light and light for darkness...") and destroy humanity's health
in areas where such wireless technologies are most prevalent.
One such meticulous
scientist is Dr. Olle Johansson, Ph D. Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden (see Dr. Olle
Johansson on YouTube and the movie Generation
Zapped is on
See: the updated.Bioinitiative covers about 1800 new
studies reporting bioeffects and adverse health effects of electromagnetic
fields (powerlines, electrical wiring, appliances and hand-held devices)
and wireless technologies (cell and cordless phones, cell towers, WI-FI,
wireless laptops, wireless routers, baby monitors, surveillance systems,
wireless utility meters (‘smart meters'), etc.
covers the science, public health, public policy and global response to
the growing health issue of chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields
and radiofrequency radiation in the daily life of billions of people around
the world. Covers brain tumor risks from cell phones, damage to DNA and
genes, effects on memory, learning, behavior, attention and sleep disruption
and cancer and neurological diseases like Alzheimer's disease. Effects
on sperm and miscarriage (fertility and reproduction), effects of wireless
on the brain development of the fetus and infant and effects of wireless
classrooms on children, at 44 minutes into the movie. Wireless technologies
which include cell phones and their towers are irradiating
children. Warnings come with iPads and cell phones. Read them. The
France national library gave up wi-fi, choosing instead to be wired
like using fibre optics, which is also more reliable, faster and completely
safe as there is no harmful radiation as would be from wireless.
Adolescents are also addressed in
the report. Mechanisms for biological action and public health responses
in other countries are discussed.
The non ionizing
radiation as in cell phones, breaks up molecules as it passes through tissues,
producing cell excretions that many call viruses.
When cell phones first were being brought out, they never thought to test
them for safety as it was assumed that because there was no heating, there
was no problem. Many have also assumed that the federal government has
pronounced the safe, in that there are no affects on health. Not so! The
FCC (Federal Communication Commission) was only to to ensure cellular fairness
amongst cell companies regarding the commerce clause, a fair clause for
businesses, was properly adhered to.
People with wireless radiation exposure
report itchy eyes and various environmental illnesses and noted migrains
gone when wi-fi turned off. RFs (radio frequencies) open up the blood brain
barrier allowing any heavy metals in your body, like aluminum, to cross
this protective barrier and cause brain damage; alzheimers,
modified 'food' and chemtrails ooze
heavy metals into our bodies and the air we breathe, providing the killing
a little at a time, whch is a lot over time.
The SAR (specific absorption rate)
tests were done with space from head. See the warnings that come with your
cell phone or wireless receiver. Again, there was no pre-market testing
done, otherwise wi-fi and cell phones never would have been approved.
The BioInitiative
2012 Report.has been prepared
by 29 authors from ten countries, ten holding medical degrees (MDs), 21
Ph.Ds and three MsC, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three former presidents
of the Bioelectromagnetics Society and five full members of BEMS. One distinguished
author is the Chair of the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation.
Another is a Senior Advisor to the European Environmental Agency. Full
titles and affiliations of authors is in Section 25. The of 2012 is now
updated and its table of contents is here
List of Participants:
In the five years since it's publication, the BioInitiative website has
been accessed over 10.5 million times, or four times every minute. Every
five minutes on the average, a person somewhere in the world has logged
on. More than 5.2 million files and 1 million pages of information has
been downloaded. That is equivalent to more than 93,000 full copies of
the 650+ page report (288.5 million kbytes).
Sweden (6), USA (10), India (2), Italy (2), Greece (2), Canada (2), Denmark
(1), Austria (2), Slovac Republic (1), Russia (1)
scientist Barry Trower in his video available on YouTube shows conclusively
where western countries decided to lie in order to
hide severe dangers of cell phones and wi-fi technologies, even when their
own studies brought forth those dangers; scroll to number 15 when
at the site
Condensed of report in The Toronto
Star (
Meters in Ontario seen as an abject
failure since the beginning.
In Saskatchewan last
summer, SaskPower removed a model of Sensus Corp. smart meter from homes
and businesses after eight unexplained minor fires.
In another jolt to
Ontario's troubled smart-meter program, 5,400 of the electricity conservation
gauges (part of the smart meter's electronics) are being removed due to
a risk of fire.
Peter Tabuns (MP Toronto—Danforth)
said Liberals have created "a total mess" of the smart meters that were
designed to save consumers money by encouraging them to use electricity
at off-peak hours. "They blew billions of dollars on meters that
haven't saved us energy, haven't saved us money and are presenting a threat
to public safety" said Tabuns. "The government has a lot of answers to
John Yakabuski
(MP Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) said it's "yet another example of the Liberal
government failing to respond to problems of their own making". We've been
calling for the ministry to take action on this issue since August, 2014.
Ensuring Ontario families are safe should not take six months", Yakabuski
said in a statement. "As we've seen, the smart meter program has been an
abject failure since the beginning."
More than 400 of the problem Sensus
meters have already been removed, but there are still almost 5,000 in use;
3,492 of them are Bluewater Power Distribution customers in the Sarnia
There are also 449
Waterloo North Hydro customers; 327 with Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro; 266 with
EnWin Utilities in Windsor; 161 with Greater Sudbury Hydro; 115 with Brant
County Power; 108 with Cobourg's Lakefront Utilities; 27 with Canadian
Niagara Power; 24 with Norfolk Power Distribution; seven with Oakville
Hydro and three with Algoma Power.
Smart meters enable utilities to
charge fluctuating prices at different times of day, meaning electricity
will be more expensive at peak times of day such as the dinner hour. That's
to 'encourage conservation' because 'consumers should be able to save money
by using their dishwashers and other appliances at night'. And all because
they knew better and hid a better technology from the public. What
Since 2011, the devices have been
linked to 13 small fires, according to the Ontario Fire Marshal's office.
Dr. Greer's documentary The Lost Century
A bit about it: YouTube at it again; removed the World Premiere of
Lost Century. This truth is more threatening to illegitimate power.(the
any other topic. A century of illegal UFO secrecy has cost humanity hundreds
of years of spiritual, cultural and technological development. Dr. Steven
Greer presents The Lost Century.(free
viewing thanks to amazing donations).exposing
the cost of the coverup to the planet and the human race and how we can
reclaim control of our collective destiny. The movie showcases free energy
devices and their sources. Inventors of free energy devices have all made
the same big mistake so far, at least in the US – they have tried to protect
their inventions with patents. Inventors are advised to go open source,
not try to patent their devices, as soon as the devices consistently work
and are de-bugged. Featured in the film are actual free energy / zero point
technologies that have existed for over a hundred years AND brand new technologies
that Dr. Greer's team have investigated — and TESTED as real! You'll
learn about ZERO POINT ENERGY abolishing so-called.'fossil
we say, everything the controllers of the world wanted you to know
has been a lie), pollution and poverty forever and
ELECTROMAGNETIC GRAVITICS, with which we can bend the fabric of spacetime
to travel anywhere in an instant. Are you ready?
Recent documentary.
Dr. Steven
Greer's movie length videos. Type or copy into YouTube what you here select
below. Type or copy it in as you see it here
Steven Greer Sirius Movie (the short trailer;
good overview)
Steven Greer Sirius Movie Documentary Parts 1 and 2.(available
on his site,,
YouTube and Netflix {was number one documentary movie on Netflix}; others
below available on YouTube or Netflix and his
Disclosure Project
Steven Greer Expose of the National Security State
Steven Greer's:.Unacknowledged
Greer Contact and European Connection
Pawelec Interview
-Dr Steven
Greer Time for Truth
Greer's Workshop On Remote Viewing
Steven Greer 2014 UFO, Aliens, Free Energy Documentary
Steven Greer Congress UFO Secret Meeting 2015 - The Disclosure Projects
Greer - ET Contact and New Energy Technology - Sirius Documentary - Disclosure
Steven Greer Practical Applications Unbounded Mind Parts 1 and 2 (a
great meditation in 2, but see part 1 first)
Steven Greer U.F.O. Disclosure Project - full version
Steven Greer UFOs - RT Russia Today Interviews Dr Steven Greer - 10th January
Steven Greer The Crossing Point of Light A Workshop with Dr Steven Greer
- Full
Greer Contact Disclosure Free Energy Parts 1 and 2
Steven Greer The Promise of Free Energy
(type 'the promise of new energy' at and, a new energy
device that works)
Steven Greer Citizen Hearing On Disclosure DAY 1, AM Session
"Over 50 years
ago the NSA confirmed coded ET.(Non
{intelligent beings from beyond Earth}).signals
and made a report on it. So why is SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence)
now a private corporation, pretending
to search? A NASA member of our group asked
a very senior SETI official in the 1990s at NASA's Ames Research Center
and the SETI official confirmed: It is to create a 'smokescreen' to make
it LOOK like scientists are searching for ET when they know we are already
being visited! It is, in fact, a cover story.
"This conveys,
by logical implication, to the mainstream media, the public and the rest
of the elite scientific community that ETs are not here, UFOs
are not real, because after all, REAL scientists are still searching for
a radio signal!
why would other ET races need to use speed of light radio signals? Any
advanced species would use super-luminal, faster than speed of light technologies
and everyone at NSA, CIA and NRL (Naval Research Labs, Washington DC) knows
this. One of the top-ranked scientists at NRL confirmed that they, at NRL,
had experimented with such super-luminal systems but that they have not
declassified the technology. And so the SETI two-step continues with an
injection of $100 million of new funding (going
now to a private corporation; owned by whom?).
"The organization
Dr. Greer formed in 1990 is CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial
on ET messages decoding.
All and much
more are available on The Disclosure Project site (
and on |