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P o t p o u r r i  J 4

-Jordan and its river.(map).
Comprised with Barnes Notes:.The river Jordan is the eastern boundary of Palestine also know as the land of Judea.(map). It rises in Mount Lebanon on the north of Palestine and runs underground in a southerly direction for thirteen miles and then bursts forth with a great noise at Cesarea Philippi. It then unites with two small streams and runs some miles farther and empties into the lake Merom. From this small lake it flows thirteen miles and then falls into the lake Gennesareth, otherwise called the sea of Tiberias or the sea of Galilee. Through the middle of this lake, which is fifteen miles long and from six to nine broad, it flows undisturbed and preserves a southerly direction for about seventy miles and then falls into the Dead Sea. 

The Jordan, at its entrance into the Dead Sea, is about ninety feet wide. It flows in many places with great rapidity and when swollen by rains, pours like an impetuous torrent. It formerly regularly overflowed its banks in time of harvest, that is in March, in some places six hundred paces. These banks are covered with small trees and shrubs and afford a convenient dwelling for wild beasts.
