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C r e a t i o n  I n d e x
E v o l u t i o n
Schools unfortunately teach.the tenets of evolutionary theory as an article of blind faith, probably because they accept error prone.doctrine,.propagated as fact written books, including encyclopedias, such as...

This leads schools who blindly trust so-called experts, like they do also regarding vaccinations, to follow and perpetuate the error, the erroneous.assumption that it.must.have happened, that evolution.must.be true.

I mean we're talking here of schools; schools, where education takes place, where intelligent minds, supposedly, are sharing truth with younger folk, so they can become the best they can become. But, what do we have here? An obviously satanically controlled curriculum that dictates teachers must follow it or no pay. That's not education, it's indoctrination and blackmail, the way of the dark side. Parents must insist on true education, because Big Education sure isn't. By far the best for children is home schooling. Get them away from government controlled education.

But once out in the real world, away from the fanciful theory of evolution, intelligent kids look at say, a tree, wondering over the precision and intricacy and just how all this came about. They consider their bodies and the incredible intricacy of them and how they are such meticulously designed systems.

See Michael Cremo's, Forbidden Archaeology
"Human skeletons have been found that are estimated to be 400 - 600 million years of age and break up the theory of evolution which relies on a few thousand years.".mcremo.com

Psalms 40:5 "Many, O Lord my God, are your wonderful works which you have done and your thoughts which are to us-ward. They cannot be reckoned up in order unto you. If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered." Psalms 92:5 "O Lord, how great are your works! and your thoughts are very deep."

Evolution uses conjecture in answering. Intelligent kids soon come to see that this world constructed mostly from ego ideas contains many fairy tales, fairy tales disseminated by those in many cases, knowing better, but with alternate.agendas to truth.

Fairy tales of life and death are ideas designed for adult simpletons, mostly by those wishing to control them. We call them the cabal, the satanists behind the scenes. Believing that all events in nature are without spirit is believing all substances have no space in them.

Like duh! what has their education been? 1, 2. Learners such as these are completely out of touch with what is known by true scientists about life. And this mostly because they allowed the information to be adopted by themselves, perhaps by coercion, such as 'shut up, don't ask questions, just suck in the information if you want to pass your grade and get a job'.

Those doing the teaching often have to avoid truth as it all too often violates the established teaching institution's curriculum, which itself is controlled by those who designed the curriculum to hide true knowledge and get God out of it. As Einstein intimated, one can never solve the problems in life from the same level of thinking having created them.

For others who are at least in a state of cognitive dissonance, those who are of open-minded and questioning minds, we have this information conclusively disproving the theory of creation by evolution.as is commonly taught. No one has proved evolution is true regarding origins of humanity, regarding the beginning of life's organisms. It is still a theory with many gigantic holes.

Evolutionists use deductive reasoning, but it's modified.according to who may be doing the deducing. In nature, things are created unified as a whole in such a way that nature's properties cannot be derived from an analysis of its parts, which is the modern but changing scientific theory that by looking at individual parts we can comprehend what the item in question may be. Problem is many things share similar if not exact components, yet work in different ways. Such is the DNA of an ape when compared to a human's DNA.

No one can prove that the material world is real, but science has proved the validity of the non material world.

Evolution as as an explanation pertaining to answering humanity's presence on Earth is a theory irreparably damaged and therefore relegated to the scrapheap of dead fables, for why would one prefer to teach fables instead of reality? 

A good movie about it: Ben Stein's.(remember the show.Win Ben Stein's Money?).movie Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed; type it in Google's or Bing's video search or YouTube.

"The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities.(or to put it another way as Einstein did). We need men who can dream of things that never were."....John F. Kennedy.

I think evolutionists only understood the last line of President Kennedy's comment. Ha ha!

"The state must not claim the right to take human life away, which belongs only to the Almighty. Vaccination is the voluntary choice of every individual."....Vladimir Putin. Life is 'taken away' by many subtle and dangerous.philosophies.

A good article and/or DVD set below will show once and for all that the evolutionary theory as is commonly propagated is irreparably damaged and therefore is relegated to the scrapheap of dead fables, joining such stupid idiotic 'classics' as.Little Red Riding Hood, The Rocking Horse Winner, Hansel and Gretel and.Humpty Dumpty.

Trailer of.Icons of Evolution
In this the entire purpose of education.(the word means 'to bring forth from within the innate essential characteristics of the spirit that makes us what it is we are as individual human beings').

Evolution is the only field in science where an answer is decided upon, then evidence is searched for in order to support the answer selected. This completely stupid approach of 'evolution in reverse' is unscientific and a waste of time, to say the least, but it blindly carries on in the search evolution has for its hopeful monster.

Evolution should be discussed in school so students can see how far off man can get in his reasonings when at a low level of consciousness. Evolutionists can only come up with evidences for evolution to someone who already believes in evolution and is of a mind to accept what may fit into his own future plans. It's really a religon and a blind one at that!

Such 'kids fables' are for those whose thinking processes are in a primary stage of development. It is in the same category as.Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the unbelievably inane.The Rocking Horse Winner.and The Little Engine That Could.

Like hello, why is it some evolutionists seem unable to progress beyond this primary stage. What has school done to them? 'Dem seem unable to tink!'
   Consider.(from CRS):
1) No parents, no evolution. A species would have to jump from a primitive form to a fully developed male and female, each with the ability and instinct to mate;
2) Did the first animal develop 10% of complete veins, then 20% and on up to 100%, with veins throughout its entire body and brain? Then how did the heart slowly develop in the animal and get attached to the veins in the right spot? How did the blood enter the system? The blood could not enter before the veins were complete or it would spill out. Where did the blood come from? Did the blood have red corpuscles, white corpuscles, platelets and plasma? At what point in this process of development did the heart start beating? How did it start beating? What caused it to start beating? What is it that keeps it going? Why does it beat in the way it does?
3) Did the animal develop a partial stomach, then a complete stomach? After the stomach was formed, how did the digestive juices enter the stomach? Where did the hydrochloric acid as part of the digestive juices come from? What about its kidney and bladder? The animal better not eat anything prior to this. How did the animal survive during these changes? and over thousands of years? Of course, at the same time the animal's eyes must be fully developed so it can see its food and his brain must be fully developed so the animal can control its body to get to the food. Like the heart, brain, veins and stomach, all of the organs and systems in the first animal's body must be fully functional in the first moments of life. This indicates that evolution couldn't occur, and the fossil record indicates that.it didn't occur!!!

Think and question, then question again and again, what the seeming educated want you to swallow as truth. They're mostly liars. Get your kids out of school and homeschool them to get them away from the school's garbage propaganda and into what is really education.

In other words, if you cannot come up with a detailed, feasible scenario of how the first animal developed, the whole evolutionary theory goes out the window, because it never could have even gotten started!

A theory is only true until the process attempting to prove it fails. In the case of evolution where every single one of the processes have failed, we must consider that 'doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result' is a sign of insanity or an attempt to bamboozle. Why are we allowing children to be taught an insane theory? Are we trying to develop insanity in them? Are those who still accept it as being true also insane? Why do we 'keep hugging a long since dead horse? Are there no proven truths to move into?

Or are there other reasons for hiding the dead horse away and telling others that it's still alive and showing a 'piece of hair from its mane' as authenticity? Jobs maybe? Habit? Something to laugh about after people accept it as being true, like pulling a joke on someone? or, maybe just craziness resulting from entrenched mass mind programming.

Many evolutionists believe that all adaptations begin with time and chance.(it's obvious little, if anything regarding statistical probability is considered by the 'gung ho' evolutionist), that is, with random changes in DNA and hereditary traits called mutations.

In evolutionary theory, those chance mutations that suit an organism better to its environment are preserved by the process called natural selection. But the 'invisible God' called natural selection cannot act until the favored traits arise by mutation, i.e., by time and chance.

Evolutionists beginning in the 19th century argued that design could be explained on the basis of time, chance and properties of matter that did not require a Designer. Can you believe they actually were that stupid back then? Evolution is not good science. It's not science at all and is an embarrassmentto true science. Fact is, there's absolutely no real science at all to it. It's simply a fable for unthinking adults.

In order to perpetuate the standard view of evolution, miseducation or training in disinformation methods is indispensable, analytical thinking is to be sidestepped and inculcation of doctrine is achieved through avoidance of maxims such as "repeating what others have said, requires education, challenging it requires brains".

Scientific American Magazine.[SA 81]:."Chance plays a part in evolution.(for example, in the random mutations that can give rise to new traits), but evolution does not depend on chance to create organisms, proteins, or other entities. Quite the opposite: natural selection, the principal known mechanism of evolution, harnesses nonrandom change by preserving 'desirable'.(adaptive).features and eliminating 'undesirable' (nonadaptive) ones."

What this part of the article is saying is 'We dedicated fanatically religious evolutionists do indeed believe with all faith, assurance, hope, zeal, conviction, sacrosanctity and pride that evolution is on such solid ground it doesn't have to depend upon 'any little old thing like chance'.

Evolutionary zealots consider evolution the 'be all end all' wonderful answer endowing.peons.with belief necessary for comprehension of origins, existence and life all encompassing,  that is, it envelopes, it blankets, it covers, it enwraps, it surrounds, it achieves, it constitutes, it includes and it encircles everything about life. Wow! We evolutionists are so excited! We just love it! 

But to believe so radically, we evolutionists really have to bypass the fact that our beloved natural selection.corpus of doctrines provides an inept explanation regarding the origins of complex self-reproducing life forms and we, the most highly trained, the most throughly educated, the most remarkably and specially focused educated elite the world has ever seen, really have no way to explain this essential step in our evolutionary belief of life, but hey, what the hell, we're so indoctrinated in evolution we believe it anyway! It's our religion! Gung ho brother! Praise Darwin!

A sincere scientist's goal must be to weigh all the relevant.evidence to determine which is the more logical.inference from the weight, on balance of scientific observations.

Evolution precludes the Creator having a purpose for humans. Evolution places human destiny in man's hand.

Evolution is based on an ancient ugly primordial soup humanity is supposed to have come from, perhaps something like the movies of the 'living dead' staggering out from a swamp. Contrast Creator-God, who created humanity after making such a beautiful garden for them to inhabit.

Evolution's proselytizers sincerely believe it's ok to teach the religion of evolution as many of them have been duped into thinking it's objective science. Not believing in the devil makes it easy for them to be subject to his tricks.

Under the following headings Darwinian evolution is examined, molecularly, anatomically and genetically.

Some of the following remarkable information comes from.Darwin's Black Box, a book by Michael Behe, Professor of Biochemistry. 'Black Box' because many of the component parts are unknown, as Darwin himself admitted.

Perhaps you too may shake your head in wonder after reading all this.(about 15-18 hours if you follow all the links in this subject, dictionary explanations, etc.).that in an age providing quantitative information, why there is such incomprehensible ignorance? In fact after reading it all, you will be.awed by how brilliant the mind of the Great Engineer,.the living God, is!

For example, consider the amazing human body with its systems.
   But, satanically influenced evolutionary scientists have another story...

Rather than proofs of evolution, all that evolutionists can come up with are evidences for evolution that ring true to unthinking souls who already have accepted evolution as true? This is akin to circular reasoning, one lie supported by other lies:.John 8:44.

Hey! 4 nights TV for most of you! And I guarantee you'll have infinitely more knowledge than you'll get watching the stupor.box, unless, of course, you watch the channels and/or programs where you can really learn something interesting that broadens your perspective of life and that which supports and/or affects it in some helpful way, like Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, PBS.(some of their programs), Access Channel.(in Alberta).

On the cable channel from time to time The Secret World of Gardens is replayed. One could try NetFlix or YouTube, etc. It's all about the habits of insects, snakes, etc. inhabiting your garden. What is brought out was astounding! The photography in this program is incredible and the presentation is entirely first class. One of the most interesting and enjoyable presentations on television; a critically acclaimed television series, nominated in 6 categories at the Gemini Awards, including Best Documentary Series, Best Nature/Environment/Science Program and Best Direction in a Documentary Series.

In this subject on Creation you'll find out why evolutionists rely upon qualitative.assumptions, when quantitative scientific information is readily available.
