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Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary (m-w.com)
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unlikely to take place or be true
the quality or condition of being improbable; something improbable

implant, implanted, implanting, implants.verbs
transitive verb use.to set in firmly, as into the ground (implant fence posts); to establish in the mind or consciousness; instil (habits that had been implanted early in childhood)
intransitive verb use.to become attached to and embedded
something implanted (a dental implant)

in the event that (if I were to go, I would be late); granting that (if that is true, what should we do?); on the condition that (she will play the piano only if she is paid); although possibly; even though (it is a handsome if useless trinket); whether (ask if he plans to come to the meeting); used to introduce an exclamatory clause, indicating a wish (if they had only come earlier!)
a possibility, condition or stipulation (there will be no ifs ands or buts in this matter)
Usage note: in informal writing both 'if' and 'whether' are standard in their use to introduce a clause indicating uncertainty after a verb such as ask, doubt, know, learn or see (we shall soon learn whether {or if} it is true); in such contexts, however, the use of 'if' can sometimes create ambiguities; depending on the intended meaning, the sentence 'Let her know if she is invited' might be better paraphrased as 'Let her know whether she is invited' or 'If she is invited, let her know' See more Usage notes.

if you will
if you wish to call it that

irresoluble; impossible to separate into component parts; irreducible

not easily bent; stiff or rigid; seemingly.incapable of being changed; not flexible

impossible to overcome; insurmountable (was an insuperable climb to attempt without many rests along the way)

variant of enmesh

something, such as a tax or duty, that is imposed; the weight a horse must carry in a handicap race; in architecture, the uppermost part of a column or pillar supporting an arch

exhibiting a lack of attention; not attentive
an individual's inattention is their lack of attention, lack of notice or regard, deserved or not

the iris is the round coloured part of the eye, that you see with, because of the dark center part called the pupil; the iris is the round, contractile membrane of the eye, suspended between the cornea and lens with what's called the pupil in its center; the iris regulates the amount of light entering the eye through the pupil, opening and closing itself automatically according to how bright the light is at any one time; an iris is also a tall plant with long leaves and large purple, yellow or white flowers; any of numerous plants of the genus Iris, having narrow sword-shaped leaves and showy with variously colored flowers; a rainbow or rainbowlike display of colors; in Greek mythology, the Goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the Gods

if you say that someone is implacable, you mean that they have very strong feelings of hostility or disapproval which nobody can change; impossible to placate or appease (implacable evil, such kinds of people become bullies and are not of the mind of peacebreakers)

of or relating to infants or infancy; displaying or suggesting a lack of maturity; extremely childish (infantile behavior; an infantile remark)

a child in the earliest period of life, especially before he or she can walk
of or being in infancy; newly begun or formed (an infant endeavor)
the earliest period of childhood, especially before the ability to walk has been acquired; the state of being an infant; an early stage of existence (exploration of the mind's capability is still in its infancy)
the horribly evil act of purposefully killing an infant, such as has been cruelly done by cabal.satanists at their many satanic ritual abuse days of torture and dismemberment, which evil actions were crried out in the DUMBS, tunnels and cities beneath the Earth

lack of ability or means

inflect, inflected, inflecting, inflects.verbs
transitive verb use.to inflect is to alter, to change the voice in tone or pitch; modulate; to turn from, altering a course or a specified.alignment; to bend down, thus making a change
Grammar:.to alter a word using inflected form
intransitive verb use.to provide a paradigm
Grammar:.to be modified by inflection; to give all of the inflected forms of a word
the act of inflecting or the state of being inflected; alteration in pitch or tone of the voice; a turning or bending away from a course or position of alignment
Grammar:.an alternation of the form of a word by adding affixes, as in English dogs from dog or by changing the form of a base, as in English spoke from speak, that indicates.grammatical.features such as number, person, mood or tense; the paradigm of a word; a pattern of forming paradigms, such as noun inflection or verb inflection

interchange, interchanged, interchanging, interchanges.verbs
transitive verb use.to switch each of two things into the place of the other; to give and receive mutually; exchange; to cause to succeed each other in a series or pattern; alternate (interchanged gold and silver beads in the bracelet)
intransitive verb use.to change places with each other; to succeed each other; alternate
able to be interchanged (interchangeable items of clothing; interchangeable automotive parts)
the act or process of interchanging; a highway intersection designed to permit traffic to move freely from one road to another without crossing another line of traffic

in the first place.adverb
before now (why didn't you tell me in the first place?); earlier; in the beginning; to begin with; at the beginning; in the beginning; firstly, first and foremost; as the first consideration or point; compare first person or place

intermeddle, intermeddled, intermeddling, intermeddles.intransitive verbs
to interfere in the affairs of others; meddle

interlink, interlinked, interlinking, interlinks.transitive verbs
to.link together.or.join one with another; interconnect (a more.integrated.transport.network, with bus, rail and ferry services all interlinking); interlock, intertwine, interweave, knit, link, mesh to connect or be connected with something else (a chain of interlinking loops)
an interlink; linked together

interlock, interlocked, interlocking, interlocks.verbs
transitive verb use.things that interlock or are interlocked go between or through each other so that they are linked (the parts interlock; we often interlock our fingers to pray); if systems, situations or plans are interlocked or interlock, they are very closely connected; to connect together parts of a mechanism, for example, so that the motion or operation of individual parts affect each other
intransitive verb use.to become united or joined closely
Computers:.a device or an instruction that coordinates two or more processes and prevents one operation from interfering with another

the Internet is the global telecommunication.network of linked computers that form a giant repository of stored information; the Web (World Wide Web), using hypertext, is a means of accessing, organizing and moving through the information; it is a subset of the Interent; men and women use the Web to access the information on the Internet through use of a browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Pale Moon, Opera and many more such browsers; the Internet is the computer network.which allows millions of computer users to connect with other computer users all over the world in order to exchange information by various means including sending each other Email (you can find all kinds of information on the 'Net'; even small business concerns use the Internet in conducting business; do you have access to the Internet?); an Internet cafe is a cafe with computers where people can pay to use the Internet; many libraries provide free access and computers to use 

Invictus.plural noun
a popular poem from the late nineteenth century (1800's) by the English author William Ernest Henley; the word invictus is Latin for unconquered; the speaker in the poem proclaims his strength in the face of adversity; see the movie with Matt Damon

mistaken or incorrect; not accurate
of being inaccurate; an instance of being inaccurate (the theory of evolution as being the beginning of living organisims is woefully inaccurate); an error

not correct; erroneous or wrong (an incorrect answer); defective; faulty.(incorrect programming of the computer); improper; inappropriate (incorrect behavior)

immigrate, immigrated, immigrating, immigrates.verbs
intransitive verb use.to enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native; to migrate; if someone immigrates to a particular country, they come to live or work in that country after leaving the country where they were born; means the same as emigrate, but once you're in the other country, you're known as an immigrant; so why use 2 words for the same thing? stupid, stupid, stupid cabal English; it could have been said that once you're in the country you've chosen to go to, you would be called an emigrant and if heading to a country, you're emigrating; it's more than ridiculous than saying a bee is a bee when in its nest, but its a buzz when its flying; saying so, is adding unnecessary complexity and confusion:.1Corinthians 14:33; why use 2 of 'm' in a word when one would do, such as in the word immigrate?
transitive verb use.to send or introduce as immigrants (Britain immigrated many colonists to the New World); compare emigrate
a man, woman or child who leaves one country to settle permanently in another; a plant or an animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist
Usage Notes:.emigrate, immigrate

not strictly.accurate or precise; not exact (an inexact quotation; an inexact description of what had taken place); not rigorous or meticulous (an inexact mind; an inexact method)
lack of exactitude; inexactness