Sex Before Marriage?
For years I heard that fornication
meant sex before marriage, until I
studied it out for myself.
In the original Hebrew.(Old
the original Greek.(New
word 'fornication' means 'lewdness',
an example was sexual intercourse between a married man and an unmarried
6:16,18,20. This is two dissimilar
kinds mixing, as
it were.
In the Old Testament, this
was adultery.
Other examples:
Leviticus 21:9.(word
here, 'whore', is the same original used in Ezekiel
16:26 and translated 'fornication');
In the New Testament the
word fornication
is used broadly to mean much the same, 'lewdness'. In modern religious
usage, the word has acquired
a meaning mostly today meaning a prostitute.
have thought that the Kingdom Of God is a sexless realm.
Now, since the Creator looks
on the heart.(1Samuel
Luke 16:15),
whatever in your relationship with your Creator that you contemplate
that would be lewdness,
you should not do:.Romans
If lewdness to you is superficial
relationships and having sex with a different partner as often you can,
then you shouldn't.
If oral sex, etc..(Song
of Solomon 5:4,5).is
lewdness to you.(but
know this, the bed is undefiled.{Hebrews
13:4}), then don't.
When a passion for something
other than sex consumes one's life, then one's raging hormones.diminish.
Grow in grace and knowledge,
the knowledge of good in
which you can have confidence is correct
knowledge. Come to see things from the higher consciousness perspective
of the Infinite One.(2Peter
you expect to grow in the direction
of Him. Life is growth. Something is always growing in some way. The multiverse
is dynamic.
We either grow in goodness or in evil; your
If having a marriage
certificate by the state is what makes you feel comfortable before
sex, then get one! If you wish to live common
law or in some other arrangement, know that in all things you should
live from the highest and sincerest
intentions from your heart. In the Old Testament things had to be
written down on
stone. In the era of the New
Testament, what is written in our hearts needs expression to be of
Some write up an
agreement and commit to it regarding their relationship. Others require
no such agreement.(*).
Have vision and govern your life with wisdom. Be sure the one you
want to be committed to is the right one
for you. Probably the best way to do this is to havean agreement for a
trial marriage. It's better to find out this way if the two of you can
live together before you decide to bring children into it. So, how long?
Two years will do it. Birth
Consider where
going in life overall and just why you want a partner.
Marriage is the only lottery
licensed by the state and supported by the clergy, a clergy who for the
most part shuns
gambling, yet
gambles with your hopes by often supporting tithing.
Many today do want a committed
relationship. They just want to commit themselves to playing with one another
and then another and then another; shows a lack of higher standards and
a living from the selfish ego level.
Weddings are a good custom,
if it is of the true feelings of the heart and not a fraud.
It's not a fraud when the relationship is an expression of two souls deeply
interested in merging with each other's soul,
thus forming a new creation, both in
relationship and with new life. Then a wedding can be the sincerest
heartfelt commitment by both parties, as expressed publicly in celebration
of this fact.
Weddings are a very positive
and hopeful celebration of continued happiness together. Wedding rings
are a courteous expression of this hope and commitment.
A definition of insanity
is:.Doing the
same thing over and over while expecting a different result. Love keeps
an individual grounded. Learn love. But, why is
it that some
appearing to be of humanity are far from that? And why is it that most
people have, as
it were, blinders on?.2Corinthians
The seemingly
endless running around with one partner and then another, really goes nowhere.
is just that, temporary. Learn to look
internally which is where one finds where looking
eternally leads.
There are those who are sane
and wonder if the whole world
around them is nuts and there are those who are 'unsane',
seemingly content with their lot in life and the world they see, not really
knowing any better. Ignorant are they of options
that would open for them if they asked themselves some
questions. But, being somewhat
content with the banality
of their lives, they just carry on to where
they are heading and don't yet know about.
recognized this unsaneness of humanity. Reasoning from one's ego level
lead to solving problems of humanity because it lacks information on how,
that is, on how one's heart can become better, thus
improving life.
It lacks this information
because it just can't see from the ego level how
information on high consciousness could make life better and thus, can't
see any value in taking effort toward that:.Proverbs
14:12; 24:24,25.
People of ordinary consciousness
no better way than to walk in the dangerous level of the imagination
of their hearts:.Isaiah
30:10. Why don't they know any better
way? What has upbringing had
to do with it?
At the ego level one can't
see what the beginnings of problems are until they are affecting one negatively.
And, at the ego level, one just can't comprehend.what
consciousness is, nor is one interested when at that level to even
find out, because he or she is too interested in the temporary excitement
of ego living:.1Corinthians
2:14 "But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of
God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because
they are spiritually discerned."
The reason that things don't
change in one's life and in the world at large, is because people don't
and we all affect
the collective
mind of humanity, mostly by default,
that is, we don't know our attitudes are influencing
it all and fail to see what's coming out of it to us and how and when
that occurs. It's not our fault things for us are the way they are. Sure,
we are responsible for what we do, but the atmosphere of social life we've
all grown up, has been tailored by those of the dark side, both visible
and the invisible ones behind it all. And who
were they? And so we live, blindly following.(Luke
mass mind influenced egos which are out of alignment with the Creator's
love for us:.Isaiah
People lack knowledge and
the desire for it or else they would be seeking it. These are they of
consciousness who are awake and yet
in the state of wakefulness man can move around, reason, make decisions
and generally many things are accessible to him that are beyond his reach
during the sleep state. Well, it turns out that there are higher
states of consciousness, compared to which an
ordinary state of wakefulness is similar to a deep sleep. The ascension
to still higher and higher states of consciousness.(*).is
a way to God. Part of your consciousness becomes the
common consciousness and you become who
you are.(and
might that be?)."....from
Introduction of Grigori Grabovoi's
"Consciousness is the structure
that allows the Soul to control the body and in a wider sense the structure
that unites spiritual
and physical matter. Your consciousness doesn't differ from your body.(it's
one, the
body being a
different configuration of frequencies, all is frequencies, so are
yours good?; the plan for unconditioned
spirits, attitudes). And you will
see how your soul builds your body.
"Concentration of consciousness
here means its real accumulation, which is the accumulation of the spiritual
united with physical matter.(intelligent
energy acts through the invisible
grid). Concentrating on a certain
organ changes its state to one of harmony and disease vanishes restoring
one to
110 Grigori Grabovoi's book.
"Buildings too have an impact
on man. The longer a building exists the more it is adapted to the collective
consciousness. Buildings have a particular influence on human perception.
That is why they continue to attract throngs of tourists. Man's desire
for exploration comes from this. I mean who would want to go see an old
building. Well, they are old, but they are not dead. All is alive in the
invisible consciousness. The same is true for works of art. Growth strengthens.
The more new things that become part of the collective consciousness, the
more areas of that consciousness are developed and the more stable the
consciousness structure becomes."
155 Grigori Grabovoi's book.
"Similar to how computers
have shrunk in size from occupying rooms, greater and more powerful computers
today fit in the palm of one's hand, so it is with consciousness. As one
grows in spirituality through love, through meditating,
and praying.(which
are the 4 disciplines, but how could I ever find time in a day to do all
he follows the path of perfection and the greater and greater concentration
of his consciousness is achieved.(it
becomes less fragmented,
that is, its vacillation
from side to side lessens
{side to side being, one side the original consciousness we came here with
and the other, the side of higher
consciousness}; two sides
to life). This means an increase in
information compactness, an increase of the mass data in a volume unit.
Once this reaches
certain value the volume submits to the individual and the structure
of the world changes for the better.(and
this because:.Ephesians
4:16 "From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted.{knit
that which every joint.{every
individual of a growing high consciousness}.supplies,
according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, makes
increase of the
body unto the.edifying
love.{every individual
growing into higher consciousness of the knowledge of God}.")..The
individual himself sets the tone."
110 Grigori Grabovoi's book.
"People think I'm disciplined.
It is not discipline. It is devotion.
There is a great difference."....Luciano
is really being of the ego level,
which for the most part, remains bound
in blindness to the things of the spirit, even though one's mind is
many times a day to come up higher. The ordinary consciousness level
is mostly out of touch with higher consciousness things, except for certain
times when we actually hear 'a call'. Apart from that, the many prompts
daily that come to each of us are bypassd, quickly drowned out by the noise
of daily living, the many and varying things which come to the mind from
our necessary actions in and reactions to the things of life. Avoid most
TV programming, designed to keep information from you. Which programming
is for you to decide, depending on where you may be in your consciousness,
that is, what appeals to you.
The ordinary consciousness
has varying and conflicting standards because it is out of touch with love.
For example, one may generate dislike towards another who believes differently
regarding something, like computers. He may believe they are beneficial
and gets upset that others don't see computers the same way. Yet if someone
else agrees with the belief that computers are indeed helpful, but has
way more knowledge of them, jealousy may result. Either way he's trapped
into negativity. Such is the unsaneness
of humanity.
People have closed-mindedness
for many reasons that they have allowed to sink deep into them.
Although relevant
to the time of Christ on Earth with the Pharisees,
Sadduccees, scribes, doctors and lawyers hot on persecution of Emmanuel,
it can just as easily be applied to the unsane today, where the ego will
eventually trap someone to the way of more and more negativity:.Luke
An example of unsaneness is arrogance.
People clash
with each other over, of
all things, opinions. Witness the ridiculousness
of those having close-mindedness.regarding
their beliefs in the religion of evolution.(*),
that is, the belief that humanity's origins came from what they don't really
know for sure. See the full movie.Expelled:
No Intelligence Allowed. Search for it.
While such individuals are engaged in their little
enclosed world of opinions, those who need so much help out there are bypassed.
Putting walls up to protect opinions
from examination precludes
involvement in helpful efforts toward humanity's
needs. A mark of arrogance is a lack of self-criticism along with a
lack of being introspectional.
Such are they who banter
about in meetings seemingly
of import, sharing
opinions about mutual
efforts in adding to a construct which has a
Such is this strange thing called evolution,
where people with abilities to comprehend, fail in using intelligence to
think critically and see the horrendous flaws in the massive lie of evolution's
explanation for the beginning of living organisms.
Ordinary consciousness minds
are minds not yet opened:.Ecclesiastes
3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in his time. Also he has set
the world in their heart.(the
ego level, human
that no man can find out the work that God makes from the beginning to
the end.".(the
ego is a necessary 'evil'
until we come onto the
road to higher consciousness, a road we can't see unless someone shows
us the way)
We can change another's
energy by intention. We can change the world
from evil to good the same way. Everything
purpose of the world is to bring us to the
kingdom of God.(the
of the invisible
and now), to the bringing of us
to receiving universal life and life
individually forever and in perpetuity."
7 Grigori Grabovoi's book.
and how should you apply the intention that changes things?
We just have not been taught
that negatives such as crime, violence, subjugation
of others and the like, are due to our own greed, deceit
and fear, so people simply continue on as they always have. That is, they
just go along with the way things are and do not enter into meditation
which changes things. Because of this, things get more frustrating
the more we know to do good yet don't, the more a tiny bit of light comes
through and we prefer not to see
it, mostly because of worldly interests and concerns:.James
Why can't ego level thinking
solve humanitys problems?.John
15:5. It takes this.
And then there are those
who are.(1,
Insanity is unsoundness of mind rendering
a person unfit to maintain a reasonably continuous positive lifestyle.
Being 'unsane' is being unable
to be open-minded
because of one's belief programming. It's easy to recognize individuals
who are 'unsane'. They may listen, but inside they are fuming,
almost hating you and can hardly wait for you to leave their presence.
They have a dismissive
attitude toward things they come across that are out of their realm
of negativity. Resentful
are they of any seeming.intrusion.broaching
their closed door mental state.
They are content
with how they are and restrict themselves from approaching things in the
world toward improvement. They remain engulfed
within a selfish world of noninvolvement.
Being 'unsane' is being
from the intelligent energy of the universe, having instead to rely upon
one's limited belief structure. No guidance available from
Multiversal Intelligence we commonly refer to as God is allowed by
them to seep
through to their hearts. That's why God came to Earth in the physical form
of Emmanuel, saying we must be born again:.John
3:6,7; 2Peter
2:10 "But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness
and despise government.(original
for 'government' is 'dominion'; the same word is also translated 'Lord'
in the New Testament, but means here, they resent
what they regard
as encroaching
towards their self centered concerns, their 'lord'; they regard
ideas toward helping others as threats to teir self-governance, where any
impressions on their minds outside of selfish purposes are disregarded;
they are characterized
by being dogmatically
impatient of contradiction).
are they, self willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.(original
for 'dignities' is 'opinions', in this case, ideas of others not in line
with their mind's limitations).
One should know another
well, before
committing to whatever
type of outward appearance a relationship may take.(see
whether it begins in a little private ceremony, a large wedding ceremony
or just a sincere prayer for each other after you've decided to live with
each other with perhaps an agreement.(example,
but know
the consequences of a state marriage).
It matters to the Infinite One that you be happy. He is most
with your spirit:.Hebrews
12:9. The flesh will one day be gone:.Mark
But, one should live using
effects of all decisions. I mean venereal disease and aids are scourges
of the day aren't they?
Living carelessly is living
dangerously. Living freely in Christ throws the responsibility upon us
to govern ourselves for our and for others' good to the best of our knowledge,
ability and with the various levels of control and/or lack of control we
all individually decide to exercise over our lives.
Some decisions can obligate
one to severely
pay; be it divorce for whatever causes it.(perhaps
lack of knowledge on what to look for in
another, how to treat each other, etc.),
be it disease, be it incontinence,
be it careless driving and
so on.
Some decisions may take away
further living or greatly reduce one's ability to express in the same way
as he/she previously had.(disabilities,
etc.). Be careful in life.
Because it is the age of
grace does not mean that for anyone it has to be the time of abusive and/or
dangerous decisions regarding one's actions. It is the age of God's grace,
not the age of man's grace, where he can live carelessly, thinking 'it
can't happen to me'.
Some, with vision can be
patient in waiting for what they want, such as 'the
right one', as they are able to keep busy focused upon the main reason
that they have been called to spiritual life in this time:.Philippians
1:27. Others must 'jump in', like,.'right
7:6-9. They need to take time to think about what they know and about
what they continue to learn regarding God in order to become steadfast
In all things
concerning yourself and others, plan to live peaceably:.Romans
13:4 says God will judge whoremongers. I checked and in the original
the word's root is the same as for fornication and means lewdness.
Paul is saying that the way
of God is not one of lewdness and adultery, both
Realize instead that one
can be content in Christ as all
things good for us are in Him and because He
is in us one can be content that all things will continue unfolding
in our experience of life.
And how
will they be judged by the Infinite Intelligence?
-What does."as
is fit in the Lord".mean:.Colossians
As would be fitting or proper
for a Christian to adopt as behavior.
Once one is 'saved', he is
as good as being in the physical Kingdom of God, now being in the spiritual
family of Infinite Ones).
job for a Christian now is to become as effective as he or she can
in it, for self and for
In this particular verse's
context, it is talking of male/female
intimate relationships..