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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x

C r e a t i o n
p a g e  1 8

Was man being here a result of gradual evolution over millions of years, by means of natural selection acting upon minute organisms to, given enough time, develop the complex physiological structures of animals we see today? In fact, is this at all possible? One thing about life.(unlike the creation evolution describes), it is an ongoing molecular phenomenon. Here we are! Plants and animals are here.

The complex systems are here. All things got here somehow! Fact: The origin of life is an historical event. If not in Darwinian fashion, then how? Clearly, if something was not put together gradually, then it must have been put together quickly, or even suddenly, because there is evidence of togetherness.

"The challenge to evolution is answering the questions posed by blood clotting, cellular transport and disease fighting."....Michael Behe.

Evolutionary scientists postulate outcomes in a complicated world of aleatory.

Mathematics is what mathematicians do. Evolution is what evolutionary scientists think. One is logically conclusive, providing repeatable results.

At what point does the end.(evolution's falsity).stop justifying the means.(method{s} used to obtain an end that somewhat appears plausible and that, especially to fellow believers in evolution)? Never it would seem, when one considers the fervor.of some in the religion of evolution. The faith of evolutionists is evident in taking a tooth and contructing their own breed of humans.

Modern science, for the most part, is founded upon mathematics, and Darwin's theory upon speculation

Concepts should be accessible to experimental investigation. Does Darwinian evolution provide a mechanism, for the production of life? Darwin thought so. Many today accept this, not considering that Darwin doesn't base his conclusion on published models for the gradual production of irreducibly complex biochemical systems. In fact Darwin does not even consider the molecular basis of life. A choking complexity strangles attempts to scientifically account for molecular evolution. The criminals know how to hide. 

Concepts should be accessible to experimental investigation. The scientific literature contains no evidence that natural selection working on mutation can produce an eye, a lens, a retina, etc.

The more examining is done by means of molecular biochemistry, animal behavior, astrophysics, etc., the more credible is the case against Darwin's gradual evolutionary processes and the more remarkable is the case for fully functioning and thus, perfectly ordered intelligently designed irreducibly complex systems necessary for the sustaining of our lives. This also includes designing circumstances, your presence here and establishing the boundaries of nations.

Darwin's theory of evolution is a statistical.theory arrived at by conjecture, as it fails to trace the causal links in the historical process, relying instead upon postulational observations. As such, at best evolution can be called a hypothesis and at worst, a fable.

A few evolutionary scientists believe life originated from crystals.

There is a reluctance in science to embrace the inescapable conclusion of intelligent design. Perhaps some scientists allow their chauvinism to affect serious intellectual issues. If it were able to trace links in the historical process, it would have at least a chance to formulate from a basis, those propositions.(a plan or scheme).used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena. Hence, the uniformity in the structure of particular species is considered to be a consequence of the stable character of the mean.values of such a development, rather than as the consequence of some special choice.(natural selection acting upon random mutation, influenced by environmental factors).in the starting state.

Design:.Why is it difficult for humans to believe that God could design anything? Like all things, if one doesn't ask questions of himself in life, like, 'I know there's air, but why is there'?, his mind would avoid the why of it and any lessons which could have been learnt for his life are just skirted over him.

We many know where air comes from, but why does this incredible function work as it does? The questions lead us to God as designer and the answers confirm to us Who is above all things:.Colossians 1:17 "And he is before all things and by him all things consist.".But many people live life in a 'dumb ass'.mode because questing for answers creates fear that they may have to change something about them.

In the words of John Henry Newman, 1801-90, English clergyman, outstanding Christian thinker and writer."I believe in design because I believe in God.(but does this being really exist?); not in a God because I see design.".And in this, we see a key.

The intelligence of the Infinite One is shown in the design of all things in the multiverse, some of which are.1, 2, 3,.4,.5,.6,.7,.8, 9,.10, 11. When things of that design are examined, man copies that intelligence in things he makes.

William Dembski, in his book,.Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology, InterVarsity Press, 1999, talks of the way to recognize design is by observing whether or not there is complex specified information.(CSI). For example, a list of the first 100 prime numbers contains structure too complicated to have arisen by chance. Organisms have 'CSI' and therefore could not have arisen by chance.

How can we know something was designed? Obviously, we can know something was designed without knowing who or what designed it. Anything designed refers to something.intelligent behind its design. 

The more design a things exhibits, the more R & D.(research and development).has gone into it. A sharpened stick is easier to construct than a precision sword; a wooden raft easier to make than a nuclear submarine. Design must first be ascertained and apprehended before there can be any further questions about the designer.
   Planning denotes a planner and planning requires thinking.
