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a thing
that can be seen or touched; a material
thing; the purpose, aim or goal of a specific
action or effort (the object of the concentration or effort); something
by one or more of the senses, by vision or touch or the sixth
sense of invisible inward feeling and knowing; a focus of attention,
feeling, thought or action (an object of affection such as a cat or dog,
a teddy bear, etc.)
noun or substantive that
receives or is affected by the action of a verb within a sentence; also,
a noun or substantive following and governed by a preposition;
see also direct object
and indirect object
object, objected,
verb use.to present a dissenting.or.opposingargument;
raise an objection (objected to noise in the middle of the night from neigbours);
to be averse to or express disapproval
of something (objects to modern sloppiness in clothing styles)
verb use.to put forward in or as a
reason for opposition
the act of objecting;
a statement presented in opposition;
a ground, reason or cause for expressing opposition
disapproval; offensive (objectionable behavior)
objective information is based on facts
(he had no objective evidence that anything extraordinary
was happening); based on observable phenomena;
presented factually:
an objective appraisal;
having to do with a known or perceived.object
as distinguished from something
existing only in the mind of the subject or person thinking (for example
I saw that the person across the street has a new car {objective [the car
exists]}, as compared to I have the image of a particular new car in my
mind {subjective}); of,
an object,
phenomenon or condition
in the realm of sensible experience
where choices can be considered which are perceptible
by all observers; having reality independent of the mind (objective reality;
the car was real outside the imagination area of the mind);
objectively is looking at a car, an object and in this action, you experience
it objectively, that is, you know it's a car and so do others; uninfluenced
by emotions or personal
(an objective critic); fair; compare
that actually
exists; something worked toward or striven for; a goal (her objective was
to learn all about quantum
physics as she could); the lens or lens system in a microscope
or other optical instrument that first receives light rays from the object
and forms the image, in this sense also called object glass, objective
lens, object lens
relating to or being the case of a noun
or pronoun that serves as
the object of a verb
objectiveness, objectivity.nouns
objectify, objectified,
to present (something or someone) as an object;
depersonalize; to impart reality to as from the physical point of view;
make objective; externalize
the condition or quality of being completely forgotten; blotting
out; the way to
oblivion, a book about it by Tom Bearden
lacking conscious awareness; unmindful or forgetful
opium is the source of an opiate, which is a bitter,
yellowish-brown, strongly addictive.narcotic
prepared from the dried juice of unripe pods of the opium poppy and containing
such as morphine, codeine and papaverine; something that numbs
or stupefies
an opiate is a drug that contains opium,
such as extremely harmful and addictive
something that makes
people stop thinking about the problems in their lives so that they stop
trying to make their lives better; movies, religion, drugs, alcohol and
even food are things lower consciousness people have used rather
than dealing intelligently with negative issues;
anything quieting, soothing, enabling temporary escape from problems can
be opiates people use; a narcotic
(a drug that contains opium)
a general
name for the wide range of drugs called opiates
the act of oscillating; the state
of being oscillated; a single oscillatory cycle; a regular movement of
something from side to side; oscillations are frequent changes between
two extreme amounts or limits;
to swing back and forth; to vary
from one position to another and back again; movement
an electrical.circuit
that produces an alternating
output current of a
by the characteristics
of the circuit components
an instrument in which the variations
in a fluctuating electrical quantity appear temporarily as a visible wave
form on the screen of the instrument measuring it, for example, waves made
by various sounds normally have
a sine.configuration
opt, opted,
to make a choice (opted to go to where the sun
shines warmly in winter)
opt out, opted
to choose not to participate
in something
conforming to the usual beliefs or established
quality, practice or instance of being orthodox
the process
or state
of becoming obsolete
being in the process of passing out of use or
usefulness; becoming
to fall into disuse
(planned obsolescence is where corporations design failure of use, in various
ways, but mostly by deliberately
not doing the best they could, so that products they produce either go
out of favor and/or begin to self-destruct, thereby.inducing
the public to purchase again and again, of course at increased cost and
always to advantage of the producers; it's a greed
approach deemed
necessary due to the present antiquated
way that wealth is regarded)
obsolesce, obsolesced,
to undergo
the process of becoming obsolete
an individual regarded
as eccentric
odd, odder,
different from what is regarded as ordinary, usual
or expected; strange or peculiar.(an
odd name; odd behavior); being in excess of the indicated or approximate
number, extent or degree (invited 30-odd guests); being one of an incomplete
pair or set (an odd show); not expected, regular or planned (called at
odd intervals); remote; out-of-the-way (found the antique shop in an odd
location of town)
something odd
an integer not divisible by two,
such as 1, 3 and 5; the integer 6 is divisible by 2
you refer
to how likely.something
is to happen
as the odds that it will happen (what are the odds of finding a parking
space right outside the door?); if someone is at odds with someone else
or if two people are at odds, they are disagreeing
or quarreling with each other
(he was at odds with the school curriculumover
the subject
of evolution being taught as
a proven fact; an adviser said there was no reason why the two countries
should remain at odds); the likelihood
of the occurrence of one thing rather than the occurrence of another thing,
as in a contest (the odds are that she will get the job); if something
happens against all odds, it happens or succeeds although
it seemed
impossible or very unlikely; if you say that the odds are in someone's
you mean that they are likely to succeed in what they are doing; to shorten
the odds on something happening means to make it more likely to happen;
to lengthen the odds means to make it less likely to happen; odds are a
certain number of points given beforehand to a weaker side in a contest
to equalize the chances of all participants;
the ratio of the probability
of an event's
occurring to the
probability of its not occurring
in disagreement;
in conflict (not having an encouraging
heart, he looked for things others did that he considered to be below his
making his impoverished.soul
feel superior)
all odds.idiom
in every possible way; unquestionably
or octopi
any of a genus (Octopus) of cephalopod mollusks
that have eight muscular arms equipped with two rows of suckers; broadly,
any octopod excepting the paper nautilus
to make as perfect or effective as possible; to
make the most of
the best or most favorable degree, condition,
amount, etc.
most favorable or desirable; optimum
a tendency
to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects
of a situation; belief that the universe is improving and that good triumphs.over
one who usually expects a favorable outcome
an organelle is a differentiated.structure
within a cell,
such as a mitochondrion,
or chloroplast, that performs
a specific.function;
they are minute.specialized
parts of a cell structurein
a plant or animal serving as an
organ having the
of where oxygen gas from the air
interacts with food molecules.yielding.chemical.energy;
examples of organelles are
mitochrondria and lysosomes;
each organelle
operates efficiently because it bundles together all the biomolecules.required
to perform a particular.task
any living thing; a system.regarded
as analogous in its structure
or functions
to a living body (a family organism)
an instrument
or means by which anything is done (the newspaper is an organ that conveys
information); a part of a body (including a cell
body) designed to be fit for carrying on a natural or vital
operation (that is, having a particular
function); an organ is a part of your body that has a particular purpose
or function,
example your heart or lungs
an instrument consisting of
a number of pipes that sound.tones
when supplied with air and a
keyboard that operates a mechanism.controlling
the flow of air to the pipes; also called pipe organ; any one of various
other instruments, such as the electronic organ, that resemble a pipe organ
either in mechanism or sound
organic is of,
from living
organisms; in chemistry,
of or designating.carbon.compounds
(the body's own organic production of serotonin;
organic farming; organic produce); of, relating to, yielding or involving
the use of food produced with the use of feed or fertilizer of plant or
animal origin, without employment of chemically formulated fertilizers,
growth stimulants, antibiotics, herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and
'cides'; simple, healthful and close to nature
(an organic lifestyle on the
farm; food as grown by our forefathers, for their own and neighbors consumption);
having properties
associated with living organism; plants subject to decomposition
by rotting;
(the Earth as an organic
living organism;
an integral
part of a whole; fundamental;
in law, denoting
or relating
to the fundamental or constitutional laws
and precepts
of a government or an organization
Organic food can 'mostly' be trusted, 'mostly'
because those out to destroy humanity, the evil world controllers who stole
all the money, have been buying up organic farms so they can adulterate
the food, selling it as organic. Only
eat organic if you're concerned about continuous optimum
health. Some locally produced gardens, though not certified to be organic,
may be fine, if you know the producer doesn't use chemical fertilizers,
etc, often made from petroleum
and doesn't use chemical sprays,
again, often from petroleum. Best to grow your own or buy only from those
you know and trust.
Those who are assaulting us with terminology designed
to deceive are now trying to muscle in the term 'natural', all to mislead
the public, of course in hopes of maintaining sales. The word natural on
a label denotes nothing important to food and health at all.
But even junk foods can be labeled organic. And
they are organic. But even if they are organic, they still can be
highly processed, sugar, white flour, potato chips, corn chips, donuts,
waffles, sugar-added cereals, pizza and frozen dinners; eat them only sparingly
and only when your health is optimum. Try as much as possible to stick
to foods and produce that is fresh.
The regulations for Certified Organic are incredibly
strict for growing, harvesting, land use and management, audit tracking,
etc., for organic produce coming from organic farms to grocery stores.
All foods considered organic must be free of GMOs
(Genetically Modified Organisms which degrade food by changing it in negative
ways that show up soon), grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides
not to be used, nor any of the other 'cides'.
Not so with foods labeled 'natural'. See Environmental Working Group (ewg.org)
for more and.organicconsumers.org.and
Generally anyone going into organic farming doesn't
do it for just money, as quicker and more money can be made with far less
growing conventional (non organic) fertilized, sprayed, enhanced, genetically
modified, irradiated
(exposed to radiation), artificially flavored & colored (often with
coal tar) 'doctored' 'food', which is preserved, enhanced, etc., with a
selection of chemicals from the plethora
available, of which some 2,700 new ones are added to the list annually.
Know what you are eating and what stuff does to you over the long term.
Organic farming can feed
the world. Putin
is helping people to get started and keep going.."Study
after study shows that organic techniques can provide much more
food per acre in developing countries than conventional chemical based
"It's a myth that organic
farming is inefficient, claims Rod MacRae a food production expert formerly
with the Toronto Public Health Department. He calculates that on average,
yields are only 10% less than conventional agriculture. That result is
remarkable since there is virtually no government funded research or support
in Canada or the U.S.A. for improving organic farming methods, unlike the
tens of billions spent on conventional and biotech farming."....Sustainable
Times Magazine, Summer 2000. Why? Why? Why? Whose in bed with the fed?
And why do governments fall fast only in the wrong direction? Have
they without public knowledge, put investments into poisonous chemicals
and chemicalized farming and away from that which has proven benefits for
humans? Are they really out to kill us all? What do you think the covid
con was for? What do you think the evil ones are on Earth for?.2Corinthians
Why is it the government skirts funding for organic
farming, while pouring oodles of
dollars extracted from the men and women of the nation into inferior alternatives?
Like, what's going on here behind the scenes that they are keeping secret
from us? Why avoid investing in organic farming and instead investing in
companies providing the poisoning
of societies? Yep! They are evil
non humans appearing as if they were human.
On the whole, is there more healthy food around?
Not yet! But shortly so, once the criminals have all been gathered up and
removed and/or gotten rid of.
New scientific reasons to
organic foods; the term 'natural' does not in any way mean organic; avoid
foods that con you with the label 'natural'. Certified organic can be trusted.
There are health dangers of Confined Animal Feeding Operations.
on organic farming. Type 'organic farming watch and learn' into.triplepundit.com
And, if you're in the U.S.A. and are for organic
foods, this is the time to let the government know at the National Organic
Program, ams.usda.gov/nop
Before organics, there was and still is biodynamics;
interesting, biodynamics.com
Organic watermelon?."If
you research carefully, you will learn that, technically, there cannot
be such a thing as a certified organic seedless watermelon. Why? A certified
organic seedless watermelon is a genetically altered watermelon. The genetic
alteration is done chemically.
"To create a seedless watermelon,
seed producers treat natural watermelon seed with Colchicines, a chromosome-altering
chemical. Colchicines changes the chromosome number in the seeds from 2
to 4. Once this is done, the seeds are pollinated with the natural 2 chromosome
watermelon. The result is an unnatural, genetically modified watermelon
with 3 chromosomes.
"Continue your research and
you will learn, as I did, that plants must have an even number of chromosomes
to reproduce. Since the unnatural, genetically modified watermelon now
has 3 chromosomes, it cannot form seeds. You get a seedless melon.
"A watermelon that is touted
as certified organic seedless watermelon may be grown organically, but
chemicals were used in the production of the seeds. You will have to decide
your own definition of 'organic' to decide whether or not you want the
"If you decide that certified
organic seedless watermelon is not organic enough for your tastes,
you might want to grow a container or row of your own organic watermelon.
An easy, delicious melon to grow on your patio is 'sugar baby' and yes,
organic seed companies such as Main Street Seed and Supply
certified organic seeds for this watermelon. It produces round watermelons,
about 7" to 8.5" and weighing 8 to 12 pounds. The name tells you what to
expect. It's probably worth the seeds!"....Anna
Hart, organicspringtime.com
an embryo's
development toward birth; the life cycle of a single organism;
development of an individual; distinguished from phylogeny.
Some evolutionists believe ontogeny
recapitulates phylogeny in a process called
the branch of metaphysics
(beyond the physical) dealing with the nature
of being