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jabber, jabbered, jabbering, jabbers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to talk rapidly, unintelligibly or idly
transitive verb use.to utter rapidly or unintelligibly
rapid or babbling talk

junk.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
cheap or shoddy material; something of poor quality; something not needed, of little or no meaning for an intended purpose, worth or significance; discarded.material, such as glass, rags, paper or metal, that may be reused in some form; articles that are worn-out or fit to be discarded (broken furniture and other junk in the attic that we should throw in the garbage);  something meaningless, fatuous or unbelievable (as usual, nothing but junk in the annual report); do not use 'junk' when you are talking about things such as empty packets, cans and bottles that are left in a public place, use litter (don't drop litter on the street)
junk, junked, junking, junks.transitive verbs
to throw away or discard as useless; scrap
cheap, shoddy or worthless (junk jewelry); having a superficial appeal or utility, but lacking substance

a sweet food made from flavored milk and rennet; a trip or tour, especially one taken by an official at public expense
junket, junketed, junketing, junkets.verbs
intransitive verb use.to go on a junket
transitive verb use.to enjoy a party or banquet

Jesuit.often jesuit.noun,.plural.Jesuits.often jesuits.s
Roman Catholic Church. A member of the Society of Emmanuel, an order founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534; a name for one given to subtle.casuistry
Jesuitism.proper noun,.plural.Jesuitisms
Jesuitry.proper noun,.plural.Jesuitries
the theology or the practices of the Jesuits often considered to be casuistic)

jut, jutted, jutting, juts.verbs
intransitive verb use.to extend outward or upward beyond the limits of the main body; project
transitive verb use.to cause to jut; bulge
something that protrudes; a projection
jut out.verb
to stand out; stick out (a single rock sticks out from the cliff)

Julian calendar.noun,.plural.Julian calendars
based on the Sun's exposure to Earth, this calendar is the solar calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in Rome in 46 B.C.E., having a year of 12 months and 365 days and a leap year of 366 days every fourth year; it was eventually replaced by the Gregorian calendar

Julius Caesar.proper noun
full name is Gaius Julius Caesar, B.C.E. 100-44, Roman general, statesman and historian who invaded Britain (55), crushed the army of his political enemy Pompey (48), pursued other enemies to Egypt, where he installed Cleopatra as queen (47), returned to Rome and was given a mandate by the people to be ruler for life (45); as ruler, Caesar instituted many beneficial reforms. In the provinces he eliminated the highly corrupt tax system, sponsored colonies of veterans and extended Roman citizenship and in Rome he provided a new structure for the courts and increased the number of senate members; on March 15 of B.C.E 44, Gaius Cassius and Marcus Junius Brutus, who wanted to oust Julius Caesar and make the Roman Empire in their own form to be a parliamentary dictatorship and not the auspicious.monarchy Julius intended to establish for the benefit of all Romans, killed him as Caesar was entering the Senate house; Caesar's reform of the calendar gave Rome a rational means of recording time as the Julian calendar was introduced by him as well as the month of July after his name, inserted into their Roman calendar, the result of which we have today known as the Gregorian Calendar; that's also why we have, say, October as the 10th month of the year, when 'octo' means 8, as in octahedral and September meaning 7, from 'septem', now being the 9th month of the year, etc., because Augustus Caesar did the same; the egos and stupidity of leaders carries on today
Caesarean or Caesarian.adjective
having to do with Caesar

God's calendar is shown by the turtle. Amtract Dictionary: The Hebrews months were lunar months, that is, from one new moon to another. These lunar months were each reckoned at twenty-nine days and a half or rather, one was of thirty days, the following of twenty-nine and so on alternately. That which had thirty days was called a full or complete month. That which had but twenty-nine days was called incomplete. The new moon was always the beginning of the month and this day they called new-moon day or new month. The Hebrews usually designated the months only as first, second, etc. and the names by which they are now known are believed to be of Persian origin and to have been adopted by the Israelites during the first captivity. At the exodus from Egypt, which occurred in April, God ordained that month, which was the seventh of the Egyptian civil year should be the first of the sacred year, according to which the ancient festivals they kept were to be reckoned.

J particle.proper noun
a neutral.meson having an unusually large mass (about 6,060 times the mass of an electron) and a long lifetime (about 10–20 second); also called psi particle

join, joins, joined, joining.verbs
transitive verb use.to put or bring together so as to make continuous or form a unit; to become one with in some way; join applies to the physical contact, connection or union of at least two separate things and to the coming together of individuals, such as into a group (join two boards with nails; joined hands in a circle); to connect points, as with a straight line; to put or bring into close association or relationship; to meet and merge with (where the creek joins the river); to become a part or member of (joined friends on the Internet); to come into the company of (joined the group in the waiting room); to engage in; enter into
intransitive verb use.to come together so as to form a connection (where the two bones join); to act together; to take part; participate (joined in the search); unite; associate
the act of joining; a joining of two or more things (an agreement; a marriage) acceptance of something.offered; from Old French 'joindre' meaning 'to join'
a joint; a junction

a place or part at which two or more things are joined (joined the boards in the center; a way in which two or more things are joined (a mortise-and-tenon joint; flexible joints); a point of articulation between two or more bones, especially such a connection that allows motion; a cheap or disreputable gathering place; involving both houses of a legislature (a joint session of Parliament or Congress); in law, regarded as one body (joint rights in common; shared); united in identity of interest or liability
joint, joints, jointed, jointing.transitive verbs
to combine or attach with a joint or joints (securely jointed the sides of the kitchen drawer); to provide or construct with joints (joint a boom on a crane); to separate meat at the joints
out of joint.idiom
dislocated, as a bone; not harmonious; inconsistent; out of order; inauspiciousorunsatisfactory; in bad spirits or humor; out of sorts

a deep black color (jet black); a dense black coal that takes a high polish and is used for jewelry; a jet-propelled aircraft
made of or resembling a dense, black, highly polished coal; black as coal (jet hair)

a high-velocity fluid stream forced under pressure out of a small-diameter opening or nozzle (with her new garden hose and nozzle, she had the pressure to water the garden from a distance); an outlet, such as a nozzle, used for emitting such a stream; something emitted in or as if in a high-velocity fluid stream; a jet-propelled vehicle, especially a jet-propelled aircraft; a jet engine
jet engine.noun,.plural.jet engines
an engine that develops thrust by ejecting a jet, especially a jet of gaseous combustion products; an engine that obtains the oxygen needed from the atmosphere, used especially to propel aircraft and distinguished from rocket engines which have self-contained.fuel-oxidizer.systems, able to combine fuel and oxygen.in order to.produce.energy.necessary for propulsion beyond Earth's atmosphere
jet, jetted, jetting, jets.verbs
intransitive verb use.to travel by jet aircraft (jetted from Houston to Los Angeles)
transitive verb use.to propel outward or squirt, as under pressure

the act of traveling from one place to another; a trip (on a journey to her birthplace to visit relatives; the journey of life)
journey, journeyed, journeying, journeys.verbs
intransitive verb use.to make a journey; travel
transitive verb use.to travel over or through (we are all journeyers on different life paths)

jeu d'esprit.noun,.plural.jeu d'esprits
a play, a game of the mind; a witty.comment or composition

a personal.record of occurrences, experiences and reflections kept on a regular.basis; a diary; in nautical.termsa ship's log; in accounting, a daybook; a book of original entry in a double-entry system, listing all transactions and indicating the accounts to which they belong; a newspaper; a periodical presenting articles on a particular.subject (her diary was a daily journal of events important to remember; a scientific journal; a medical journal); a journal bearing is the part of a machine.shaft or axle supported by a bearing called the journal bearing
journalize, journalized, journalizing, journalizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to record in a journal
intransitive verb use.to keep a personal or financial journal

the job of writing news reports for newspapers, magazines, television or radio;.investigative journalism.is the presentation of information in newspapers and magazines, consisting of facts and/or occurrences with great attempt at analysis and interpretation (Jon Rappoport is one of the great investigative journalists)

a place for the confinement of persons in lawful.detention (a prison); detention in a jail (a jail population; jail conditions); a prison
jail, jailed, jailing, jails.transitive verbs
to detain in custody; imprison

jeopardy.noun,.plural.jeopardies, pronounced jep er dee
risk of loss or injury; peril or danger

a soft, semisolid food substance with a resilient.consistency, made by the setting of a liquid containing pectin or gelatin or by the addition of gelatin to a liquid, especially such a substance made of fruit juice containing pectin boiled with sugar
jelly, jellied, jellying, jellies.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to have the consistency of jelly
intransitive verb use.to acquire the consistency of jelly
jell, jelled, jelling, jells.verbs
intransitive verb use.to become firm or gelatinous; congeal; coagulate; to take shape or fall into place; crystalize (a plan of action finally jelled in my mind)
transitive verb use.to cause to become firm or gelatinous; to cause to take shape; make clear and definite; crystalize

something said or done to evoke.laughter; a mischievous.trick; a prank; an amusing or ludicrous.incident or situation (the exercise in negotiation turned out to be, as it were, a joke); something not to be taken seriously; an object of amusement or laughter; a laughingstock (his preference for loud ties was the joke of the office)
joke, joked, joking, jokes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to tell or play jokes; jest; to speak in fun; be facetious
transitive verb use.to make fun of; tease
given to joking (she just loved to tell jokes, making others laugh); merry; humorous
characterized by joking; given to joking
sprightly and lighthearted in disposition, character or quality; jolly

a playful or amusing act; a prank; joke; a frolicsome or frivolous.mood (spoken in jest; a witty.remark
jest, jested, jesting, jests.verbs
intransitive verb use.to act or speak playfully; to make witty remarks; gibe
transitive verb use.to make fun of
one given to jesting, such as entertained at medieval courts

thick like gelatin

Justin Martyr.circa 100-165 A.D., philosopher, theologian and one of the earliest apologists of the Christian church, who sought to reconcile Christian doctrine and pagan culture. He was born in Flavia Neapolis (now Nâbulus, West Bank), a Roman city built on the site of the ancient Shechem, in Samaria. As a young man Justin devoted himself to the study of Greek philosophy, notably the writings of Plato and the Stoic philosophers. Justin first encountered Christianity in Ephesus. After his conversion he went to Rome, where he established a school. He died in Rome as a martyr during the reign of Emperor Marcus Aurelius. The books that are ascribed to Justin with certainty are the two.Apologies for the Christians, which comprise an erudite defense of Christians against charges of atheism and sedition in the Roman state and the.Dialogue with Trypho the Jew, which professes to be the record of an actual discussion at Ephesus. The Apologies.were addressed to Emperor Antoninus Pius, but they were intended primarily for the educated public of the provinces. Their central theme is the divine plan of salvation, fulfilled in Christ the Word. In Justin's view, Christianity was the final revelation toward which Greco-Roman philosophy had gradually been moving. He was the first writer of the early church to introduce philosophical terminology into the discussion of Christian teachings. Although Justin was not an original thinker, his works are valuable for the information they give about the 2nd-century Christian church.....comprised with Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.