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When you have been emotionally moved by a child who is old enough to realize that his or her presence in the family provides an extra mouth to feed, yet perhaps he or she is still too young to be out on their own and working, yet he or she is most willing to go away 'somewhere', for the sake of leaving more food on the table for mom and dad, brothers and sisters, you'll comprehend what Emmanuel meant when He said not to be selfishly restrictive when it comes to helping:.Matthew 25:42-45 "For I was an hungred and you gave me no meat. I was thirsty and you gave me no drink. I was a stranger and you took me not in, naked and you clothed me not, sick and in prison and you visited me not. Then they answered him, saying, Lord, when saw we you an hungred or athirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto you? Then he answered them saying, verily.('in truth' or 'of a truth').I say unto you, Inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me." John 15:13 "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life.(your life is your time {one thing you can do}, your presence and your substance here).for his friends." Luke 6:38 "Give and it is given unto you, good measure, pressed down and shaken together and running over, do men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that you mete withal.('withal' means 'in addition', 'besides').it is measured to you again." Matthew 9:29 ".....According to your faith be it unto you."

It's another reason to look after childen as best you can, so they don't get grabbed and taken away to the DUMBS and tunnels, where most have never been seen again.

It's such a sad commentary on the controllers of money that there is always enough to eliminate poverty, but is used by the cabal's greed.(Psalms 10:7-10), where it's never enough for them. 

There is always enough to fund ways of destruction of humanity, one way being contrived wars and another being bioweapons falsely labeled vaccines. And more. That's the way it's been with what's called the satanic 'deep state' when it was in control of the world. They're done now! Some remnants are still being cleaned up.

When the ego is prevalent the dark side reigns.

The famous golden rule is still taught throughout the world today, except in families with dumb ass parents. Higher consciousness parents are those interested in their children growing up to be good.(what's good?).people who remember.(they listened).what they have been taught:.Proverbs 22:6. There is a way to be sure your children each grow to be high quality individuals.

Today young people have been bamboozled into believing you can't be honest and get ahead. Following this route brings many heartaches both right away and later in life. It's the route of those not believing God can take good care of you and does, if you're an upright individual:.Matthew 6:30-33; 7:7-12

If you are a believer, God the Creator, will more than make up what you give to help others and God considers your children as precious to Him as to you. Let your children know that they are important to life, by not being overbearing with them.

As children, we learned that we are loved when we are well behaved and doing everything right, but what happens when we can't achieve this? The wish of every child, the longing of every individual of any age is to be unconditionally accepted and loved as one is. Development is only possible when the human being can simply be human. Instead of demanding that children do this or that correctly, emphasize they listen to their inner voice. Teach them to ask themselves 'How do I feel?' regarding this or that which comes into their lives. And parents should also ask them this, 'How do you feel about...' and not be judging, only listening. Step by step with this approach, the heart grows softer and wider and any fear of doing something wrong and of not being good enough begins to evaporate.

Teach them to consciously notice their thoughts and feelings, as it will give them a great advantage in life.."For a long time I didn't feel worthy of being healed or being happy. Through intently observing my thoughts and feelings and through questioning the reasons for my unpleasant feelings, such as fear, pressure/tension, worry, guilt, envy, etc., understanding, empathy and loving self-acceptance grew inside me. Now I'm able to accept that I am not able to put things into practice yet, even after 21 years. The wish to do so and what Bruno Gröning calls the 'einstellen' or the time in simple meditation, are the door openers."....Petra B, Germany.

Through following the teaching of Bruno Gröning many receive help and healing, through the energy of what, in German, is called the Heilstrom. Through Bruno's teachings one finds the support to do what is right in every situation in life.

Kids desire to and seek ways to improve life for themselves, but it's when we grow up comparing to others.(2Corinthians 10:12).in a manner that emphasizes our lack, bitterness can set in:.James 3:13-16.

Some kids, being allowed to grow up obstinately, just have to learn the ignorant way, which is the hard way, because they have not been taught how wisdom can allow them to see the end results of actions, both their own and those of others they see. Dumb ass parents are those who fail to properly train their children, thus allowing by default the darkness in them to flourish.

With wisdom and wisdom's brother, imagination, children have powerful tools that will both keep them out of trouble, keep them happy and lead them into prospering in all their ways:.Proverbs 1:10-14

The lesson of little children:.Matthew 18:3; 19:14; Hebrews 12:15.


-Probably the most important thing regarding bringing up children.

-The next most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. A good relationship is ground zero for mental health in the family. It is the best gift you could possibly ever give your children.

Children learn as they see their parents live daily. Life.(like Christ).is something that is learned by being around others who are living it. Learning together is precious. Keep in contact with the spiritual if you want guidance in areas where you may need it. Through prayer/meditation and Bible study you absorb the mind of the Infinite One. 

Shuffling kids off to Sunday School to get them 'religion' is a distant second to last night's taking them to bed and reading or making up, that is, developing an impromptu story, a story with your explanations tailored for their age and letting them drift off to sleep in peace after you've asked them what they thought of the story and answered any questions they may have had as you were telling it, so you can see if they were getting anything out of it, if it was that kind of story. Stories for kids.

Good classic books to read to them which will carry over their wondrous interest till next reading time:.Huckleberry Finn.and.Tom Sawyer, both by the great wit.Mark Twain.

Avoid shoving kids off to bed alone. Better to go to bed at the same time with them, until they get older, then get up early before them to do what you may still have to do. Can you discipline yourself to do it?.Proverbs 25:28. Can you get your mind off your own concerns long enough to consider the long term needs of your children?

-And it is crucial both parents provide a safe, secure and happy home environment, so their children can grow up stable, becoming well balanced individuals, having learned solid information. Homeschooling has proven to produce higher quality children. 

Get their curiosity going. Ask them things that get them thinking, such as, where in this kitchen can you find a star pattern? Then take an apple and cut off the bottom 1/4 of it, showing the inside to your kids. What are some of the stories that you think fruits and vegetable tell? Why are they all so different? Why do they all taste different? Why are their textures different?

Teach them to describe what they see, such as people, like this description of how someone's appearance was.

A child's curiosity will lead him or her to ask questions such as...

So, why aren't they happy, if it is that they aren't?

Unhappy kids equals unhappy adults later. Children are unhappy because they lack nourishment, nourishment from their soul being connected with the Soul of all, the Creator God. They become happy by knowing how to be around adults, 1, 2

They may be unhappy because dumb ass parents have allowed them to be jabbed with poisons, fed with poison food, processed food, rather than freshly grown organic food and allowed them to play with low consciousness children in the neighborhood. So, they'll lack nourishment from family and friends.(low quality or no quality relationships).and their environment, which includes the food they eat and what they see, provide what choices to have. Love is nourishment in all areas of life. When you lift up your kids, you lift up yourself.

Teach children that there is always another way of looking at each thing. Ask God for illumination on things you're not sure about; ask for insight to see the other ways. If you're not connected with God, you are drifting in a world of toxic opinions and all toxic opinions come with confusion. The only thing that's correct is God and what's of God. But one floating through the vissisitudes of life is like a fly, stopping here for a moment and there for a moment. When life is anchored in God you have today what all humanity will eventually latch onto, the so-called holy grail.

Invite fantasy and experimentation and openness. Teach your child to find one good thing about another or one good thing about today and talk about it at dinner. 

Deepak Chopra has Monday to exercise the law of giving with his family. Have each child give something to another in the family. Here they learn both givingness and proper acceptance by receiving graciously and with appreciation. Perhaps each child can take a turn at preparing breakfast or at least helping mom to do so. Ask them how it feels to give. Have each family member say one thing that day that they are thankful for:.Colossians 3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body and be you thankful.".Being thankful is being mindful of favors done. Read the 'this is good' story.

-Another important consideration toward baby is preventing SIDS.(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Search at childrenshealthdefense.org.(CHD.tv), naturalnews.com, greenmedinfo.com, mercola.com, drrashidbuttar.com and other sites, for it.

-A good way to bring up children is to never let them down! One way to let them down is to avoid teaching them spiritual concepts. Higher consciousness thoughts preclude the lower ones. Children developing the high quality mind of the Infinite One turn out as higher quality children:.Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is older he will not depart from it."

From even before the time of birth and being a baby, learning from awareness begins. What sets the tone for this? A baby mirrors the neurons of the caretakers. It is aware of an individual's movements. Are another's movements stiff and restricted or relaxed, confident and calm? A baby notices one's eyes. Are another's eyes kind and happy or angry and cruel? A baby notices whether one is scowling or smiling, notices the sound of voices. Is the voice the baby notices pleasant and cheerful or morose, constricted and frustrated? A baby notices affection, notices the presence of others. Does another feel threatening to the baby? What vibes are your children exposed to?

Showing favoritism shows lack of intelligence on a parents part. Liking one child because he is a certain way and giving that child the bulk of attention and love, shows that the parent has yet to discover how to bring the best forth from their children, all of them, choosing instead to focus on negatives in them. Jacob made the same error with serious consequences.

-Parents are very good at telling a child what they have done wrong:.Colossians 3:21. Better to emphasize what is right with the child and right for them to do. That will build into him or her a sureness that he is of value and will provide them confidence. Criticism kills. But ok to show them a better way.

Good works of higher consciousness are works that individuals from Abraham.(Genesis 18:19).to Christ have held as being important for living on this Earth.

Encouragement with proper discipline builds. Discouragement tears down. A child must come to know what is acceptable and what is not.

Criticism takes hope away from a child or anyone for that matter. Criticism clouds the seeing of a hopeful positive future. This is how criticism kills. If you destroy hope, you have relegated a child to a life in which he or she will view many things negatively. How good do you think he or she will do in life with that kind of emotional coloring? Parents like this are not much above a murderer. They are of the 'dumb ass' class.

Some children would not think of bringing their friends home to meet mom and/or dad. Perhaps dad is a half way alcoholic critical s.o.b. and momma's a fat insolent slob! Parents ask yourself, Are your children proud of you as their mom and dad, happy to be around you, to do things with you and later in the teenage years at least happy to bring their friends home when you are there?

Children learn violence. They learn it from examples of it in their family, from violent TV, horrible fairy tales, violent movies, violent video games, etc.

There are a few good fairy tales that are extremely beneficial, but Humpty Dumpty, Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretal and the like, are not at all conducive to growing in higher consciousness qualities of character. If you bring a child up with this kind of crap, you'll have a child that draws from negative memories for living life.

Later in schools we have the even worse Rocking Horse Winner, like, are the people making up the school curriculums mental institution inmates out on passes? Talk about subjugating the imagination of another; talk about eradicating hope through psychological programming. Talk about book burning. Read them and see what you think they are worthy of. Perhaps you'll agree that such books are pure crap.

American Psychological Association and other associations have issued a definitive statement corroborating that violence on TV, movies, video games, etc., are measurable, has negative effects that are long term on children and contribute to the increasing violence among and by children who may be or are becoming bullies.

Violent acts including physical harm in the form of rape occur because rape has been learned, from somewhere and mostly from ideas planted in the imagination that the devil, head of the dark side, can pump. The goodness we are born with is surreptitiously being stamped out.

Teach your children not to be hurtful to others, by explaining and showing them how to be kind and why they should be. We are all of God, but some have chosen the dark side of the road of life. Respect the God in others. Words spoken can hurt as much as physical violence.

Parents aid in creating criminals when they fail to encourage their children.(by participating in conversation that builds brain cells).to learn and think.

If anybody thinks that civilized people won't take advantage
of the weak and helpless, how do they explain
some of the names given to babies!
Surrounding yourself with the right people keeps you out of trouble,
when you're a kid and when you're in business.
