your spirit connected with the
Soul is peace,
makes others feel similarly.
16:7 "When a man's ways are aligned with God, he makes even his enemies
to be at peace with him." Philippians
4:7 "And the peace of God which passes all understanding shall keep
your hearts and minds through Christ Emmanuel." Colossians
3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also
you are called in one body and be you thankful." Isaiah
26:3 You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you." Isaiah
54:10 "For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but
my kindness shall not depart from you, neither shall the covenant of my
peace be removed, says the true God that has mercy on thee." Psalms
122:7 "Peace be within your walls and prosperity within your palaces."
3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also
you are called in one body and be you thankful." John
16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me you might have
peace. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I
have overcome the world."
is the absence of
When there's peace inside us, the outside loses its importance. There's
no peace without unity
and there's no unity without connection. Humanity will never have peace
from the low consciousness level he exists with.(*).
From the higher consciousness level where negatives including war is outdated,
the level is reached where humanity's heart is on the level of God's heart.(*).."Where
peace is there is no pain."....Dr.Joseph
Murphy.."There is
no way to peace. Peace is the way."....Mohandas
Governments and people since
the beginning of time have sought all kinds of ways to have permanent peace.
They should have sought the answer from the.Bible:.Colossians
1:20. Leaving God out is leaving out high
consciousness in one's life.
Is there happiness for those
who are not peaceful? Peace is a soul quality. When you are established
in non violence all beings sense there is no hostility coming from you,
does this for you. Happiness
equals fulfilment at the
higher consciousness level.
If you want peace in your
life, be at peace with what peace is, by forgetting perfectionism.
Know that you are already perfect and can leave
off efforts to continually work at the addiction
of perfectionism. All such efforts cause agitation:.Colossians
What do you want for the
world?."The highest
wish is for unity in a state.of
Chopra. A modern day civilization which develops group consciousness
of high principles
would have neither environmental problems nor
scarcity of energy, food or anythings else that is good for people.
If society were to use such
mental powers as a unified civilization, it would have control of the energies
of its home planet as a natural consequence. When a great number of people
become unified with higher intention as in meditating
on peace, potentials of violence also dissolve as proven in the
video about key to world
peace. Peace never comes through corrupt leaders, only from those who
know the good God.
Hey, it's a real world and
the reality of it is the invisible,
from which comes the world of the senses, the world we are in, the physical
life we all have here on Earth.
We hear it every Christmas:
Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men. Did we get it right?.Luke
2:14 "Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace, good will toward.(original
for 'toward' is 'in', 'among').men.(humanity)."
And when we look at the world
there is no great peace over the Earth yet.
That is what we thought it meant. That is not what it meant.
The verse is talking about
the One who became the physical human we call Emmanuel
and what was Christ's purpose in him on Earth, if not that of bringing
good will to the heart of humanity:.Luke
The verse is saying that
there would be peace on Earth when
there are men of good will, that is, enough of them to affect the others
in the collective consciousness of humanity. How
many is enough?
14:3,4 explains that hundreds of years before Christ came in the physical
in the individual we call Emmanuel, there were so few people of good will,
that there were virtually
none. And even before
that, people were debase,
having been born good, but
modified by the beings of the dark side, the cabal.
The corruption
carried on into today, but is now no more as it has been
Henry's Commentary:."Corrupt
practices are the fruit of evil principles
and he who is false to the true God will not be true to others.".In
he will be:.Jeremiah
The ordinary
consciousness of man all through Old Testament history, just didn't
have a heart of love:.1,
They wanted God out of their lives as the links at these numbers show,
so God helped them along in it, since that is what they wanted:.Isaiah
19:14 "The Lord has mingled a perverse spirit in the midst thereof
and they have caused Egypt
to err in every work thereof as a drunken man staggers in his vomit."
And the corrupt heart of
man carries over to New Testament times as well.(Acts
right up to today.
Men and women were born
good, but life soon played its tune on them. As then, so today, a higher
consciousness is needed, a consciousness above the
normal nature of humanity.
Ancient king Hezekiah learned
this and tried, with those against him, to be peaceful. But they took all
they could and it wasn't ever enough, so God stepped in:.2Kings
The world has known both
horrible times.(Genesis
Ezekiel 7:23;
peaceful times:.1Samuel
1Kings 5:12.
The purpose of this website
is so humanity will develop the heart necessary to enable world peace and
This can be accomplished by the
square root of 1% of the population in any given area. How?
Your timeline is what your thinking is. There is a peace, prosperity, health
and joy timelime and the opposite of that timeline. The good timeline obliterates
to evil in that timeline. How
does this work?
The world
seems to
get worse. Is it really? Or, has it always had a less than a peaceful happy
lifestyle for its inhabitants here and there?.Ecclesiastes
1:9-15; Matthew 12:34,35;
Back in the 1960's, the
average man with a family of 4 could easily afford a vacation each year
for his family, a new car every 3 or 4 years, make all house related expenses
including the payments on the house and mom didn't have to go out to work.
Within five years, it all turned around; purposely designed to fragment
the family, all thanks to the then world controllers, who are good at squeezing
every nickle possible from people. It certainly would not have been that
if people had turned
to God:.Micah
4:4 "But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig
tree and none shall make them afraid, for the mouth of the Lord of hosts
has spoken it."
Such has the history of life
24:37; Luke 17:28.
it's a whole different ballgame. The great kingdom
of God, talked about since man's beginning in the physical on Earth,
is about to appear and you'll soon see massive changes as evil people are
displaced from their controlling positions over others and the world shifts
into a good age, one in which individuals of the high consciousness of
God, turn things around to benefit all humans.
"In peace lies power."....Bruno
Gröning. There is a key to world peace; know what
it is so that you can take action on it?
3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which
also you are called in one
body and be you thankful."
But when one considers thescripture
above and Luke
2:14 in the original."...peace
among men of good will", we see the
solution. Otherwise the Bible would contradict
itself. But God wrote it. He stands behind its
accuracy. These 'men of good will' are those who see the true
reality in the other person, the other's soul.
The Infinite Everliving One
became human in the form of one called Emmanuel who became the
Christ, in order to sever
the connection between the faulty old
Law) and bring in the new
covenant, which now had to do with an individual's heart:.Hebrews
Under the old covenant.(Old
Testament rules and regulations that kept out the
Gentiles), the Gentiles could never
be equal with those of the children of Israel, so Emmanuel
got rid of it:.Ephesians
Bringing it up to today:
If you had no bad circumstances, you would not discover the truth that
thoughts of the heart become things of life and that your life today is
a product of your previous heartfelt.(true
for you).feelings.
And with this key you can then use your mind to put new stuff there, stuff
that will bring you a new and better future, one of your
own creating and choice:.Luke
1:77-79 "To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the
remission of their sins, through the tender mercy of our God, whereby
the dayspring from on high has visited us, to give light to them that sit
darkness and in the
shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way
of peace."
"One step to peace is to
stop doing what causes fear in others." ...Deepak
33:6 ".....I will.....reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth."
1:79 "To give light to them that sit
in darkness and in the shadow of death, to
guide our feet into the
way of peace."
2:14 "For he.(Emmanuel
our peace.(Christ
means so much more that just an object to worship; humanity has worshipped
{what's 'worship' mean?}
objects in ignorance since he's been on Earth:.Mark
7:7), who has made both one.(it
is in this higher
consciousness that we all are one).and
has broken down the middle wall of partition between us.(separation
no longer as was the case in the Old
Testament). Having abolished in his
flesh the enmity,
the law of commandments contained in ordinances;
for to make in himself of twain one new man.(where
man's spirit would be connected with the
Soul), so making peace; And that
he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain
the enmity thereby.(the
separation that kept man from the Creator).
And came and preached peace to you which were afar off and to them that
were nigh. For through him we both.(Gentiles
now included).have
access by one Spirit unto the Father.(*).".And
is the Father? He is, among other things, the brilliant engineer of
the multiverse and the laws that make it work in such harmony; the laws
that we too can use as we rise in consciousness, emulating.equality
with the Creator. In this we can
have confidence!
One of
reasons Christ came to Earth was to make a personal
relationship with the Father possible:.verses
16,17. People seek all their lives for peace involving many pursuits.
you think some try drugs? Or go into alcoholism? Or become proud and
never resting in their quest
for enlargement of self. They want life to be 'a smooth and increasingly
secure ride baby'! But, they lack wisdom as they fail to comprehend why
it is easier to slip into the evils than into good things.
An unembarrassed man is easily
tempted and succumbs
rapidly to small, trifling
evils; his spirit is weak, inclined to sensual things and he has little
if any interest in refraining from base desires. It may make him sad to
forego them and he is quick to anger if reproved.
Yet if he satisfies his desires,
of conscience overwhelms him because he followed his passions and they
did not lead to the peace he sought.
Lacking vision of really
they are here, people like this flow into all kinds of problems. They
are the 'unsane'.
But the Bible also
says that the gospel
is a gospel of peace.(Acts
Romans 10:15; Ephesians
6:15; Hebrews 12:14).and
Christ, is a rest
for Christians. There is no rest for those not in Christ:.Jude
1:13. Christ showed this in some
of His teachings when He was here physically:.Hebrews
4:8,9. That is not why He came then.
In Emmanuel's time the Mosaic
Law was still in effect. For those into 'law' back then, this caused
great dissension.
The Pharisees
often sought to kill Emmanuel. Finally they
succeeded. Even after Emmanuel's resurrection,
the disciples
of Emmanuel often faced conflict. There was no small stir about the way
of God back then:.Acts
12:18,19; 19:23, 25:1-3;
The Creator does give us
peace. Peace is His will for us:.John
Romans 5:1. Peace is one
of the fruits of the Holy Spirit:.
29:7 "And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be
carried away captives and pray unto the Lord for it, for in the peace thereof
shall you have peace."
If you agree with what the
Creator thinks of you, that
you are righteous,
then you have peace with God and are happy knowing nothing you can do can
ever take the Holy Spirit from you:.Romans
Focusing on the Creator
by accepting attributes
of love leads to a deeper belief. Deeper believing.(2Peter
one with joy and peace.(knowing
the Creator is pleased with you:.Phillipians
4:7; Colossians 3:15).which
enables one to abound in hope. Any belief that doesn't do this has something
wrong with it:.Romans
15:13. If your church doesn't cause your joy to soar,
get out!
Need much
peace in your life? Making the concept
of righteousness real in your life gives you great peace:.Isaiah
32:17. The key to increasing peace in your life:.2Peter
1:2-4. The key
to bringing peace to the world also involves you first having peace in
own universe. Meditation
with prayer makes all the difference in the world and at
this time the world needs some drastic differences. How
does one meditate with prayer?
Apart from the obvious meaning,
the word 'peace' in the original Greek.(New
Testament is Greek; Old
Testament is Hebrew).also
means 'to
have all your needs met'. When you think about it, you cannot have
much peace in your life when bill collectors are taking you to court, your
partner is leaving you, you have lost your job, you are sick, people at
work are causing you frustration, etc.
26:3 "You wilt keep him in perfect peace.(original
Hebrew is 'safe, well, happy'), whose
is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."
But then later Emmanuel
10:34 "Think not that I am come to send peace on Earth. I came not
to send peace, but a sword.(what
6:17; Hebrews 4:12; Revelation
1:16; a sword here is to cut asunder
the things that keep us separated from the peace only the
soul can express, the peace that He was born to make known to humanity:.Luke
2:14)." Luke
12:51 "Suppose you that I am come to give peace on Earth? I
tell you, Nay; but rather a sword."
The sword is an instrument
of death and to send a sword is the same as to produce hostility and war,
to create a division between the side of the light and the side of the
4:12; typified by what the old and new
covenants meant to humanity's heart and exemplified
in the lives of such heroes
as David, Joshua, Gideon, Jonathan and Moses:.Hebrews
11:32-40. One of the reasons Emmanuel came was to get rid of the
Mosaic Law with all it's do's and don'ts that the
religious leaders back then added to it in order to control people
and get their money; the people then stuggled with the physical evils around
them, many of which they themselves unknowingly and knowingly produced;
the struggle is with ourselves, the struggle of coming away from the
outputs of low consciousness and bringing us to the spirituality of a higher
Comprised with.Barnes
New Testament Notes:.This.(scripture).is
taken from Micah 7:6. Christ did not
here mean to say that the object of his coming was to produce discord and
contention, for he was the Prince of peace.(Isaiah
9:6; 11:6; Luke
2:14), but he means to say that
such would be one of the effects of his coming. One part of a family that
was opposed to him, would set themselves against those who believed in
God never overrides anyone:.2Peter
3:9). One
example from.Fox's
Book of Martyrs, Chapter 6: The wickedness of men and not the principles
of living put forth in the
gospel, is the cause
of this hostility. It is unnecessary to say that no prophecy has been
more strikingly fulfilled and it will continue
to be fulfilled, till all unite in obeying his
commandments of love {love is of much higher consciousness than
the ego
level} toward others {Matthew
22:36-40} spread across humanity's heart:.Romans