don't Moose feet freeze? All kinds of considerations you've seen here that
most of us never consider, were considered by the Great Designer so that
His creation would work properly for all in it, show forth the Creator's
design ability and be perpetuated.
Highly unsaturated fats in
a Moose's feet keeps them from freezing. Sounds simple enough, until you
ask a few questions, like, How did this agglomeration
occur if not by purposeful design, as the complexities
are enormous?
Walrus has two sacks in his neck which hold as much as 13 gallons of air,
enabling him to keep his head above the water he rests in. These sacks
are inflatable when under water, by pumping air in from the lungs. Almost
everything man fashions
has been spurred
from the Creator's design of nature.
"Walrus feed on mollusks.(shrimp,
crabs, oysters, clams, mussels, snails,
slugs, squids, octopi,
they find in the surface of shallow sandy banks using their sensitive vibrissa.(bristles
on the muzzle). Their lips and tongue
enable them to extract the meat with their tongue after using their rubber
lips to open the shells...Walruses have small brains and poor eyesight.
As a result they can mistake humans for ringed seals, their favorite food.
They can kill you with a single head butt."....Focus
Magazine, December 1999, page 39,40.
"They make all kinds of strange
sounds that no one has yet figured out exactly why",
but they obviously mean something...
"When they dive, blood is
pumped to the internal organs. When they surface, blood returns to the
skin. Their long whiskers are used to detect clams, etc. They can dive
up to 300 feet searching for food.
"A Walrus' muscle tissue
is rich in myloglobin, an iron based protein
similar to man's hemoglobin.
Myloglobin stores oxygen and allows the Walrus to hold its breath for up
to 25 minutes. A partially collapsed rib cage and tight valve like nose
and ear openings are further modifications for deep sea dives. Three inches
of blubber.(the
fat of sea mammals).keeps
out the cold. It swims at up to 15 miles per hour. They have a 24 inch
penis so they can mate in rough waters. The female's milk is ten times
as rich as cow's milk and has a 30% fat content. They give birth every
2 years."....Wildlife
Conservation Magazine, November/December, 1999.
such as.oysters.and.clams,
filter nutrients from their surrounding water and as such, their environment
from the start must have been free of silt.(Earthy
material composed of fine particles, such as soil).and
They are of extreme value
to the ecosystem
as they process, for example, in the Chesapeake.(the
200 mile arm of the Atlantic projecting into Virginia and Maryland).ecosystem
alone, the entire Chesapeake through their system every week, moving through
their bodies excess algae, etc.
Shellfish can change their
sex! One year male and the next, female. No one is quite sure why, but
evolution just the same? If it was existing fine as male, why change?
The environment the shellfish are in doesn't affect this change. They just
can! But what makes them able to and why?
Clams are shellfish or also
called bivalve.mollusks
change shell shapes depending
on whether at the bottom of the water is a hard or soft base; the hard
causing the clam to develop rounded shells and the soft, elongated.(long,
According to Paul Yaney,
Whiteman College, Walla Walla, Washington, in.New
Scientist Magazine.(,
December 11, 1999."High
pressure tends to trap water molecules on proteins."
Yaney found shrimp and other
deep sea creatures like sea anemones
contain more of a compound called trimethylaneoxide.(TMAO).than
shallow living relatives, enabling the proteins to remain functionally
intact. Furthermore, the higher the pressure where an animal lives, the
greater the TMAO concentration in the tissues. Without this, high pressure
prevents proteins from forming working enzymes.
Such a design!
How did different species
of sea creatures.'come
to have'.all
this ability if Creator-God hadn't put it there? They needed it to survive
the very first time. This survival mechanism just didn't 'evolve'. That's
complete stupidity!
Did it develop it before they went deep or develop it knowing they would
need it to go deep? Where did the intelligence come from to do this? The
intelligence is remarkable. Who but what we call Creator-God
could have made it so, as this is complex?
TMAO permits proteins to
form enzymes by making them resistant to high pressure.
We have already ruled out
all evolutionary
They were surviving without going deep, so how did the need to develop
it further arrive? Evolution has no answers apart from disconnected postulations;
disconnected, that is, from logic and reality. There is no other answer
that will ever be discovered other than the simple truth that God programmed
the habits of deep sea creatures
into them. Creator made the mechanisms work properly from the instant they
were put on Earth. These amazing systems enable sea creatures to have this
ability. Humans don't have TMAO.