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for that result or cause; as a result of something that has just been mentioned (their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable); for that reason; because of; consequently or hence; (the apartment house was being torn down, therefore we had to move); you use 'therefore' or 'therefor' to introduce a logical.result or conclusion (such as, ordering goods and enclosing payment therefor); for or in return for something (changed her mind and gave reasons therefor)

transcend, transcended, transcending, transcends.verbs
transitive verb use.to exist independent of material.experience or the multiverse; to pass beyond the limits of (emotions that transcend comprehension); to be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass (love that transcends infatuation); excel
intransitive verb use.to be transcendent

surpassing; lying beyond the ordinary.range of perception; being above and independent of the material universe
concerned with the a priori or intuitive.basis of knowledge as independent of experience; asserting a fundamental.irrationality or supernatural.element in experience; surpassing all others; superior; beyond common.thought or experience; mystical or supernatural
evinced by the master Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to North America, trancendental meditation is now an established method of bringing world peace; a philosophy associated with Kant, holding that one must transcend.empiricism or what is experienced, in order to ascertain the a priori.principles of all knowledge; a spiritual, literary and philosophical movement, associated with Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller and Henry David Thoreau, asserting the existence of an ideal spiritual reality that transcends the empirical and scientific and is knowable through intuition; the quality or state of being transcendental

an unconscionable.act by one who seizes.sovereignty, the supreme and independent political authority of the populace; a despot; any individual(s) who exercises authority in an oppressivemanner
tyrannical also tyrannic-of.or.relating.to a tyrant or tyranny (a tyrannical government); characteristic of a tyrant or tyranny; despotic and oppressive (a tyrannical supervisor)tyrannically.adverb
a tyrant; an evil government in which a single ruler thinks and acts as if he or she has all power over people, but it's really the other way around, as history has shown, We the People won't stand for tyrants, even such as we have today and in the past as in the aberrant.case of the mentally deranged.demon.possessed.cabal.supported.puppet.Mussolini; tyrants are usually vested with power by those backing him or her, because people don't vote in tyrants unless tricked by liars making promises who occupy positions where they can control the government over people by using those of state to control the people in government

tyrannize, tyrannized, tyrannizing, tyrannizes.verbs.(pronounced 'tear in eyes' or 'tear ran eyes')
transitive verb use.to treat tyrannically; oppress
intransitive verb use.to exercise absolute power; to rule as a tyrant

transverse, transversal.adjectives
situated or lying across; crosswise
transverse, transverseness.nouns
something, such as a part or beam, that is transverse
across, transversely, crosswise; in a transverse manner (the wood was were cut transversely)
a line that intersects a system of other lines

a crossing; crosswise; traverse; intersecting
traverse, traversed, traversing, traverses.verbs
transitive verb use-to travel or pass across, over or through (they traversed the river; they quickly traversed the small town); to move to and fro over; cross and recross; to move across, over or through something, especially an area of land or water; to cause to move laterally on a pivot; swivel so as to extend across; to cross (a bridge that traverses a river); to go counter to; thwart
traverse, traversal, traverser.nouns
a passing across, over or through; a route or path across or over; something that lies across, especially (an intersecting line); a transversal
Architecture: a structural crosspiece; a transom (a horizontal crosspiece over a door or between a door and a window above it); a gallery, deck or loft crossing from one side of a building to the other; a railing, curtain, screen or similar barrier; a defensive barrier across a rampart (a fortification.consisting of an embankment) or trench, as a bank of Earth thrown up to protect against enfilade (a target vulnerable to sweeping gunfire) fire; something that obstructs and thwarts; an obstacle
traverse, traversable.adjectives
lying or extending across; transverse

not to be relied on; faithless; deceitful; offensive; not dependable or trustworthy; marked by unforeseen hazards; dangerous or deceptive (treacherous waters); marked by betrayal of fidelity, confidence or trust; perfidious
treachery.noun, plural.treacheries
wilful.betrayal of fidelity, confidence or trust; perfidy

a number of people or things having in common, traits or characteristics that distinguish them as a group or class; the general.character or structure held in common by a number of people or things considered as a group or class; an individual regarded as exemplifying a particular profession, rank or social group (a group of executive types; a restaurant frequented by tourist types; types of musical.instruments such as those you blow into and those that are strummed); a figure, representation or symbol of something to come, such as an event in the Old Testament that foreshadows another in the New Testament
Printing:.a small block of metal or wood bearing a raised letter or character on the upper end that leaves a printed impression when inked and pressed on paper; printed or typewritten characters; print; a typeface (a sans-serif type; a Times New Roman type)
type, typed, typing, types.verbs
transitive verb use.to write something with a typewriter or computer; typewrite; to represent or typify; to determine the antigenic characteristics of a blood or tissue sample to determine blood type; to typecast
intransitive verb use.to write with a typewriter; to typewrite

typify, typified, typifying, typifies.transitive verbs
if something or someone typifies a situation or type of thing or person, they have all the usual.characteristics of it and are a typical example of it (these two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture); epitomize; to embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical; to express indirectly by an image, form or model (most, not all, ancient Pharisees acted typically of their behavior toward Gentiles:.Acts 10:28); be a symbol (what does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?); to serve as a typical example of; embody the essential.characteristics of (a painting that typifies the artist's work); to represent by an image, a form or a model; symbolize or prefigure; to be a typical example of something (the features which typify a Scottish Highland landscape; non-violent protest, typified by Gandhi; to be a typical part or feature of something; the long complicated.sentences that typify legal.documents)
typification, typifier.nouns
serving as a type; an antitype; symbolic; having the distinguishing.characteristics, qualities, etc. of a class, group, etc.; if a particular action or feature is typical of someone or something, it shows their usual.qualities or characteristics and you are saying that they are just as bad or disappointing as you expected them to be
typic, typically.adverbs

typecast, typecasting, typecasts.transitive verbs
to cast in an acting role.akin.or.natural to one's own personality or fitted to one's physical appearance; to assign a performer repeatedly to the same kind of part in a show

discernible by the touch; palpable.(a tangible roughness of the skin); possible to touch; possible to be treated as fact; real or concrete (tangible evidence of ancient civilizations); possible to comprehend or realize (the tangible benefits of a trip to the sun in the winter)
something palpable or concrete; tangibles (material assets)

a long angry speech; a diatribe

in a direction toward so as to reach (went to the city); towards (turned to or unto, me); reaching as far as (the ocean water was clear all the way to the bottom); to the extent or degree of (loved him to distraction); with the resultant condition of (nursed her back to health); in front of (stood face to face); used to indicate appropriation or possession (looked for the top to the jar); concerning; regarding (waiting for an answer to my letter); in a particular relationship with (the brook runs parallel to the road); as an accompaniment or a complement of (danced to the tune); composing; constituting (two cups to a pint); in accord with (job responsibilities suited to her abilities); as compared with (a book superior to his others); before (the time is ten to five); up till; until (worked from nine to five); for the purpose of (went out to lunch); in honor of (a toast to the lady); used before a verb to indicate the infinitive (I'd like to go); used alone when the infinitive is understood (go if you want to); used to indicate the relationship of a verb with its complement (refer to a dictionary; refer me to a dictionary); used with a reflexive pronoun to indicate exclusivity or separateness (had the plane to ourselves) to.adverb
in one direction; toward a person or thing (a metal pipe with a cap the wrong end to); into a shut or closed position (pushed the door to); into a state of consciousness (the patient came to)
to and fro.adverb
back and forth such as a two-way street

word 'too' can mean an amount of something (not too much heat in the summer because it's oceanside; he had too many difficult words in his speech); word 'too' can mean 'also' (he's coming along too); in addition; excessively (her dress is too long; not appearing to be too bright an individual); to a regrettable.degree (my error was all too apparent); very; extremely; immensely (he's only too willing to be of service); indeed; so (you will too will do it?); as well (she mentioned other cities too); 'too' is adding something or responding; you use 'too' after mentioning.another individual, thing or aspect that a previous.statement.applies to or includes.(nice to talk to you, nice to talk to you too; I've got a great feeling about it, Me too; he doesn't want to fly there but will take the bus, I'm too, taking the bus there; we talked to her agent, he's your agent too, right?); you use 'too' after adding a piece of information or a comment to a statement, in order to emphasize that it is surprising or important (we did learn to read and quickly too; people usually think of it as a boys' book, which of course it is and a very good one too)
Usage note: as in 'she was not too pleased with the results'. In many contexts this construction is entirely idiomatic and should pass without notice (it wasn't too long ago that deregulation was being hailed as the savior of the savings and loan industry; it was not too bright of them to build in an area where rock slides occur; he ended up not too good). In these cases 'not too' adds a note of ironic.understatement. Negation of 'too' by 'can't' may sometimes lead to ambiguities, as in 'You can't check your child's temperature too often', which may mean either that the temperature should be checked only occasionally or that it should be checked as frequently as possible. See more Usage notes.

the cardinal number equal to the sum of 1 + 1; the second in a set or sequence (two ones equals one two); something having two parts, units or members, especially a playing card, the face of a die or a domino with two pips
in two cases or on two occasions; two times (I rewrote the essay twice); in doubled degree or amount (twice as many)
in two.idiom
into two separate parts; in half (cut the sandwich in two)
worth very little; petty; insignificant (a two-bit thief); costing or worth 25 cents (a two-bit cigar)
two-bit.noun,.plural.two-bits (opinions are worth two-bits when they are divisive, not because of what is necessarily said, but because of what other people may regard them as)
two-way street.noun,.plural.two-way streets
is used to say that a situation depends on two people working well together (for there to be a relationship it has to be a two-way street); a street on which vehicular traffic can move in either of two directions (you have to look both ways crossing a two-way street if you want to stay safe)

taper, tapered, tapering, tapers.verbs
intransitive verb use.to become gradually narrower or thinner toward one end; to diminish or lessen gradually; often used with off (the storm finally tapered off)
transitive verb use.to make thinner or narrower at one end; to make smaller gradually
gradually decreasing in size toward a point (the older style tapered shirts that didn't look like a loose fitting blouse)
a gradual decrease in thickness or width of an elongated object; a gradual decrease, as in action (the company began to taper off its excessive spending); small or very slender candle; a long wax-coated wick used to light candles or gas lamps
taper off.verb
to peter out

a timeline is a line of thinking in the time you think it, a parallel reality one acccepts as a progression of events over time (for example, how's your life going for you so far, negative circumstances occurring or are you on the positive, happy side?); the Earth is on alinear timeline, that is, where things happen in sequence and those events can be either positive in your experience or negative and even some of each, depending on your thinking, but there is more, much more

a nonspatial.continuum in which events.occur in apparently.irreversible.succession from the past through the present to the future; what really is time?; an interval.separating two points on this continuum; a duration (a long time since the last snow storm; passed the time reading); a number, as of years, days or minutes, representing such an interval (walked the course in a time just under four minutes); a system by which such intervals are measured or such numbers are reckoned (solar time); an era (good times; a time of progress); the present with respect to prevailing.conditions and trends (sooner or later we all change with the times); periods or a period designated for a given activity (harvest time; time for bed)
used to indicate the number of instances by which something is multiplied or divided (this tree is three times taller than that one); my library is many times smaller than hers
of, relating to or measuring.time; constructed so as to operate at a particular.moment (timed release vitamin C)
time, timed, timing, times.transitive verbs
to set the time for an event or occasion; to adjust to keep accurate time; to adjust so that a force is applied or an action occurs at the desired time (timed his swing so as to hit the ball squarely); to record the speed or duration of (time a runner); to set or maintain the tempo, speed or duration of (time a manufacturing process)
against time.idiom
with a quickly approaching time limit (worked against time to deliver the manuscript before the deadline)
at the time or at this time.idiom
at the present time; now
for the time being.idiom
temporarily; for a short time, briefly
from time to time.idiom
once in a while; at intervals
high time.idiom
long overdue (it's high time that we go out on a date)
in good time.idiom
in a reasonable length of time; when or before due
in no time.idiom
quickly; almost instantly; immediately
in time.idiom
before a time limit expires; within an indefinite time; eventually (in time they came to overstand the facts proving evolution as the source of man being on Earth is such a crock)
real time.noun,.plural.real times
real time is what is happening right now in your experience
a real-time computer system deals with information as fast as it receives it (emphasis here is on the system; the images are created in real time); updating information at the same speed it was received
time after time.idiom
again and again; repeatedly
time and again.idiom
again and again; repeatedly
time of my life.idiom
a highly pleasurable experience (we had the time of our lives at the beach)
time on my hands.idiom
an interval with nothing to do
time was.idiom
there was once a time
behind the times.idiom
out-of-date; old-fashioned