In an article in
Magazine Bill Gates asked."How
can you make learning attractive?".But
you couldn't
trust anything Bill Gates would say.
To learn, one.(anyone,
student, businessman, homemaker, etc.).must
to learn.
We are
by curiosity.
Some children pursue their curiosities, but in others, interest withers.
Why? An attitude of lack of discipline to continue learning ways of value,
is one reason. Knowledge presented by teachers.(teachers
here meaning anyone who has information or should have information to improve
life in some way).that
who fail in knowing how to pique
curiosity and present information attractively:.Proverbs
25:11. Not all teachers have much to learn. Some are excellent, example.
Once one believes answers
can be found to questions he's curious about, he's interested in learning
Once present knowledge satisfies
curiosity, a person taught to think by asking questions, will seek deeper
secrets. His soul picks up on this and new things regarding his interest
become part of him as he goes along. That is, knowledge
seen in a new light provides
for development of
Why does one want to learn,
if not to improve self
and others or to make something better in some way? People caring about
themselves and others seek for better ways.."Creativity
is a high form of intelligence. When your physical life is at the point
of having more of the past than of the future, you learn.(and
this being in the older years of life because your mind is on more of your
life past than what's still to come and you learn from what has happened,
not from what may happen). Physical
life is a short story of a much longer journey."....unknown:.James
4:14 "...what is your life? It is even as vapor that appears for a
little time and then vanishes away.(*)."
If you contemplate
your past to gain lessons, that's good. If you contemplate your past and
it makes you depressed, then you're not thinking right about it. Your past
are the stories that made you what you are today. Appreciate all of it.
The bad stuff has been moved on from, so avoid dragging that into your
present unless you want to deal with it. How?
Believing answers can be
found is impelling
toward a pursuit
of knowledge.
The more one learns about
something, the more it becomes a part of him and the more important it
becomes to him or her.
For those believing that
they can't make a difference, the pursuit of knowledge is something infringing
upon their own selfish purposeless time wasting leanings toward excess,
TV, the bar scene, sexual titillation,
laziness, etc. In short, they just don't see themselves making a difference,
so they might as well devote time to making the self happy and comfortable
and let everyone else worry about the rest. They
are blinded. They limit their capabilities by excluding involvement
in disciplines presenting potential for quality consequences. Many have
not been taught to make a decision and stick with it.
This is the time for each
of us to be physical. We are on the Earth for what seems like such a short
while. In meditiation time, let God know how life on Earth should be for
all.."The whole
multiverse is about life. God has already decided some things for us and
man should know what He has decided.(2Timothy
1:9). God is the one who created the human
being, the Earth and everything, for us, for you and all the people who
are still to come after us, after the people of today. It is all about
living creatures, because wherever there is life, there is God."....Bruno
spelling is Groening).
About vision:.Being
taught early to both perceive
and be a disciplined person for doing what's loved, is good. This as opposed
over immediate concerns for satisfaction. Such is the discipline that leads
to vision:.Proverbs
25:28 "He that has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that
is broken down and without walls." Proverbs
29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish...."
A pet can help a child to
learn the giving and receiving of love, but birds
can be a health hazard.
Parental responsibility is
enormous. Encourage a child to learn and he'll learn! No, not in a week,
but during the coming years. It takes much quality time to be thoroughly
involved with all that your children are and will become.."Around
1980 in North America
and morality
were removed.(why?).from
being taught in the school system."....Dr.
Pete Peterson.(
And how
do you spend much quality time with your children when both parents work
more than 6 hours a day, 4 days a week?
Most people are in forced
to their jobs; that is, they must work to survive. In this fast
paced world most can only earn enough to live to earn enough to live another
day. Work and driving to it requires far too much time. The work week has
made many the working weak. But that's all about to change, permanently!
A 6 hour work day, 3 or
4 days a week should provide more than enough money to well support
a family of 4 or 5, including money for interesting pursuits, holidays,
etc. It takes time and dedication to develop and maintain quality individuals;
volunteer work, etc. Homeschooling
is key to high quality children.
Unlike governments today
that devise legal means to
people of their substance, the true God's government will ensure people
own their own property safe of authoritarian
greed and with no fear of their earned substance being depleted.
The Creator's government on this Earth will
be like that. Hang in there! It'll be soon!.Matthew
25:13 "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein
the Son of man comes."
To produce quality children,
parents need time to acquire knowledge. One can see how policies which
necessitate involvement in other concerns, such as both parents needing
to work, deprives parents with a heart of concern to do the best they want
for their chilldren, deprives them of time needed to learn things and have
the time for producing well-balanced children. Deprived today by the posterity
of Esau/Edom of all things. A strange plan of God for a reason that involves
of Esau/Edom and Jacob and tracing
it back to the births of ancient Esau/Edom and Jacob. A most interesting
story and how it answers the reasons for the present state of the world
being full of evil and why this lesson for those in other worlds now and
yet to come, is being played out here on Earth.
towards children is by example. Most parents neglect sharing wonderful
tidbits of knowledge with their children. Are the parents excited about
new things learned, excited to share with their kids what they've learned?
What did you as a parent learn today that could be shared with your children?
gangs. Children programmed to shoot others are children
who feel helpless regarding
problems that are with them, problems they see in their own lives, problems
coming out of insufficiencies
they see within themselves. They feel that they are not important enough
to matter and thus,
want to be recognized
as having at least some abilities. They want to be worthy of others in
some way and confront
such feelings with
to show off in order to 'fill their boots' with the capabilities they 'just
know inside they have', feeling fulfilled in the process.
Handling a gun as they have
seen so many times in video games, movies and TV, they figure would help
toward the recognition by others of their worthiness. Often they choose
to be in a gang with those having similar motivations toward such evils.
Hate of themselves is most often brought on by dumb ass parents and/or
family who themselves do not know anything about love. This has contributed
to children of families feeling unworthy. They want to be great; we all
want to shine in the Sun.
But wanting to shine in the
Sun at expense of high consciousness are of those wanting worship by others.
Such was the idiot Benhadad who became a king and there were many such
cruel and evil kings who
lacked care of others.
Add to this the dark side's
influence from the mass mind and its pumping into susceptible
minds by the invisible beings on the dark side and a combination exists
toward disaster. Such children don't know how attitude can open doors to
flow evil into them. Who has taught them about this in the dark side influenced
So, what can be done to fix
it? What will bring a child living in his delusory
world to some reality and what should have been done to keep him from going
there in the first place?
-Marketing fraud: mislabeled
'foods' cause confusion and harm children. One must look deep in order
to ensure foods are healthy. How can you trust food processing companies,
when for one example, Zero trans fat products can contain trans fats in
the amount of 0.05% per item eaten and other processed foods don't even
have to list the chemical ingredients if below a certain percentage. And
here, they play with weight and volume, so maximum effect is achieved according
to their greed purposes. If you eat a lot of those .05% concoctions,
you get a lot of trans fats. For example, how many eat only one potato
Marketing fraud often involves
getting, by any means possible, regulatory agencies to allow poisonous
substances, in tiny amounts of course, to be added to foods. Who is to
know what each person may eat? A little poison here and a little there
and the combined effect over time is disastrous.
And so the invisible dark side makes another win in its purpose of destroying
humans who will one day rule over them. The dark side makes another win
toward eradicating
the humanity they hate.
A little bit of this and
a little bit of that adds up to enough of what could harm someone, as people
have different sensitivities depending on what else they are ingesting
and what pharmaceuticals they may be taking and what chemicals in the environment
may be affecting them.
The practices of corporations
purposely omitting
clear and easy to obtain detailed written information on every ingredient
used in manufacture, allow health of people to be negatively affected.
Obviously openness and transparency
are not high priorities
with such companies. How could they be with dark side influence upon them?
On top of cruel and greedy corporations continuing to crank out deadly
over time items; deadly over time that is, as one continues to consume
something believing it's safe, but on top of deceitfulness, cruel and greedy
practices, humans are purposely being robbed of their overall health and
that little by little as chemical upon chemical is slowly taking its toll.
Do you see cancer occurrences going down? Are other diseases such as autism
and psychological.aberrations
increasing? So, a human, who can live
out in what is called old age. But it need
not be that way.
of kids at school, aka.hazing
and bullying,
an excuse for satanic cruelty; see the video on
It may be as
simple as this.
Then come back and see Dr. Sir Ken Robinson's.(in
Monterey, California).most
and interesting video on how modern education is negatively affecting
killers and children born
them up right
about the destitute.(children
with extremely poor parents).children
of India, some with no parents?
with individuals who may not like you.
-Retired school teacher
on homeschooling.(type
into an Internet search engine 'retired teacher talks about homeschooling';
it's about schools really not teaching the way children learn).
On schooling not being education.(type
into an Internet search engine 'schooling is not education').
"I never let schooling interfere
with my education."....Mark
One of the main reasons
that homeschooled kids do
so much better academically is that they don't have to put up with government/school
board/teacher/principal inspired
and can focus on learning. Too bad though they still may have to deal with
a curriculum
sprinkled with non-thinking stupid projects, such as the one in the picture,
until they reach into higher learning and get out of the misnomer
'education'. Get them out of such evil schools and homeschool them. There
are great resources you can get for homeschooling your children and others,
if you want to get together with others who feel the same.
Are you aware that you can
teach your child more in just two hours than they will learn in a five
hour school day. AND THE BEST PART IS…they will NOT be at risk of indoctrination?
Over two million children
have left the public school system in the USA with a reported 5-6 million
homeschooling currently and another 8-10 million in private school. This
is in response to the government's decision to abandon tried and true traditional
learning and replace it with a radical, ideologically driven agenda that
is using the education system and our children, to destroy western culture
as we know it.
For knowledgeable videos
on proper education for your children:
Read the brochure
Focus children on learning
what? gene Decode recommends
these so they grow up well equipped, both mentally and emotionally: gene
on homeschooling: Bible Study.(close
eyes, open Bible to wherever, run finger down the page and stop
where you feel; that'll be a good place to start);
Learn acupuncture.
Learn Chi Gong and/or Tai Chi. Learn Vedic
math, also regular math, add, subtract, multiply, divide and algebra,
Learn to read well and to recall the essence
of what was just read; discipline your mind. Learn to speak well, enunciation.
Learn to write.(a
happy dog).and
print in lowercase and uppercase.(a
happy dog named Bonnie). Learn the
spelling of words so you can write your ideas down. Learn another language.
Learn Grounding. Learn Sungazing.
Learn to be giving by doing random acts of kindness.(homeless
people always need socks). Be kind
to animals. Much of gene's information is used in schools in India and
Pakistan. These are the important things to learn.
Canada wide resources for
homeschooling available in each province:
Teach them when their age
is appropriate,
for the subject. Teach them word meanings for spellings of words, like
rights they have with the true constitution, the
1776 one, based on the laws of God. Teach1776_then_1781
them to be descriptive. Teach them ways to handle issues that may come
along at their various ages. Teach them about law, because in cabal
controlled schools and universities, they only learn the cabal version,
not true law. Learn yourself true law so you can teach it, here
you go!
Why to homeschool? Fifty
percent of children will become a problem as soon as they go to school,
since the cabal controlled system lumps everyone together and demands adjustment,
part of their
dumbing down process. But the individuality of today's children is
so strong that they refuse this adjustment and resist giving up their idiosyncrasies
in the most diverse
-Many USA Congressman are
for homeschooling and have consistently voted to remove government jurisdiction
from public schools, knowing that control is best in the hands of parents.
Too bad countries party
the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights violate it by leaving out parents' wishes regarding the education
of their children. Too bad the almost seventy year old agreement for free
education for all, hasn't been followed. Welcome to agreements made by
corrupt politicians then and the equally corrupt ones today who carry on
the lies of the past, scuffing
under the table what would be of benefit to children and parents. It
is a satanic
system and virtually
the whole world lives on its lies.
Free education links:
Canada and the U.S.A. and
many other countries are signatories to Article 26 of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights Adopted and proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217
A (III) of December 10, 1948:
(1) Everyone
has the right to education. Education shall
be free, at least in the.elementary.and
fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.(if
you love your children, you'll want them to reach their full potential
and take efforts toward that; no better education can be had but by loving
parents; they'll know what to teach and when and how and they'll homeschool
their children). Technical and professional
education shall be made generally available and higher education shall
be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education
shall be directed to the full development of the human personality
and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations,
racial or religious groups and shall further the activities of the United
Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents
have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given
to their children.
Canada and the U.S.A. and
many other countries are signatories to the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General
Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966; entry went into force,
January 3 1976, in accordance with article 27.(but
of course, the cabal
didn't want an educated populace; that's why 'where is the free education'?
and, 'let's keep the moms working and away from their children'; divide
and conquer is the language of the totalitarian globalists)
Article 13
1. The States Parties to
the present Covenant recognize the right of everyone to education. They
agree that education shall be directed to the full development of the human
personality and the sense of its dignity and shall strengthen the respect
for human rights and fundamental freedoms. They further agree that education
shall enable all persons to participate effectively in a free society,
promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all
racial, ethnic or religious groups and further the activities of the United
Nations for the maintenance of peace.
2. The States Parties to
the present Covenant recognize that, with a view to achieving the full
realization of this right:
(a) Primary education shall
be compulsory and available free to all;
(b) Secondary
its different forms, including technical and vocational secondary education,
shall be made generally available and accessible to all by every appropriate
means and in particular by the progressive
introduction of free education;
(c) Higher
be made equally accessible to all, on the basis of capacity, by every appropriate
means and in particular by the progressive
introduction of free education;
-How safe is your home for
your baby?.(
you vaccinate your children,.ask
questions, that is, if you truly care about them. Dangers of vaccinations.(search
for 'dumbing down America by design').
-Study shows young children
dangerously vulnerable to the effects of toxic pesticides, routinely used
on non-organic farms in the U.S.A..(
-Say goodbye to crib death,
is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
-Shaken Baby Syndrome may
not at all be what it seems and
may be that the child had a violent reaction to the horrible poisonings
put into vaccinations.
-Social services forcibly
seizing children.(
search for 'State Guilty Of Child Kidnapping').
It is also understood some parents are not qualified to be parents at all
and their children would grow up better without their influence.
can I circumvent homosexual tendencies from developing in my child?
do you love your different children equally?
to be sure your children are blessed.
to bring up an intelligent child.(not
for 'dumb ass' parents!)
-Intimidation of kids at
school by hazing, which is an excuse for satanic cruelty. Is
child a bully?
-"...he didn't
stop to help for fear he'd be accused of trying to abduct her."
-Stories of
little girls of the forgotten children of the world.
your child choose?
It is important to teach and
encourage children to learn and think about what they know, because emotion
follows thought.
Psychologist Adrian Raine
of USC, in a research study utilizing
resonance imaging found that deceitful,
violent, antisocial men have a reduced amount of gray matter in the
brain's prefrontal cortex.
Not that they were born that way, but negative decisions lead to more negative
decisions, till lack of hope allows the spirit
to be sapped of vitality
and this shows in brain scans.
Teach your children well and they won't be like this.