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diagnosis.noun, plural.diagnoses
a critical.analysis of the nature of something; the conclusion reached by such analysis (doctors from different disciplines  together diagnosed the patient through evaluation of patient history and examination and review of laboratory data); the opinion.derived from such an evaluation
diagnose, diagnosed, diagnosing, diagnoses.verbs
transitive verb use.to distinguish or identify by diagnosis
intransitive verb use.to make a diagnosis

an individual who diagnoses

of, relating to or used in a diagnosis; serving to identify a particular disease; characteristic
the art or practice of diagnosis; a distinguishing.feature serving as supporting.evidence in a diagnosis; an instrument or a technique used in diagnosis

the act or process of decompressing

decompress, decompressed, decompressing, decompresses.verbs
transitive verb use.to relieve of pressure or compression; to bring an individual exposed to conditions of increased pressure gradually back to normal atmospheric pressure
intransitive verb use.to adjust to normal atmospheric conditions after being exposed to increased pressure

in law, the party against which an action, such as a suit is brought

defend, defended, defending, defends.verbs
transitive verb use.to make or keep safe from danger, attack or harm; to support or maintain, as by argument or action; justify; in law, to represent a defendant in a civil or criminal action
intransitive verb use.to make a defense

the act of defending against attack, danger or injury; a means or method of defending or protecting; an argument in support or justification of something; in law, the action of the defendant in opposition to complaints against him or her; the defendant and his or her legal.counsel
defense, defensed, defensing, defenses.transitive verbs
to ward off; defend
intended or appropriate for defending; protective; intended to withstand or deter.aggression or assault (defensive behavior); in sports, of.or.relating.to the effort to prevent an opponent from gaining points in a game or an athletic contest; of.or.relating.to defense; constantly protecting oneself from criticism, exposure of one's shortcomings or other real or perceived.threats to the ego. defensive.noun,.plural.defensives
a means of defense; an attitude or position of defense
on the defensive.idiom
prepared to withstand or counter.aggression or assault

the act or process of dividing; the division of a large unit into two or more distinct.parts is the act of separating it into these parts (We the People named our city divisions according to their special features (the shopping district; the lake district; the business district; the manufacturing area); the division of something among people or things is its separation into parts which are distributed.among the people or things; division is the arithmetical.process of dividing one number into another number (9 divided by 3 = 3; 10 divided by 5 =2; II taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six); the state of having been divided
a divisional attitude desires to separate (Proverbs 16:28; 17:9)
in arithmetic, the quantity by which another quantity, the dividend, is to be divided

a tactical.military.unit that is smaller than a corps but is self-contained and equipped for prolonged.combat.activity; a group of several ships of similar type forming a tactical unit under a single command in the U.S. Navy; also a unit of the U.S. Air Force

in arithmetic, a quantity to be divided; a share of profits received; a share of a surplus; a bonus; an unexpected gain, benefit or advantage by a stockholder for investing in corporate.stocks or by a policyholder in a mutual insurance society

divide, divided, dividing, divides.verbs
transitive verb use.to separate into parts, sections, groups or branches; to sector into units of measurement; graduate; to separate and group according to kind; classify; to subject to the process of division
intransitive verb use.to become separated into parts; to branch out, as a river; in arithmetic, to perform the operation of division; to undergo cell division
a dividing point or line (the continental divide); a ridge of land; a watershed
capable of being divided, especially with no remainder (15 is divisible by 3 and 5)
an individual with a factionalizing.attitude; that which divides, such as a screen or other partition; a device.resembling a compass, used for dividing lines and transferring measurements

creating dissension or discord

of, toward, on, in or near the outer, upper surface, underside or back of an organ

the state of not being used or of being no longer in use

discontinue, discontinued, discontinuing, discontinues.verbs
transitive verb use.to put a stop to; terminate; to cease trying to accomplishor continue; abandon
intransitive verb use.to come to an end; stop
marked by breaks or interruptions; intermittent (discontinuous applause); consisting of distinct or unconnected elements, such as the physical features of a landscape; being without sequential order or coherent.form

the act or an instance of discontinuing or the condition of being discontinued; cessation

a cessation; a discontinuance

lack of continuity, logical.sequence or cohesion; a break or gap

the shelter or retreat of a wild animal; a lair; a cave or hollow used as a refuge or hiding place (a den of thieves); a secluded room for study or relaxation
den, denned, denning, dens.intransitive verbs
to inhabit or hide in a den

deposit, deposited, depositing, deposits.verbs
transitive verb use.to put or set down; place; to lay down or leave behind (the natural process of layers of sediment that were deposited on the ocean floor; glaciers that deposited their debris as they melted); to give over or entrust for safekeeping; to put money in a bank or financial account.; to give as partial payment or security (made a deposit on the place he wanted for lodging)
intransitive verb use.to become deposited
something, such as money, that is entrusted for safekeeping, as in a bank; the condition of being deposited (funds on deposit toward a purchase); a partial or initial payment of a cost or debt (left a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a gas stove installation); a sum of money given as security for an itemacquired for temporary use such as renting a vehicle for the weekend); in geology, a concentration of mineral.matter or sediment in a layer, vein or pocket in the Earth (iron ore deposits in the ground)

a scarce supply; a lack; shortage of food; a famine

merited or earned (a richly deserved blessing); if you say that a person or thing deserves something, you mean that they should have it or receive it because of their actions or qualities
deservedness.noun.(normally used without being pluralized)
deserve, deserved, deserving, deserves.verbs
transitive verb use.to be worthy of; merit
intransitive verb use.to be worthy or deserving

delete, deleted, deleting, deletes.transitive verbs
to remove by striking out or canceling (deleted some unnecessary words in the first draft); erase
the act of deleting; removal by striking out; material, such as a word or passage, that has been removed from a body of written or printed matter

a place to live in; an abode
dwell, dwelt.or.dwelled, dwelling, dwells.intransitive verbs
to live as a resident; reside; to exist in a given place or state: dwell in joy; to fasten one's attention (kept dwelling on learning how to work his new computer; dwelt on her past but didn't resolve it); brood; to speak or write at length; expatiate (dwelt on the need of better service to the public)
Computers:.a programmed time delay of variable.duration

Mathematics:.the fixed curve traversed by a generatrix in generating a conic.section or a cylinder; the median line in the trajectory of fire of an artillery piece

loose fragments or grains that have been worn away from rock; disintegrated or eroded.matter (the detritus of past civilizations uncovered in archaeological digs); debris