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characterized by tumult; noisy and disorderly (tumultuous applause); tending to cause tumult; confusedly or violently-agitated
the din and commotion of a great crowd; agitation of the mind or emotions

turgid.adjective.(pronounced 'jid' like in word Jim not gid like in giddy)
if you describe something such as a piece of writing or a film as turgid, you think it is boring and difficult to understand (he used to make dull, turgid and frankly boring speeches); excessively ornate or complex in style or language; bloated (a turgid bladder); turgid veins
turgidity or turgidness.noun

Biology: a taxonomic category or group, such as a phylum order, family, genus or species

the science, laws or principles of classification; systematic; the classification of organisms in an ordered system that indicates natural relationships; division into ordered groups or categories; example
taxonomic also taxonomical.adjective
of or relating to taxonomy (a taxonomic designation)

moving or progressing very slowly; tiresome by reason of length, slowness or dullness; boring
the quality.or.condition of being tedious; tediousness or boredom; from Latin 'taedium', which is from 'taedere' meaning 'to weary'

taking its toll
if you say that something takes its toll or takes a heavy toll, you mean that it has a bad effect or causes a lot of suffering (winter can take its toll on one's health)
the amount or extent of loss or destruction, as of life, health or property, caused by a disaster; toll is also a fixed charge or tax for a privilege, especially for passage across a bridge or along a road; a charge for a service, such as a long distance telephone call
toll, tolled, tolling, tolls.transitive verbs
to charge a fee for using a structure, such as a bridge

toll, tolled, tolling, tolls.verbs
transitive verb use.to sound (a large bell) slowly at regular intervals; to announce or summon by tolling
intransitive verb use.to sound in slowly repeated single tones
the act of tolling; the sound of a bell being struck

if you describe something as a travesty of another thing, you mean that it is a very bad representation of that other thing; an exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody of a literary work; a debased or grotesque likeness (a travesty of defense)
travesty, travestied, travestying, travesties.transitive verbs
to make a travesty of (the justice.system is often a travesty of justice); parody or ridicule
synonyms.caricature, burlesque, satire, mockery, lampoon

habitual.spasmodic muscular movement or contraction, usually of the face or extremities
tic, ticced, ticcing, tics.intransitive verbs
to have a tic; produce tics

tick, ticking.noun,.plural.ticks, tickings
any of numerous small bloodsucking parasitic.arachnids of the family Ixodidae, many of which transmit febrile (with fever) diseases, such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease; any of various usually wingless, louselike insects of the family Hippobosciddae that are parasitic on sheep, goats and other animals; a light, sharp, clicking sound made repeatedly by a machine, such as a clock; a moment (be there in a tic); a light mark used to check off or call attention to an item; a cloth case for a mattress or pillow; a light mattress without inner springs; ticking, which is a strong, tightly woven fabric of cotton or linen used to make pillow and mattress coverings
tick, ticked, ticking, ticks.verbs
intransitive verb use.to emit.recurring clicking sounds (as the clock ticked); to function.characteristically or well (machines ticking away; curious about what makes people tick)
transitive verb use.to count or record with or as if with the sound of ticks (a clock ticking the hours; a taxi meter ticking the fare); to mark or check off  a listed item with a tick (ticked off each name as the roll was called)
tick off.phrasal verb

titillate, titillated, titillating, titillates.transitive-and.intransitive verbs
transitive verb use.to stimulate by touching lightly; tickle; to excite another pleasurably, superficially or erotically
intransitive verb use.to excite another, especially in a superficial, pleasurable manner
titillater, titillation.nouns

transfix, transfixed, transfixing, transfixes.transitive verbs
to hold someone's attention with or as if with magic; to fix fast; impale; to render motionless, as with terror, amazement or awe; to pierce with or as if with a pointed weapon
synonyms.enthrall, hypnotize, allure, captivate, charm, draw in, enchant, enrapture, entrance, fascinate, taken in (the parents were completely taken in with the precision of the dancing presentation)

a polymer consisting of four identical monomers; phosphofructokinase is composed of four identical subunits. called a tetramer, with each subunit containing a reactive site for the sugar molecules, all part of sugar metabolism in the human body

the path of a projectile or other moving body through space (trajectory of a bullet, a rocket, a spacecraft)

existing or lasting only a short time; short lived or temporary

any of numerous extinct marine arthropods of the class Trilobita, of the Paleozoic Era, having a segmented body divided by grooves into three vertical lobes and found as fossils throughout the world. Trilobites are part of the puzzling Cambrian explosion. Geologic Time Scale

a sedative and hypnotic drug, C13H10N2O4-(13 parts {molecules}-carbon, 10 parts hydrogen, 2 parts nitrogen, 4 parts oxygen), approved for sale after the nonsense of 'exhaustive' testing, just like they tell you about vaccines and then withdrawn from sale after it was found to cause severe birth defects, especially of the limbs, when taken during pregnancy; thalidomide is a drug which used to be given to pregnant women, before it was discovered that it resulted in babies being born with wrongly shaped arms and legs and sometimes lack of limbs; thalidomide is used to describe someone whose arms and legs are wrongly shaped because their mother took the drug thalidomide when she was pregnant after being assured by the corrupt pharmaceutica/medical system that it had been proven safe, just like they continue on today, lying about vaccines; problem being, it was taken as correct that the pharmaceutical company making the drug and who did the safety tests could be trusted, but like ALL cabal controlled 'authority', you just cannot at all trust them and why, because of who is far behind them; the later drug Vioxx and also vaccines show even more so, you cannot trust them as they've been lying to you since this Rockefeller medical system throughout the world was allowed to be established early in the 1900's; see the documentary End of the World As We Know It

tolerate, tolerated, tolerating, tolerates.transitive verbs
to allow without prohibiting or opposing; permit; to put up with; endure; to recognize and respect (the rights, beliefs or practices of others); bear
capable of being tolerated; endurable; fairly good; passable; average

the capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others; leeway for variation from a standard; the permissible.deviation from a specified.value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent (the manufacturer's allowance was perfect in that all the parts fit perfectly but tight); the capacity to endure hardship or pain; tolerate

inclined to tolerate the beliefs, practices or traits of others; forbearing; broad minded; able to withstand or endure an adverse environmental condition (plants tolerant of extreme heat)

transduce, transduced, transducing, transduces.transitive verbs
to convert (energy) from one form to another

converts input energy of one form into output energy of another like a piezoelectric crystal, microphone or photoelectric cell

deprived of the power of motion or feeling; benumbed; dormant; hibernating; lethargic; apathetic; inactive

torrid, torrider, torridest.adjectives
parched with the heat of the Sun; intensely hot; scorching; burning (the torrid noonday sun); passionate; ardent.(a torrid love scene); hurried; rapid (set a torrid pace; torrid economic growth)

taint, tainted, tainting, taints.verbs
transitive verb use.decay or putrefaction; spoil (don't eat that meat as it seems tainted); contaminate; a tinge of something reprehensible
intransitive verb use.to become affected with decay or putrefaction; spoil
a defect considered as a stain or spot; stain

translate, translated, translating, translates.verbs
transitive verb use.to render in another form, such as when a cell makes a copy of its DNA, called transcription; to render in a different language (Martin Luther translated the Bible into German); to put into simpler terms; explain or interpret; to transfer from one place or condition to another
intransitive verb use.to make a translation; to work as a translator; to admit of translation; see also transliterate

the act or process of translating, especially from one language into another; the state of being translated; a translated version of a text; another version of a cell
Biology: translation
Physics:.motion of a body in which every point of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point of the body; nonrotational displacement

one that translates, especially one employed to render written works into another language; an interpreter

one who emphasizes the servility and snobbery of the self-seeker; a person who flatters or defers to others for self-serving reasons; a sycophant
toady, toadied, toadying, toadies.transitive and intransitive verbs
to be a toady to or behave like a toady; fawn

the part of the human body between the neck and the diaphragm, partially encased by the ribs and containing the heart and lungs; the chest; a part in other vertebrates that corresponds to the human thorax; the second or middle region of the body of an arthropod, between the head and the abdomen, in insects bearing the true legs and wings

of, relating to or situated in or near the thorax (the thoracic vertebrae); the thoracic cavity

a unit of social.organization.consisting of a number of families, clans or other groups who share a common.ancestry, culture and leadership; an ethnic or ancestral division of ancient.states and cultures, such as any of the 12 divisions of ancient Israel; a group of people sharing an occupation, an interest or a habit (a tribe of graduate students) or any of the three divisions of the ancient Romans, namely, the Latin, Sabine and Etruscan