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The following is a text version of Mike Williams' teaching cassette on "The Tithes"
page 3

That's a good place to stop right there. What do scribes and Pharisees and hypocrites do? Matthew 23:23 "For you pay tithe..." Now the term pay in itself shows that you owe, this is a bill! This is something that you owe pertaining to law. You pay your tithe like you pay your bills. How many have heard that in your church? We say "Which bill gets paid first?" Well, since it is coming to us, we don't really care if your water and lights get cut off at all, as long as we keep ourselves going. Matthew 23:23 "Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you pay tithes of mint and anise and cummin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgement, mercy and faith:. These you ought to have done and not to leave the other undone."

Did they tithe? Yes. But He said, Omitted weightier matters of what? The Law! So what does that classify? Emmanuel said It is a Law! He said these you ought to have done and not to leave the other undone. These verses of scripture are used in the church world to declare that tithing is still valid for today in the church. If this verse is being used to validate tithing for today then the same verse must be used to validate that you must keep all of the law. Emmanuel said, you kept this law but you've left the others undone. If you are going to keep this one you have to keep them all.
   Emmanuel himself said if you are going to tithe, what do you have to do? KEEP ALL OF THE LAW plus judgement, plus mercy: James 2:10 "For whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offend in one point he is guilty of all." He said, you that trust the law please hear what the law has said. If you offend God in one point you have disqualified yourselves, in God's eyes, in all of the points You cannot tithe and expect to be blessed because you tithed, because of what Malachi said and if you offend God in any other point of the law you are disqualified from the blessing of tithing. In the qualification of the tithe this is the main argument. In fact it is the only argument that is held up for the reason that the tithe is still here, compared to any other law as to why it is carried over. No one can dispute that there is no instruction to tithe. No on can dispute that THERE IS NO INSTRUCTION IN THE NEW COVENANT TO TITHE. It is not there. 

This is where the argument is held; in the fact that the tithe came before the law. How many of you know that this is true? Did the tithe come before the law? Absolutely! They (the religious world) have qualified the tithe to be brought into the New Covenant based on one string of logic. Its implication before the law was given. Let me tell you one other thing that came in before the law was given. It was circumcision. Both were given to Abraham and Abraham did both. Now what purpose did Abraham go through the ritual of circumcision? Was it so he could become righteous? No, the Bible says that Abraham's circumcision was a sign, it was a mark of what was already there, by faith. The circumcision was implemented, as far as I know, on his own part, to indicate what he had already had in his heart. 

Circumcision, Sabbath Day, Tithes
If the argument, that the reason the tithe is still in effect in the church today, is because of its observance before the law, is to hold water, then the category that they have put it in is in the same category as circumcision and the Sabbath. How many of you know that there is no observance of the Sabbath in the church today? unless you are a Seventh-day Adventist. There is no observance of the Sabbath. Why? Because every day is now Holy unto the Lord. There is no observance of a certain day. 

Paul said very clearly, don't let anybody judge you about whether or not you observe the Sabbath. He said do not let anybody bring you into this bondage of observing the Sabbath: Colossians 2:16. If someone wants to do it, its fine. Many of you have said, but Sunday is the Sabbath. Well, that's Southern religion. Sunday is not the Sabbath. It has nothing to do with the Sabbath. We are not observing the Sabbath on Sunday. In the South, we get in arguments with Seventh-day Adventists, that the Sabbath is on Sunday not on Saturday. That is not the issue. 

The issue is the Seventh-day Adventists are right. Saturday is the Sabbath. We do not worship on the Sabbath. We worship on the day that Emmanuel rose from the dead. The first day of the week. That is Sunday. Sunday is the first day of the week.

It has nothing to do with a command .....there is not even a command to do this...this is something the early church started. There is not even an instruction to worship on Sunday. It is something that we began to practice because it was the first day and it was the day that Emmanuel rose from the dead. That's the day the people chose. You could just as easily have made Tuesday the day that we worship. We would have had a more difficult reason justifying why we wanted to do it on Tuesday. 

God didn't tell us to gather on Sunday. We simply do it because the precedent was set by the early church after Emmanuel rose from the dead, on the first day of the week. This is it folks. This is everything in the New Testament on tithing. Everything! There is no instruction to tithe in the New Testament.
