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a musical show consisting of skits, songs and dances, often satirizing.current.events, trends and personalities

reexamine, reexamined, reexamining, reexamines.transitive verbs
to examine again or anew; review

a male sheep; any of several devices used to drive, batter or crush by forceful.impact, such as a battering ram; the weight that drops in a pile driver or steam hammer
ram, rammed, ramming, rams.transitive verbs
to strike or drive against with a heavy impact; butt (rammed the door with a sledgehammer until it broke open); to force or press into place; to cram; stuff (rammed the clothes into the suitcase); to force passage or acceptance of (rammed the project through to avoid.opposition to it) 

Computers: Random Access Memory
RAM is the part of a computer in which information is stored while you are using it; RAM is a memory device in which information can be accessed in any order

redress, redressed, redressing, redresses.transitive verbs
to set right; remedy or rectify; to make amends to; to correct; to adjust a balance, for example
satisfaction for wrong or injury; reparation; correction or reformation

reinstitute, reinstituted, reinstituting, reinstitutes.verbs
to institute again; to reestablish

in biology, a branch, as of a plant, nerve or blood vessel; in anatomy, a bony process extending like a branch from a larger bone, especially the ascending.part of the lower jaw that makes a joint at the temple

revise, revised, revising, revises.transitive verbs
to prepare a newly edited.version of a text; to reconsider and change or modify (he revised his opinion of her); correct
to review; to visit again; to look at again
the act or process of revising; a revised or new version, as of a book or other written material

rap, rapped, rapping, raps.verbs
transitive verb use.to hit sharply and swiftly; strike (rapped the table with his fist)
intransitive verb use.to strike a quick, light blow (rapped on the door)
a quick, light blow or knock; a knocking or tapping sound

a talk, conversation or discussion (broke off the regular office activies to have a rap session); in music, a form of popular music characterized by spoken or chanted rhyming lyrics with a modified, repetitive rhythmic accompaniment
rap, rapped, rapping, raps.intransitive verbs
to discuss freely and at length; in music, to perform rap

rejuvenate, rejuvenated, rejuvenating, rejuvenates.transitive verbs
to restore to youthful vigor or appearance; make young again; to restore to an original or new condition (rejuvenate an old vehicle)
a renewal of youthful appearance or character

a perch on which domestic.fowl or other birds rest or sleep; a place for temporary rest or sleep
roost, roosted, roosting, roosts.intransitive verbs
to rest or sleep on or as if on a perch or roost
come home to roost.idiom
to come back home to stay after having perhaps traveled extensively; to settle down at home; to have repercussions or after effects (one of life's major lessons is that one reaps what he sows; the consequences of her misdeeds.eventually came home to roost
rule the roost.idiom
to be in charge; dominate (in this house, thankfully grandfather rules the roost)

the terminal.portion of the large intestine, extending from the sigmoid flexure to the anal.canal

a horizontal, usually underground stem that often sends out roots and shoots from its nodes; also called rootstalk; also spelt rootstock

the roots of a plant are the parts of it that grow under the ground (the twisted roots of an apple tree); the usually underground portion of a plant that lacks.buds, leaves or nodes and serves as support, draws minerals and water from the surrounding.soil and sometimes stores food; any of various other underground plant parts, especially an underground stem such as a rhizome, corm or tuber; if you root a plant or cutting or if it roots, roots form on the bottom of its stem and it starts to grow (most plants will root in about six to eight weeks); root vegetables or root crops are grown for their roots which are large and can be eaten (root crops such as carrots, potatoes, turnips, etc.); the embedded.part of an organ or structure such as a hair, tooth or nerve, that serves as a base or support; the root of a hair or tooth is the part of it that is underneath the skin; a base or support (we snipped the wires at the roots); an essential.part or element; the basic.core (I finally got to the root of the problem, that being, a broken wire); a primary.source; an origin; a progenitor or an ancestor from which a person or family is descended, often called one's roots; you can refer to the place or culture that a person or their family comes from as their roots (she is proud of her Brazilian roots); the condition of being.settled and of belonging to a particular place or society (our roots in this town go back a long way; Scottish roots; African roots); in linguistics, the root of a word is that part which contains its meaning and to which other parts can be added, for example, the word 'secretary' comes from the same root as the word 'secret')
root, rooted, rooting, roots.verbs
intransitive verb use.to grow roots or a root; to become firmly established, settled or entrenched; to come into existence; originate; to rummage for something; if you root through or in something, you search for something by moving other things around (she rooted through the bag, found what she wanted and headed out the door)
transitive verb use.to cause to put out roots and grow; to furnish a primary source or origin to; to remove by or as if by the roots (rooted out the weeds)

root, rooted, rooting, roots.intransitive verbs
to give audible.encouragement or applause to a contestant or team; cheer; to lend support to someone or something

root beer.noun,.plural.root beers
a carbonated.soft drink made from extracts of certain plant roots and herbs such as sarsaparilla

orbital.motion.about.a point, especially as distinguished from axial.rotation (the planetary revolution about the Sun); a revolution is also a successful attempt by a large group of people to change the political.system of their country; the overthrow of one government and its replacement with another; rebellion; a sudden or momentous change in a situation (the revolution in computer technology)
of, relating.to.or.being a revolution (cellphones may have revolutionary, but at what cost to health of living things?; a museum of an Revolutionary era; bringing about or supporting a political or social revolution (revolutionary pamphlets); characterized by or resulting in radical change (electricity was a revolutionary discovery)
a militant in the struggle for revolution; a supporter of revolutionary principles
one who favors or is engaged in a revolution
(revolutionist literature)
revolutionize, revolutionized, revolutionizing, revolutionizes.transitive verbs
to bring about a radical change in (television has revolutionized news coverage); to fill with revolutionary principles