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supplicate, supplicated, supplicating, supplicates.verbs
transitive verb use.to ask for humbly and earnestly; to make a humble entreaty to; a supplication is a prayer to God; beseech (having intention and deep feelings for God to solve some troubling.issue; wanting to reach out, help and get help, she asked other Christians to also fast and pray:.Isaiah 58:3-12); to approach.seeking.earnest.favor of
intransitive verb use.to make a humble, earnest-petition; an entreaty
a supplication is a prayer that arises out of a strong sense of favor toward, need or lack; want

asking humbly and earnestly; beseeching
a supplicant

one who supplicates; a suppliant

comfort in sorrow, misfortune or distress; consolation; a source of comfort or consolation
solace, solaced, solacing, solaces.transitive verbs
to comfort, cheer or console, as in trouble or sorrow; to allay or assuage (they solaced their aching minds by a walk in the mountains)

a scheme is someone's plan for achieving.something; a systematic plan of action; an orderly combination of related parts; a secret or devious plan; a plot; if you say that people are scheming, you mean that they are making secret plans in order to gain something for themselves
scheme, schemed, scheming, schemes.verbs
transitive verb use-to plot (scheming their power ambitions); to contrive a plan or scheme for something
intransitive verb use-to make plans, especially secret or devious ones

suck, sucked, sucking, sucks.verbs
transitive verb use.to draw (liquid) into the mouth by movements of the tongue and lips that create suction; to draw in by establishing a partial vacuum (a cleaning device that sucks up dirt); to draw or pull as if by suction (teenagers who are sucked into believing falsehoods); to draw nourishment through or from (suck a baby bottle); to hold, moisten or maneuver a sweet, for example, in the mouth
intransitive verb use-to draw something in by or as if by suction (the vacuum cleaner sucks dirt); to draw nourishment; suckle; to behave obsequiously; fawn
suck up, sucking up.idiom
to bootlick someone for selfish reasons (you serve others to provide help they need, but sucking up to someone is a manipulation used from an attitude of selfishness, like what can I get from him or her if I feign.appreciation to become their friend?)
the act or sound of sucking; suction
suck in, sucked in, sucking in.phrasal verb
to take advantage of; to gain advantage over; to having been taken advantage of; cheat; swindle (those sucked in to evil by those promising them fame and fortune; she got sucked into spending more than she planned for a vehicle)
it sucks.idiom
something that causes displeasure

one that sucks (an unweaned domestic animal); one who is easily deceived; a dupe; a lollipop; an individual, used as a generalized term of reference, often as an intensive (he's a mean sucker); any of numerous chiefly North American freshwater fishes of the family Catostomidae, having a toothless jaw and a thick-lipped mouth designed for feeding by suction
Botany:.a secondary shoot produced from the base or roots of a woody plant that gives rise to a new plant
sucker, suckered, suckering, suckers
transitive verb use.to strip suckers or shoots from plants; to trick; dupe (suckered the public into their confidence game)
intransitive verb use.Botany:.to send out suckers or shoots

the act or process of sucking; a force that causes a fluid or solid to be drawn into an interior space or to adhere to a surface because of the difference between the external and internal pressures
suction, suctioned, suctioning, suctions.transitive verbs
to draw away or remove by the force of suction (suction fluid from a source)
creating suction; operating or operated by suction

suckle, suckled, suckling, suckles.verbs
to cause or allow to take milk at the breast or udder; nurse; to nourish as if with the milk of the breast; nurture

a young mammal that has not been weaned
unweaned (she was still suckling at five years old)

surly, surlier, surliest.adjective
sullenly ill humored; gruff

slough.also sluff.noun-both pronounced 'sluf'
the dead outer skin shed by a reptile or an amphibian; an outer layer or covering that is shed (not to woory about sunburnt skin, it will eventually slough off)
slough, sluff, sloughed, sluffed, sloughing, sluffing, sloughs, sluffs.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be cast off or shed; come off (the snake's skin sloughs off)
transitive verb use.to discard as undesirable or unfavorable; get rid of (sluffed off yesterday's hurts)

slough.also.slew.noun-also slue-pronounced 'slew',.plural.sloughs
a depression or hollow, usually filled with deep mud or mire; a stagnant.swamp, marsh, bog or pond, especially as part of a bayou, an inlet or a backwater

slight, slighter, slightest.adjectives
small in size, degree or amount (a slight tilt; a slight movement of the body; a slight hint); miniscule; tiny; of small importance or consideration); lacking strength, substance or solidity; frail.(a slight foundation; slight evidence); trifling (slight matters); small and slender in build or construction; delicate
to a small degree or extent; somewhat; slenderly; delicately (slightly built); lightly

the act or an instance of slighting; a deliberate.discourtesy; a snub
slight, slighted, slighting, slights.transitive verbs
to treat with discourteous reserve or inattention (the slight Balaam dealt to Balak); if you are slighted, someone does or says something that insults you by treating you as if your views or feelings are not important; to do negligently or thoughtlessly; to treat as of small importance; make light of; scant

deftness; dexterity; a clever or sklllful.trick or deception; an artifice or a stratagem
sleight of hand.noun,.plural.sleights of hand
a trick or set of tricks performed by a juggler or magician so quickly that the manner of execution cannot be observed;legerdemain; performance of conjuring tricks; skill in performing conjuring tricks

a person regarded as flighty, thoughtless.or.disorganized(she's having a scatterbrain moment looking for all the things she has to take with her); a person seemingly.incapable.of.serious, connected sustained.thought.toward.solutions

scatter, scattered, scattering, scatters.verbs
transitive verb use.to cause to separate and go in different directions; to distribute loosely by or as if by sprinkling; strew (scattering confetti from the upper windows)
intransitive verb use.to separate and go in different directions; disperse; to occur or fall at widely spaced intervals
the act of scattering or the condition of being scattered; something scattered (we found scatters of metal all over the ground)

one that takes the place of another; a replacement; a surrogate
Grammar:.a word or construction used in place of another word, phrase or clause
substitute, substituted, substituting, substitutes.verbs
transitive verb use.to put or use an individual or thing in place of another
intransitive verb use.to take the place of another

the act or an instance of substituting; the state of being substituted; something that is substituted; a replacement substitutional.adjective

filled with satisfaction; content.(a satisfied customer); paid or discharged in full, as a debt or an obligation; all looked after; convinced beyond doubt

the fulfillment or gratification of a desire, a need or an appetite
satisfaction, especially complacent satisfaction, with oneself or with one's accomplishments

giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a requirement; adequate

satisfy, satisfied, satisfying, satisfies.verbs
transitive verb use.to gratify the need, desire or expectation of; to fulfill.(a need or desire)
intransitive verb use.to be sufficient or adequate; to give satisfaction

snub, snubbed, snubbing, snubs.transitive verb
to ignore or behave coldly toward; slight; to dismiss, turn down or frustrate the expectations of
unusually short (a snub nose)

slant, slanted, slanting, slants.verbs
transitive verb use.to give a direction other than perpendicular or horizontal to; make diagonal; cause to slope.(she slants her letters from upper right to lower left); to present so as to conform to a particular.bias or appeal to a certain audience (the story was slanted in favor of government policies); if information or a system is slanted, it is made to show favour towards a particular group or opinion (the programme was deliberately slanted to make the home team look good); to interpret or present in line with a special interest close-minded.outlook; angle
intransitive verb use.to have or go in a direction other than perpendicular or horizontal; slope
slanted, slanting.adjectives
providing facts or information in a way that unfairly supports only one side of an argument or one opinion (the report was heavily slanted towards one council member's version of events) favoring one person or side over another; a biased account or description of events; unfair; tending to be in favour of one person or thing in a way that may be unfair to others: a biased and slanted view sloping in one direction (she had slanted brown eyes)
a line, plane, course or direction that is other than perpendicular or horizontal; a slope; a sloping thing or piece of ground

Mathematics:.an amount obtained as a result of adding numbers; the whole amount, quantity or number; an aggregate: the sum of the team's combined experience; an amount of money (paid a small sum for the toy); a summary (my view of the world, in sum); the central idea or point; the gist
sum, summed, summing, sums.transitive verbs
to add; to give a summary of; summarize
sum up.phrasal verb
to present the substance of (material) in a condensed form; summarize

summon, summoned, summoning, summons.transitive verbs
to call together; convene; to request to appear; send for; call
a call to appear for a response

tending to separate or to cause separation
separate, separated, separating, separates.verbs
transitive verb use.to set or keep apart; disunite; to space apart; not in oneness with; scatter.(small farms that were separated one from another by miles of open land); to sort.(separate mail by postal zones); distinguish.(a researcher who separated the colors); to part (a couple)
intransitive verb use.to come apart; to withdraw; disperse; to become divided into components or parts (oil and water tend to separate)
set or kept apart; disunited; existing as an independent entity
a garment, such as a skirt, jacket or pair of slacks, that may be purchased separately and worn in various combinations with other garments
possible to separate.(separable sheets of paper)
the act or process of separating; the condition of being separated; the place at which a division or parting occurs; an interval or a space that separates; a gap