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bide, bided.or.bode, bided, biding, bides.verbs
intransitive verb use.to remain in a condition or state (it does not bode well for those in governing positions when they hear public criticisms); to wait; tarry; to stay (bide at home); to be left; remain
transitive verb use.past tense.bided; to await; wait for
bide one's time.idiom.to wait for further developments

bid, bade, bidden, bidding, bids.verbs
transitive verb use.to issue a command to; direct (corrupt governments expect you to conform to their bidding, governments set up by We the People ensure they will be congruent; to utter.a greeting or salutation (I bid you welcome; I bid you farewell on your journey); to invite.to attend; summon; in games, to state one's intention to take tricks of a certain number or suit in cards (bid four hearts); to offer or propose an amount as a price
intransitive verb use.to make an offer to pay or accept a specified price (decided not to bid on the antique roll-top desk)
an offer or proposal of a price; the amount offered or proposed (they lost the contract because their bid was too high); an invitation (they bade me to attend the gala); in games, the act of bidding in cards; the number of tricks or points declared; the trump or no-trump declared; the turn of a player to bid; an earnest effort to win or attain something (made a bid for the presidency)
do another's bidding.idiom
if you say that someone does another individual's bidding, you disapprove of the fact that they do what the other individual asks them to do, even when they may not want to (she, being a manipulative woman (*), was clever at getting men to do her bidding)
a demand that something be done; a command; bids considered as a group, as at an auction or in card games (the bidding was higher than expected)

bewail, bewailed, bewailing, bewails.transitive verbs
to cry over; lament (bewail the dead; to express sorrow or unhappiness over; bewailing the state of poverty existing within third world countries)

blither, blithered, blithering, blithers.intransitive verb
to blather; to talk foolishly; to babble (the two women babbled and crooned at the new baby)

blather, blathered, blathering, blathers.intransitive verbs
to talk nonsensically
nonsensical talk

besiege, besieged, besieging, besieges.transitive verbs
to surround with hostile.forces; to crowd around; hem in; to harass or importune, as with requests (reporters besieged the winner for interviews); to cause to feel distressed or worried (she was besieged by issues.seemingly beyond her control)

beg, begged, begging, begs.verbs
transitive verb use.to ask for as charity (begged money while sitting in a doorway); to ask earnestly for or of; entreat (begged me for help)
intransitive verb use.to solicit.alms; to make a humble or urgent.plea
one who solicits alms for a living; an impoverished person; a pauper
beggar, beggared, beggaring, beggars.transitive verbs
to make a beggar of; impoverish

either of the two rounded prominences.on the human torso that are posterior to the hips and formed by the gluteal muscles and underlying structures; the rear pelvic area of the human body; the bum

bask, basked, basking, basks.intransitive verbs
to expose oneself to pleasant warmth; if you bask in the sunshine, you lie somewhere sunny and enjoy the heat; if you bask in someone's approval, favor or admiration, you greatly enjoy their positive reaction towards you; to take great pleasure or satisfaction (the team was still basking in the joy of winning the game)

a heavy shoe of untanned leather, formerly worn in Scotland and Ireland; a strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips; a strong dialectal.accent, such as a strong Scottish or Irish accent

something given or paid in addition to what is usual or expected; a sum of money or the equivalent given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation; a sum of money in addition to salary that is given

bewray, bewrayed, bewraying, bewrays.transitive verbs
to disclose or betray

an agreement usually between two parties that the one who has made an incorrect prediction about an uncertain outcome will forfeit.something.stipulated to the other; a wager; an amount or object risked in a wager; a stake; one on which a stake is or can be placed (our team is a sure bet to win); a plan or an option considered with regard to its probable consequence (your best bet is to make reservations ahead of time); a view; an opinion (my bet is that the rain will hold off)
bet, betting, bets.verbs
transitive verb use.to stake an amount, for example, in a bet; to make a bet with (we bet them that they would be first); to maintain confidently, as if making a bet (I bet they were surprised by the news)
intransitive verb use.to make or place a bet
one that bets or places a bet
you bet.idiom
of course; surely

along, flat slab of sawed lumber; a plank; a flat piece of wood or similarly.rigid.material.adapted for a special.use; a flat surface on which a game is played; food or meals considered as a whole  (board and lodging); a diving board; a surfboard; the wooden structure enclosing an ice hockey rink; a large table at which meetings are held, called, a board table; a body of people administering agreed concerns (a board of trustees; a board of representatives); in sports, a scoreboard
Computers:.a circuit board
board, boarded, boarding, boards.verbs
transitive verb use.to cover or close with boards (board up a broken window); to furnish with meals in return for pay; to house where board is furnished (board a horse at a stable); to enter or go aboard a vehicle or ship ("all aboard; time to leave"); nautical term, to come alongside a ship
intransitive verb use.to receive meals in return for pay
on board; aboard.idiom.with us in purpose

any of the declarations of blessedness made by Emmanuel in the Sermon on the Mount

the study of the chemical.substances and vital.processes.occurring in living organisms; biological chemistry; physiological chemistry; the chemical composition of a particular living system or biological substance, such as bacteria
an individual who deals with the chemicals of living organisms

the part of the world in which life can exist; the part of the Earth and its atmosphere in which living organisms exist or that is capable of supporting life; the biosphere is the part of the Earth's surface and atmosphere where there are living things; the living organisms and their environment compose the biosphere

backbite, backbit, backbitten, backbiting, backbites.verbs
transitive verb use.to speak spitefully or slanderously about (another)
intransitive verb use.to speak spitefully or slanderously about a person

the act or process of burying
bury, buried, burying, buries.transitive verbs
to place in the ground (bury a bone); to place a corpse in a grave, a tomb or the sea; to conceal by or as if by covering over with Earth; hide (buried her face in the pillow; to occupy oneself with deep concentration; absorb (buried himself in studies); to put an end to; abandon (buried the past and now looked forward)
bury the hatchet.idiom
to stop fighting; resolve a quarrel
word 'bury' from Middle English 'burien' and from Old English 'byrgan'

a structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage; something immaterial that obstructs or impedes (the ego is a barrier to higher consciousness; intolerance is a barrier to comprehending); obstacle; a boundary or limit; something that separates or holds apart (an ice barrier impedes the flow of water)

bewail, bewailed, bewailing, bewails.transitive verbs
to cry over; lament (bewail a passed on one); to express.sorrow or unhappiness over

betroth, betrothed, betrothing, betroths.transitive verbs
to promise to give in good faith (was betrothed to a person from India); to promise; to troth
the act of betrothing or the fact of being betrothed; a mutual promise of pledging.fidelity; an engagement

a piece of cloth or plastic secured under the chin and worn, especially by small children, to protect the clothing while eating; the part of an apron or pair of overalls worn over the chest
bib, bibbed, bibbing, bibs.transitive and intransitive verbs
to imbibe