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basically an evolutionary.term about the process by which a new species is made; the evolutionary formation of new biological species, stated to be by the division of a single species into two or more genetically (relating to genetics or genes) distinct ones

soft; smooth
truth; reality
soothe, soothed, soothing, soothes.verbs
transitive verb use.to calm or placate; to ease or relieve pain, for example
intransitive verb use.to bring comfort, composureor relief

the structure of something is the way in which it is made, built or organized (an incorporated structure of a company having policies and procedures designed by lawyers.interacting with the company owners in regulating its functioning; a self-governing corporation); a structure is something that has been built (buildings, public roads, bridges such as train trestle bridges are structures); if you structure something, you arrange it in a careful.organized.pattern or system; something made up of a number of parts that are held or put together in a particular way; the way in which parts are arranged or put together to form a whole; the interrelationship or arrangement of parts in a complex.entity (political structure; a garden plot structure); something constructed
Biology: the arrangement or formation of the tissues.or.organs or other parts of an organism
structure, structured, structuring, structures.transitive verbs
of, relating.to.or.characterized by structure (structural simplicity); affecting structure (structural changes); used in or necessary to building (structural beams of timber or metal); the structure of rocks and other aspects of the Earth's crust; relating to or concerned with systematic structure in a particular field of interest, such as construction and design of buildings
a part of a structure that bears a weight or the structural piece used for such a part
the refurbished building is now structurally sound
structuralize, structuralized, structuralizing, structuralizes.transitive verbs
to form, organize or incorporate into a structure

deeply earnest, serious and sober; somberly or gravely impressive; sacred (a solemn vow); gloomy; somber; someone or something that is solemn is very serious rather than cheerful or humorous (his solemn little face broke into smiles when he found his favorite blanket; he looked solemn)
the quality or condition of being solemn; a solemn observance or proceeding

partially permeable; allowing passage of certain, especially small, molecules or ions but acting as a barrier to others; used of biological and synthetic.membranes

an instrument for producing and observing spectra
the branch of science concerned with the investigation and measurement of spectra produced when matter interacts with or emits electromagnetic radiation
spectroscopic or spectroscopical.adjective
a spectroscope equipped with scales for measuring wavelengths or indexes of refraction
mass spectroscopy.noun,.plural.mass spectroscopies
(pronounced 'spec traws kapee') the use of spectroscopy to determine the masses of small electrically charged particles

substance is the quality of being important or significant; the substance of what someone says or writes is the main thing that they are trying to say; the essential.nature (the substance in relationships); essence; heart; depth of meaning; that which is solid and practical.in.character, quality or importance; if you say that something has no substance, you mean that it is not true; a material of a particular kind or constitution; that which has mass and occupies space; matter

of, relating.to.or.having substance; material; true or real; not imaginary; solidly built; strong; ample; sustaining (a substantial breakfast); considerable in importance, value, degree, amount or extent (won by a substantial margin); possessing wealth or property; well-to-do
an essential; a solid thing

substantiate, substantiated, substantiating, substantiates.transitive verbs
to support with proof or evidence; verify (the theory of evolution is still a theory, unable to be substantiated; substantiate an argument); confirm; to make firm or solid; to give substance to; make real or actual
having the essential.elements of wholeness; substantive instructions and issues deal with the most important and central aspects of a subject (the commandments were substantive to the ancient Mosaic Law); existing independently; foundational; of considerable.importance; substantial

sugarcoat, sugarcoated, sugarcoating, sugarcoats.transitive verbs to cause to seem more appealing or pleasant (a sentimental treatment that sugercoats a harsh.reality; she feigned her voice with the cloak of kindness while she spued out sugarcoated invectives to his face); to coat with sugar (sugarcoat a pill)

any of a class of water soluble crystalline carbohydrates, including sucrose and lactose, having a characteristically sweet taste and classified as monosaccharides, disaccharides and trisaccharides
sugary, sugarier, sugariest.adjectives
characterized by or containing sugar (sugary foods); tasting or looking like sugar; excessively or cloyingly sweet (sugary compliments; a sugary smile
sugariness.noun.(many words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' can make the word be clumsy)

sugar cane.noun,.plural.sugar canes
a tall tropical southeast Asian grass (Saccharum officinarum) having thick, solid, tough.stems that are a better source of sugar than white and brown which have additives such as ground animal bone

any of a series of compounds of carbon, hydrogen,.and.oxygen in which the atoms of the latter two elements are in the ratio of 2:1, especially those containing the group C6H10O5-(6 parts {molecules} carbon, 10 parts hydrogen, 5 parts oxygen)

inclined to seek out or enjoy the company of others; sociable
in a social way; with regard to society
as informal social gathering, as of the members of a church congregation (are you going to the church social on Saturday night?)

socialism is an ideal social system for those wanting to subjugate others, in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively and political power is believed to be exercised by the whole community, whereas.in reality, it's a ruse, being a system used by those conniving to have it all under their exclusive control and using nefarious tricks to establish themselves; socialism is the base for easing into communism and establishing a dictatorship as happened in Canada while good people weren't watching and thus did nothing
social order.noun,.plural.social orders
orders made by those controlling a society for its regulation by means of laws, bylaws, rules and advisories; the social order in a place is the way that society is organized there and that's usually under what's known as Maritime/Admiralty law and not the law of God, called Natural Law
an advocate of socialism; a member of a political party or group that advocates socialism
of, promoting or practicing socialism

sociology is the study of society or of the way society is organized; the study of human social.behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions and development of human society; analysis of a social institution or societal.segment as a self-contained entity or in relation to society as a whole
of.or.relating.to.practices of sociology (psychological and sociological studies were emphasizing the importance of the family)

fond of the company of others; gregarious; marked by or affording occasion for agreeable conversation and conviviality; personable; social; sociable people are friendly and enjoy talking to other people; pleasant, friendly and affable; gracious
a social
the disposition or quality of being sociable

socialize, socialized, socializing, socializes.verbs
transitive verb use.f you socialize, you meet other people socially, for example at parties; to spend time with other people in a friendly way; socialize with (this age of living is so busy that people don't socialize with their neighbours as much as they used to); to adapt to the needs of society (shower and put on clean clothes because we are going out to visit the neighbors)
intransitive verb use.to take part in social activities; to make fit for companionship with others; make sociable (at least look sociable by shining your shoes)
the system of fitting into communities with their traditions and values; a continuing process whereby an individual learns and assimilates the values and behavior patterns appropriate to his or her culture 

the totality of social relationships among human beings; a group of human beings broadly distinguished from the other group of 'kinda like humans', called mankind
of.or.relating.to the structure, organization or functioning of society

squabble, squabbled, squabbling, squabbles.intransitive verbs
to engage in a disagreeable argument, usually over a trivial matter; wrangle; argue
a noisy quarrel, usually about a trivial matter

slope, sloped, sloping, slopes.verbs
intransitive verb use.todiverge from the vertical or horizontal; incline.(a roof that slopes; slant; to move on a slant; ascend or descend.(sloped down the trail)
transitive verb use.to cause to slope (sloped the path down the bank of the hill)
an inclined line, surface, plane, position or direction; a stretch of ground forming a natural or artificial incline (ski slopes); a deviation from the horizontal

existing, living or going without others; alone (a solitary traveler); alone
solitary.noun, plural.solitaries
a person who lives alone; a recluse;

the state or quality of being.alone or remote from others; a lonely or secluded place

removed or remote from others; solitary; screened from view; sequestered
seclude, secluded, secluding, secludes.transitive verbs
to set or keep apart, as from social contact with others; isolate; to screen from view; make private

the act of secluding; the state of being secluded; solitude; a secluded place or abode

sunder, sundered, sundering, sunders.verbs
transitive verb use.to break or wrench apart; sever; separate
intransitive verb use.to break into parts
a division or separation

goods or property seized from a victim after a conflict as of after a military.victory.(2Chronicles 14:14); an object of plunder; prey; refuse material (the grapes got old and spoiled, so we threw them in the garbage)
spoil, spoiled.or.spoilt, spoiling, spoils.verbs
transitive verb use.to impair the value or quality of (bad ass parents produce spoiled children such as.bullies); devastate; injure; to damage.irreparably; ruin; to impair the completeness, perfection or unity of; flaw.grievously (vegetables spoiled after being picked); to take by force
intransitive verb use.to become unfit for use or consumption, as from decay, used especially of perishables, such as food; to pillage

the process of becoming spoiled; the condition of being spoiled; something that has been spoiled (too long in the fridge and the asparagus spoils); the degree to which something has been spoiled
the act of despoiling or plundering; seizure of neutral vessels at sea by a belligerent power in time of war
something that causes spoilage; a long, narrow hinged plate on the upper surface of an airplane wing that reduces lift and increases drag when raised; an air deflector mounted usually at the rear of an automobile to reduce lift at high speeds 

stun, stunned, stunning, stuns.transitive verbs
to daze or render senseless, by or as if by a blow; to overwhelm or daze with a loud noise; to stupefy, as with the emotional impact of an experience; astound
a blow or shock that stupefies
a stunning person or thing is extremely beautiful or impressive (she was 70 and still a stunning woman); of a strikingly attractive appearance; impressive (many movies listed here have stunning performances); surprising; causing or capable of causing emotional shock or loss of consciousness (the stunning news of my daughter winning the lottery)

shrink, shrank.or.shrunk, shrunk.or.shrunken, shrinking, shrinks.verbs
intransitive verb use.to become constricted from heat, moisture, or cold; contract; to become reduced in amount or value; dwindle (his savings quickly shrank the more he traveled around); to draw back instinctively; recoil; to show reluctance; hesitate.(she shrunk back from further involvement because of the company's nefarious dealings)
transitive verb use.to cause to shrink
the process of shrinking; the degree to which something shrinks