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I n d e x  J


J.(the letter J not until the 17th century)
Jabez.(he got because he asked; you can too!)
Jabin I.(B.C.E. 1450 a king of Hazor who warred against the Israelites)
Jabin II.(B.C.E. 1300 a later king of Hazor who warred against the Israelites)
Jack Kidd.(his project for a better world using the funding of the humanitarian projects program)
Jacob.(Joseph, his son):
...promises made to Abraham renewed to Jacob
...and uncle Laban tricking him to cheat him.(had him work 7 years to get the girl he wanted, but Jacob was cheated when he wasn't watching)
...had a trying life
...Jacob's big family; 12 sons become 12 tribes as they grew in size
...Jacob's dream
...Jacob's ladder
...Jacob's name changed to Israel
...Jacob's nutty idea
...prefers one of his two wives and what happens
...saw 'the face' of God in others
...synonym for people of Israel
...tricked his brother to gain selfish advantage
...what was he like?
James C. Cahill.(video on plants talking to each other, amazing)
James the less.(one of the disciples of Emmanuel)
James Thurber.(writer of humor)
Janet Ossebaard.(documenting.The Fall of the Cabal)
Janus.(the confused Roman God of doors and gateways)
Java man
Jealous.(and does God get jealous?)
Jeanne d'Arc
Jebusites.(an ancient people)
Jeconiah.(king of ancient Judah)
Jefferson, Thomas.(what he did)
Jehoash/Joash.(a king of ancient Israel)
Jehoash/Joash.(a king of ancient Judah)
Jehoahaz.(a king of ancient Israel)
Jehoahaz.(a king of ancient Judah)
Jehoiada.(an high priest of ancient Judah who did much good)
Jehoiakim.(a king of ancient Judah)
Jehoram/Joram.(a king of ancient Israel)
Jehoram/Joram.(a king of ancient Judah)
Jehoshaphat.(a good ancient king who failed in business)
Jehovah's Witnesses.(and Buddhism, Christianity, fundamentalist sects, Mormons, Muslims, the Roman Catholic Church and probably every group you could name)
Jehu.(a king of ancient Israel)
Jehu.(a prophet)
Jenner, Edward.(an idiot knowing nothing of the consequences of vaccination at the time)
Jeremiah.(did not seem to be a good speaker)
Jericho.(the walls come down)
Jeroboam I.(king of ancient Israel)
Jeroboam II.(king of ancient Israel)
Jerusalem.(spiritual Jerusalem)
Jerusalem.(physical Jerusalem, a city at history's beginning)
Jesse.(David's dad)
Jesus.(correct name was Emmanuel; about Him)
Jews (see also 'Judah' below):
...2 types of Jews, one type who invented the name Jew to hide their wicked deeds
Jezebel.(one of the ancient evil women)
Jezreel.(a city kings of Israel had their second main places in)
JFK.(John Fitzgerald Kennedy, assassination killed him, but Tesla's med bed restored him)
Jihad.('holy' war)
Jimmy's story.(inspiring story at death)
Joab.(commander of David's army; impetuous, but a good heart overall)
Joan of Arc
Joanna Gualtleri.(honest lady persecuted as an enemy of the state for standing up to Canadian government corruption and more)
Job.(greatest man in all the east)
...beautiful daughters of Job
...example of his prosperity
...found out about the dark side without involvement with it 
...overall lesson of Job's life that he had to learn
...what God wanted for Job
Jobs, Steve.(cofounder of Apple Computer; he didn't die, he is still living and been very busy, but what's he been doing? He's bringing out the new Q {Quantum} satellite phones, replacing cell phones and their harmful technologies {you'll get one too; they are needed for all financial transactions in the new QFS/BRICS system} and they will be free like the use of the 'med beds')
...changing your job
...getting one
-employee letter.(to hand to your employer if threatened with job loss on a vaccine issue; also see your rights, similar all over the world)
...for school dropouts
Joe Dispenza
...Annabelle's cancer healing.(how she did it)
...how to get into the consciousness of healing
...insights on how the mind works
...Joe's personal story.(back snapped, hit by a truck, ok now)
...one of the stars in the movie What If? The Movie
Johansson, Olle.(wi-fi and other wireless dangers; 4000 scientific documents)
Jonathan.(ancient David's friend also trusted in the true and only everliving God)
Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi.(from his Thought for the day)
John.(one of the disciples of Emmanuel; John's epistles.{an 'epistle' is a 'letter'})
John Bedini.(gold from copper and sand)
John Calvin.(1509-1562 A.D., advanced new ideas on worship based on the Bible)
John D. Liu.(restoring the ravaged land)
John Erskine
John Fitzgerald Kennedy.(JFK)
John Hagelin, Dr..(key to a better world)
John Locke
John Perkins.(hit man for the IMF {International Monetary Fund}; how the deep state {cabal} took over countries, using the same attitude of the criminal Benjamin Franklin)
John the baptist.(forerunner of Emmanuel)
John Victoreen, Dr..(physicist)
John Wesley
John Wheeler
John Wycliffe.(instrumental with his writings which led to the 16th century Reformation)
Johnny Cash.(his 'hymn' of repentance...Hurt)
Johnny Appleseed.(a classic true children's story)
Johnny the bagger
Johnny Von Neumann
Joining a gang
Joke.(people too serious these days, they need to joke)
Jon Rappoport.(his amazing thinking that can help you)
Jonah and the big fish.(had issues with himself he had to deal with)
Jones, Steve.(geneticist)
Joppa.(a city north west of Jerusalem about 30 miles)
Joram.(a king in Old Testament times)
Jordan & its river
Jordan River crossing.(the 2nd crossing of the ancient Israelites coming out of Egypt; the first crossing was at the Red Sea)
Joseph.(Jacob's son):
...his coat of many colors
...put in a pit by his brothers: Genesis 37:18-28; the bad done to him by his brothers and the lesson in it of how to change their hearts, that being, don't requite evil (make it easy on yourself instead of jumping all around from here to there; read it all from Genesis Chapter 37 all the way through to Genesis 50:20
...what Joseph's attitude did to his brothers: Genesis 45:1-8; that's the feelings we want to bring forth from others
Joseph.(and Mary, mother of Emmanuel)
Joseph Murphy.(author of The Power of The Subconscious Mind) and his extremely helpful audios free for you)
Josephus.(the great Bible historian)
Joshua.(who was this man who lived at the time of the Exodus?):
...battle of Jericho & battle of Ai {Joshua 7:2 to 8:26} & battle with the Amorites:.Joshua 10:6-14)
...leading the Israelites into the promised land
...miracles in his time done by God
Josiah.(a king of ancient Judah)
Journey.(about our spiritual journey)
Jowett, Benjamin
Joy.(get it, keep it)
Jubilee.(special celebration in Old testament times every 50th year with many advantages)
...ancient kings
...and Israel.(split from Israel & each then had its own prophets)
...categories of.(one a real Jew, the other not)
...crucified Emmanuel?
...dispersion.(the tribe of Judah as mentioned in the Old Testament and called the dispersion, who chose to remain in the land in which they originally were taken captive)
...Judah.&.Israel today refer to a spiritual body
...money (Jewish money)
...much to thank them for
...originally was 2 of the 12 tribes of ancient Israel
...tribe of Judah
Judas Iscariot.(betrayed Emmanuel)
Jude.(one of the disciples of Emmanuel who also wrote the book of Jude)
Judges.(corrupt ones even taking money to send kids to prison)
Judges.(a wise & good judge)
Judges of ancient Israel.(ruled before they had a king)
Judging others:
...Joanne Woodward and Judge Hiller Zobel
...making judgments
...judging angels
Judgment day
Judgments.(before the time of the Old Testament Mosaic Law)
Judy Byington.(daily Situation Updates on the world)
Julius Caesar
Jung, Carl
...rains on the just & unjust
...who are they?) 