trip to a flower garden blurs the flowers'
arresting scents, rendering one incapable of
every attractive characteristic;
similarly is Bible verse
1:3 "According as his divine power has given unto us all things
that pertain unto life and Godliness, through the knowledge
of him that has called us to glory and virtue."
Studying the Bible
allows you to become aware that the Creator is really
there, that a Presence beyond you is with you. When you read the Bible
to get the spiritual meanings in it, your
spirit's connection with
Soul is right there guiding it all and you'll know this!.2Timothy
2:15 "Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that
needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Acts
17:11 "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they
received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures
daily, whether those things were so."
But remember:.Ecclesiastes
12:12 " son, be admonished; of making many books there is no end
and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
In your studying of the Bible
trust God will open up the meaning He wants you to get from it.
Anyone else's notes on Bible verse meanings are relevant
if what is already in your mind syncs
with the part you may be studying.
If you take some study time
regularly, it's like sitting with your dad and
from him: Colossians 1:10.
6:6 "For I.(God
speaking here).desired
mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of God.(the
word 'God' is a plural word, so means the knowledge of the Godly realm
and what's that?).more
than burnt offerings."
Just as one's body gets energy from food, thanks
to the Sun, so the
soul too gets energy from spiritual food. If you're feeling short on
energy for life and your hope is sapping:.Psalms
2:3-7 "Yea, if you cry after knowledge and lift up your voice for understanding.(how?),
If you seek her as silver and search for her as for hid treasures, Then
you.....find the knowledge of God. For the
Lord gives wisdom. Out
of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He lays up sound wisdom
for the righteous.....".(and
just who would the righteous be? Not at
all what you may think)
When you know better, you
do better.
1:5 "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that gives to all
men liberally
and upbraids
not and it shall be given him." Proverbs
16:23 "The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds learning to
his lips.".Conversation
is important.
involves application
of one's mind in order to acquire
and grasp.knowledge.deemed
to be of value
for living.
21:16 "The man that wanders out of the way of understanding shall remain
in the congregation of
the dead."
Some few words and their
meanings in the Bible have been altered, but God knows
how to keep its accuracy for those wanting to know important meanings:.2Peter
1:21. We don't have the
Bible but what we do have is enough
for now.
But, how on Earth will you
recall the information you come across in such a massive book, even as
it is now with its 66 books? You've got help:.John
14:26 "But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father
will send in my name, he.(word
'he' not in original; better, 'it').shall
teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever
I have said unto you.".Matthew
But where to start and what
to look for? The beginning place is usually the New Testament for many
as it refers a lot to the Old Testament. But what to start looking for?
Perhaps start by looking at the subjects on this site. Select one that
seems to have special interest for you and click on the referenced scriptures.
Then try to remember one scripture of what you read. Look it up the next
day in your own Bible and read the context, which is the scriptures
in the same chapter(s) before and after the one you remembered. Do what
feels right at the time to you in your study and research:.2Peter
Study is pursuing knowledge
by reading, observation and research mixed with thinking about it. Challenge
your brain cells to make new connections. Every time you are exposed to
a new piece of knowledge your brain creates a new
connection. Study, think,
Study is one of the
spiritual sacrifices, but, live
a balanced life.
"Who is more contemptible
than he who scorns
of Salisbury 1159 A.D.
17:11 "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they
received the word with all readiness of mind.(they
were not closed minded bigoted
searched the scriptures
daily, whether those things were so.".Check
things out. Compare, analyse, think. Learn! You are here to learn.
Neglecting a knowledge of
the Creator gives rise to the partner of ignorance, the ego,
Burn the candle for a while.
But for most people the mind and body work better on 8-10+ hours sleep.
He who tries to cheat the
sandman, robs himself! Your body is busy during the day keeping itself
going. It needs sleep time to rebuild all its functions and organs.
In a study of heart attack
patients it was shown that the group that was given the standard medication,
when compared with the group that was not given any medication, but just
told to increase their sleep and rest by 4 hours a day, that the non medicated
groups' hearts after 6 months, were markedly stronger than those receiving
Sleep was the key because
it's when the body mostly repairs itself as the day's activities require
the body to fuel itself. The eye alone
takes much energy from the body, what with all its muscles constantly focusing
as it adjusts to varying
light conditions, distances, speeds of things seen, etc.
What if
you worry so much you can't sleep
hardly at all?
4:8 "I will both lay me down in peace and go to sleep, for only you
God of all light, love, compassion and creation, make me dwell in safety."
30:15 "For this says God, the Holy One of Israel, In returning and
rest are you saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength but
you would not."
Sleep a minimum of
8-9 hours, unless feeling ill, then get 12 or more, get up for a couple
of hours and head to sleep again for another 6. This sets you up well for
the next four days or so, if you continue with at least 8
hours. As mentioned, in the daytime your body is busy fueling itself. For
example, just your eyes use an incredible amount of energy with its many
muscles constantly
working to allow for changes in light intensity.(brightness),
contrast, distance and lubrication
not to mention all else that is being sustained.
It's at night and at rest times, when the body restores and repairs itself.
It you're cheating sleep, you're on the
toward death as you stop by the stations of illness along the way.
Or maybe you can't sleep
because you just think all the time, letting your mind control you, instead
of the other way around? Got insomnia? Cure it! How?
Certain foods such as organic.(what's
grains and vegetables grown in soils
as they used to be so long ago, along with gold collodial,.greatly
mental ability and emotional
stability. Vitamin D3 is critical for sharp brain functioning. Get
out in the Sun and get your vitamin D. It's the best way to get it.
Work into a tan slowly at about 10-15 minutes daily the first few weeks
and by doing so, you can stay away from those harmful chemical sunscreens.
Stay away from genetically
modified frankenfood and avoid fluoridated and chlorinated water which
lower one's abilities by 'freezing' the pineal
gland, so it can't properly produce melatonin,
which is important for processes in your body, such as sleeping and intuition.
A lot
of poisons are out there. We are slowly coming out of a satanic world
and once we see that, we can come out of it more quickly. Satanists are
numerous and by their nature, are all liars. Their line of deceit always
includes plausible
deniability when they try to get you to poison yourself. They use lying
phrases like, "It's safe and effective", "All true scientists approve it'll
protect your health" or "it's proven to not cause harm?", "They've been
throughly tested." "Your doctor would even tell you it's harmless." You
have to know that satanists can't tell the truth and never care
to know truth:.John
8:44. You cannot trust what they say, because satanists are all
liars out to harm humanity, but they are great at fooling you along
the way:.Matthew
Be alert to what is in
Go with intelligence and not assumptions based on greed motivated propaganda
from authorities that many, in great error, think are trustworthy. Get
information on 'vaccination ingredients' and 'vaccination injuries' at
Feeding organic whole cooked
grains, such as oats,.especially
millet, buckwheat, barley.(great
for beautiful skin).and
similar, greatly
improves a child's.(and
adults too).ability
to recall.(as
long as the school doesn't drum it all out of your child; really,
get your kids out of school, homeschool
them instead).and
thus the child and anyone for that matter becomes smarter, in as few as
three days. Avoid wheat today as it's not the same wheat of our forefathers.
Type 'Wheat Belly' into a search engine for more.
Most men and women and children
are about as intelligent as their tastes; that is, as long as it tastes
good, who cares what's in it and what it's doing to the body in the long
Learn the
keys to fast learning and doing well at whatever you decide to do.."We
need to radically rethink our view of intelligence. We have to rethink
the fundamental principles on which we're educating our children."....Dr.
Sir Ken Robinson.
Intelligence isn't knowing
everything. It's the ability to challenge everything.
If you can, do it! Somehow
find a way to grow your own
organic vegetables and, weather permitting, fruit that will grow locally.
You can buy quality seeds
used for thousands of years by First
Nations people from Tanya Stefanec's Heritage Harvest Seeds in the gorgeous
country town of Carman, Manitoba (
Organic food stores also have non GMO organic seeds from various producers.
And a list of where to buy organic seeds
in Canada and throughout the world.
Try to be alert to the pin
pricks of the dark side into things that are good. The dark side is
out to find one way or another to pervert organic standards. Those influenced
by the dark side would have, of all things, nanotechnology
in organic products. The National Organic Standards Board decided to listen
to the recommendation to get nanotechnology out of organic food.(
However, obviously influenced
by the dark side, Katrina Heinze of General Mills, scientist, delayed
the process by insisting that the Board consider a compromise position
that wouldn't exclude nanotechnology from organic altogether, but would
classify it as a 'synthetic' that could be petitioned for use in specific
Become one of We
the People.(see
David Straights videos).to
deal with cabal decision makers in corporations, such as those in NOSB.(National
Organic Standards Board).and
them to ban untested, unlabeled and hazardous nanotechnology products and
ingredients in organic foods or they must find another job. If they don't
do what We
the People.put
them there to do, why are they then in their jobs?
Nanotechnology is inherently
dangerous. Mounting scientific evidence indicates that nanomaterials produce
dangerous free radicals which
can destroy or mutate DNA and can cause damage to the liver and kidneys.
Nanotech particles not only injure and kill lab animals--they can kill
you as well.
Every day, new evidence of
the dangers of nanotechnology emerges:
* Workplace nanoparticle
exposure was linked to seven cases of serious and progressive lung disease
in China, including two deaths.
* Nanoparticles present
in a chemical found in sunscreens, titanium dioxide, are being examined
as possibly causing Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's diseases. More from Organics Consumer Association; type into
a search engine.
Find out what's in.your
apple juice, milk, peanut butter or bottled water. This innovative tool
links pesticide food residue data with the toxicology for each chemical,
making this information easily searchable for the first time.(
you to avoid the 'killing you softly' syndrome.
Vitamin B12 guards against
age related brain shrinkage and reduces risk of dementia. Vitamin B3.(nicotinamide).lowers
levels of a protein linked to Alzheimers.
Folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 keep toxic homocysteine in check. And
you can't protect against free radical damage without antioxidants.
Fish oil one would get from
eating the actual fish.(not
cod liver or processed fish oils {why?};
fish make no oil; it's the processing of the whole fish that renders what
is called fish oil).is
crucial because it provides DHA, a dominant fat in the brain and EPA, a
potent antiinflammatory. Curcumin, an extract from turmeric, curbs inflammation,
and vinpocetine, a periwinkle extract, improves cerebral blood flow. Phosphatidylcholine.(PC).and
also important constituents of neuronal
cell membranes, plus PC is a precursor to acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter.
This all makes studying easier,
makes you much sharper, makes it much easier to learn new knowledge and
even from here you can yet increase your sharpness more, to the point that
you are light years above the average studious university student, who,
on the average, must go over information 6 times to be able to recall 50%
it beyond 48 hours. What is it? It's gold, as earlier mentioned. It makes
it so the brain creates neurons
that don't deteriorate. Neurons are created every time you want to learn
something new. With gold colloidal they are made faster, then intelligence
abilities can be increased by 20 to 30% very easily and quickly as you'll
learn it and recall it the first time. Depending on your interest and concentration,
it may take twice, not the 6 times it takes the average student living
on garbage genetically modified frankenfood and the standard junk diet,
taking the lives of those stupid enough to consume it. No wonder their
minds work like a feeble machine, taking much more time to learn, wasting
much time,
them on the dumb side.
Could that be why that for
every individual with a spark of genius, there are 100 more with ignition
A few of the latest findings:
Organic foods contain more nutrients. Organic grass fed beef.(
and and there are many others).for
example has many more benefits as compared to feed lot beef.
Organic foods contain, on
average, a 25 percent higher concentration of 11 nutrients than their conventional
counterparts, according to a report by The Organic Center at the University
of Florida Department of Horticulture and Washington State University.
Informative background information:
...A Cancerous Conspiracy
to Poison Your Faith in Organic Food.(
go to their articles)
...Alarming U.S. Government
Data: Children's Pesticide Exposure in Food.(
also has links to Over 500 Articles on OCA's Website Regarding Past Studies
Done on Organic Foods Nutritional Advantages)
...Organic Trade Association:
Nutritional Considerations.(
...Soil Association: Organic
Food and Nutrition.(
...The Organic Center State
of the Science Nutrition.(
...Stonyfield Farm Criticizes
UK Study.(
go to their articles)
Can organic farming feed
the world?
"Study after study shows
that organic techniques can provide
more food per acre in developing countries than conventional chemical
based agriculture..."....(
go to their articles)
The Earth's most healthful,
delicious and sustainable foods come from local family farmers working
in harmony with nature. With a vastly superior capacity for sequestering
carbon, the organically managed soils of our 1,300+ farmer members' pastures
and fields help provide a solution to threat of climate change, protecting
the web of life on Earth for future generations while producing delicious
organic foods to nourish our families today.....(
Answers to questions:
How has farming in the U.S.A.
changed during the last century?
Why do we move food such
long distances?
What do pesticides and fertilizers
have to do with fossil fuels?
Don't pesticides and fertilizers
help us grow more food?
What does organic mean?
How do I know if a food
is organic?
Is organic food really better
for my family and me?
Why does organic food cost
How do I know if a food
is grown locally?
How can I eat locally grown
or organic food on a budget?
How do I find local farmers
or a farmers market?
Where can I learn to grow
my own garden?
What's the difference between
high fructose corn syrup and
traditional sugar?
What are people doing to
improve the food system and how can I get