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D e v i l ,  D e m o n s  –  E v i l  S p i r i t s
The crew of the dark side
p a g e  8

Emmanuel knew taxes were unfair back then as today, but was a man of peace in all areas of living:.Matthew 17:25-27 ".....What do you think Simon? Of whom do the kings of the Earth take custom or tribute? Of their own children or of strangers? Peter said unto him, Of strangers. Emmanuel said unto him, Then are the children free? Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go you to the sea and cast an hook and take up the fish that first comes up and when you have opened his mouth, you shall find a piece of money. That take and give unto them for me and you.".Taxes were originally a method to ensure others were remaining compliant; example. Same today

Well then, why don't the taxers just get rid of all unlike themselves? Because they need the blood and flesh of people to sustain their horribly evil satanic practices throughout each year. But they figure they can accomplish this with way fewer people. How many fewer? See the Georgia guidestones.

They always were of the mind and still of ways to transfer wealth to selfish rulers and hold down others. Unconscionable leaders generally ensure benefits for themselves far above that allowed for the peons supporting them. Many with a knowledge of true economics know thaxes are entirely unnecessary.
   The biggest problems in the world could have been solved when they were small!

This short existence here is for moving from here into the highest reward we each can achieve. The devil's part in all this is in providing the trials and tests necessary for ultra high character development, mostly by using our errors to the maximum. 

Some foolish people just harp and harp on about things causing strife. They just can't leave well enough alone:.Proverbs 26:17-28; 25:8-10; 30:29-33; 10:32.

The devil wants dissension between people.(1Timothy 3:7), but people must rely on each other to make it in life and therein is often the play for ascension; who's going to make it and who isn't? The strifes we create in life hinder forward motion.

Life is a great opportunity to learn and practice character qualities necessary in building strong loving relationships:.Esther 10:3; Proverbs 27:17.

Our strength is either in nothing and we are depressed or in ourselves and we struggle with pride or struggle with God, who's inside us

There is an honor in handling people who cause strife.(Proverbs 16:28).the right way:.Proverbs 20:3; 16:20; Romans 14:19; Psalms 34:14. Always think before speaking

Being involved with others helps to mollify or sooth confusion and the tempers of misunderstanding, which are some of the devil's.(the negative energy of the dark side).weapons:.Acts 13:10; James 3:16; 1Corinthians 14:33; Revelation 12:9.

There are many workings of the dark side that both suck in gullible people and oppress them in some way, such as the Covid con and the major manipulation one.

Keeping involved with others who are of positive and good minds can alleviate both of these potential causes of wars. It is important to be involved with others, but it takes effort and patience to build a strong relationship:.Proverbs 20:5

One way to love your enemies, is to not only have concern for them but pray for them, that the blessings of the Creator will be upon your enemies. Why? Reason #1; Reason #2.Matthew 5:44,45; Luke 6:27; Galatians 6:10.

The devil 'loves' to get you off balance. When you are off balance it is easier for you to fall over:.James 1:8. Again, none of the negative things the devil can bring are necessary if we would judge ourselves, pray to God.(talk to Him as real).and study to learn how to be more in the spiritual realm:.John 15:15

Otherwise and because God loves you so much and is concerned about your overall spiritual direction, He may just choose to use the devil to tune you up:.James 4:7.

The devil works with those who feel they lack, something: Proverbs 28:16.

If you have a relationship with the family of the Infinite One, you have really got it all and are not anxious for just everything out there that the world has to offer.(see 'Prosperity'). You have closed another door on an 'in' for the devil to influence your mind. 

You trust in Creator-God that He will look after you. When you are sure that Christ reigns in you.(what does this mean, that 'Christ reigns in you?)(also see 'Belief' and 'Righteousness').then you can be equally as sure that the devil has.(needs).no influence over your concerns. See again:.Hebrews 2:14. Also 1John 3:8

How can you love your enemies?.Matthew 5:44.(the original Greek word here for pray means 'to be all for wanting the best for another').


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