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a teacher; an instructor; an expert or a specialist, who gives practical experience and training to a student

a community of medieval.Knights Templars located on a provincial estate and subordinate to the main temples at Paris and London

a remedy for all diseases, evils or difficulties; a cure-all

calm while waiting or enduring something; consistently in a state of wanting to be your best no matter what outward circumstances there may be dragging your mind away from high concepts; bearing or enduring difficulty, provocation or annoyance with calmness; longsuffering; marked by or exhibiting.calm endurance, difficulty, tolerant; overstanding; persevering; constant; capable of calmly awaiting an outcome or a result; not hasty or impulsive (seeing the big, the overall picture without quickly moving on in life; where does patience comes from?)
patience.noun.(normally not used pluralized)
the capacity, quality or fact of being patient

one who receives medical attention, care or treatment

widespread; general
Medicine:.epidemic over a wide geographic area (pandemic influenza)
a pandemic disease

relating to or situated in the breast or chest: a pectoral muscle; the pectoral cavity; useful in relieving disorders of the chest or respiratory tract; worn on the chest or breast (a pectoral cross)
a muscle or an organ of the chest; a pectoral fin; a medicine for relieving disorders of the chest or respiratory tract; an ornament or a decoration worn on the chest

dignified or magnificent display; splendor (the solemn pomp of a military funeral); vain or ostentatious display

characterized by excessive self esteem or exaggerated.dignity; pretentious (pompous officials who enjoy giving orders); full of high sounding phrases; bombastic (a pompous proclamation); characterized by pomp or stately display; ceremonious (a pompous occasion)
pomposity or pompousness

absorbed in thought; engrossed; excessively concerned with something; distracted; formerly or already occupied; already used and therefore unavailable for further use
preoccupy, preoccupied, preoccupying, preoccupies.transitive verbs
to occupy completely the mind or attention of; engross; monopolize; to occupy or take possession of in advance or before another

the state of being preoccupied; absorption of the attention or intellect; something that preoccupies or engrosses the mind (money was their chief preoccupation; all they thought about was what exemplified their greediness) occupation of a place in advance; preoccupancy

the quality or condition of being potent; inherent capacity for growth and development; potentiality
possessing inner or physical strength; powerful; exerting or capable of exerting strong physiological or chemical effects (potent liquor; a potent toxin); exerting or capable of exerting strong influence; cogent (potent arguments)

progeny.noun, plural.progeny or progenies
offspring or descendants considered as a group; one born of, begotten by or derived from another; an offspring or a descendant
an originator of a line of descent; a precursor; an originator; a founder (progenitors of the new music); the progenitor of an idea or invention is the person who first thought of it (Clive Sinclair, progenitor of the C5 electric car); a direct ancestor

a psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent.logic and reason; extreme, irrational.distrust of others; from the Greek, 'paranoos' meaning 'madness', 'demented, 'insane, 'para-' is 'beyond' + 'nous' and 'noos' meaning 'the mind'
relating to, characteristic of or affected with paranoia; exhibiting or characterized by unwarranted fear or distrust of others (a paranoid suspicion that everyone is against you is often correct, why?)
one affected with paranoia

manifesting or characterized by unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental aptitude
precocity or precociousness.noun

pester, pestered, pestering, pesters.transitive verbs
to harass with petty.annoyances; bother

of, relating to or constituting a precaution (taking precautionary measures; gave precautionary advice)
caution practiced in advance; forethought or circumspection; an action taken in advance to protect against possible danger or failure; a safeguard

the level of respect at which one is regarded by others; one's standing

having prestige; esteemed

an unbound printed work, usually with a paper cover; a short essay or treatise, usually on a current topic, published without a binding

the striking together of two bodies, especially when noise is produced; the sound, vibration or shock caused by the striking together of two bodies
Music:.the section of a band or an orchestra composed of percussion instruments; percussion instruments or their players considered as a group

of, relating to or characterized by percussion

having or marked by an advanced degree of competence, as in an art, vocation, profession or branch of learning; skilled
an expert; an adept
proficiency.noun, plural.proficiencies
the state or quality of being proficient; competence

preceding in time or order (prior approval necessary in the form of a license)

precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency; something afforded or deserving prior attention

a monastic officer in charge of a priory or ranking next below the abbot of an abbey; one of the ruling magistrates of the medieval Italian republic of Florence

exhibiting merciless disregard for individual differences or special circumstances (a private club with procrustean standards for the admission of new members); after Procrustes, a 
mythical Greek giant who stretched or shortened captives to make them fit his beds

the designing, scheduling or planning of a program

a listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation; the presentation itself (a program of piano pieces); a scheduled radio or television show; an ordered list of events to take place or procedures to be followed; a schedule;
program, programmed.or.programed, programming.or.programing, programs.transitive verbs
to design a program for; schedule the activities of; to provide a machine with a set of coded working instructions
Computers:.to provide (a computer) with a set of instructions for solving a problem or processing data; to train to perform automatically in a desired way, as if programming a machine (crudely programming children to make the right responses as determined by others)

an earnest.request; an appeal (spoke out in a plea for greater tolerance); in law, an allegation offered in pleading a case; a defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action; the answer of the accused to a criminal charge or indictment (entered a plea of not guilty); a special answer depending on or demonstrating one or more reasons why a suit should be delayed, dismissed.or.barred.in.equity law; an action or a suit
a plea; an entreaty; in law, advocacy of causes in court; a statement, generally written, propounding the cause of action or the defense in a case); the consecutive statements, allegations, and counter allegations made in turn by plaintiff and defendant or prosecutor and accused, in a legal.proceeding

plead, pleaded.or.pled, pleading, pleads.verbs
intransitive verb use.to offer reasons for or against something; argue a situation; to provide an argument or appeal; to appeal.earnestly; beg (plead for more time); in law, to put forward a plea of a specific nature in court (plead guilty); to make or answer an allegation in a legal.proceeding; to address a law court as a lawyer or an advocate
transitive verb use.to assert.as.defense, vindication or excuse; claim as a plea (pled illness); in law, to present as an answer to a charge, an indictment or a declaration made against one; to argue or present a case in a law court or similar tribunal
Usage note:.in strict legal usage, one is said to plead guilty or plead not guilty but not to plead innocent. More Usage Notes.