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a biological.weapon; a bioweapon is a harmful biological agent used as a weapon of war, because the cabal, aka deep state, aka illuminati, aka Khazarian mafia, is at war against We the People, using governments they control and medical 'services' to harm by injecting you with poisons and devices, on purpose slipped into all so-called.vaccine jabs and also to put fear upon people so they would become willing to get injected with these bioweapons misnomered as vaccines, such as Covid, the flu shot and accept the bioweapon 5G.

a member of the socialism group of the Russian Social Democratic (not at all that, but communistic/nazis) Workers' Party (which wasn't at all a happy party for the workers forced to be in it) that adopted the Khazarian.cabal puppet Lenin's totalitarian ideas on organization of people in a nation using ways concocted to enslave them, as happened under the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party where power was seized from the good TSARS and the Russian people, in November 1917. A Bolshevik is a Khazarian who hides under various names, one being 'communist', another  being the Nazis in Ukraine since 2014 and Zionists in the United States. A short history.
Bolshevism.proper noun
a satanic.strategy developed by the Bolsheviks between 1903 and 1917 with a view to seizing state power and establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat calling it a people's win; Communism, Nazism and any other name the Kazarian mafia uses to further their satancally evil goal of elimination of humanity

occasionally; once in a while; necessary at times; in good time; in a short time; soon

a large rounded mass of rock lying on the surface of the ground or embedded in the soil

big, bigger, biggest.adjectives
that which is of considerable size, number, quantity, magnitude or extent; large; of great.force; strong (a big wind; a big wave); pregnant (she's now big with child); of great significance; bountiful; generous (had a big heart)
in a pretentious or boastful way (bullies always talk big)
big on.idiom
enthusiastic about; partial to (he's met a lot of girls but is big on the ones who care for others)

someone who stands outside a place such as a circus, fair or annual exhibition shouting for people to come in

when a dog barks, it makes a short, loud noise, once or several times
bark, barked, barking, barks.verbs
intransitive verb use.to utter the harsh, abrupt sound of a dog. 2. to make a sound similar to a bark (her cough sounded like a dog barking); to speak sharply; to work as a barker, as at a carnival; transitive verb use.to utter in a loud, harsh voice (the quarterback barked out the signals)
barking up the wrong tree.idiom
to misdirect one's energies or attention

the tough outer covering of the woody stems and roots of trees, shrubs and other woody plants
bark, barked, barking, barks.transitive verbs
to remove bark from a tree or log

a sailing ship with from three to five masts, all of them square-rigged except the after mast, which is fore-and-aft rigged; also refers to smaller vessels.propelled by oars or sails

a basilica is a building, rectangular in shape with a rounded end, often used as a church; from the Latin and Greek 'basilike' and 'basilikos' meaning 'royal' and from 'basileus' meaning 'king', which is from the Greek word 'basis' meaning 'foundation of power', ruler of the people', 'lord of the land'

a loop of leather, cloth or synthetic material that is sewn at the side or the top rear of a boot to help in pulling the boot on;
bootstrap, bootstrapped, bootstrapping, bootstraps.transitive verbs
to promote and develop by use of one's own initiative and work without reliance on outside help (lifted himself up by his own bootstraps)
undertaken or accomplished with minimal outside resources or help (it was a bootstrap effort but he made it to Ph D.)
by one's own bootstraps.idiom
by one's own efforts; if you have pulled yourself up by your bootstraps, you have achieved success by your own efforts, starting from very difficult circumstances and without help from anyone; also is a piece of leather or cloth attached to the back of a boot to make it easier to pull on

relating to, used by or involving both eyes at the same time, called binocular vision; having two eyes arranged to produce stereoscopic vision
an optical device, such as a pair of field glasses or opera glasses, designed for simultaneous use by both eyes and consisting of two small telescopes joined with a single focusing device; the word 'binocular' is mostly used by people in the plural

Botany:.in botany, having or consisting of divisions that are themselves once or several times compound

an alcoholic.liquor.distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice
brandy, brandied, brandying, brandies.transitive verbs
to preserve, flavor or mix with brandy

barter, bartered, bartering, barters.verbs
intransitive verb use.to trade goods or services without the exchange of money
transitive verb use.to trade in goods or services without the exchange of money
the act or practice of bartering; something bartered (she bartered a few of her farm eggs for vegetables from another farmer)
of, relating.to.or.being something based on bartering (the famers in the area had a healthy barter economy in place)

barnstorm, barnstorms, barnstormed, barnstorming.verbs
intransitive verb use.to attack; from 1800-1900 A.D. 'barn' + 'storm', meaning 'to attack'
transitive verb use.to travel across while engaging in barnstorming; to tour through rural.districts.staging usually theatrical performances

baphomet.proper noun
the satanic.hermaphrodite.idol which the Templars were said to worship with licentious.rites and is also worshiped by satanists today at their satanic holiday locations, as they were way back when in the valley of Hinnom and even before that but under different names

to boot.adverb
by way of addition; furthermore; as well; also; too; besides; in addition; additionally; on top of that; what's more, moreover (we stayed at a great resort in Phoenix where they threw in at no charge, a rental car to boot)

protective footgear, as of leather or rubber, covering the foot and part or all of the leg
boot, booted, booting, boots.transitive verbs
to put boots on; boot up

the study of the ethical and moral.implications of new biological discoveries and biomedical advances, as in the fields of genetic engineering and drug research
the word ethics comes from how a doctor ought to behave, where a doctor owes that to his patients, about ethics on how one should behave, this is ought to behave; ought is a field where they are not ethicists and not biologists, but what they are is people trained to carry out something and for who and why? 

blur, blurred, blurring, blurs.verb
transitive verb use.to make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure; to lessen the perception of; dim
intransitive verb use.to become indistinct
something smudged that therefor becomes difficult to see (his glasses were smudged with spots of grease, making what he looked at blurry; something that is hazy and indistinct to the sight or mind

a cluster of flowers; the fragrance.typical of a wine or liqueur
