11:15 "And the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in
heaven saying, The nations
of the cosmos
are now to be ruled by our Messiah
the Christ, forever and ever.(which
are basically the words used by George
Frederick Handel in composing his great masterpiece Handel's Messiah.with
Chorus; 'forever and ever' means 'everlasting', 'permanent')."
This kingdom or overall rule
of God means the good principles
for a happy life are followed and those having doubts
about God's good ways are taught
why those ways are better
than harmful ways:.Isaiah
30:21. For, how can we rise up to
something better unless it's in our heart to be so. Getting more information
requires learning.
4:8 "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which
the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day and not to me
only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.".John
14:2; Jeremiah 4:2.
Would you love His appearing
if you were not righteous? Yes! Why?
The realm of Eternity often called
the kingdom of God's reign is a foundation of power. God dwells in this
foundation of all that God is and all that the Creator we call God does:.1John
4:8-16. It is conferred
on Christians in
the time of the Messiah's
mastery over evil. And where is that at in this
present time? The realm of the eternity of God is the territory, that realm
subject to rules referred to in the New
Testament as reign
of the Messiah.
What rules are these?.Matthew
4:5 "...we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.
21:5 "And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things
new. And he said unto me, Write, for these words are true and faithful."
not little flock for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you
the kingdom."
33:5 "He loves righteousness and judgment. The Earth is full of the
goodness of the Lord."
12:32 "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure
to give you the kingdom."
1:11 "For so, an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into
the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Emmanuel the Christ."
21:3-6 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying Behold the tabernacle
of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people
and God himself shall be with them and be their God. And God shall wipe
away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death, neither
sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former
things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I
make all things new. And he said unto me, Write, for these words are true
and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain
of the water of life freely."
31:34 "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour and every
man his brother, saying, Know the Lord? for they shall all know me, from
the least of them unto the greatest of them, says the Lord, for I've forgiven
iniquity and remember their sin no more.(*)."
37:26 "Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them. It shall
be an everlasting covenant with them and I will place them and multiply
them and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore."
25:34 "Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, those
of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation
of the world."
did God get rid of sin?
1:6 "And has made us kings and priests unto God and his Father.
To him be glory and dominion forever and ever."
5:10 "And has made us unto our God kings and priests and we'll reign
on Earth."
And it's this kingdom or realm of God, that spills
over into a great physical peace for all on Earth:.Isaiah
31:25 "For I have satiated the weary soul and I have replenished every
sorrowful soul."
31:28 "And it shall come to pass that like as I have watched over them
to pluck them up, break down, throw down, destroy and afflict, so will
I watch over them, to build and to plant says the Lord."
4:4 "But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig
tree and none shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of hosts
has spoken it."
3:10 "In that day, says the Lord of hosts, shall you call every man
his neighbour under the vine and under the fig tree."
14:27 "For the Lord of hosts has purposed and who shall disannul it?
and his hand is stretched out and who shall turn it back?"
The kingdom.(what
is a kingdom?).of the Creator,
the kingdom of God.(also called
kingdom of heaven {a
family of heaven, not in a physical place often called heaven, but
rather a spiritual domain of the good and loving; a
family of high
consciousness}).really means a
spiritual kingdom which all of us can enter today by a
shift in our awareness if
we feel moved to do so. Not all do feel moved to take a step up in
their lives, but it
is the time for it. Each one of us always has free choice at any time:.Deuteronomy
5:29 "O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear
me and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them
and with their children forever!"
2:17 "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, I will
pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream
This kingdom is first a spiritual kingdom,
not a kingdom of time, that is, not something that comes in time, but is
of time and is for all 'time', that is, it's
entered within, always available for all:.2Corinthians
6:2; Acts 17:30. What's with,
manifests without. If it's in your heart, it'll be in your life. But
7:14 "And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom, that
all people, nations and languages, should serve him.(original
for word 'serve' is 'cleave',
that is, be a part of it all; word 'him' not
in original; sentence means all will serve out of what it is that the Creator
is and that is high consciousness; what
is that?; in God's realm, God's
kingdom, there are no more heartaches and all is joy:.Revelation
21:4). His dominion is an everlasting
dominion, which shall not pass away and his kingdom that which shall not
be destroyed."
22:29 "And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father has appointed
unto me.(as
my Father has appointed unto me)."
12:28 "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,
let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and
Godly fear."
8:5 "And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing
in the streets thereof."
3:10 "In that day, says the Lord
of hosts, shall you call every man his neighbour under the vine and
under the fig tree."
9:16,17 "And the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the
flock of his people, for they shall be as the stones of a crown, lifted
up as an ensign upon his land. For how great is his goodness and how great
is his beauty! Corn shall make the young men cheerful and new wine the
And, just how will all this
come about?
4:6 "Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of
the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying,
Not by might, nor by power, but by
my spirit, says the Lord of hosts."
And, just how
has the spirit begun accomplishing this kingdom of God at this time now?
It's a kingdom of spirit within the individuals who are bringing these
things now to pass on Earth:.John
18:36,37 "Emmanuel
answered, My kingdom is not of this world ... Emmanuel answered, You say
that I am a king; to this end was I born and for this cause came I into
the world, that I should bear witness unto the
truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice." Isaiah
9:7 "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no
end, upon the throne
of David and upon his kingdom, to order.(since
nature is always in
order unless man has tampered
with it, this then is talking about humans and man keeping himself in order,
which means what?).it
and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even
The kingdom, the Bible talks so much about,
is a place where humanity is moving to in increasing numbers, away from
way of heartache he or she may have been living in:.Jeremiah
3:17 "...neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of
their evil heart."
103:19 "The Lord has prepared his throne in the heavens.(John
his kingdom rules.(or,
and that is, if you let it
affect your life).over
all.".It rules over all, even
over those who don't know God yet.
This kingdom, once it is affecting all.(1Corinthians
12:6; 15:28; Ephesians
1:23).from the highest consciousness
will continually grow from that so that it prevades
all people on Earth:.Ephesians
65:17 "For, behold, I create new heavens and a new Earth and the former
shall not be remembered, nor come into mind."
is your part in it all?
11:9 "...the Holy One in the midst.(original
'inwards', 'within', 'in', 'midst').of
you...".This law of the Creator
is love and is what affects the spirit of us within us. Those having
the attributes of love dwell with the Creator within them, wherein is found
57:15 "For thus says the high and lofty One that inhabits eternity,
whose name is Holy. I dwell in the high and holy place with him
also that is of a contrite
and humble spirit...".The
great apostle
Paul commented:.Romans
7:22 "For I delight in the law of God after the inward man."
This is the rest, the rest from the ego ordinary
low consciousness way of living, the normal way of relating to life all
around us:.Hebrews
Christ's world government will be a success for
21:15 "What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what profit
should we have, if we pray unto him?"
"The Kingdom of God first
of all, is a higher state of consciousness. That is why it is inside us.
Love is the thing which brings light to the world. Love is the thing on
which the world is being built. Love is the thing that always exists and
had initially been."....Grigori
Actions of love include not doing or suggesting
anything that could lead to harm, not suggesting anything you haven't personally
well researched in
order to avoid offering your views which may prove ignorance.
Such opinions which you may have garnered
from 'somewhere' because you believed them to come from some
sort of authority whose advice could be trusted and decreed.
Example being, announcing that practices regarding covid prevention should
include such silly things as what's been called 'social distancing', mask
wearing, putting the poisons
on your hands to sanitize
them, etc., which things, for those
having researched them, have been proven harmful. What questions could
one have used regarding such things as these? Think. If you can't come
up with the questions, then you'll miss getting to any answers and will
remain in the category
of being just another sheep who goes along to get along. At least get the
answers for yourself. Learn, learn, learn, as this fine lady has done.
But before you do anything with knowledge acquired,
consider also:.Romans
12:18 "If it be possible, as much
as lies in you, live peaceably with all people."
Then, use wisdom and go on
in life from there. Learn wisdom.
One can't drag another's dead mind to truth.
The kingdom of God is not
something a flesh and blood human being enters, like he or she would enter
a shopping mall or walk onto an airplane for a trip.
15:50 "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit
the kingdom of God, neither does corruption inherit incorruption."
So, it's important to move
from low consciousness into the high consciousness that gets you there.
There, finally will be gone corruption, lies, deceit
and greed and so therefor,
actions proceeding
from these marred.states
of mind are spurred
by what's called a low consciousness ego.
17:12-14 "...The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters,
but God shall rebuke them and they shall flee far off and shall be chased
as the chaff of the mountains before the wind and like a rolling thing
before the whirlwind. And behold at eveningtide trouble and before the
morning, he is not. This is the portion of them
that spoil us and the lot of them
that rob us." Jeremiah
13:10 "This evil people, which refuse to hear my words, which walk
in the imagination of their heart and walk after other Gods to serve them
and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing."
13:18,25 "Say unto the king and to the queen, Humble yourselves, sit
down, for your principalities shall come down, even the crown of your glory...because
you have forgotten me and trusted
in falsehood."
those bringing danger to people, never ultimately
28:14,15; 10:13; Ezekiel
Things of the ordinary consciousness of humanity
often produce
groups inimical
to the best interests of all and make those of the same level of consciousness
to the signs of negativity looming
for them.
Many such
have been designed to maintain control in the hands of a few and all to
often, to the detriment
of the many.
You most often must get into debt in order to live,
but that
4:4 "But they shall sit every man under
vine and under his fig tree and none shall make them afraid,
for the mouth of the Lord of hosts
has spoken it."
God is now in the process
of correcting the evils, as we move into a whole new society, one with
God in charge:.Isaiah
Gone will be be such
things, which tend
toward depopulation, a plan of the dark side since
the beginning; including for today, vaccinations,
chemtrails, genetically modified frankenfood
and a corrupt money system proving both
worrisome and disadvantageous
to the many and extremely advantageous to the few using money in its various
forms for control. Yet, thankfulness for even the evil works
magic, for the Creator of all, is this way:.Luke
6:35. And we need to be that way too.
The relentless drive to reap
a profit from every type of human interaction now stands exposed as the
greatest danger to the people of the whole planet. Gone, never to
be again, will be taxations upon everything one can think of and then some,
including tax on taxes; meter
this, meter that, take from here, take from there, control this, control
frack here, frack there,
which splits deep into the ground using chemicals harmful to man and nature,
too often polluting the water supply and undermining the stability of the
Earth in such places where the stupidity of the search for oil continues;
stupidity, that is, in
the light
alternate technologies:.Isaiah
56:11,12 "Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough and
they are shepherds that cannot understand. They all look to their own way.(as
Carlin said "they don't
care about you at all"),
one for his gain, from his quarter.(where
he lives, what his world involves).
Come you, say they, I will fetch wine and we will fill ourselves with strong
drink and tomorrow shall be as this day and much more abundant." Amos
" that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to
fail." 1Timothy 6:5 "Perverse
disputings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, supposing
that gain is Godliness, from such withdraw yourself."
Gone will be the manipulations.of
a nation's economy and the conspiracies.behind
them. Gone will be the secret plans and purposes contrived
in closed door meetings away from the public's attention.(Isaiah
order to keep
plans from those to be affected by them:.Isaiah
Gone will be disadvantageous.educational
systems where a child's potential is circumvented
and/or presented at cost for him to continue in the business of education,
which after all,
was supposed to be free, thanks
to the few who did care.
will be doctors more interested in pain for profit than information
toward healthful solutions:.Luke
It will be a totally new age where love rules and
greed and deceit and control of others is now 'thrown out the window' and
will be ensured to stay out the window. It will be a time of recompense
to those having done such things of evil and a time when those beginning
on the road toward love will be monitored to prevent them taking advantage
of others:.Isaiah
30:21 "And your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, This is the
way, walk in it, when you turn to the right hand and when you turn to the
For these reasons and more.(Ezekiel
7:19-27), world government in the hands of those with
consciousness of humanity will never work for the benefit of
all on the planet, only the few who willingly move from the high consciousness
ways of the good God to their own selfishnesses. Look at history with its
deceits, wars and subjugations:.Psalms
55:21 "The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was
in his heart. His words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords."
6:12-15 "A naughty individual, a wicked man, walks with a frowardmouth.
He winks with his eyes, he speaks with his feet, he teaches with his fingers.
Frowardness is in his heart, he devises mischief.continually.
He sows discord.
Therefore shall his calamity
come suddenly. Suddenly shall he be broken without remedy.".Proverbs
8:18-20 "...the Lord your he that gives you power to get wealth...if
you do at all forget the Lord your God and walk after other Gods.(what
you worship is your
God; it's talking about people who highly value the things of selfishness,
their idols {Jeremiah
22:13}, greed,
lies and control; what were these 'Gods' talked about here?.Deuteronomy
serve them and worship them.(people
have mostly put value on the things of the self and little, if any, on
the things of the real true God who would give them all the good he wants
them to have:.John
10:10; 3John 1:2),
I shall surely perish.(how?)...because
you would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God.(the
Creator's 'voice' is to love and care for others {*};
those who are selfish hurt
their family and friends).".Jeremiah
17:11; Jude 1:3-19.
To see deeper than history reveals, learn to see
by clairvoyance and intuition.
Einstein said couldn't be truer.
The Kingdom of our Creator is the highest state
of consciousness. It's a realm
discovered by going inward:.John
4:23,24 "But the hour comes and now is.(Acts
17:30), when the true worshippers
shall worship.(what
'worship' means).the
Father in spirit.(so
it's a spiritual
presence, a 'place' as
it were).and
in truth, for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is Spirit
and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." Luke
1:33 "...of his kingdom there is no end.(the
of true reality, this domain of spirit
consciousness has no end; it's an eternal reality)."
Seeking for and/or giving
is acting from the kingdom of God within you:.Luke
11:9 "And I say unto you, Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you
shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you."
"Behold you were within
me and I outside myself and there I searched for you."....Saint
the Creator one must look within. How?
"The kingdom of heaven.(kingdom
of the Creator).is
in what can be called the fourth dimension."....Creation
of the Universe by Arcady Petrov.
And up from their as one grows in their spiritualness by letting spiritual
things take affect in their life. How?
It's an eternal realm.
Once it is set up in you, you are then 'in the world' but not
a product of it anymore. You have effectively learned to act from what
the kingdom of the Creator is, this kingdom of God in you, a kingdom of
love and you are then in eternity:.John
17:3 "And this is life eternal, that they might know you, the
only true God and Emmanuel the Christ, whom you have sent.".How?
The Creator is the eternality
of high consciousness.
1:12,13 "Giving thanks unto the Father, which has made us meet to be
partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; Who has delivered
us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of
his dear Son.".In
is now in the kingdom of God.
Eternity for a human is reached
when one's awareness is the present moment with love in heart. He is then
in the eternal realm and always will be:.Hebrews
13:5 "...for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
By acting from this high consciousness level, you
have moved on from the ego ordinary
consciousness realm.
The ego, having to do mostly with the external world, has been our lives
until becoming aware of the spiritual realm:.Luke
17:20,21 "...the kingdom of God comes not with observation...the kingdom
of God is within you." 2Peter
You get into this kingdom of the Creator by using
ways, actually four,
but they are very closely interrelated.
Expecting Christ to descend from the sky.(*).to
bring a kingdom of heaven on Earth and reward the religiously faithful
is a decent
hope, but is it correct?.Revelation
Some people expect to be raised
into the air leaving behind others and going to a place somewhere called
heaven for awhile, so the world can be severely
straightened out, then coming back down to Earth to reign on it. Is this
Heaven is your
life in the spirit. The kingdom.(what
is a kingdom?).of heaven
is those with higher consciousness living
that way.
18:36 "Emmanuel answered, My kingdom is not of this world.(John
17:9). If my kingdom were of this
world, then would my servants fight that I should not be delivered
to the
Jews, but now is my kingdom not from hence."
6:2 "For he said, I have heard you in a time accepted and in the day
of salvation have I
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold.(or,
'take note'), now is the day
of salvation.""
17:24 "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that
he created heaven and Earth, dwells not in temples made with hands."
"Don't complain, don't talk
about it, don't demand. Have faith, everything will be all right. What
you can no longer do, I will do for you. I'm building a house
over the world NOW!"....Bruno
is Groening). What
is this 'house over the world'?
5:1 "For we know that if our Earthly house of this tabernacle.(speaking
of the body).were
dissolved, we have a building of God.(the
Soul, connected to your soul, the real you),
a house not made with hands.(beyond
the physical), eternal.(always
the heavens.(the
of the invisible)."
2:22 "In whom you also are builded together for an habitation
of God through the Spirit."
3:9 " are God's building."
3:6 "But Christ as a son over his own house, whose house are we,
if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto
the end."
"Love is the house of God
and you are living in that house."....Rumi.
"Love is the thing on which
the world is being built. Love is the thing that always exists and had
initially been."....Grigori
Grabovoi. Love is good and God is good, therefor
those things good are of God.(*).
Do good things and get rewarded. God always
looks after His self and if God is in you, voilà!
7:27 "And the kingdom and dominion and the greatness of the kingdom
under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints
of the most High.(or,
as the original has it 'people holy to the Most High', meaning those aligned
with high
consciousness thinking, but how does one get aligned so as the high
consciousness frequencies {all
is frequencies} flow effortlessly through him or her? Learn from one
who has done this and put it in
a movie to make it easy for you),
whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and all dominions shall serve.(original
for word 'serve' is 'have reverence
toward', 'respect toward', that is, just as one would respect first responders
who have dedicated themselves to helping others).and
for 'obey' is 'hear', 'listen', meaning to be open to being aligned with).him.(word
'him' not in the original)."
From Kirsten Drittler; the
of her story:
while before in her life).there
was only the will to believe. But through connecting to the power.(the
power that Bruno in German called the
'heilstrom', gotten by what is called doing
'einstellen', a form of meditation).the
belief came and continued to grow."
"Receive something new,
receive your health, absorb the heilstrom, this divine wave and don't disturb
it. You will disturb it if you mentally concern yourself with your illness,
always thinking yourself back to your suffering or your pain or even falling
into a state of doubt."....Bruno
is Groening).
Bruno said."God
the Father takes care of our daily life. You must believe in God.(proving
God is indeed real).and
you should trust
me. Believe in our Lord God, then you have everything."
Believing in God means you
have no reason to feel ruffled,
about things in your pesonal life or in the world you see. You are at the
place of peace
from which the secret
to an entirely new way of living will bring out all the riches in all
ways that you were put on this Earth to express. It's really as good as
you can think that it could be.
And it's from this peace
that good comes automatically
to you, because in this peace is all good and all good is where what you
want is. It comes automatically by you using the
gift God made available for you to get what you want. It's this
way because God never overrides
anyone and that because, there were and are many who would take anything
they could and not care about love:.Jeremiah
Within this peace lies positive
affects upon others and this includes
protection, but all these things have no effect in one's life until
he is sure that God does exist, that the
universe operates on laws, laws you probably have not thought deeply about,
but laws that will really open up your life, taking you first
away from limitations that may now be holding you stuck. If one is
not sure God exists, he or she would never carry on to find out if such
things are true. He or she is then stuck.
"Friends, do not ever be
dependent on people, only on the One. And by experiencing the Divine, taking
in the Divine.(how?),
we will feel good. Then we are free. Then we live as God has ordained life
here. It is my duty and obligation, it is my mission here, my calling,
to build up this work the way God wants it, not the way people want it."....Bruno
God wants for us to live
in daily joy and always
has been that way toward humans:.Deuteronomy
5:29. To become free of the evils that
bind us, is the direction to take.
God has a history of being
121. Also, many people can be helpful, but if
you don't respond to help from anyone, what good is it to you?
"I stand before people merely
as a signpost, pointing out the path for them again.(why.again?),
showing them the path that they gradually left over thousands of years.(*).
This is the true divine path."....Bruno
"The good can only be proven
by deeds. Let deeds speak. Continuous good overcomes evil.....Bruno
"I am stronger than evil!
The evil has been defeated! Trustand
this. More is happening than you can imagine.(where
and how is it happening?). Whoever
stands in service to God.(how
does one stand in service to God?),
will not only be supported by God's power, but also protected by Him..(*)....Bruno
It's important for you that
you do good, because if we keep going on the path we're on, we'll end up
there. We're here to learn
to fix the problems. To become strong, live the thoughts
of high consciousness, then the thoughts
which weaken you dissipate.
Bruno also said the following
things about being aligned
with God:."I
want you to know, the individual who believes in the divine and who lives
according to this belief.or
is prepared to accept this belief, this one will be helped always.(as
in ancient times Jonathan was:.1Samuel
did Bruno mean when he said 'prepared to accept this belief'?."I
will believe for you until you can. I am always there
where there are people who need me."
what if you just are not in and can't seem to get into this important
attitude called believing?."You
need only to trust
and it will happen! What you no longer can do, I will do for you!"....Bruno
Groening. 2Timothy
2:13 "If we believe not, yet, he abides faithful. He cannot deny himself."
Father-Creator/God will never
deny you:.Hebrews
13:5 "...for he has said, I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
The great good Father-Creator/God is in you as much as you believe
this is true:.Matthew
9:29 "...according to your faith be it unto you.".It's
faith that opens the door to God and keeps it open, so God's good can come
to you.
1:19 "For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your
prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Emmanuel the Christ."
9:23,24 "...If you can believe, all things are possible to him that
believes....And straightway the father of the child cried out and said
with tears, Lord, I believe; help you mine unbelief."
So, start on the road to
a better life as so many others have. Start with a new mind. How?
Bruno said this because he
knows that the power of God is connected to everything by an invisible
grid and that the multiverse being
mathematical, releases its power to those having something and releases
it in proportion to what
they have.(see
the free movie.The
Connected Universe).and
this means it can flow into you and around all you are concerned about
to be effective in permanently getting rid of anything negatively affecting
you and others you may care about, if you want it to, because God
respects us and would
never give you what you don't really want. And this power is very effective
in following the new mind one can have with the special
gift God has provided for all, if they want it and they will,
because it brings all good things into your physical life that you want.
You just have to know what you want. Learn from The
Grand Self movie and Bob Proctor who has 58 years experience.
God doesn't override our
heart, but can and does at times, cause circumstances.(*).in
order to hopefully change the mind.(as
God did in Paul's life and
in the lives of so many others; a few here:.2Kings
20:8-11; Jonah's short story;
His good purpose for each of us:.Romans
"Put hatred and envy aside
because, you live the way you are. Hatred and envy bring about quarrels
and arguments.".If
one accepts evil, his mood will drop until he gets it back by being
good. It is our responsibiliy every moment to decide from which source
we draw. There is an evil source and a source
that takes one forward in spirituality, where one, by
experience, learns what thoughts are good for him or her and others
and what thoughts aren't. We act out of our thoughts.
"The havoc
only disappears when the human being binds himself again to God.".How?
"The good in an individual
has to dispel
the bad."....Bruno
is Groening). Don't leave space for
negative thoughts. Stop looking at the bad; ignore
92:12; Proverbs 11:30; Revelation
22:14. Being not ignorant of the tricks
of the devil is the way to avoid spaces in one's mind for negativities:.2Corinthians
Belief in the
good and trust
are the most important things for getting well.
God is love:.1John
4:7-16 "Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and everyone
that loves is born of God and knows God. He that loves not knows not God,
for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because
that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live
through him.(John
3:16,17). Beloved, if God so loved
us we ought also to love one another.(Matthew
22:39). If we love one another,
God dwells in us and his love is being perfected in us. Hereby know we
that we dwell in him and he in us, because he has given us of his Spirit.
God is love and he that dwells in love dwells in God and God in him."
"So dear friend, now hold
on to it. Make sure that no one makes you let go of it and you will receive
of the good and it will have an effect in this part and that part as
you can observe in your own body. You will perceive that it has an effect
here and there. It is something different in your body. Here, truly the
hand of God is involved. Here God is personally present. He is.creating
order, but only in those who have really freed themselves from evil.(what's
where God Himself knows that they will.not
fall for the evil again. I give my greatest attention to those who
have surrendered to
evil, who are helpless in the face of evil. For I see this as my greatest
duty, even when an individual says he can't believe. My duty is to set
him free and to really help him, not only the ones who come to me and say
'I believe'.
me. Believe, believe in the Lord God, then you have everything.(Exodus
And if they do succumb
again to the evil, what
then? But certainly do your best in trying not to:.2Peter
1:10 "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling
and election sure, for if you do these things you shall never fall."
When the number of awakened humanity reaches the
square root of one
higher consciousness, this will bring a heaven on Earth.(a
sampling of what it will be like), a spillover
it were, from the spiritual realm
into the material world:.Habakkuk
2:14 "For the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory
of the Lord.(the
of the Lord is His presence, His consciousness of love in people).as
the waters cover the sea.".Isaiah
And in
Him is no more death,
no more crying, no more disease, no more heartaches:.Revelation
21:4 "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall
be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any
more pain, for the former things are passed away."
The kingdom of the Infinite One is the domain
of higher consciousness,
which includes a higher intelligence than what we may have been used to
or even known about:.Isaiah
33:6. This intelligence involves
Just as the Creator, the Infinite Intelligence
we often refer to as God has set His Son in place, He is also setting
us in place. Once our hearts are open to learning,
we can progress spiritually.
This kingdom or realm of the Creator within has
like a mustard seed, one of the tiniest
of all seeds and is now mushrooming. The Creator respects even a little
good, because it is a seed from himself. Love, which the Creator is.(1John
4:8-16), grows. When you give love, you give God to another.
Love produces results and that forever. Your love for another can never
fade away.(*).
When you love someone and they pass on, the love you felt for them travels
with them. Always do good,
the future of all depends on it. Love sloughs
off those things unlike itself. The realm or kingdom of heaven is like
a grain of mustard seed. Even a little good
expands, sometime, somehow,
somewhere, someday.
The kingdom of the Creator has to do with the
Great Infinite Everliving Intelligence in
you. Using the spirit of the Creator means you have it and you
are then
in the Kingdom of God:.Matthew
12:28; 2Timothy 1:6. And in
this realm of
spirit you are with others
who are here on Earth, such as Grigori
well as with others
who have passed on:.Matthew
This is a kingdom of high consciousness, entered
by those of high
consciousness. After what's called
physical death, that's where you transcend
to unless you choose to live on
in the physical.
Many having passed on are in this invisible realm
of Christ
is Christ?).and today are
doing what Christ in the physical form of the one called Emmanuel
did when on the Earth:.Matthew
11:5; 15:30,31; 21:14;
7:22; 14:13;
Gröning of Germany, a great in kindness healer and helper who
led many
thousands of people to comprehend the
light of God so they could be healed. How does this work?
The same energy that continues to work in Bruno,
also worked to completely restore a man still living who had 24 hours maybe,
to live, after a terrible airplane crash:.Morris
Goodman. And another man Joe Dispenza,
whose back was crushed when out walking and a truck hit him. Having been
told by orthopedic.surgeons
he'd always be in a wheelchair, if they could at all somewhat
fix him, he left them. Three months later he walked back into the doctors
office, all ok, having restored himself using his mind.(*).
Brandon Bays did similarly
and in six weeks got rid of a basketball size tumor. See both her and Joe
in the award winning movie.What
If? The Movie. And to get away from limitations in your life that
cause all kinds of different negatives upon you, see the documentary.The
Grand Self.
those having passed, they can be contacted in the beyond through your
spirit, your soul's connection
to all and everyone, by using your mind.
Just as those alive today and those passed on,
can develop faith through belief.(how?),
so can you if you listen to and think about the many
daily prompts coming to your mind from your soul. Listen meaning, you
get to the depth of them in your quiet
times and benefit yourself:.1Corinthians
6:17 "But he that is joined unto God is one
spirit." 1Corinthians 12:13
"For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body.(note,
it's the spirit that 'baptizes'; but isn't water
baptism necessary?), whether we
be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free and have been all made
to drink into one Spirit." Ephesians
2:18 "For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.".Acts
15:8,9; Romans 3:22; 10:12.
Being of the 'same faith'
is allegorical
to being of the same life, that is, all humans have life, yet all humans
have different expressions of life and so it is with faith with each one
having different amounts at different times as
one grows spiritually:.Matthew
9:29 "...according to your faith be it unto you." Ephesians
4:4 "There is one body and one Spirit, even as you are called in one
hope of your calling." Philippians
1:27 "...stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together
for the faith of the gospel.".In
other words, keep growing in faith.
Bruno Gröning.(English
spelling is 'Groening').is one
of those helpers of humanity.(others),
a man
who never took any money
from the thankful people that were helped and healed because of his strong
connection to the Father of spirits:.Hebrews
12:9; Philippians 4:19.
Bruno earned money by working at the harbor. Anciently, Paul did similarly:
Bruno, through his teachings,
is intermediary
in connecting people to the nothing impossible.(*).power
of God.(what
is God?).where
they get help and healing and there's nary
a charge or obligation.ever.
Bruno's time on Earth was
similar to when Emmanuel was on the Earth:.Matthew
4:24,25 "And his fame went throughout all Syria and they brought unto
him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments and
those which were possessed with devils and those which were lunatick and
those that had the palsy and he healed them. And there followed him great
multitudes of people from Galilee and from Decapolis and from Jerusalem
and from Judaea and from beyond Jordan."
Today Bruno is still fixing
the larger negatives affecting the world
You can ask him to fix the negatives in your life as well and if it resonates
with you, you may want to see the movie.The
Grand Self. Once that is done, you too can have a
part in fixing. And why would you want
Bruno's an intermediary today
Moses was so very long ago:.Exodus
Some popular quotes by Bruno Gröning:
"Evil leads to the good.".Genesis
"Healing is the least I
am capable of. More you will come to know. It will greatly surprise you."
"I will believe for you
until you can."
"If you don't give me the
burdens and the problems, I cannot take them from you.(why?).
I cannot help you."
"This is the most important
thing, that humanity is guided with the heart by Godly love. Trust.(why?).and
believe that Divine power helps and heals."
"If I ever take credit personally
or take money for the gift of healing I use in helping others, the gift
diminishes until it's gone."
"I came for all people,
no matter which nation or which religion. If it is your innermost wish
that one or the other of your relatives and acquaintances have good health,
then it shall happen, if you wish it deep in your heart. You know what
is needed for all those you are in close contact with. If you have a wish,
please, I will also fulfil this for you."
"I am also able to prove
here and now, that you are able to hold onto your suffering mentally, that
is to say spiritually. And therefore it is an absolute necessity for you
to forget your sufferings
for a moment,
to shake them off and say: 'No! I did not come here to hold onto that,
but to get rid of it!' Yes, what is it
that I should do here now?"
good for?"....Bruno
See the 3 part movie
on Bruno's life.
A lecture
of his on stability.
And some of the 'what should I do here now', is
being patient. God works things out. How?
Some people because of their
attitudes are incurable,
but there is no disease that is incurable. And what are they like? They
are the ones not interested in being better through spiritual ways. They
want to listen to such things. Being closed-minded
they shut out anything spiritual to do with what could heal and/or help
them, thus refusing
the help.."The
incurables are the ones who did not believe.(*).and
those who lost their belief in God.(how
does one lose their belief? {Psalms
34:4-11} and what
if I leave God and come back later?).
incurable disease. Trust
and believe that Divine power helps and heals
God make an organism He couldn't or wouldn't restore?.Psalms
103:3,14; 147:3; Hebrews
"If you don't give me the
burdens and the problems, I cannot take them from you.(why?).
I cannot help you. You ask, I do it. I don't give up on anyone. For me
the only important thing is what the individual is really like, whether
he really believes, whether he stands up for himself and is committed to
what he says. Then all is well."....Bruno
13:5 " content with such things as you have, because he has said,
I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
Now, ask Bruno for help.
rest. 'We work! You rest!' Some say 'I just can't believe'. Whatever
belief one may be holding onto is true for them to the depth of their acceptance
of it, that is, is it at a depth awaiting more information or is it close-mindedness?
But, if you want to believe, that's all that is necessary. Don't
accept your own non belief.(beliefs
that are limiting to you are really non beliefs).as
9:23,24. Get
over any limiting beliefs you may still hold.
Don't harbor fear over what
you want for yourself and/or for those you love. Trust that good happens.."If
it is your innermost wish that one or the other of your relatives and acquaintances
have good health, then it shall happen, if you wish it deep in your heart.(that
is, it's deeply important to you and you have expectancy
of it happening whenever it may come to mind).
You know what is needed for all those you are in close contact with. If
you have a wish, please, I will also fulfil this for you. All human
beings have a right and the possibility to attain help. Whoever has understood
this and is ready to receive help and healing should free himself and leave
the illness here.(where
Bruno was at this time back then, talking to the people who came for help
and healing).or
gradually throw it off.(*)."....Bruno
Your part is staying out
of it all, because we've all screwed
up ourselves so much already! It's not so much to do with anything
other than God's belief about you:.Matthew
8:5-10; Mark 9:23,24; 1John
Wanting to
simply a decision to walk in a direction of
good, to live your life knowing God is all
for you and avoid the type of fear that makes
you feel something bad could happen. That's just a lack of faith,
for what is it that cannot
be done by God?
It's a fear society. We may
ask for good to occur to our children, to us or to some other, then hold
onto thoughts of fear over things not happening. Perhaps that's because
we think, because the prayers and concerns we have for another, came from
the individual we have the least regard for, ourself; like why would my
concerns be dealt with anyway? All I ever deserved is what I have received
and that's been mostly negative. Well, that was before and those negatives
brought you to where you now are, where you want good for yourself and
others. And so you will have good for yourself and for those you care about.
Shun the fear and relax in faith of the reality of the Great Being's power
to alter the multiverse if need be to fulfil the good things of your heart,
But what if, by the time
one is scheduled for a surgery and at the hospital for it, the ill condition
is the same? God doesn't want to keep you sick, but we often hold onto
that which we are concerned about, instead of giving it up. If you have
trouble believing what God can do, then look forward to the 'med beds',
out soon everywhere and will heal.anything.
Some people feel that this
is their test or lot in life. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Learn while you still can. For example:.John
Comprised with.Barnes
Notes: 'History shows that prophetic denunciations were often not
absolute predictions of what was certainly about to happen, but designed
primarily to prove
or to lead to change, those against whom they were uttered and only obtaining
accomplishment if this primary design failed.'
Know that it's Christ in
you and you in Christ.(*).that
God looks favorably upon:.Matthew
Your works, whether
good or bad were looked after before anyone arrived on the physical
The kingdom of God is a
field, a state.of
mind of love, that unites all who are of the same mindset:.Matthew
18:20. And it's all because of this quality called mercy, that makes
not even your belief necessary:.Romans
11:30-32. Love is above belief and its not your love that counts but
God's love for you. That's what make you righteous:.Romans
5:17. And so with this one can start on the road of spiritual growth
toward a reward.
To believe means to live
in the reality of how you want yourself in your life to be:.Mark
11:24. To get what you want and need requires not a particular gift
of what it is that you know you want and need and are praying for, but
a sureness
of its reality in your physical life. So, if you are asking for what you
many want and need, in
order to get it, be sure of Him you
are asking so that you have the sureness necessary to make it happen:.Hebrews
11:1-7 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence
of things not seen...Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed
by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things
which do appear...But without faith it is impossible to please him, for
he that comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder
of them that diligently seek him. For let not that man think that he shall
receive any thing of the Lord."
it until you make it' is an interesting adage.
If you really do want to be better in life, what do you then do, sit down
and wait forever? No! Well then, what could be done? Some would think that
'faking it till you make it' is deceit.
It's not.
Neale Donald Walsch's seemingly.far
out explanation of the necesssity of contrasts.
He explains a conundrum
regarding declaring yourself to be a certain way, like 'wanting to be like
this', whatever the 'this' may be, such as some image you have in your
mind of how you want yourself to actually be better, not just on
the surface, but sincerely,
in your heart and that this then attracts into your life experience the
opposite of it, so you can more clearly see the good image you have in
mind. For example, you want to be more honest and you begin to see more
not like that. So, now there is more contrast and you see clearer the ideal.
Neale explains it as,."The
moment you declare yourself to be anything, everything unlike it will come
into the space. You attract to yourself that which you are not. And it
is this way because it's a law of the multiverse. In the absence of that
which you are not, that which you are, is not.".Declare
yourself to be a child of the true God of all compassion and light. When
you think you are a good positive, like say health, the opposites are also
there, telling you what is not of health, so you see more clearly what
is not of health and can stay away from those negative things. Deal with
it wisely by only deciding that the good ideal is true and for you. You
have choice, use it.
Learn about the special
gift God has for you. You are not deceiving yourself because you have
a desire to be a better individual. You are deceived if you think you shouldn't
be a better individual. You are not deceiving others when your self genuinely
improves. It's all to be better both for you and others.
An individual with an inclination
toward sadness should act as the person they wish to change into, because
once the subconscious picks up on the new pattern a few times, the new
better pattern becomes the norm.
You wouldn't be acting differently unless you have decided to. So it's
not faking. It's not covering up. It's a sincere desire to improve and
not return to one's negative norm. So, that's good, right?
If an individual doesn't
want to believe, he will live on as he or she has until coming to a point
in life of at least.wanting
to believe and at that point Bruno can help. Why
only at that point? One way the help comes is awarenss of a need for introspection.
Introspection is key to
the process of growth.
Bruno said."If
you don't give me the burdens and the problems, I cannot take them from
I cannot help you.".Once
you ask Bruno for God's
gift of help and/or healing, the burden, the issue you have,
no longer yours. Ask God to give you a reason to want to believe. Ask
Bruno for help on it. But how
does one get to believing?
Bruno's faith connects the
energy that is your real
self to the invisible energy that is God until you are strong on your
own; like a baby connected to the mother in the womb and thereafter until
it can feed itself, walk on its feet and eventually manage without much
Life is just the blink of
an eye, but eternity is Forever."In
reality, we are all dependent on God. Without God, there is no life!
For God is life itself."....Bruno
5:20 "And we know that the Son of God is come and has given us an innerstanding,
that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true, even
in his Son Emmanuel the Christ. This is the true God and eternal life."
17:3 "And this is life eternal, that they might know you the only true
God and Emmanuel Christ, whom you sent."
8:3 " does not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds
out of the mouth of the Lord does man live." Proverbs
12:28 "In the way of righteousness is life and in that pathway thereof
there is no death." Romans 8:6 "For
to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and
peace." Romans 8:10 "And if Christ
be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because
of righteousness."
32:27 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is
there anything too hard for me?" Acts
17:28 "For in him we live and move and have our being, as certain also
of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." Proverbs
10:22 "The blessing of the Lord, it makes rich and he adds no sorrow
with it." Deuteronomy 8:18
"But you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he that gives you
power to get wealth..." Ecclesiastes
5:19 "Every man also to whom God has given riches and wealth and has
given him power to eat thereof and to take his portion and to rejoice in
his labour, this is the gift of God." Ecclesiastes
6:2 "A man to whom God has given riches, wealth and honour, so that
he wants nothing for his soul of all that he desires, yet God gives him
not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eats it, this is vanity and it
is an evil disease."
Your body is not your own:.1Corinthians
6:19,20. It was created by God and bought and paid for a particular
use by what Emmanuel came for. Once you've
given to God whatever is bothering you, it's no longer held by you. It's
in God's hands. Who better to look after the issue that He? Perhaps it
will work out so that the skilled surgeon's ability will provide much joy
as your issue is retired. It may take more faith to believe God can work
through anyone, than faith from you to God alone. So, not to worry! Follow
your heart. Perhaps it will be to go with the flow. Avoid feeling bad that
you may have had to go to the doctor. Hey! God created them to! See
God in all.
Examples of this:.John
I mean, what's hard for God:
26:8 "Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God
should raise the dead?" Jeremiah
32:27 "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there any thing
too hard for me?"
time to convince
yourself of truth. It takes a bit of striving to gain strong faith
and a willingness to be helped or healed is necessary to gain the prize.
Do your best and Bruno.will
do.the rest:.Acts
14:22 "...continue in the faith and that we
must through much tribulation.(*).enter
into the kingdom of God, wherein is salvation.(a
saving from all negatives that can affect you according to your belief,
that mean?)."
"Have faith, everything
will be all right. What you can no longer do, I will do for you.
I'm building a house over the world NOW!"....Bruno
is Groening)..Hebrews
3:6 "But Christ as a son over his own house,.whose
house are we.if
we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope, firm unto the
10:15 " it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that
means to declare,
meaning to reach others by
whatever means).the
of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!"
So, put your hand in God's
hand and walk forward. How? Ask! Ask in your alone quiet time; you
ask within.
Give your burdens
Bruno, your friend and walk away from them as best you can if you feel
helpless to do anything about them:.Philippians
3:13 "...this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind
and reaching forth unto those things which are in front."
If you can do something about
them, do it! What comes to your mind when your attention is on your body?
If it seems impossible to just give your burdens all up to Bruno, well
then, Bruno deals with the impossible and.he
with it. You ask. You rest.
Bruno also said:
"My mission, my goal, is
to help people, to heal people.(*).
The helping hand reaches everywhere. I stress here again that there are
no limits for God in this respect. Whoever has the high
get back health through me, is to thank God from the depth of his heart
at all times. I am just his tool and servant. Right from the start I say
over and over again, never thank me. Let's thank God for it. I keep thanking
God that I am allowed to do this, that I am allowed to serve Him, that
I really lead you onto the divine path. That means, I am bringing you closer
to God. I leave it up to you how you show your gratitude to God.
"If you hear the call for
help, then go and help. I help. I would welcome it if you would make yourself
available so that people can be helped and healed. Suffering will then
finally come to an end, not just for one nation, but for all nations, all
humanity. All human beings, no matter what nation, race or religion, are
worthy of being helped.".What
to do?
Bruno said."I
came for all people, no matter which nation or which religion. We want
to muster understanding
for all people, therefor we have a lot to learn.(*);
only someone who is ripe can do this.".Bruno
came to take all who may be willing, through the gate to a higher consciousness,
so their lives can open up from the darkness they may be in. God is higher
can also pass on the divine energy. If you tune in to it, I'll help you
then. Take it in and look after it well. I don't treat the dirt. Here we
are only concerned with the good, the pure, the divine.".Meaning,
the divine energy helping, healing and restoring a person. Look after it
well by not contaminating
it with evil. Keep your mind on good:.Deuteronomy
29:16-19; 31:17: Psalms
34:14; 1Peter 3:15; 1John
You can have absolute confidence,
absolute faith and trust in God and
in those God is using such as Bruno Groening, Grigori Grabovoi and
others. You can ask Bruno to give good thoughts to someone whose mind
is playing.havoc
with them. Try it! It works!
Have enough faith to give
attention to God in the way God wants a relationship to Him to be. Know
God thinks of you.
"God loves the human being
and since we are created by God, we belong to Him."....Bruno
few pictures here of Bruno Gröning. Some
eyewitness healings and reports
of the medical scientific group.
A great meditation with
pictures and music, to see, listen and absorb:.
Look Bruno Gröning
up on the site about him, wherein are more pictures and quotes, etc. or
just type Bruno into YouTube:
Also see about the Medical Scientific
The teachings of Bruno Groening
are not an alternative to one's present beliefs. Instead they are about
getting spiritual power to maintain them.
The good in one's heart will become deeper and stronger. Bruno's not out
to change the good anyone may have. Good things are already of the ultimate,
that is, attributes of the overall law of love, which God is:.1John
everything that has been predetermined
for you."....Bruno
Gröning. It's all good.
Get it!
Bruno is there to take the
weights off your heart, to deal with them so they are no longer burdensome
for you. Giving them to Bruno is giving them to God. Why? Bruno and many
others have passed into the invisible realm
of Christ and when you say to yourself, that is, in your heart, something
along these lines 'Please Bruno, I need help for ...' or 'Please Bruno
clear away .... whatever', you have contacted this one in the realm of
in God to whom you are addressing your request.
Bruno and the others as well,
are your friends, extending one hand to you while their other hand is in
God's hand. In this era
it's primarily
Bruno Groening. The others from times past are working mostly with those
passed on, those from times past who were their contemporaries,
so that in their relationships there will be rapport,
having existed in the same era.
Why do you need Bruno if
you can go directly to God yourself? Well, how have you done so far using
whatever approach to God you use when you need help and healing? One really
only needs Christ. Others lead us to Christ. If we were the ones that could
make the way, we would not need God:.John
14:6; 1Peter 2:21.
God works through people.
Listen to this audio
at about 13:20 in.
God uses our action steps
and our faith and then acts. Why
is that?
FROG = Full Reliance On God.
Bruno connects one to God
in such a way you may not yet know about that could be more effective for
you until you move up higher in consciousness and you'll know when
that is. For example did you know
And, there is another another
reason to want Bruno in your life.
Any dissatisfaction that
may be with you is because of something lacking that could provide a larger
enough belief. And it's here that Bruno fills up lack
every time
you need help and/or healing. To prove
that, try it this way and compare results with what ways you may have used
until now.
Prove it to yourself! Seventy
thousand others have and continue to get help and healing in whatever
it is they may want and need from time to time in their lives. Why
cut yourself out of that? No one's going to hound you for money, because
God's gifts are freely given:.1Corinthians
To many of us, this is all
such a mystery of the ways of God:.Isaiah
55:8. We think one way and tend to hang onto a line of thinking that's
been common to us, but God is always
confounding us with His ways.
Bruno is an intermediary
with God for each of us in this modern time. See the link just above on
'reason to want Bruno'.
Bruno said."You
ask, I do it.".Emmanuel
16:23,24,27,28 "...Whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name.(*),
he will give it to you. Hitherto have you asked nothing in my name. Ask
and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.(and
your joy certainly
would not be full if you're sick, broke and lonely because nobody seems
to really like you)...For the Father
himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came
out from God. I came forth from the Father and am come into the world.
Again, I leave the world and go to the Father."
This life is to lead one
back to God. Why 'back' to God, where life is again filled
with love, joy and peace, like hello, when was it before this way?
Well it was:.2Timothy
1:9. But why
don't we remember this?
How powerful can all this
really be? Well, how
powerful is God? Know about
God. That's all well and good, but how does one turn to God? The mind
is the key. If one is interested this way, it's because of God working
with you. Once an individual decides in this direction, he or she is
thinking of God in him or her and of better
principles to live life by. But each of us always has
choice. Most won't make any choice until
their life's negatives are severely burdening them, like
Derek's and even then there are quite a few who still would stay away
from good:.Jeremiah
If you don't want to believe,
you wouldn't be asking for anything. So, if you want to ask, then it's
the same as wanting to believe. If you want to believe, but can't and are
struggling with it, that's all that's needed for your burdens to be taken
9:24 "And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with
tears, Lord, I believe; help you my unbelief." Matthew
11:28 "Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden and I
will give you rest."
In this realm
of Christ is tremendous
power. Emmanuel said during the agonies He faced leading up to His crucifixion:.Matthew
26:53 "
that I cannot now pray to my Father and he shall presently give me more
than twelve legions of angels?"
Bruno said."I
am permitted
to help an individual find the
path to the good, but I am not allowed to make the decision for him
or force him toward it..Why?
And why do
some people avoid taking the better road in life?
Life, like anything in the
multiverse, is not random,
but mathematical,
though it may appear to be random for those not aware of the secret, that
being the gift we have, but may not yet be awakened to that
of this.
The mathematics of the multiverse
be seen for those curious about it. It's a proof of the existence
of God the Creator.
And here the pivotal
point is attitude. Think good and good follows,
that is, be good in heart and always do good. What's
good? It seems to be in life that those things that have not been on
one's particular pathway don't come into your life:.2Corinthians
12:8 "For this thing I besought the Lord thrice,
that it might depart from me.".But
how would one know? How would one know that what he may deeply desire was
a waste of time even desiring it? If you have asked three times for something;
like ask one time and wait. Why
wait? Then ask again and wait. And a third time ask and if nothing
shows up after a wait, ask God what is going on that He doesn't want you
to have what you desire. And what's going on is often, as in my case, that
God just has a different path on the Earth than what one may think he or
she would like to be on. He is the master
And what could this different
path be? It's from God, so it would have to be something good for each
of us. And it is! It's massively good for all who use this gift, this special
gift that is freely available for you.
"People do not know what
truth is. And this is where I see my most important task; to give people
the truth for their path in life, to steer them in the right direction,
to lead them to where they can experience the truth. Then, I believe, it
will be fine. Naturally, this cannot happen overnight. Where there is a
good will there is also a good path.
"Go from the path of suffering
to the divine path!.(*).On
that path there is no misfortune, no pain, no incurable, everything
is good there. This path leads back to God! My activities and work
serve only to guide all people on this Earth back onto the true path, onto
the divine path again.(and
what's does 'again' mean here?.2Timothy
1:9). This is the great turnaround."....Bruno
is Groening).
16:11 "You have shown me the path of life, wherein is your presence,
fulness of joy and pleasures for evermore.".
"Let us walk together on
this divine path. The path of love, of charity, leads us back to the Father's
The path of love is a path
of life, a field
of intelligent energy called Christ
in which to live, a state of being, from which comes thinking and doing
good and these things affect the collective consciousness, also called
the mass mind and called the akashic
record, where all events and memories are stored.
We progress toward peace,
also called the kingdom of God, a kingdom of love and peace eventually
affecting all. What
can be done so that it does affect all and sooner rather than later?
Bruno said."Three
things lead us to the Eternal:.good
thoughts, good words and good deeds. In the.good.word
is the power of good.".When
you use good words and phrases,
you align with
the good, because words do
something. If God's good enough for you, you're good enough for God.
how do we keep that way?
These three things about
good, show one that he or she is a believer, because believers only
concern themselves with the good and that, every second and they concern
themselves with being a help and
4:17 "Therefore to him that knows to do good and does it not, to him
it is sin.".Only
each of us individually can free ourselves from evil. Only each of us individually
can climb the ladder
to a higher consciousness. Desire to do so comes first. Asking Bruno for
help is the next step. Why
Bruno? Thus we are able to free ourselves quickly and in turn be helpful
to others wanting the same in their lives. How?
1:4 "Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to
comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves
are comforted of God."
"Order in your body.(*).is
what you need. The more of the
good you accept, the better you will feel and the sooner order will
be restored in your body. Separate yourself mentally from disease, from
anything that weakens you.(sapping
your energy). Stop thinking about it
and stop talking about it. You'll wreck your body if you're always trying
to create order around you. The only way to create order is to have your
body in order.(*).
Otherwise you're looking at the things out there that need to be fixed,
so there is a negative to them. When your body is in order, your outer
must conform. I am your friend. I'm not better than you. I am your
friend. Don't allow the thought conversation in you if it's evil. Close
the gate to evil. Where the good power appears, evil disappears."....Bruno
English, spelt.Groening).
Turn the light on and the
darkness goes away:.Psalms
Turn up the brightness and
it's a new day. How?
A principle
which we can apply today:.Proverbs
25:5 "Take away the wicked from before the king and his throne shall
be established in righteousness." Isaiah
1:19-23 "If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of
the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword.(got
any wars going on in your life and in your society?),
for the mouth of God has spoken it. How is the faithful city become an
harlot! It was full of judgment and righteousness was lodged in it, but
now murderers. Your silver is become dross,
your wine mixed with water. Your princes are rebellious and companions
of thieves. Everyone loves gifts.(bribes).and
follows after rewards. They judge not the fatherless, neither does the
cause of the widow come to their mind."
33:15 "He that walks righteously and speaks uprightly. He that despises
the gain of oppressions, that shakes his hands from holding of bribes,
that stops his ears from hearing of blood and shuts his eyes from seeing
3:11 "Eschew evil and do good; let him seek peace and ensue it."....Bruno
33:24 "And the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick..."
1:16,17 "Wash you, make you clean. Put away the evil of your doings
from before mine eyes. Cease to do evil. Learn to do well. Seek judgment.
Relieve the oppressed. Judge.(that
is, consider so as not to overlook them).the
fatherless. Plead for the widow."
As comprised from letter
of Sylvia Must, Germany, Bruno Circle of Friends....'have
good thoughts about ourselves.(what
does the word 'good' connote?),
the people you may be around and any situation you may be in or observing;
speak only good words; do only good deeds':.1Corinthians
13:5 "Does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own, is not easily
provoked, thinks no evil." Philippians
4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things
are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any
virtue and if there be any praise,.think
on these things."
Bruno said."Health
is God and God is health.".Emmanuel
10:10 "The thief comes not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy.
I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly."
Bruno said."If
I ever take credit personally or take money for the gift of healing I use
in helping others, the gift
until it's gone. Right from the start I say over and over and still do
.. never thank me, let us thank God for it. I keep thanking God that I
may do this, that I may serve Him, that I really lead you on the path,
meaning, that I am bringing you closer to God.".Bruno
is saying to show all gratitude to God for it and not to him. He earned
money working at the harbor.
"My healings are based on
a power within the divine order of
not on a breach
natural laws.
one should not call them miracles, even if they can or cannot be explained
according to the current state of science. Let us return to nature and
feel God's energy through its creative beauty. Health is God and God is
"When I am no longer with
you in person, everybody will experience help and healing from within.(*).
Everybody will be his own physician.(how?)."....Bruno
English, spelt Groening).
As one lady in Bruno's Circle
of Friends described it."I
often inwardly felt alone. I'm sure you also know that feeling of being
alone, with a longing in your heart and not knowing what the answer is.".She
found out as she went along in life that it's the knowing that God is real.(*).and
that Bruno Gröning.(in
English, spelt Groening), along with
others who have passed on,.is
real and there for you when you call upon him from your heart. So,
in your quiet time consider such things. Learn and live!
Another lady also in Bruno's
of Friends, on the healing of her daughter, stated that."This
was so overwhelming for me that I said 'this was so big for me, that's
how God is. He always helps us and Bruno is with us and shows us
how it works'.".Note,
God is big for us; all God's power is.for
never against humanity:.Romans
8:28. What else would God, who is love.(1John
it for?.Deuteronomy
4:7; Psalms 116:1,2; 145:18;
10:12. God is foundational
to human beings:.1Corinthians
3:11; 1Peter
2:6 "...he that believes on him shall not be confounded."
Bruno also said that you
can live confidently
as you are under divine protection.."Whatever
happens, the human being has divine protection.".With
this protection we are safe and strong as
long as we are on the side of love. And one way to be on that side
is to learn love.
Emmanuel said when He was
on the Earth:.John
10:10 "...I am come that they might have life and that they might have
it more abundantly.".Have
a similar attitude toward others. Make sure your decisions support life
for others and the best life for all that you can imagine. That's how to
get and stay aligned with love.
why is it important to be aligned with
Bruno said."Man
is so miseducated
that he practices self-suggestion. When you are suffering from a complaint,
you imagine or suggest to yourself that you have this or that illness.
I could explain all this to you in minute
detail, but it would take too much time. The fact is that you are suggesting
your illness to yourself and then you can't let go of it anymore. The human
being takes photographs with his eyes; the eyes are a camera that actually
commits these pictures to an archive.
Man is very naturally well programmed in this way. What you saw years ago,
you can recall again.(why,
if your body renews itself, do the scars, wrinkles and same illnesses return?).
You have the same picture in front of your eyes again. You took the photograph
and it remains if you attached importance to it.
"And this happens in the
subconscious. You don't even know
going on. What does a human being know? The human being knows nothing.
He just
lives the way he lives. Everyone has his job, his troubles and pleasures
according to what he can afford. But, the human being believes that's all
there is. No! If the human being only knew how much power he has
at his disposal and how he can use this power, the divine power, for himself!
This is the most important thing.(Romans
13:10), that humanity is guided
with the heart by Godly love. Trust.(Psalms
2:12 "...Blessed are all they that put their trust
in him.").and
Divine power helps and heals.(so
be sure God indeed is real).
God is our greatest physician."....Bruno
Gröning, your friend and helper in spirit, as
Grabovoi also is your friend and alive on Earth today.
"And now that you are following
properly, in the sense that you are not demanding,
but rather attaining
all that which is intendedfor
you, you will experience a lot of good in yourself, a lot of good in your
own body, but also a lot of good in the body of your neighbor..Just
believe! Believe with intensity!".
From where Bruno now is
and when he was on Earth, he wanted humans to move from low consciousness
where fears reside, where the thoughts are about us not being good enough,
that we're not 'all right' and where self-imposed.compulsions.have
us in a prison. Human behavior
based on fear should be let go of.."Don't
take in fear,.pay
attention to your thoughts. Reject false thoughts..Pay
attention to what you feel. If you don't feel good you have accepted
bad thoughts."....Bruno
Give up everything bad to
God. What you have taken in that has caused heartaches both to you and
others, Emmanuel
gave His life up to look after it
for you and all humanity.(John
15:13), so those things against
you that have been put into the universe.(put
what you have been, don't ever again count against you and the effect of
reaping in life what you have sown is negated.
Don't push aside the bad
as though it's your effort. Giving it up is easier that trying to use your
own might to force it from you. Give it up to Him and it becomes His to
deal with and you no longer have to be concerned with it, for what spiritually
can you do on your own when you're in a negative state of heart?
Giving your burdens up to
Him means you are abiding
in Him, abiding in God's grace:.John
15:5 "...He that abides in me and I in him, the same brings forth much
fruit, for without me you can do nothing."
All our faults were dealt
with a long time ago, so give them to He
who dealt with them. God will never
override you. You have some responsibility in all this.
Bruno's desire is for us
to find our way back to our real selves, the part of you in you that you
know is you, back to the place where we know that nothing needs to be done
in order to be loved because of this:.2Timothy
1:9. God loves us anyway, so let's do the same toward ourselves.."Here
at the divine way there is no incurable, no pain, no suffering, no worries.
There is health, joy, bliss and confidence."....Bruno
Gröning, also spelt
way to deal with bad thoughts.
Such a life on Earth he had of healing and helping
everyone who
sought him out. And such persecution and lies coming against him from the
greed side and the medical side, who had the government, if you can believe
it, forbid him to heal. . .proof the low consciousness of man
is nuts! Bruno had this to say about that:."My
answer to all my opponents, who must hate me: What my opponents had to
do they have done fully and so are at an end. Likewise I have done what
I had to do, but this is just the beginning. I assure all my friends that.I
shall keep on helping as often as I'm called upon and needed. Regardless
of all opposition and obstacles, I will never let you down.(Hebrews
13:5). I am your friend."....Bruno
Bruno's mission is to heal all the suffering individuals
on Earth. Alive today, from the other side.(passed
on in 1959), he continues the healing work with his Circle
of Friends. The Bruno Gröning Circle
of Friends, founded in 1979 by Grete Häusler,
1922–2007, a close friend of Bruno when he was on Earth, now numbers more
than 70,000 people. All activities take place without remuneration; expenses
are covered by voluntary donations..Respect
for a person's free will is an essential component of Bruno Gröning's
of that, anyone can leave the Circle of Friends at any time; there are
no financial or legal obligations. They are only there to help when and
if help and/or healing iis needed.
In the Bruno Gröning.(some
spell it in English as.Groening.and
that's correct too).Circle of Friends,
the.Medical Scientific
Group (MWF), a collaboration of several thousand of doctors and
other healing professionals, examines, documents and archives the healing
reports. Medical proof of these healings is based upon the principles of
clinical case history, including investigations by independent doctors
before and after the healing. For more information please
The healings you'll read about there are truly
You don't.have a better
human being to have a place in it all. That was secured before the multiverse
was formed:.2Timothy
1:9. But, if you want to become a
better human being, well, that's good and will get you not just a place
in the spiritual kingdom soon to be all over the Earth.(*).and
in it, but also a physically healthy life here and now. The goal of Bruno
Gröning is for everyone to become healthy and happy again.
Käthe Tams, a shortened eyewitness
interview:."I knew that
healings happened through Bruno Gröning. At the time I was having
a hard time with a slipped disc. That's why I went to a lecture in 1955
at the restaurant in Fahrdorf. That's where Mr. Gröning arrived, as
well as all the buses from Schleswig and Rendsburg. The hall was filled
to the last seat. The friends of the local community had organized everything.
There were 150 people sitting on benches one behind the other. That's when
I got the healing on my vertebral disc. The pain had been bad. It hurt
just to breathe, it stung, it was awful. At first Bruno Gröning gave
the talk and then he went through the rows, stopping at one person, then
another and asked 'What are you feeling?' Some said they had a headache.
Then he stood in front of me 'Yes, don't be afraid' he said to me. He pointed
to my spine and said 'Here, that's where it is'. 'Yes, exactly' I answered.
"Mr. Gröning had just
looked at me intensely and then said that. How could he know? Then I had
such a special feeling, a free feeling, that inwardly I became completely
relaxed and completely free. 'Just carry on like that' he said. . .meaning,
take in the power. Apart from that he did not say anything. At the time
I also received a ball of tinfoil.
The back pain went immediately.
"I saw a woman get out of
her wheelchair, when Bruno Gröning was in Ostenfeld, near Husum. He
said to the woman 'Now you can get rid of that. You don't need it anymore'.
At first she did not want to get up. 'Get up!' Bruno said energetically
and she actually got up without crutches. 'And now, take a few steps' Mr.
Gröning continued. Yes and there was something going on; people could
hardly believe it.
"Then there was a 16 year
old girl who had got her eyesight back. She had come with her mother. She
shone! Her eyes were so happy.
"Bruno Gröning always
made us aware that thoughts are spiritual
forces. If I think badly about somebody else, it will come back to
"Bruno Gröning did
not have anything to do with money. He never asked for anything. 'The better
we behave on Earth, the better we act, the better it will be for us
after we leave. Being on Earth is a school for us'. He said that and also
said 'illness comes because we
did something bad'..We
what we sow.
"Everything we do in our
lives. . .even if we are just angry or a little bit bad. . .there are so
bad things you can do.
"Bruno Gröning said
'There is no such thing as a miracle'. How he lived and how he taught people
that, that was natural, Nature."
A medically verified healing
of Borderline Personality Disorder.
Say yes to yourself as if
you love yourself and wholeheartedly accept yourself
you now are. This will take you onward from any thoughts which have
tripped up your life up to now. And ask Bruno to help and heal you, even
your thoughts. Try out a Circle of Friends meeting if there's one in your
"I want you to become masters
of life. Human being, know thyself."....Bruno
Gröning. He said know yourself, not do this or that. Knowing
yourself is the key to change.(more
keys for changing oneself).and
the way to get back to your true self.
More of his quotes.1.(helping
you to believe);.2.(getting
when you need it);.3.(just
like a radio);.4.(trust
and believe; there are no incurables);.5.(created
by love);.6.(how
to receive the good);.7.(the
Bruno has);.8.(Bruno
will do for us
what we can't);.9.(receiving
the good);.10.(infant
are spiritual forces);.12.(for
all people);.13.(Earth
a school for
further development);.14.(don't
be nasty or false);.15.(retrace
the wrong path
you have followed);.16.(what
us and expands our soul);.17.(bad
thoughts are);.18.(pain
comes & goes until ...);.19.(how
much power one
can have);.20.(what
do we really depend
the suffering
toward death);.22.(keeping
in the body);.23.(how
to benefit others);.24.(what
to be convinced
Bruno is now doing);.26.(what
Bruno from beyond looks for);.27.(how
to receive more
of the good);.28.(don't
reveal your opinion,
but rather, your conviction; convince yourself);.29.(peaceful
people possess power);.30.(God
helps if one believes God will help);.31.(who
does all for you?);.32.(where
to practice believing);.34.(importance
of being the best
you can be);.35.(healing
& help comes from within);.36.(spirit
and matter creation;.37.(what
is nobility in
an individual?);.38.(how
to overcome evil);.39.(a
from lower to a higher consciousness);.40.(if
you don't give me your problems,
I can't take them from you);.41.(follow
your gut instinct,
it's your intuition);.42.(get
out into nature,
it's God's true church);
our core we are
good and divine);.44.(Bruno's
mission & calling
on Earth);.45.(you
are a child of
give up on you);.48.(Bruno
dispels bad; ignore the bad);.50.(humor);
help and/or heal your acquaintances);
can figure it out for yourself);
do we follow
Bruno cares and helps! There
are many experiences of others who have been helped and healed because
of the caring of Bruno Gröning.(English
spelling is Groening).
103:2,3 "Bless the Lord, O my soul and forget not all his benefits;
Who forgives iniquities; who heals disease."
And this is not just for
humans. Got a pet? Got a sick plant? Is there anything God's energy cannot
touch; of course not, but only when asked? Ask Bruno to
connect you with God to heal/help what you are concerned about.
And a potpourri
of comments as reported in some of the Circle of Friends magazines, called.Schooling
Letters, condensed
from the experiences reported in them of those healed:
-03/17, p.8,."...He.(Bruno).asked
me whether I believed he could help me. At that moment I was convinced
of it. "What do you feel now." He kept asking me this question. A pain
in my left temple which extended down over my heart and to my left leg
caused me great pain. I didn't think I could stand it anymore. "What do
you feel now?" All at once, the pain dissolved into nothing. I could not
grasp what was happening to me. The pain returned about twice a day, then
once a day. After ten weeks I can walk without a cane and my gait
is as normal as any other person's. In reply to the question about how
it was possible for all this to happen, I answered. "I don't know. I believed
in it and it helped me."
"Man is good as thought
up by God and made by God to be good.(*),
but man can take evil into himself and then he must also give out evil
from himself. Experience heaven, experience God!"....Dieter
Bruno only allowed others
to give who wanted to be physically involved with him on a daily basis
in the work of reaching
others who so desperately needed help and healing from their Creator.."If
you want to build a better world for yourself, you have to be willing to
build one for everybody."....Coyote
Ask for the magazine with all the news about the
work of Bruno and his Circle of Friends and how many healings occur
daily today all over the world. The magazine comes every 3 months,
often with a CD. . .all free. Request it on Bruno's site.
Movies about him can include healed people and
their medical doctors reporting how they became healthy; very inspiring.
If you know of anyone who needs guidance toward
healing, find out when the next Circle of Friends meeting is that's close
for them to attend. God is always healing, but people shy
away because lack of interest in believing leads them to avoid checking
things out and so they assume, in error, such things are untrue. Such is
the way of ego living, people in darkness and confusion, two tools
of the dark side.
is the heavy door the mind uses to close itself off from taking action
on thoughts new to it.
"It is true my dear friends
that there really is so much that man cannot grasp with his intellect.
Intellectually, you will not understand this, which means, you will not
understand any of it. Here you must be present with your heart. You must
feel it."....Bruno
God lets people get sick.
"I am not against death.
I cannot prolong a life that has come to an end.(*).
But I can relieve the suffering while that life is still going on."....Bruno
In the 1950's, the spotlight of the world media
focused on Bruno Gröning as through him by the energy of God, countless
people were cured, even those suffering from 'incurable' illnesses. The
press wrote of him:."His
words banish illness". And they banish
illness because they bring light and where light is, there is no
darkness. Those who followed his teachings were healed from suffering
and pain of all types.(another
example), not only during his lifetime on Earth but,
as has been confirmed over and over again, they are.still
being healed today all over the world.
Being thwarted,
at every turn by the medical system where he lived who influenced their
partners, the government, Bruno, if you can believe it, was forbidden to
heal. He said."If
I'm forbidden to heal, I'll burn up. If they carry on like that, my body
would not withstand it anymore."....Bruno
Gröning. Healing others was the life of Bruno and when forbidden to
do so, he cannot live anymore; what's the purpose then of his life? The
purpose was taken away by those in darkness. The authorities, much like
the Pharisees of old, were of such a low consciousness they just couldn't
open their minds to anything beyond the physical. They knew nothing of
spiritual healing, except to accuse those doing it as doing it from an
evil source and for evil motives:.Matthew
12:22-24. Most people do not comprehend the energy of good that some
have in abundance that needs to be used to produce good on the Earth.
Bruno also had to deal with
those drawing close to him whose real motives were to gain money for themselves
out of those sincere persons coming for healing. Bruno decided to leave
this world where he could do, in an unfettered.manner,
even more good in the spirit by leading others to healing. And this applies
all who ask today:."I
am not a very long time on this Earth, only 52 years. That is not very
Gröning. Bruno had said that the day he would be allowed to go home
would be the most beautiful day of his whole life. Bruno got stomach cancer
and passed on.
The natural mind of man is.anathema
to the things of God:.Romans
1:20-23; 8:5-7. The low consciousness
of humanity is so very terrible and that's why each of us is here, to move
from it into higher consciousness.
The medical system says "believe
me, believe me" and God says the same:.Joshua
8:43,44 "And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had
spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, came
behind him and touched the border of his garment and immediately her issue
of blood stanched."
It's no wonder the Extra
Terrestrials regularly coming here only want to be around those of
higher consciousness.."Beam
me up Scotty; there's no intelligence.down
If you can attend one of the Circle of Friends
meetings which will outline the easy steps of meditation to be taken in
order to receive this power that God emits,
then it becomes God's power personified,
effective according to an individual's faith.(Matthew
9:29 "...according to your faith be it unto you." Mark
9:23,24 "Emmanuel said unto him, If you can believe,.all
things are
him that believes. And straightway the father of the child cried out and
said with tears, Lord, I believe, help you my unbelief.{Mark
God never
overrides anyone.
The disciples, as all of us, had
to grow out of the ego.realm
and into faith to where one becomes a transformer
of this power.(as
Gröning was and still is).which
can be redirected to others and accepted by them in accordance with what
may have:.Matthew
13:58 "And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief."
"This is the most important
thing, that humanity is guided with the heart, by Godly love."....Bruno
If you can't get to a Circle of Friends meeting.(rest
easy, no charge or making one feel obligated there; never donate if you
feel pressure to, only if one's heart is to do so; I waited months before
I gave anything; if you're not led by your heart. . .don't act apart from
it, wait until your heart wants to give, want's to help others by giving),
just ask Bruno, who is alive in the dimension
after what we commonly
refer to as where we go after death. There are tons of healings worldwide.
The apostle Paul was the same in mind as Bruno:.1Corinthians
9:18 "What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel,
I may make the gospel of Christ.without
charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel."
This kingdom of our Creator which science calls
unified field, can be 'seen'
and entered in meditation. Eventually one is in it all the time, having
moved far away from the evil ways
of the world, the ways of the ego.level
of living, our common human nature.
Today everyone is called to be in the kingdom of
17:30), the high spiritual realm.
within this domain,
what one does best with what he knows.(parable
of the talents:.Matthew
24:14-29).determines his
spiritual position, so always do the best you know you can and should do.
We are here to
learn and there is much to learn, such as, the
ego realm and how it gets us into problems.(*).and
such as the higher consciousness area with all it means. These are the
major things to help you.
The kingdom of God,
etc. is really, in the original 'God kingdom'. This is a present
reality for all those of higher consciousness, those having moved beyond
the low consciousness ego level of existence. It's not something 'of' God.
The higher consciousness level is God, is the Creator. When you
are in high consciousness you are in Creator-God.
"The treasure house is within
you. Look within for the answer to your heart's desire."....Dr.
Joseph Murphy.
This kingdom comes with an
established invisible ruler:.1Timothy
17:20,21 "And when he was demanded of the
Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come he answered them and
said, The kingdom of God comes not
with observation...Neither shall they say, Lo here! or lo there!.(but
religious people do).for
the kingdom of
within you.(Christ
is in us and we are in Christ and thus
the Father and the Holy Spirit also.
Each of us is here to kindly awaken
people out of their sleep by disseminatiing
some truth you think that they may be seeking {Hosea
4:17}, for example, someone's life is in turmoil
and you, if you have opportunity to, that is, are they listening to you,
explain that there is much peace in God and that's all you say. It's your
love for another that opens their heart to the Holy Spirit's working with
them. You have opened the door to truth they need and now it's up to them
to invite truth in to their lives. You have helped them to become alert
and away from any sleep that keeps them unconcerned about the true things
of God:.2Corinthians
1John 3:10,14,17)."
17:24,25 "God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that
he created heaven and Earth, dwells not in temples made with hands,
neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed anything, seeing
he gives to all life and breath and all things." 2Corinthians
6:16 " are the temple of the living God.
As God has said, I will
dwell in them and walk in them.(actions
of life; how to allow this and for
your benefit).and
I will be their God.(
this done? It's your feelings and imagination that are inside you).and
they shall be my people.".And
where is it in you? Certainly not in the constant chatter your mind generates
as it flits from
thought to thought. It's in the
Silence, the Silence one connects to in
The mind always wants to
move, from here to there, then to somewhere else. Just tell it out loud
to 'be quiet'. Set yourself for it to be quiet when you want it to be.
Your spirit is always superior to your mind, if you use it. The silence
is always found inside you. In the silence is the connection with all nature
and all spiritual beings.
A good 15
minute meditation guide; add your words.
14:6 "Emmanuel said
unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes unto the Father
but by me."."Emmanuel
was the consciousness, the thinking of the Father in the flesh.(*).
We come to the Father by consciousness, within. The kingdom of God is within;
an inward thing leading to outward manifestations of the mind of the Creator.....Grigori
"The kingdom of the Creator
means higher states of
consciousness. By His resurrection Emmanuel Christ was called to eternal
life in a physical body. He saw eternal life all through His life. It's
this kingdom of God within that makes it possible for humanity to really
live. A call to live here and now means a conscious control of events of
any time.(how?).
Shun the false concept of the present life being only a preparation for
some future time of joy. The time is now:.2Corinthians
6:2 "…behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.".Only
by living each moment mindfully
one may feel the taste of life, only then can he or she open up to real
living. Help others to also see as you see, that is, help others make their
lives on the principle that reflects the laws of the invisible world."....Grigori
2Corinthians 6:16.
the most High dwells not in temples made with hands...."
19:26. "...they
be no Gods which are made with hands." 2Corinthians
5:1 "...we have a building of God, a house not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens."
The Creator's kingdom within
you is the Infinite One acting as a unique
presence, serving forth higher consciouness and the loving acts high consciousness
2:15; Romans
10:6-8 "But the righteousness which is of faith speaks on this wise,
Say not in your heart Who shall ascend into heaven? that is, to bring Christ
down from above, Or, who shall descend into the deep? that is, to bring
up Christ again from the dead, But what says it? The word is near
you, even in your mouth.(a
in your heart, that is the word of faith which we preach."
Since the kingdom is within,
it is there to be brought out to benefit all. Once everyone is of the higher
consciousness necessary to bring this kingdom of high consciousness into
worldwide effect.(and
this?), then things change, even
while still in the physical world, such as:.Isaiah
It's not that because you
think the Creator will notice goodness, that He will 'magically-wagically'
bring it about. We are His workmanship.(Ephesians
2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Emmanuel
unto good works, which God has before ordained that we should walk in them.{means
to live daily by them}.").and
as such have work to do regarding spiritual growth.(1Thessalonians
will bring us to the point where the vain
gas as it were,
the 'we' is emptied and the 'thee' is compacted strong in our spirit:.Philippians
1:9 "And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more
in knowledge and in all judgment.".At
this point the long awaited kingdom, which means rulership of God will
be accomplished by us thanks to His workmanship. His workmanship, remember,
does not mean that He is doing it for us, but with us; He leads.(Colossians
1:27 "...Christ in you, the hope of glory."),
we do the work.
Once you accept wherethe
kingdom of God is, you begin to become aware of this Infinite Intelligence
being with you:.Hebrews
13:5 "...for he has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you."
a vehicle that takes you into the soul level, the knowing that a deeper
reality is dawning in you. From here it grows, as a shift in consciousness
the true reality occurs.(how?.Ephesians
2:10), that of your soul's connection
with the universal spirit, the one Soul of all that we commonly call God;
that which makes you an individual human being, 'being' means 'in the present'.
You are not a human 'becoming', but rather a human being with the
self of you being the process that makes you what you are. This process
is the supporting of our physical bodies by our invisible spirit which
contains the patterns necessary for physical body functioning; the physical
body providing a presence on the physical Earth for expression of what
it is that we are and are becoming.
Increases towards the high
state of consciousness level are, being motivated by love and its
of kindness, acceptance, understanding, appreciation, warmth, intimacy,
connection, non destruction, non ways
of death, etc.,
not by selfish transient
pursuits which tend to waste an individual's life:.Luke
16:8,9. So, we see the need to awaken from ego
living , which is the beginning of the path of darkness, to something
greater and that's a higher consciousness than the one we've been getting
by on
so far.
The reason life is wasted
on the road to destruction
till the time of higher consciousness comes along for the majority.(when's
that?), is because, we were on
the road to destruction and didn't really know it and even cared
less how it all would work out because we were duped
by the greatest duper of them all, the
dark side influenced ego.
purpose of those invisible beings of the dark side is to spread evil
throughout the hearts of human beings. We are the ones responsible, but
not for the negatives that
have happened to come to us, instead responsible for taking action on those
negatives. You mean to say that my sister's.(whatever
negative circumstance occured).was
caused by her; she was one of the kindest most loving people I know? People
have been deceived about life since
soon after day one of their lives:.Revelation
In the mass
mind of humanity contributed to by all our egos, all our living.and
our ends are much the same:.Ecclesiastes
9:11 "...time and chance happens to them all.".Matthew
5:45 "...for he makes his sun to rise on the evil and on the good and
sends rain on the just and on the unjust." Job
9:24 "The Earth is given into the hand of the wicked...".Ecclesiastes
2:11; 8:14.
But, David
knew things also happen because God wants and allows them:.2Samuel
16:8. Bad things, unwanted things, can stop us in our tracks and get
us to think and change direction away
from ego living. What
can help here?
talks about releasing ourselves from evil.
Things seem to 'just happen'
to those on the ego level of
life. Because they are in it and so, automatic permission to accept whatever
may come along is how the ego level works keeping one at this low consciousness
level. At this level we just live life as it comes along and react to life's
circumstances as best we know how to and learn to. So, lack of knowledge
of better ways is the factor
here. At this level we are easily led and are puppets to most everything,
obeying anything for a buck or some other advantage, not realizing the
disadvantages to us.
So, we wonder, why
bad things happen, even to good people. The intelligent multiversal
energy is
no respecter
of individuals. Like electricity, it works a certain way but not knowing
how to be around it may get you hurt. The ego level is like that.
The high life is of another
level, the higher
consciousness things. At the ego level we are puppets having no reliability,
for what can you rely
on at the ego level, your money?.Ecclesiastes
3:20. The higher consciousness level has promises
for you.without
This is why Emmanuel
said that the way into the soul level is difficult to find:.Matthew
11:10 "But if a man walk in the night.(hasn't
awakened to his true spirituality, his true self as yet),
he stumbles, because there is no light in him.".Creator-God
wants us to find the way
out of the common low consciousness level and into high consciousness:.Hebrews
3:18,19 "And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest,
but to them that believed not? So we see that they could not enter in because
of unbelief.".Our
Creator was always this way and had advice for people back then that we
can apply today:.Leviticus
26th chapter.
12:28 "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom.(Matthew
16:28; a spiritual kingdom).which
cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably
with reverence and Godly fear.(or,
1:21 "Far above all principality and power and might and dominion and
every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in.that
which is to come."
2:5 "For unto the angels has he not put in subjection
the world
to come, whereof we speak."
15:50 "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit
the kingdom of God, neither does corruption inherit incorruption."
2:9 "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither
has entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for
them that love him."
3:21 "
means 'age').without
end. Amen."
18:30 "..... in the world.('age'
or time after your physical
world to come), life everlasting."
11:11 ".....he that is
the kingdom of heaven.(of
greater than he."
16:16 "The law and the prophets were until John. Since that time the
kingdom of God is preached and every man presses into it."
12:28 "Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved....."
1:13 "Who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated
us into the kingdom of his dear Son."
Delivered us, Yes!
But our task is now to trust
that it will always be so. And to that end,
never overrides our decisions.
66:1 "Thus says the Lord, The heaven is my throne and the Earth is
my footstool..."
What the world needs now
is an assurance of tomorrow! And it
has it!
11:15 "And the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in
heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our
Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever."
47:3 "He shall subdue.(original
is 'speak to' and in speaking He will use this sword I think:.Ephesians
people under us and the nations under our feet."
The Kingdom is a coming
together comprised of all in Christ. You are in the Kingdom now.when
Christ is in you.(come
to know what
you have the
same incredible powers that He has, for we are one
with Him. You just need to learn
them as you grow.
The Kingdom came
first when?
2:7 "That in the ages to come he might show the.exceeding.riches
of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Emmanuel."
Finally, the heartaches
of life are over. Has life ever gone the way
for anybody that they would have had it go? No. Instead, life offers us
many twists and curves, some of our choosing from ignorance and others
of little or no choice.
But it is all part of invisible.(to
most of us).training,
bringing us to the point of all
it means to be equal with God.
"The Musical-Mathematical
Matrix known in the worlds of science and metaphysics, is the 'Kingdom
of Heaven' referenced throughout the religious world."....Dr
Len Horowitz.
2:5 ".....the kingdom which he
them that love him?".So
it stands to reason then that the thing to get good
at is love.
The KG. What is it? Where
is it? Who is in it? How do we become a part of it? Through the Creator,
the Father? Not just! Christ? Well, not just Him either! Us?
is it like to be in it? A reward
can be for sure.
The message of the Kingdom
was important to Emmanuel:.Matthew
26:29 "But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit
of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's
9:35 "And Emmanuel went about all the cities and villages, teaching
in their synagogues and preaching
the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease
among the people.".
The physical Kingdom of
the Creator established on Earth: Zechariah
14:4 "And his feet shall stand in that
day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east....."
46:10 "Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the
heathen, I will be exalted in the Earth."
And who will be in charge?:.Ephesians
1:19-22 "And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us whobelieve
according to the working of his mighty power, Which he wrought in Christ,
when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the
heavenly places, Far above all principality and power and might and dominion
and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that
which is to come. And has put all things under his feet and gave him to
be the head over all the church." Isaiah
24:23 ".....the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount
Zion and in Jerusalem and before
his ancients gloriously."
This is all yet to occur.
But the Kingdom of God, a spiritual kingdom was being entered into even
when Emmanuel walked and talked on Earth:.Matthew
23:13 "...them that are entering to go in."
It's the time now!.John
The Kingdom was instituted
under Christ's direction. The enemies of Christ.(who
had rejected Him and persecuted His followers).had
been destroyed. All the Old
Testament prophecies about the Kingdom and
return had been fulfilled.
Are you set for the next
step? Tired of this life being what it has been to you? God too is tired
of life being hard on all of us. That's why God is bringing humanity back
to Him:.2Timothy
There's enough good things
here to keep most of us going, but like, who wants to come back and do
it again? One time on this 'merry-go-round' is enough!.1Corinthians
2:9 "But as it is written, Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither
has entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for
them that love him."
Once people move into the
of God or Christ by first
it, then the next step is assured. Why? Because once
Christ, you'll never be forsaken:.Hebrews
13:5 " content with such things as you have, for he has said,
I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
God won't leave you,
but an individual can drift
from God. How not to.
Most of our dreams never
turn out exactly as hoped and some never do come in this physical life.
is it that, no matter how hard you may try, many things you want just
never come to fruition?
The goal you had for your life was not
the direction that was in your lifetime overall best
8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that
love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Many may be daydreamers,
but do they have a dream, a realistic goal
rather than just a wishing wanting longing
The Creator wants certain
in your life, whether or not you want them or expect them. Most
of us harbor negative thoughts, yet wish for all the good things. It does
not work that way to produce anything good.
It is simply comprehending
that this is a
precise multiverse, a precise multiverse of law, of
mathematics. Certain of the laws have to do with the
mind and all laws are affected by mind, by attitude and can be used
by an individual to bring them the life they want. Come
to see how. And the Creator has a law, that of reaping
what we may have sown, that eventually awakens most who sincerely
desire a better way.
Those not wanting to believe that, are
not going to be awakened to the spiritual
Once an individual comprehends
them and learns how to use them, he can do incredible things:.John
can bring into his life all the good that he truly believes he deserves.
This is the will of the Great Infinite Intelligence for all humanity. It
is just that our programming keeps them from us until we learn how to change
that. See Ask Suby. See.The
Grand Self.Then start on the road to success
in life here and now.
Even our beliefs
are shaped as we go along in life. As we go along in life using
the incredible 'secret of the ages' as some very successful people
in all areas of living, have called it, our lives take on whole new meaning.
We become born again:.John
3:3 "Emmanuel answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say
unto you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.".And
is this kingdom of God?
3:7 "Marvel not that I said unto you, You must be born again." 1Peter
1:23 "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible,
by the word of God, which lives and abides forever.".The
word of God can be thought of as all of it, but what
specifically of it would provide you with a really new life now?
Why do we fail to plan for
life beyond? Lack of belief that it is a reality for us, is a prime reason.
Ask God to increase your belief. There is a key to
make life most interesting.
He sees you as a loving individual,
happy and productive in the next
step of life and works
today what He will with you to make sure of the character He wants
is also best for you. And what's
that? He knows what's best for you here and now, but we would never
choose that road because of the ordinary consciousness, the human nature
we have. Trust
Him! Those looking just to this life for fulfilment, are missing the mark
of what they are
really here for.
Don't miss out on this kingdom
of God.