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the act of moving, proceeding or acting in a covert way; the quality or characteristic of being furtive or covert
stealthy, stealthier, stealthiest.adjectives
marked by or acting with quiet, caution and secrecy intended to avoid notice; secret

loud, harsh, grating or shrill; discordant; vociferous

unaffected by disturbance; calm and unruffled; unclouded; fair (serene skies and a bright blue sea)
the state or quality of being.serene; tranquility; equanimity

shabby, shabbier, shabbiest.adjectives
wearing threadbare clothing; showing signs of wear and tear; threadbare or worn-out (shabby furniture); dilapidated or deteriorated in condition, especially through neglect; seedy (a shabby little park); not generous or just; unfair (shabby treatment); of mediocre or substandard quality (a shabby performance)

seedy, seedier, seediest.adjectives
worn and shabby; unkempt (the homeless person looked soiled and seedy); somewhat disreputable; squalid (a seedy hotel in a run-down neighborhood); having many seeds; resembling seeds or a seed

marked by carelessness; sloppy or slovenly; shabby or seedy slipshoddiness.noun,.plural.slipshoddinesses

sloppy, sloppier, sloppiest.adjectives
marked by a lack of care or precision; slipshod; marked by a lack of neatness or order; untidy (a sloppy room)

spilled or splashed liquid; soft mud or slush; unappetizing watery food or soup; waste food used to feed pigs or other animals; swill; repulsively.effusive writing or speech; drivel
slop, slopped, slopping, slops.verbs
intransitive verb use.to be spilled or splashed (suds slopped over the rim of the sink); to spill over; overflow
transitive verb use.to spill liquid; to spill liquid on; to serve unappetizingly or clumsily; to feed slops to animals

untidy, as in dress or appearance; marked by negligence; slipshod; sloppy
one who is habitually.careless in personal appearance or work

dark; gloomy; dull or dark in color; melancholy; dismal-(a somber mood); serious; grave; from 'sombrer', meaning 'to cast a shadow'

a husk, pod or shell, as of an ear of corn, a pea or a hickory nut; the shell of an oyster or a clam; something worthless; often used in the plural (an issue that didn't amount to shucks)
shuck, shucked, shucking, shucks
to remove the husk or shell from; to cast off (shucked their coats and cooled off; a city trying to shuck a sooty image)
used to express mild disappointment, disgust or annoyance (ah shucks)

a messenger.(carries messages to and from cells; mRNA, DNA; see also rRNA, tRNA).molecule, an organic compound, C10H12N2O, formed from tryptophan and found in animal and human tissue, especially the brain, blood serum and gastric mucous membranes, active in vasoconstriction, stimulation of the smooth muscles, transmission of impulses between nerve cells and regulation of cyclic body processes

a high pitched, strident cry; a sound suggestive of this cry (the screech of train brakes)
screech, screeched, screeching, screeches.verbs
transitive verb use.to utter in or as if in a screech
intransitive verb use.to cry out in a high pitched, strident voice; scream; to make a sound suggestive of a screech (tires screeched on the pavement)
screechiness.noun,.plural.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

solicit, solicited, soliciting, solicits.verbs
transitive verb use.to seek to obtain by persuasion, entreaty or formal application (a candidate who solicited votes among the factory workers); to petition persistently; importune (solicited the neighbors for donations)
intransitive verb use.to make solicitation or petition for something desired; to approach or accost someone with an offer of sexual services in return for payment

one that solicits, especially one that seeks trade or contributions; the chief law officer of a city, town or government department; an attorney who is not a member of the bar and who may be heard only in the lower courts; lawyer

anxious or concerned (a solicitous parent); expressing care or concern (made solicitous inquiries about our family); thoughtful; full of desire; eager; marked by or given to anxious care and often hovering attentiveness; extremely careful; meticulous (solicitous in matters of behavior)
solicitousness.noun.(words ending in 'ess' are usually without pluralization - adding an 'es' making '...esses' is clumsy)

the state of being solicitous; care or concern, as for the wellbeing of another

requiring great effort, energy or exertion: a strenuous task; vigorously active; energetic or zealous

a large number of insects or other small organisms, especially when in motion; a group of bees with a queen bee in migration to establish a new colony; flock; an aggregation of persons or animals, especially when in turmoil or moving in mass (a swarm of friends congratulated him)
swarm, swarmed, swarming, swarms.verbs
intransitive use-to move or emerge in a swarm; to leave a hive as a swarm (used of bees); to move or gather in large numbers
to be overrun; teem (a riverbank swarming with insects; teem
transitive use-to fill with a crowd (sailors swarming the ship's deck)

brilliant with light or color; radiant (a splendid field of poppies); imposing by reason of showiness or grandeur; magnificent: splendid costumes; admired by many; illustrious-(splendid achievements); surpassing (splendid character); very good or satisfying; praiseworthy (a splendid performance)

surpass, surpassed, surpassing, surpasses.transitive verbs
to be beyond the limit, powers or capacity of; transcend (misery that surpasses comprehension); to be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed; excel

strive, strives, strove, striven or strived, striving, strivings,.intransitive verbs
engage in struggle, war of words, quarreling, wrangling, disputatious; contend.(strive against, like you may be with your teenager, trying as you will out of concern for him or her to see the wisdom of your advice in his or her life); to exert effort or energy; endeavor; fight
heated, often violent.dissension (I'm right, your not! No, I'm right and your completely wrong! . . . that kind of thing); exertion or contention for superiority; contention or competition between rivals; a situation causing bitter.conflict; avoiding strife; discord; brawling; a struggle, fight or quarrel

specialize, specialized, specializing, specializes.verbs
intransitive verb use.to pursue a special activity, occupation or field of study; undergo.specialization; to concentrate on a particular activity or product (the shop specializes in mountain climbing gear)
transitive verb use.to make specific mention of; particularize; to give a particular.character.or function to (specialized her field of research)
the act of specializing or the process of becoming specialized

surpassing what is common or usual (a special occasion; a special treat); distinct among others of a kind (a special type of paint) 
something arranged, issued or appropriated to a particular service or occasion (rode to work on the commuter special)
someone's speciality is a particular type of work that they do most or do best or a subject that they know a lot about (my father was a historian of repute. His speciality the ancient history of humanity); a speciality of a particular place is a special food or product that is always very good there; a distinguishing mark or feature; special points of consideration; particulars

a special pursuit, occupation, aptitude or skill; forte; the field or practice of a specialist; a special feature or characteristic; a peculiarity; the state or quality of being special or distinctive; an item or a product of a distinctive kind or of particular superiority (blueberry cobbler is a specialty of that bakery)

one who is devoted to a particular occupation or branch of study or research; one such as a physician whose practice is limited to a particular branch (such as medicine or surgery

the servile, feudal.class of people in Europe, bound to the land and owned by a lord; a slave; a person in servitude (adopting Karl Marx's communistic income tax has made slaves of many)
the system of serfdom was the social and economic system by which the owners of land had serfs, the owners being called lords, from which we get the word landlord

a villain; a rogue

a reprobate; a rascal

used with a capital letter, Sir, as an honorific before the given name or the full name of someone honored with the title of Sir; used as a form of polite.address for a man (don't forget your hat, sir; used as a salutation in a letter (Dear Sir or Madam; Dear Sir; Dear Madam)