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d'Arc, Jeanne
Dad.(considerations as a mating prospect; bad dads:.1)
Dairy products
Dalai Lama
Dandelions.(good for getting over cancers)
Danger in evil.(often it's enticing)
DANGERS to be aware of.(things you need to know that can save a life)
Dangerous while driving.(text messaging)
...evil ones tried to do to him
...handwriting on the wall.(warning Belshazzar, grandson of Nebuchadnezzar-II, king of Babylon the first world ruling empire)
...his flies
...his friends.(Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego in the fiery furnace) 
...in the lion's den
Darius.(an ancient king of the Medes)
Dark and quiet place
Dark Archetype Erasure.(video to improve your life)
Dark energy
Dark flow
Dark matter
Dark side:
...bothered by, use this invocation if having to struggle with depression, confusion, sadness, nagging health issues, etc., to get rid of it
...dark side can influence ordinary consciousness
...efforts to eliminate humanity
...out to destroy humanity
...why we all have a dark side
Darkened thinking.(what causes it?)
Darkness.(to light)
Darwin, Charles.(an honest man, so different from those who hijacked his theory and spread it after adding their own twists, for selfish world ruling ambitions of control)
Dates.(of early men on Earth, starting from Adam)
Dating.(boys and girls, men and women; see also the subjects 'mating' and 'marriage')
...special notes on dating
...tuning up guys to improve dating chances
...with an eye to eventual marriage but only after the agreement stage of getting to know each other first and well)
Dating.(accuracy of age of rocks and minerals)
Daughter.(what if your son or daughter was into serious problems?)
Daughters of Job.(the beautiful daughters of Job)
DaveXRPLion.(interview with Charlie Ward)
David.(the David of the Bible did some bad things)
...and one of.his.consorts, the woman Michal
...and his son Absalom's death
...and Bathsheba
...and Goliath
...and his mighty men
...and Michal.(another wife)
...and Saul
...and Uriah.(a top and loyal commander to David, whom David set up to be killed; this was a big mistake on David's part)
...census.(another big mistake of David was counting the people to bolster what he thought was his strength)
...city of
...dad of David
...failings of David.(Bathsheba, a murder, a census)
...felt deeply for others
...honor God with a building
...in archaeology
...key of David
...kindness of king David
...kindness of king David rejected
...the temple David wanted, built by his son Solomon
...throne of David.(now is Christ's)
...unselfish David.(such a good attitude David had)
David Balam, astrometrist
David Berlinski Ph.D..(on the common view of evolution; featured in the movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed at the 28 minute mark; one of the smartest & sharpest thinking people on Earth)
David E. Martin.(another of the smartest & sharpest thinking people on Earth; these videos about the covid con; his site is www.davidmartin.world)
David Grossman, Lt. Col. on trained to kill
David Lynch.(movie creator)
David Rogers Webb.(book is The Taking. About him moving through corruption all around him, right up to today)
David Sarnoff.(RCA genius)
David Straight.(video on one's rights and how this has been obfuscated by justice/legal systems worldwide to keep you ignorant and subjugated)
DaVinci Code.movie.(question on)
Davis, Roy Eugene.(Centre for Spiritual Awareness)
Dawson, Lee.(great martial arts trainer; learn online)
Day.(first day of the week)
Day.(the word)
Day for a year
Day of Atonement
Day of God
Day of Judgment
Day of salvation
Day of the Lord.(day of judgment?)
Day star.(also day spring)
Days.(scriptures about the 'last days')
Days of Unleavened Bread.(ancient festival of Feast of Unleavened Bread)